
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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148 Chs

A Queen

I wake up in the morning feeling hungry and tired. I check my watch and I find that it is past eight, I stretched out first in my bed and wake up. I enter the bathroom and open the shower and stare at the water runs, and then I put my hand on to see if it was warm.

"Son of a…" I scream and jump.

That is so soon, the water is pretty hot. Is the hotel planning on burning my beautiful skin? I walk out of the bathroom and take my toiletries out of my bag so I can use them.

Before I go back to the bathroom, I see my bulb go on-off and I am surprised how whoever was outside knew what to do. I place the toiletries back in my bag and I walk to the door and open it.

"Good morning, ma'am? You didn't answer the bell so I thought there was no power, I switched your bulb on to see if there was electricity," the man says and all this while I am staring at his lips so I can get what he was talking about.

"Ma'am are you okay?" the man asked and touched his lip.

"Crap! Hope he doesn't think I want him or something in that line, oh and that is why he switched my bulb on-off. Okay." I think as I look at what he had, a trolley with what looked like breakfast. My stomach rumbles and the man smile at me.

"Sorry bout that, is it okay if I come and take my breakfast downstairs?" I ask him and he shakes his head and leaves, not asking why I was staring at his lips.


Hope he doesn't think how strange it is for staring at his lips.

I close my door and pick up the toiletries and go back to the bathroom, and make myself a bathtub and I got in smiling. If anyone can see me they will say my life is a joke, because it's not even nine and I am in a bathtub.

But hello, I can tell them. "A girl gotta take a breather." And that girl is me.

I finish my bath and dried myself and then I went back to the bedroom, searching a clothe to wear I am surprised I haven't done what I normally do each morning whenever I wake up. Brushing my teeth.

I take my toothbrush and head back to the bathroom and as I brush my teeth that is when I remember I didn't close off the shower. I straighten my hand, trying my best not to get any water on my towel.

I switch it off and continue brushing my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror, I open my mouth and start doing some faces, different faces, and even the ones someone normally does whenever they want to scare a kid.

I don't care how stupid I look now; I have to enjoy myself when I feel like this.

The mornings where I go on about my daily activities without watching the news from when Brandon went missing. The mornings where I tell myself, "Brenda this is normal, normal good."

I finish making faces and walk out of the bathroom. Finding myself a perfect dress for the day, I pack my toiletries and pick up my bag, ready to leave. I have to carry the bag, it's not heavy anyways.

I check my phone and it's my mother asking me if I slept okay or even if I slept at all.

"Good morning mum, morning dad. Yes, I slept like a baby." I texted her back and I can see her showing my dad the message.

I have one thing which I always promise myself to copy if I am ready to settle down. See there? IF. If I am ready to settle, I would love to have the same kind of relationship as that of my dad and my mother.

My father treats my mother like a queen, it surprises others that even after all this year my father still makes my mother happy.

Nowadays, in a normal world, people's interest in to their spouses diminishes after a certain period and then people forget about each other's feelings and that leads to many marriages and relationships to breakups, separation and even divorce.

"Hey sweety good morning and that is good if you slept like a baby," I read a text and I am sure my father typed it.

"Yeah, dad, what are your plans?" I send a text, still standing with the bag in my hand.

My phone rang, I place my bag down and took a seat. Placing my phone somewhere good, I answered it.

"Mum, dad. Good morning?" I greet them.

"Hey sweety, don't worry why we have called you like this. I wanted to tell you that today someone is taking me out." My mother signs.

"Who is that?" my father asks.

"Someone who is handsome and good and he is the love of my life and this guy…"

"Guys, come on. You could have done that to each other before calling me, you are making me jealous." I say cutting my mother off because I am sure she would have continued describing my dad.

"Jealous? You. Do you even know what love is?" My father asks.

"Hun," my mother says and pushes my father a little. They look at me as if they are waiting for me to say something regarding what my dad has asked, but I don't have an answer to his question, I am blank.

"You have a heart there?" my father asks and we all laugh at that.

"Hun, you have a problem today. But sweety do you have a heart?" My mother scolds my father and ask me that.

"Mom," I call her and they stared at me.

My parents are waiting for me to provide them an answer, an answer to a question I don't think about so instead of trying to tell my parents how I have no idea what love is, I sign, "mom tell me, where are you going out on a date today?"

My mother starts telling me and I smile at her, it's better to listen and watch her smiling at my dad like a kid in love instead of me talking anything about love.