
Meet my crew



As I was interrogated by Cecilia and his party squad "Okay, The last question How did you get here?" She asked "I slipped while walking around a cliff then accidentally made my way here" I answered, I didn't want to talk about my family or Veigan so I didn't mention them

"Okay that's it," She said before sighing "May I ask what you all doing here?" I questioned them "We are on a mission to explore the forest," She said worriedly "But wasn't it discontinued to explore the forest," I asked "This is the last chance, I was a Duke that volunteered to explore the forest for the last time" She answered

"Oh Okay, wait did you say you're a Duke, as in a noble?" I asked with a surprised expression "Yes now meet my squad" there were three figures one of them was Zodan who was a man with a giant body and had small eyes that were colored black, Eyebrows that were thick but small a jawline that was super sharp with a giant scar on his left eye he also had a giant beard I saw his armor that was super detailed with a two-handed ax

And second, Was Sybil I believed was a girl that was about as tall as the rhino that I killed earlier she was an elf who had blonde short hair reaching her shoulder with large bangs that we're covering one of her eyes but her single eye alone with the same color of the sun it was already beautiful and then her round jawline and light armor which she covered with a robe that had a hood on she looks like a uses a bow and arrow

And finally, Lewis has long black hair reaching his chest with dead eyes which are white and a bunch of wrinkles all over his face combine with his dry lips he looks like a zombie but he is holding a staff, and the look he gave was filled with hatred, anger, and disgust I chose to ignore it considering he was very skinny

As we continued to walk she gave me a small knife and leather chest plate "This knife isn't enough" I said with a smirk on my face as I grabbed a vine that was hanging from a tree and tied it around at the handle of the knife, It resembles a kunai that has a string attached to it

"I can use this as a whip," I said while chuckling

We continued to explore the forest which feels like months of walking but it was only around a week I manage to control better thanks to Cecilia, Zodan, and Sybil, Lewis still gives me annoying stares he doesn't even talk to me

Nothing much has happened other than the temperature dropping and I heard were suppose to come back to the kingdom in two weeks, I practiced using the whip that I made combining a knife and some vines the length of it was around three meters

"What are your families like?" I asked them trying to strike up a conversation

"Annoying," Sybil said which causes me to chuckle "How about you?, Zodan?"

I asked "I do have a wife" he replied, "Oh that's nice, how about kids?" I added "One cute daughter," he said while showing me a picture of them which he pulled out of his gauntlet, Which made me smile seeing how happy he is talking about his family

I stared at Cecilia trying to make her answer my question which she never did, We continued to walk in silence before taking a break on a bunch of boulders, and while Cecilia had gone somewhere with Sybil, Zodan cleaned his ax while I just stared at my hands trying to use my water magic

After some time Cecilia and Sybil got back with some meat as the sun started to set I started a fire by using fire magic on my fingers and touching the twigs I still couldn't the amount of magic to put on my hand which causes my fingers to be burnt every time I use it whether it be my arm of fingers

After we ate, we put up our tents and after that, they all went to sleep while I wander towards a lake before taking a sit in the grass and looking up at the stars, "I wonder what are they doing now, I hope they're okay" I asked myself

"Can't sleep?," Sybil said before taking a seat next to me "What are yours like?" She asked "what?" I answered "Your family, you asked about ours so it's only fair I ask you too," She said

"I don't know what they're doing right now but I hope they are safe" I answered "So you got separated from them, Thas hard your lucky to be able to survive this long," She said while looking at the stars above us

We continued to look at the sky in silence after some time I stand up and said "Shall we go back?" She grabbed my hand and walked to the camp it reminds me of when I was talking to Elthea as we got backed we got inside the tent and slept


As I woke up I realized my body was heavier as I look at my hands it was thin like I haven't eaten, While I was looking around the many detailed walls beautiful sunrise and a butler that looked familiar"Good morning King Griel " He said

'King Griel?!, Am I back? " I thought to myself before getting up, The butler said "Would you like anything, sir," I answered, "No I'm fine, But what was your name again?" The butler said

"My name is Frude sir" I respond "I must have forgotten" As I stand up and put on my cape and my crown

"Where shall we go?" I asked Frude "You have a meeting schedule around 12 pm, sir," Frude said while walking down the marvelous hall made with marble and quartz "And, What time is it now?" I asked Frude "Around 10 am sir," he said after looking at his watch

"Okay I have time for some breakfast," I said to frude before feeling dizzy and collapsing on the ground "SIR!, Sir" I heard Frude's voice fading into the dark and then I was floating in the dark again

"Wait this is the same as when I got reincarnated, Please don't tell me I'm going to get reincarnated again," I said worriedly "I'm already happy with my new life even though there were some bad times I can't replace them!" I shouted, Before waking up on a loud thump I sat up and looked at the other tents

But when I looked up I saw a Giant dragon with black scales and gold eyes looking into me as if we're looking for something "What the f*ck" I whispered as I heard Cecilia shouting out of fear

I immediately got my knife and put on my leather armor before going out As I got out I saw lewis casting a spell before getting impaled by a giant black spike "Oh sh!t" I said and throw my knife and wrapping around it and putting it and trying to strangle it but the vine snapped "What did I expect as Sybil Casting wind magic around her arrow but it doesn't have an effect on its scale

Then I saw Cecilia Swinging her long sword from a distance which formed out water that was made of mana and water "Water Slashes" She shouted before jumping above the dragons and began to swing while a large amount of water covered her sword "Tsunami!" She shouted before making contact with its head

Her sword immediately shattered and surprised her after that Zoland rushed towards the dragon before swinging up which sends a giant spike from the ground but it didn't even scratch the dragon then I realized "Were dead"