
Boundless System in Urban World

Kyo's a ordinary teen. Well until the accident happened, though Kyo wasn't badly injure. But just before Kyo could think about how bad things turned out he heard something. [Boundless System Binding] "Hmm?" ---------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, there will be mistakes no doubt and I'll try my best to be consistent, so let's journey this together. It's gonna be slow in the beginning as I'm trying to introduce everyone and set their statuses, but I will gradually pick up the pace.

oldmanwintr · Thành thị
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10 Chs


Tuesday Day 2, Feb. 14, 2023

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Kyo wakes up to knocking on his door, he sighs wearily and hauls himself to open the door. Kyo opens the door to see Ryder with a grin on his face.

Ryder was planning to tell Kyo he has 1 hour before they leave but was instantly stunned. "Kyo is that you." he says while going to grab Kyo's face.

Kyo remembers the events of last night's cleansing '[Facial features won't finish assimilating until tomorrow Morning.]'

Kyo looks at Ryder's hand which looked like it was moving in slow motion and dodges, "You know Ryder it's kinda rude to touch someone's face without permission." he says with a smirk.

Ryder kept staring at Kyo in a daze, it took a few seconds before Kyo decided to kick Ryder out and get ready for school.

Ryder stood at the door and thought to himself, 'He could be Adonis's long lost son.' he says while walking off.

Kyo heads into the bathroom and looks in the mirror, "I really fit the Greek God criteria now, from the looks down to the physique." he says with a smug smile.

He takes off his clothes and takes a cold shower.

*15 minutes later*

Kyo gets out the shower feeling refreshed, he pats himself dry and rubs some deodorant on.

He walks out the bathroom and puts on his everyday baggy clothes before thinking, 'I should really go shopping now that I have all this money.'

Kyo starts walking out of his room after grabbing his phone and watch. He goes downstairs only to find Ryder stuffing his face with toast and eggs.

"The food isn't going anywhere Ryder." Kyo says before sitting on the opposite side of Ryder.

Ryder looks up before digging back in, "What do you know little Adonis I'm very starved." Ryder says smugly.

Kyo rolls his eyes before digging in, civilized of course. They both eat their full before downing a glass of milk.

"Alright I'm ready to leave, come on Ryder." Kyo says while getting up.

They both cleaned up after themselves before making their way to the garage. When arriving Ryder says "Were gonna have to take the Porsche as the BMW is totaled."

Kyo takes no mind and hops in the passenger seat while Ryder hops in the driver's. Ryder starts up the car which comes alive with a roar.

Ryder pushes a button on the rear view mirror which opens up the garage and the gate. As soon as they're both open Ryder zooms out the garage and through the gate.

Booker got a text from Ryder telling him to open the gate in advance which it was.

Ryder makes haste on his way to school only before stopping at a Café a few minutes away from school.

Ryder parks the car before looking at Kyo and saying, "Kyo, trust me on this."

Kyo looks at Ryder confusingly, 'He definitely lost a few screws.'

They get out the car and head in the Café, it was busy as it was in the morning but the duo didn't mind and stood in the line.

After what seemed like a few mins it was their turn to order, Ryder got a Pistachio Latte while Kyo got a Double Shot Hazelnut Latte.

When taking Kyo's drink the Barista stares at him for a few seconds before snapping out her trance, "Do you model for anywhere?" she asks with a blush.

Kyo looks back up at the Barista, "Not that I'm aware of."

The Barista starts small talk with Kyo while Ryder goes on to find a empty table for them to sit at.

After a few back and forth chats Kyo looks back and sees the line growing, "I'm gonna let you get back to work, seems like you got a lot on your plate." Kyo says.

The Barista looks behind Kyo only to see a line of people, 'Why are we busy today of all days.' she thinks with a pout.

Kyo starts making his way to Ryder who found a 2 seated table near the window. Kyo arrives and pulls out a chair before sitting down. Kyo takes out his phone and starts playing a game while waiting for their coffee.

A few mins later Kyo and Ryder receive their drink from a server, Kyo pays for the drinks and they make their way out.

