
Bred For Chaos: The Rogue's Dalliance

The Rogue wolves have long been seen to be the lowest of the lows. They are either booted out of their packs or left on their own free will. Rogues were nothing more than outcasts who were always cast aside by their society. They were never really a source of great danger, or so wolves thought. Every other wolf could encounter pales in comparison to Eligor Wylder Koen. He is exceptionally strong, shrewd, and cunning. He was overwhelmed with fury and recollections from his past, so he did exactly what he felt he had to do — He incited his kind's animosity against those at the top and led rogue groups to decimate the packs. Eligor is determined to destroy everybody who’d stand in his way, even if it meant the Heiress of the Leurunas. Asteria Lilith is the sole daughter of Alpha Declan, the man who commands the country’s second-most potent pack. The she-wolf is everything that a man could ever dream of. She is fierce, trained, and an excellent warrior who exudes the presence of a Luna. She is the next in line and the heiress of the pack he is frantically attempting to destroy. Eligor and Lilith are the complete opposites of one another. One is a rogue, and one is a leader. They were never really meant to be a perfect fit… But the Moon Goddess seemed to have a different plan.

NeviahInks · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

C H A P T E R 2

A sigh escaped from my lips as I looked at my image in the mirror and saw the evident bruise the rogue had left on my neck. That Eligor guy left me a hickey and a disgusting one at that.

My palm flew to my face at the realization. "I am so not gonna be able to hide this from Willow and Atticus," I muttered to myself. I bet his scent has already stuck onto me. He just tainted my fucking smell.

I set down the mirror that I was holding just in time when the door to my room suddenly flung open.

"The Alpha and the Beta of the Cillian Clan are here, Lilith. Prepare yourself for the meeting." My father nonchalantly proclaimed. My eyes immediately widened. " How come, Father? Don't they need to fix the situation on their side?"

"This is them, fixing their situation, Lilith. The Leuruna Clan and The Cillian Clan have been comrades for the longest time. We are obligated to help them, as this will also be beneficial for both of the packs. Remember, this situation can only be solved once the leader of the Rogues is eliminated. Without him, they are nothing." He replied, equipped with the firmest voice.

I nodded. "I will take this in mind, Father. Please give me a moment to prepare myself and look decent."

My father walked towards the door and looked back at me. "Don't take too long, Lilith. They are waiting."

As I emerged from my hideout, an impressive alpha stood mighty to greet me. I smiled. "Greetings, Alpha Khai. It's nice to see you again, though the reason is not very pleasing."

Khai forced a chuckle. "Long time no see, Lilith. I am at your pack's service today as I require your aid."

My father nodded. "You don't need to be of service to our pack, Khai. We are comrades, and one of our packs' commitments is to support each other in times of horror."

"I'm glad to have the Leuruna Clan by my side, Declan. We are almost wiped out. We need a plan as soon as possible."

"Then the plan must be discussed."

I sat in my usual seat in the Leuruna's meeting room and waited for the others to settle themselves down. Indeed, the meeting is very discreet. It was only composed of my father, me, Alpha Khai, and Beta Colter. It's unfortunate that Atticus is not able to join us today. He is probably managing the situation outside, making sure that we are not easily penetrated by the rogues.

"Brief me, Khai. What's the latest progress of your investigation?" My father asked, initiating the conference.

The Alpha's expression immediately turned grim. "We captured one of the weak rogues, Declan. It took a lot of effort for me and my beta to gather sufficient information."

"Have you killed him?" I asked.

Khai shook his head. "Leader or not, he does not deserve a quick and painless death, Lilith. They killed most of my pack in the most brutal manner, and I am planning to give them so much more. " Anger was evident in his voice.

I sensed his pain as soon as I met him. One thing about the Cillian Clan's Alpha is he gives his all to his pack. He prioritizes them above all and is ready to sacrifice his life for his family. It's one of the many reasons why he is an Alpha that I regard so highly. And for a mere rogue to bring defeat and failure upon his leadership? That's a threat that we must all be wary of. I guess I did not realize this until my encounter with Eligor yesterday.

"I understand, Alpha. I'm sending my deepest condolences to your pack. Please let them know of the Leuruna's support." I replied.

He smiled. "Of course, Lilith."

"The rogue we apprehended broke his word to their boss. He shouted out a name, one that was long forgotten. Alpha Declan, I believe they are out for vengeance on our people. If I'm correct, the Leurunas will be next." For the first time, Beta Colter spoke his mind.

My eyebrows quickly came together. What does he mean by "a name from the past"? And what about vengeance? What did we do to deserve such retaliation?

My eyes flew back to my father's and I immediately noticed how his hands started to tremble, although not prominent at first glance.

"Tell me his name, Beta Colter." He replied, with his lips formed into a tight line.

Beta Colter sighed. "It's them. The Koens."

I kept fumbling with my fingers as the meeting went on with them planning different training strategies to prepare ourselves. Once it was over, I immediately bid my goodbyes and emerged back to my lair.

My body surrendered at the sight of the bed as soon as I entered my room. The name Koen keeps echoing back in my mind. My father barely reacted but I could sense that they were hiding something from me. They did not even expand the conversation about the Koens. One mention of his name and they started chattering about these unattainable training systems that should be prepared for the wolves of both of our clans. At the very least, the remaining wolves of the Cillian Clan.

If I remember correctly, the man I met was named Eligor Wylder Koen. Could I be right in my suspicions that he is the one leading this surge of rogues attacking our packs?

