

Every human being is born bound to a spirit. It is a system set up by the gods to prevent genocide. Most humans are bound to a low level spirit, like a fairy or a ghost or a sprite. Some humans are bound to stronger spirits, like angels, or reapers, or elementals, or demons, however getting bound to a demon is rare. When a human turns 12, they perform a test that reveals a human’s spirit. Most get low-level spirits, some get elementals, however, that is not the case for our protagonist. Emery Stone was the only spirit-less being in a world where your existence is determined solely on how strong your spirit is. Now, 5 years later, she is disowned by her human parents and adopted by a powerful forest guardian, attending a low-class high school with only one friend, wanting only to live a peaceful life, only for a powerful demon spirit to appear out of nowhere one day claiming to be her Bound Spirit?! How dare he!

Frozen_Roze · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Spirit Singer

Every human being is born bound to a spirit. It is a system set up by the gods to prevent genocide. Most humans are bound to a low level spirit, like a fairy or a ghost or a sprite. Some humans are bound to stronger spirits, like angels, or reapers, or elementals, or demons, however getting bound to a demon is rare. When a human turns 12, they perform a test that reveals a human's spirit. Most get low-level spirits, some get elementals, however, that is not the case for our protagonist. The Spirits themselves originate from an alternate dimension of space that is tightly intertwined with Earth, so much so, that the spirits depend on the earth's continued existence in order for them to exist.

Meet 17 year old Emery Stone, our protagonist. When it was her turn 5 years ago, no spirit showed up to greet her, however, she didn't let it stop her. At the moment, however, she was late.

"Kyaaa!" She squealed, jumping up out of her cot and rushing through her morning routine, before brushing through her frost blue, waist length hair, and throwing it up into a braid. She then threw on her school uniform, before grabbing her bag and rushing out the door. She jumped onto her bike and peddled quickly, not wanting to be late for school. She rode quickly, just barely making it inside before the gates closed. She breathed in relief, before parking her bike and rushing to her locker to get her things for class.

When she finally managed to get to class, her classmates were already there, their spirits flying and floating around. Emery felt a twinge in her chest, before shrugging it off and heading towards her seat. Once she sat down, her pink haired friend, Sakura Tsukimori came over to her desk, "Hey, Emery!" She greeted her happily. Emery chuckled, "Hey Sakura." She answered. "Did you hear? The Spirit singer played in the park last night! It was an amazing sight! All of those spirits dancing and playing around her. Oh, I wish you had been there, Emery!" Sakura gushed, Sakura's bound spirit was an earth fairy named Ichigo, with pink tipped brown hair pulled up into two messy buns on each side of her head, a pink crop top with long flowing sleeves, a pink ruffled skirt, knee socks and pink heeled high tops, her wings were a bunch of pink and blue swirls, and she stood at a height of about 6 inches, but despite her size, she was strong, and that ability carried over into Sakura, who, like her bound spirit, was tiny in appearance, at a height of about 4'11. Emery chuckled, "So do I." Sakura giggled, "You know, only you manage to make it to class just barely a few minutes before the teacher does, how do you do it?" She asked and Emery shrugged, "luck, I guess," Just then the teacher came in and class began.

Once class ended for the day, Emery grabbed her bike and peddled home, waving good-bye to her friends on her way. She peddled quietly home, the trees and buildings flying by her. She stopped by the store briefly to get a drink, before continuing on her way. She turned her bike into the forest, and peddled into it, before coming upon a treehouse about 30 minutes into the forest, hidden by limbs and vines. She parked her bike behind a bush, before climbing up the rope ladder into the treehouse. She pulled the ladder up behind her, before closing the hatch. You may be wondering as to why she was in a treehouse instead of her home? Well, after not receiving a spirit, her family, known for getting elementals, disowned her, so the forest took her in and the spirits provided for her.

Emery sighed as she placed her bag on the table, before walking over to her cot and laying down briefly, staring up at her ceiling, before growling and jumping up. She quietly went through her katas, before changing into a silver lace dress that hugged her body, before flaring out at the hips and stopping at her knees. She grabbed a black cloak with a silver clasp and threw it on, before placing a mask on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror briefly, before grabbing her guitar and leaping from her treehouse and biking to her new performing spot, a little fountain in the middle of the park, one that well-travelled, but she hadn't performed there before, except now, she needed to, her audience was getting a little big nowadays. She hid her bike skillfully, before sneaking out onto the fountain and standing on the edge of the fountain. She waited for a brief moment, before strumming out a tune on her guitar. She took a deep breath and began to sing.

As she sang, the spirits had begun to gather, many were dancing and playing, the humans had stopped to listen. None in her audience knew who she was, and she liked it that way, preferring to stay anonymous. The looks of awe and joy on their faces was more than enough. Briefly, she let her voice fall silent for a moment as she played her guitar, letting the music flow over those gathered. 'I don't mind not having a spirit bound to me, as long as I can keep doing this' She thought, a small smile on her face, before picking the song back up again. She fell silent again not long after for another brief instrumental break and she danced around the fountain. She danced with the spirits and laughed as they played, before finishing up the last few verses of the song. Emery smiled softly as she played the last few notes on her guitar and let the final notes hang over the audience as the spirits finished playing. She took the chance to leave, while the spirits were still out and about. She quickly made her way to where she left her bike, taking the chance to glance behind her to make sure she wasn't followed, her eyes widening in shock as she locked eyes with green-haired humanoid spirit with beautiful silver eyes. She returned her gaze to the front as she peddled away as fast as possible.

When she returned to her treehouse, she quickly hid her bike and entered her home, quickly latching the door behind her. She sat back with a huff, 'What was that about? Those eyes, though, they were gorgeous, but they were so... sad? No, that's not the word. Melancholy? Lonely? I'm not sure...' she thought as she changed into pajamas, glancing briefly at her tattoos adorning her form, before quickly covering them with her clothes. She indulged herself a single tear as she brushed her hair. She quickly re-braided her hair and turned in for the night.