
Chapter Thirty seven

Elena tossed in bed, she picked up her phone from beside her pillow and looked at the time, the light shined brightly in her eyes and she half closed her eyes due to the bright light, the time was two o'clock in the morning, she had only slept for about three hours, the recent happenings had been on her mind recently, what was it that Katie had been trying to hide from her, why did she evade the question yesterday, what would Valerie's presence entail, Espanol for her that was still building her career, what would happen to her now that she had been noticed, she did not want to be remembered as the girl whose career was about to take a leap but broke down, because her manager pissed off the wrong person, but she was not also the type to leave someone in the middle if the sea, Lorenzo's sister could do whatever she wanted, but she would not be scared, even if she was, she will not let it show. Speaking about Lorenzo, he had called her yesterday, probably to congratulate her on landing the role as the cover girl for beam magazine, Katie must have told him about, but she did not give him any chance to speak as she did had rejected the call.

'He can not just bail on me without any explanation whatsoever and expect me to not be angry' She thought, but she knew within herself that she had not even given him a chance to render his explanation.

 she sighed and kept tossing, why was she so restless, she did not particularly see any problem that was so disturbing that could keep her awake all night, maybe it was the abysmal emptiness in her stomach, she stood up from her large bed, wore her bunny flip flops and left the room, the lights automatically came on when she stepped into the sitting room and the same thing happened in the kitchen. 

 She sat at the counter and started preparing her cereals, she was not exactly feeling hungry, but something has to be done about the emptiness in her stomach, or was it her heart? why she was feeling sad and empty, she did not know, she just felt like that. 

Poking at the cereal, her mind was still occupied with a lot of things, for example, how would today look like at the office.

    'Well I guess I am going to find out either way. ' she mused. 

Begrudgingly, she finished her cereal and moved back to the room, laying down in bed again for to get some sleep, the feeling in her stomach had completely dissipated and she was lulled to sleep when her alarm rang.

   NO WAY.

It was just two o'clock and her alarm was supposed to go off by half past six. She snatched her phone and checked the time, it was exactly six thirty one, the phone fell flat on her face and she groaned.

" ughhh, why does time fly so fast, it was just a minute ago that I left the bed room, huh, another day".

 She left the bed and went into the bathroom to do her morning routine, which normally took like forty minutes, then she went into the dressing room to get dressed up. 

 Since it was a pretty sunny day, she threw on a pair faded blue jeans that was ripped at the knees, making her look even more tall, a really nice wide strap square necked white tank top with a matching white blazer to give the chic look, she contemplated wearing white coloured heels but decided against it and threw on her white coloured air forces to complete the look.

Checking herself out in the mirror, she was satisfied that she looked like every other human being, she was sure that she would not stand out. 

 Putting on a minimal amount of lip tint and barely doing any make up, she walked out of the house, chosing to use her bright red convertible, nothing too expensive,she thought.

Her drive to the office was a very boring affair and there was nothing remarkable about it, she was scheduled to meet Katie at the office so that they could go for a meeting with the board members, or was it the crew? of Beam magazine. 

" Good morning" she said to the first person she met when she entered the building.

"Hmm" The woman replied, looking flabbergasted when she saw Elena's casual outfit. Elena herself was quite shocked on see the woman's dress, it looked like a kind of ball dress, the type that was worn in the seventeenth or eighteenth century, it was rather crusty and Elena wanted to ask her if it had been passed down from generation to generation and kept in a basement, due to the dusty crusty look, but she bit back her words. It was quite funny though, until she found that most of the other people were dresses just the same, though some dresses were better than others, they were all wearing ball gowns!

 Were they in some kind of secret group chat or what, as the other people were in their ball gowns, she in her faded blue jeans stood out like a sore thumb, the people looked at her in bewilderment.

When she entered, there had been a flow of articulate murmurs, almost all of them were condemning of a particular she devil that made them wear such clothes". Elena did not quite understand what they meant by that, but when she wiggled her way through the crowd, the people changed from their original line if gossip and started talking about her, she had a pretty good hearing so she heard most of the hushed comments made about her, some which were like;

 "Oh my gosh, what is she wearing?" 

 "This is the end for her, she seemed pretty nice, I will not miss her though."

"Is she defying the she devil? this is great."

"she is my role model, so bold"

 one sniffed and said, "and her career was just starting to bloom and blossom."

"Abrupt end, she will not be seeing this office again anytime soon."

All these comments and buzzing noises disturbed Elena but she did not want to pay any heed to them as they were just a pile of jargons and rubbish to her, now she regretted not wearing heels, the click clacking of the heels would have oppressed them the more. Abrupt ending my foot! she fumed, these women were acting so stupid, who wears a ball gown to the office on a sunny day, the answer? Idiots.

