

Eternal darkness She was in eternal darkness, there was no light, no air, no nothing. And yet she was living, or perhaps she was long dead. But her conscious never faded. Perhaps she, herself, was eternal. The world has long forgotten her. She bore the name Kira, but it was lost in the tides of time. This infinite space of darkness was her dwelling, but she wasn't there of her own accord. She was bounded there, by countless curses. She was beyond help, and yet she craves for it, she craves salvation. Perhaps, it was hypocritical for her to pray for help, to beg for it. But after spending centuries, she couldn't bear it anymore. "Someone save me," Her voice didn't travel through the empty space of purgatory. But it reached someone, someone deep in sleep in a coffin.

Skquinn · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

A loud rapping came from the locked door of Kira's room. It sounded like someone wanted in, and badly.

Sitting up in bed, she turned her head to the door then to the window, and it was completely dark outside.

"Rebecca," She called in a meek voice, but the pounding continued.

Suddenly, a loud thunderstorm clapped and rain followed, pouring down like rivers.

"Do you not want to play, Kira?" Asked a voice, coming from the dark.

"Who is there?" Kira asked in a timid voice, pulling the duvet cover to her chin.

But she was created with silence when the door flew off the hinge, and she was met with red monster eyes. He took a step forward and bore his fangs at her, and before Kira could react, he sank his teeth in her neck.

It was 6:00 in the morning, Kira was startled awake by her alarm on her phone. She turned it off and lay still on her back. She sighed, remembering the strange nightmare she had that night.

"Kira," called Rebecca as she pushed her head inside her room.

"Good morning," Kira mumbled.

"Hey, my Mom called," She started but trailed off.

"What is it?" Kira asked, but she knew what the girl wanted to say next wasn't anything but bad news.

"She asked me to come home, only until she's capable of taking care of herself," She mumbled.

"Well, you should go," Kira chirped, but she was anything but happy, "Besides, she just got out of a car accident."

"But what about you?" The girl questioned, feeling torn that she would have to leave Kira.

"I'll be fine," Kira smiled, getting out of bed.

"I'm so sorry, Kira,"

"It's fine, your mother needs you," Kira assured her, wrapping her friend in a tight embrace.

It was noon and Kira was sitting in the living room, finishing up her school works when a knock came from her front door.

She picked up her crutches and went to the door, but when she pulled the door open, no one was there. Only a white envelope was left on her patio.

Strange, she thought before bending to retrieve the envelope.

She took one last glance at her surrounding before heading inside. Letting out a breath of air, she ripped the envelope open. And the words she saw next sent her heart beating into cardiac shock.

"Not even the tune of evil can save you now," those were the words that were written in black ink.

Kira felt as her knees were about to give out, and so she leaned her back on the door for support. While her hands shook with fear, she wanted to pack her bags and run without looking back. But she knew evil would follow her.

"Let's play a game, yeah?"

She found a gentle touched on her cheek, reminding her where she was. She wasn't in the living room of her apartment, but a dark hallway.

Her lips move suddenly. "Hide and seek?"

"Hide and seek," a voice whispered.

A metallic tapping noise reverberated from the door, snapping Kira from her trance.

Wiping away the stray tears with the back of her hand, she pulled the door open. Where she comes to face with Jennifer, who has a big smile on her face.

"Doctor Jennifer," Kira greeted.

"Hi, I hope it's not a bad time?" Jennifer said, even though she knew it wasn't.

"No, not at all, come inside," Kira stepped aside letting her through the door.

"Is everything alright?" Jennifer asked, looking at the envelope in Kira's hand.

"Yes," She answered, looking at the Doctor with a puzzled face.

"Oh," Jennifer chuckled, "You must be wondering why I'm here?"

"I'm a bit curious," Kira chuckled, nervously.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay, and to remind you of your appointment," Jennifer answered.

"That's nice of you," Kira smiled politely at her, "Can I get you something to drink?" She offered.

"Thank you, but I should get going, but next time I'll definitely have that drink." Jennifer spoke before she bid Kira goodbye and headed through the door.

Meanwhile, Jason was sitting in the sitting room of Jackson's mansion. With a human girl squatting on his lap, while his fangs were dug deep inside her neck.

"You seem to be in a mood," Jackson flopped down on the seat opposite to Jason.

But Jason didn't reply, he only looked at Jackson who had a smirked on his face.

"You have a little, something here." Jackson tossed a napkin to Jason, with a look of mischief twinkling in his brown eyes.

"It's been a while since I went hunting," Jackson muttered.

"What are you implying?" Jason asked, his voice soft and comforting, but the look on his face screams danger.

"We should go hunting," Jackson suggested, bouncing in his seat with excitement. Because he knew Jason wouldn't put down his indication.

And that was why they have gotten along so well. Jason has never refused an offer to terrorize the humans. And Jackson lives to torment. Like two peas in a pod, but in this case, they were the villain of the night.

Kira was preparing dinner when her phone screen had lightened up. Wiping her wet hands on the kitchen towel, she reached for her phone off the counter.

"Hi, it's Jennifer, I got your number from your hospital file I hope you don't think that I'm a stalker. Lol, but I was hoping if you would like to go to a small party with me?" She read, with a smile being stretched across her lips.

She was about to reply when she had received another message.

"If you're not too busy." It reads, smiling to herself, Kira began typing.

"No, of course not, and I would love to attend the party with you." Soon after hitting send, she received a message from Jennifer.

"I'm out from,"

Is she serious, Kira thought, but nonetheless, she made her way to the front door.

Upon opening the door, she saw Jennifer standing on the patio like she said she was. Her blond hair was straightened down her back and she wore a red dress that reached her mid-thighs.

"I was hoping you were going to say yes," Jennifer spoke as Kira stepped aside and let her through.

"But I'm not even dressed," Kira frowned, looking from Jennifer to herself.

"It's fine, I'll help you, besides I'm like a fairy Godmother," Jennifer joked, laughing at her


"So shall we?" Jennifer asked and Kira nodded, leading Jennifer to her room.

Subsequently, both girls were ready, Kira's hair was let loose in small curls that fitted her face. She wore a low-cut v-neck blue Tiered Halter dress and converse shoes.

"I have something for you," Jennifer chirped.

"Okay," Kira smiled, but Jennifer has already gone through the doors.

"Here!" Jennifer shouted, walking through the door.

"What is in the box?" Kira asked as Jennifer headed towards her.

Yanking the box open, Kira found a black walking leg brace. "Thank you," Kira hugged Jennifer before she helped her to put it on.

Upon arriving at Lux, Kira turned to Jennifer, "I thought we were going to a party?"

"We are, the party is inside of the club," Jennifer giggled and help her out of the car.

"Look who just walked in," Jackson grins, which earns Jason's attention to fell on him.

When his eyes travel to the entrance and he saw his sister, then his eyes traveled to the girl who stood beside her.

And before he could react, Jackson spoke. "Look at that, your sister had brought us a snack," and for the first time, Jason hesitated.

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