"Something good happen Kyo? You usually never pay, not that I care for." Ryder questions.

Kyo looks out the window before saying, "I guess you could say I made it big."

Ryder smiles before making haste to school.

When they arrive at school, Ryder parks in a random spot near the entrance before they get out the car.

They're half way to the school entrance before Kyo says something, "I totally forgot, Ryder could you get your hands on star tree leaves?"

Ryder looks at Kyo with a puzzled look, "It shouldn't be hard but if you don't mind be asking, what do you need star tree leaves for?" Ryder questions.

Kyo smiles at Ryder before continuing on his way to school.

"You know you can't keep doing that and expect me to understand you." Ryder sighs before following behind Kyo.

They enter the school and start making their way to homeroom. But while walking through the halls you could hear people talking about them.

"Hey isn't that Ryder who's the dude standing to him?"

"I don't know but he's really handsome, do you think I could get his number?"

"Look at you then look at him, he looks like a Greek God while you could only be his servant!"

"You know he looks oddly familiar, isn't that Kyo from class 7?"

Their whispers could easily be heard by Kyo, but he continued his way to class.

When arriving into the homeroom Kyo and Ryder walk to the back where their seats are located.

When arriving, their classmates couldn't help but steal looks at Kyo and start gossiping, Kyo hearing all this couldn't care less as he pulled out his journals and got ready for class.

Ryder looks at Kyo and sighs before saying, "Haiya, good looks really do draw the center of attention."

Kyo ignores Ryder and opens up his algebra workbook.

[Would you like to activate Mathematic 'Infinite Comprehension'?]


Kyo smiles to himself before replying.


Instantly vast knowledge of all Mathematical equations started flowing into his soul. He felt like he could instantly answer any question involving math with just a glance. He was feeling optimistic of how the class would end.

A few minutes later the door opens and Ms. Lin enters with a smile on her face.

"Morning everyone, I hope you studied last night because I'm gonna be holding a pop quiz." Ms. Lin says.

*Groans* x20

Ms. Lin starts handing out the quiz sheets while taking attendance.








"Well Kyo, it's nice of you to join us today. I hope you studied for the pop quiz." Ms. Lin says with a smile.

Kyo pays her no attention which makes Ms. Lin angry but she kept her calm.

Kyo looks at the paper then at Ms. Lin, "This isn't hard at all, I could do this in under 5 minutes."

The class goes silent before they burst into laughter.


"If Kyo can solve this in 5 minutes, I will run naked around the whole school!"

"I doubt he could even solve it in 1 hour nevertheless 5 minutes!"

Ms. Lin finally couldn't take it, "Oh really? How about we make a wager."

Kyo stares at her with a look of interest, "Continue."

Ms. Lin looks at Kyo, 'When did he become so handsome? Nevertheless when he fails to pass the quiz I'll make him beg to me.' she says with a sadistic smile.

"If you can solve this in 5 minutes or less I will give the whole class an A and be excused for the rest of the year." she continues, "If you don't manage to solve it within that time period then you must drop out of school."

Kyo looks at her with a grin before adding on, "I would like to modify one part of the wager, instead of the whole class it will be just Me and Ryder given A's and exempted from the rest of the school year."

"Hey Kyo don't take it to far just because you got a little handsomer doesn't mean we don't exist!"

"Haiya, look at yourself before talking about him, he may have no money but he's indeed model worthy."

Ms. Lin smirks at Kyo, "Deal!"

Everyone got to bypass the test to watch Kyo finish his. Even with the whole class staring at him Kyo wasn't nervous at all.

Ms. Lin puts a timer on the board and sets it for 5 minutes. She looks at Kyo who looked indifferent, but that only made her angrier but even if Kyo knew he wouldn't care.


As soon as she said that, Kyo starts to solve all the answers really quickly.

*3 minutes later*

Kyo puts his pencil down, "Done."

Ms. Lin stops the timer and begins to scan his quiz before announcing, "You got all the answers correct..." she says in utter shock.

Silence, silence so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

She really thought tho XDDD

oldmanwintrcreators' thoughts