Dusk emerged from my mind. "You might need to tell your father about this, Lilith. It is dangerous for us to deal with that man alone." She said.

"But how am I supposed to do that, Dusk? Am I supposed to tell my father how he touched me so sensually that I almost lost my mind?!" I restlessly exclaimed.

"Well… if you say it that way then we might as well be considered as a traitor, Lilith." She replied.

I rolled my eyes, though I was aware that my expressions were not for Dusk to see. "See? I can't tell them about Eligor, Dusk. I might as well commit social suicide. "

"Fine, I get your point. But how are we supposed to deal with that man alone? He might be the one leading the deaths of all the wolves within the Cillian Clan."

I heaved a sigh. "I am not sure either, Dusk. I guess I must train well and kill that Eligor man all by myself."

"Kill who exactly, Asteria?" A voice suddenly called.

My eyebrows furrowed. I can't believe that I'm hearing him even in my mind. I must be insane. He's literally getting the best of me.

"God, I'm fucking hallucinating, Dusk," I said loudly.

The voice chuckled. "I can't believe that Declan's heir is this foolish. You're making me want to kill you even more."

At the mention of the word foolish, I knew I wasn't hallucinating. I peeked over the veranda of my room and saw the same man in the woods standing so freely as if it were his own home. My hand immediately grabbed the nearest dagger which I found on my bedside table.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Koen? Get the fuck out or I will fucking kill you." I said, using the most dominant tone of my voice.

Eligor sarcastically laughed. "You can't kill me, Asteria. I know something that your father is extremely and desperately hiding from you. "

My eyes squinted at the thought. What the fuck is he on about? What does he know that I don't know of? "Whatever it is that you are hiding, I can find it out by myself. I don't need your fucking help, motherless asshole!"

His eyes immediately darkened with the mention of an insult. How the even fuck is he offended when he knows damn well that he's all the negative things combined and is much worse than what I called him?

In the blink of an eye, I found myself pinned to the wall with his hands around my neck, choking me and preventing me from fighting. "What the fuck did you just call me, bitch?!"

I bit my lower lips. I just heard the clanging sound of the dagger that was on my hold. But, there is no way that I will be surrendering to him again.

"You're a motherless fucking asshole, Koen," I replied — my voice strained due to his hands suppressing me of air. I can say so much more just with the sight of him. He should be grateful that I only insulted him to that extent.

Without a single warning, his mouth crashed into mine and his canines dug into my lower lips. My eyes widened in panic. I tried to push him away with both of my hands but to no avail, he was stronger.

"Don't try to push me, Asteria. I know that your body does not want to." He said, whispering in my ears.

I tightly shut my eyes at the sensation of his voice. It's strange how he is partly right. My mind is screaming no, but my body is responding to his kisses. I can feel myself heating up, though I am resisting.

As soon as he used one hand to trap both of my wrists above my head, I tried to wiggle out of his hold.

He stopped molesting my lips for a moment and looked at me with such sultry eyes.

"You're mine to kill, Asteria. Mine to kill," he whispered, plunging his face between my neck and shoulder — digging his canine into my exposed skin.

My eyes immediately widened, but it was quickly overtaken by the most delightful sensation I've ever felt in my whole life.

I could not help it anymore. "Eligor…" I moaned.

For a moment, he stopped. He stuck his eyes on me and licked my blood off of his lips as he smirked.

"You're making me aroused, Asteria." He said, his eyes going over my body.

I threw my head back and looked at him with the same intensity. "You were so eager to kill me, Koen. Why are you doing this to me now?" I asked weakly.

"Well, what can I say, Asteria? A wolf will always be a wolf."

I bit my lower lips as I felt his hands enter the tank top that I was wearing, teasing the crown of my bust and making circular motions in my skin, whilst leaving canine bites in my neck.

I am no doubt, losing it, as I feel him fondling and massaging my breast. Since when did I fucking allowed this man to touch me like this? And how come I cannot do anything about it?

"Eligor… fuck.." I moaned to his ear.

He raised his eyes back to look at me. "Fuck what, Asteria?"

"Fuck you." I spitted.

He chuckled. "Don't beg just yet, lover. I'll fuck you in due time." He seductively replied, biting the top of my ears.

My breathing hitched. I don't think I can handle this man just yet. For both of the times that I met him, I kept being vulnerable to his seduction. He is a rogue, Lilith!

I didn't even notice that his hands were already on their way up to my skirt! I tried to look at him with commanding eyes, but I guess it did not work because it just made him eager to tease me more.

"You want me, Asteria. Don't deny it." He whispered, teasing the hem of my undergarments.

I breathed heavily. "You can keep your dick to yourself, Eligor. I don't fucking want you." I claimed, pretending to be unfazed by the strokes of his fingers on my slit.

"Mhmm… " A suppressed moan escaped my lips.

"Are you sure you do not want me, Asteria? Your body is telling me otherwise. You're already so wet for me.."

I threw my head back. I can't even deny it. I'm a fucking lost cause. I really might as well commit treason to my pack.

A series of suppressed moans continuously came from my lips as I felt him pull my underwear down and touch me sensually on my clit, his canines teasing my skin as he do so.

"F-fuck Eligor… " I moaned, breathing fast-paced. I can feel my climax coming as his rubs become more vigorous and as his finger teases my entrance. Without a single thought, I dug my nails into his shoulders, biting his neck with my canines, as I reached my release.

The groans of Eligor Koen instantly filled my ears. "Asteria…"

And only at that moment, did the realization finally hit...

Eligor Koen just marked me, and so did I.