
Boy who spreads light

Water..... Earth.... Air..... Fire.... These are the four main elements a habitable planet is made up of. But there exists multitude of other elements too. Such as sound, odor, light, wood, metal and so on. Thea is a planet in which humans are born with talents to master any such elements. We call them the elementalists. An impending doom is approaching Thea unknown to all. It is the story of a boy who spreads light in the dark days.

Kyle95 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


In the heart of the bustling city, nestled amidst the high-rise buildings, lay a slum—a place where dreams struggled to survive. Among its crowded alleys and corrugated shacks, a community of resilient souls found solace in the face of adversity.

In that slum lived a young boy named Samuel. His life was a tumultuous blend of love and pain, shaped by the presence of an abusive and drunken father, Thomas, and a loving, compassionate mother, Rebecca.

Samuel's father, burdened by the weight of his own demons, had succumbed to a life of alcohol-fueled anger and cruelty. Each night, the walls of their humble home echoed with shouts and shattered dreams. Samuel, a witness to the relentless torment inflicted upon his mother, yearned for a way to break her free from the cycle of abuse. But again what can a child do other than cry along with his weeping mother.

Even in the midst of all the chaos, Rebecca remained a steadfast pillar of strength for his son Samuel and her love for him unwavering. She shielded him from the worst of his father's wrath, providing solace in moments of darkness.

However, fate had a twist in store for Samuel. One fateful morning, he awoke to find his mother gone, a letter on her vacant pillow detailing her decision to elope with another man.

"I am sorry my dear son. I am sorry for leaving you behind. I don't need anything that reminds me of that filthy man. Please don't forgive your stupid mother and resent me all you want."

The revelation struck Samuel like a thunderbolt, leaving him drowning in a sea of confusion and betrayal. Her words were so cruel that they penetrated deeper than any knives. But eventually Samuel forgave his mother because the letter written by his mother was soaked with her tears. He thought it was better for any one to suffer than both.

Left alone with his abusive father, Samuel's life grew increasingly challenging. He became a target for Thomas' anger, enduring physical and emotional abuse without his mother's comforting presence to shield him. The pain etched deep within his heart, fueling a fire of determination to escape his circumstances.

While his father drowned his sorrows in alcohol, Samuel drowned himself in knowledge. As the years passed, Samuel's dedication to his studies grew unwavering. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and he longed to escape the cycle of abuse that gripped him. Books became his guiding light, his way to transcend the harsh reality that awaited him at home.

Through his perseverance, Samuel began to excel academically. His teachers recognized his passion and his drive to rise above his circumstances. They nurtured his thirst for learning, providing him with the support and encouragement he craved. It was in the embrace of education that Samuel found solace and a path toward a better future.

While his father's destructive habits intensified, Samuel's focus on his studies intensified even more. With each passing day, he poured himself into his schoolwork, channeling his pain and frustration into the pursuit of knowledge. His determination to create a better life for himself fueled his every step.

At the age of eighteen all his hard work paid off. He received numerous scholarships and acceptance letters from prestigious universities, opening the door to a world he had only dreamt of. When he thought only good days would be ahead an unexpected tragedy struck them.

After his wife Rebecca eloped with someone Thomas picked up a bad habit of gambling. Thomas became consumed by addiction, his days and nights swallowed by the allure of the casino and bar. His compulsive gambling drove him to dangerous depths, leaving him vulnerable to the relentless clutches of debt. Desperate to satisfy his insatiable appetite for risk, Thomas found himself entangled with a nefarious loan shark named Vincent.

As Thomas's debts mounted, Vincent saw an opportunity to exploit his vulnerability. With a ruthless demeanor and a web of connections, Vincent ensnared Thomas in a cycle of debt and fear. He became a menacing presence in their lives, a dark cloud that cast a shadow over their every waking moment.

Unbeknownst to many, Vincent's insidious influence extended far beyond his loan-sharking business. He operated a clandestine network involved in the dark and illicit trade of organ trafficking. Within the depths of this hidden world, lives were traded for profit, and the line between right and wrong blurred into obscurity.

As victims found themselves trapped in the clutches of debt, Vincent capitalized on their desperation. He coerced them into signing contracts, unaware that their indebtedness would become a twisted exchange for their very organs. With a network of corrupt medical professionals, Vincent orchestrated the illegal procurement and distribution of organs to wealthy individuals who valued their own lives above all else.

Thomas also signed one such contract in greed of money. One fateful day, as Thomas found himself unable to repay his mounting debts, Vincent saw an opportunity to tighten his grip. Once Thomas got the news that Vincent was searching for him he ran away with his life abandoning everything including his own son Samuel.

In the wake of Thomas's disappearance, Vincent emerged from the shadows, seeking to collect the debts that Thomas had left behind. He tracked down Samuel and confronted him, demanding that the young boy repay the debts his father had incurred. But how can a young boy like Samuel repay lakhs of his father's debt and with what money?

Alone and vulnerable, young Samuel became an unwitting target for the heartless organ traffickers that Vincent employed. They saw an opportunity in Samuel, a chance to profit from his innocence. One fateful night, Samuel was kidnapped by the ruthless criminals and whisked away to an undisclosed location, a place of horror where lives were bought and sold like commodities.

That was the last time anyone saw Samuel. A life of series of misfortunes. He struggled, struggled and struggled all to end up in several plastic bags. They didn't even give it (what remained of the body after harvesting the organs) a proper burial. How unfair? The life of the less fortunate…..How unfair?

Humans may be blind to a kind soul's suffering but nothing goes unnoticed in 'His' eyes.

The one above us all...