To her pleasant surprise, the men were not dressing strange in any way, in fact they relished the stupidity if these women, some of them knew what was going on, but they would not in any way say it out aloud for fear of getting in the bad books of the CEO.

There were a few handful of ladies that did not indulge in such stupidity and Elena was also pleased to see them.

 She hurried off to Katie's office and got there at last, a long terrain of gossip trailed her path as she walked among the infected people, or so she called them.

 Inside Katie's office, she was glad to have found solace at long last, but Katie was no where to be seen. Elena resolved to wait for her return from where ever she had gone.  She waited for about half an hour, but still no sign of Katie, had she not come to work after yesterday's saga? was she being ditched again, in the midst of these women who seem to have gone bonkers? her mind drifted to Lorenzo and how he had bailed on her yesterday, she definitely did not like the feeling and would be really upset if Katie did it to her too. They had agreed that they would  meet up at the office, now this. 

She laid down on the sofa and stretched her whole length on it, closing her eyes she decided to wait a little while for Katie, and if she did not show up, she would go back he to escape this crowd of not so mentally stable people.


she fell flat on the floor and a snort came from across the room. Her eyes slowly opened and she sat up, rubbing her eyes and glaring daggers at the woman whose snort had turned into a laughter filled with so much mirth. Katie was shaking convulsively due to laughter, "stop glaring so much, it will only help to hurt your eyes." and she continued laughing.

"what is causing you so much joy, I was really enjoying my sleep" Elena feigned anger, though she was a bit riled up, she had been dreaming of eating pizza and a large bottle of coke, a luxury she could not afford now, due to the strict health diets she suffered.

"You are really a bad sleeper, you know that? you should thank God that the sofa us a bit wide, you have been kicking and tossing and turning and mumbling rubbish in your sleep, at some point it was cute, then I realized that you could actually ruin my sofa, you sleep as if you are playing some sort of national sports game." Katie teased, although she was saying the truth.

"I don't talk in my sleep, you just made that up" Elena accused and Katie laughed again.

"Yes you do, how else will I know about Mr Pooh" she asked, earning a deep blush from Elena.

"Well...well.. I don't know, black magic?" Elena answered and it came out like a question.

" Then you blame me about coming up with poor excuses, you are so tongue tied right now ha!. But why the heck are you sleeping by this time of the day and who the hell is Mr Pooh." Katie asked, her cheeks were hurting so bad from laughter.

 At this point, Elena stood up from the floor and dusted herself up, then she took a seat on the sofa, taking care to resist the urge to lie down once again, lest she falls.

"You see I was not able to get enough sleep at night, so that is why I am making up for the lost sleep now, and Mr Pooh us my cutesie little hugging  teddy bear that I  could not sleep without, guess I have grown up now" she whispered the last part so that Katie could not hear. It was the last gift she had received when her mother and father were still together, she was a small child at that time and greatly loved it, when her father left, she had held onto the bear, hoping that one day he would come back and their family would be complete again, she had burned it when she was fifteen years of age, at that point in time she had started despising that man and only thought of him as DNA, he did not matter in her life anymore and was just like a speck of dust in her memory, not having any substance, but she did not want to think of that infuriating man, he could be dead for all she cared, that would even help make the world a better and safer place. 

"Why then did you call him Mr Pooh if he was a teddy?" Katie asked.

"Because he had a red and yellow heart seen to his hands and it just reminded me of Winnie the Pooh." Elena explained. she did not tell Katie that it was the last ever gift that she had received from that mongrel or the fact that she had burnt it when she was fifteen, the last sliver she had about his return, she did not want Katie to call her insensitive like her friends had done when they found out, they had moved to a new town, this town,  and started a new life.

"Oh I see, but why were you not able to sleep" Katie questioned

 Elena coughed, she herself was confused as to what exactly had give her the sleepless night "Well , maybe I was thinking about that hit bartender from yesterday, you two would look good together, I saw the way he was eyeing you" she lied, she had not thought of any bartender, she did not even remember his face, was he blonde or brunette she did not remember.

" well sorry for you, this bae is already taken" Katie retorted.

" Yeah sure. Anyway, what is all this foolhardy going on every where, why is majority of the female population of models in this place wearing ball gowns on this hot sunny day" Elena asked. 

" oh, you really do not know? they are doing whatever the queen does" 

 Her statement only served to confuse Elena the more. 

Author's Note:

Hello, hi, bye bye 🥰😘♥️♥️