
Chapter Sixty One

Elena's Pov.

"Are you okay?" 

 I did not answer, I was lost in the moment, the murmurs around me seemed to fade into nothingness. For a moment, it was just me and him, with his arms around me, I savoured the feel of his strong muscled and toned arms around my body, it was exhilarating.

I had to snap out of it, we were not alone, and I could tell that many eyes were on us, I immediately disentangled myself from his grip, and bowed, then did a little curtsey.

I was definitely behaving awkward, but nobody had told me how to behave with him in public, so I was definitely not to blame for behaving awkward. Plus, no one informed me that I would be getting a picturesque view of his out of this world beauty, so I was justified.

"T..th….thank you…sir?" I said,unsure of what to say, then, I bowed again, not knowing if that was my cue to leave, or if it would be rude to walk out on him, but then again, I could not leave, mainly because my legs were rooted to the ground and I just survived a dress tearing fall, I did not want to go down that lane again, by trying to uproot my implanted feet.

"Are you okay" He asked again,smirking, not that I had the courage to look at his extremely handsome face.

"Yes… I am.. thank you very much sir" I said.

"What did I tell you?" He whispered,

I did not understand what he was getting at,

" Huh?"I asked.

" I told you before, that you are my woman, and therefore you should look me straight in the eye, but here you are, admiring my shoes, I want to look in my eyes, the fact that people cannot know that you are my woman does not mean that you should not look at me in the eye, so look up now, or I will make you" He said.

I immediately looked up at him when I heard that, and he smiled,my intestines became a gooey and chocolatey substance in my belly, I knew because I could feel it melt.

" I.. I think that we have talked for far too long, this is going to attract unnecessary attention, so please leave so that I can leave that I can go too." I said when I noticed that pretty much all activities had stopped in the room and we were the center of attention, the room was eerily quiet and people were murmuring to one another, some even went as far as pointing at us and blatantly gossiping, this was going to be big news tomorrow, I just knew it, some people were being so rude and taking pictures. This was going to be a big thing, I and him were thousands of meters apart in status, so I was courting trouble just standing there and talking to him, so since I knew that he did not give two flying fucks about what people said, I took the initiative.

Bowing a bit, I walked away, or I thought I was doing so, until he grabbed my arm. There were gasps everywhere, people were so invested in what we were doing and I just wanted to cringe, why could the earth not open and swallow me whole at this moment, I felyt really uncomfortable in my own skin due to the way people were staring daggers at me.

"You have a little something on your arm, I recommend you go and clean it" He said, "See you around" He finished, but I understood the hidden message behind what he was saying. He meant, 'see you at home'.

"T…..thank you" I managed to mutter, then lifted another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. At this point, I was going to have to drink myself to stupor.

He walked away, and I downed the glass of champagne, not knowing where to go, so I decided to go back to where I had just come out from, the restroom.

Keeping my eyes trained on the white porcelain ground, I managed to walk without falling over myself.

"She is so lucky" I heard behind me.

"And he even touched her arm, voluntarily" another murmured.

"All the woman hesitate to touch him because he does not like being touched, but he touched her?" Another said, possibly responding to the other person.

"She is not so special, why would he pay any heed to her, he should have just let her fall" another joined in.

I immediately rushed into the restroom area, why did drama always have to follow me every friggin place I went.

"Ughhhh" I groaned, then smiled. One minute he had been talking to Camille 'desperate' Richfield, and the next moment he was grabbing me by my waist and asking if I am okay, that must mean that he had been tracing me all the way from across the room.

I smiled, that showed her who is boss. Then I gave myself a well deserved face palm, did I have to be so awkward, I must have looked so stupid, but blame that on his overwhelming presence, anyone in my shoes would have acted in the exact same way, if not worse, but my heart was racing, I could not forget his last words before he left, 'see you around' it was ringing in my ears, and I could imagine him breathing down my neck and kissing me in all the sensitive places. 

I shook my head, trying to expel such thoughts from my head, looking at myself in the mirror, I had a calm expression on not betraying the turmoil in my chest, I must look so calm and collected to people, they are not aware of the fact that my voice was shaking all the while and I was struggling to keep calm.

My phone tinged and I brought it out of my purse, it was a message from Harry.

Harry bunny: Hey where are you, I have been looking all over for you.

Me: Oh, I am in the restroom.

Harry bunny: When you said you were nervous, I did not expect you to hide away in the restroom, come out right this instant!

Me: Definitely not, my thoughts are disoriented right now, I need some time to collect myself, have fun without me, plus, One waiter poured champagne on my dress, so I have to clean up, do not worry about me and have a good time ;)

Harry bunny:Oh, you should have told me that, anyway, come out soon, I am waiting for you, I cannot have you missing out on all the fun 😔.

Me: I am not much of an art person myself, so do not worry about me🥱

Harry bunny: okay, have fun, or not👋


I preferred to stay in this spotless bathroom than to go out there to the searching eyes of the people, I barely dropped my phone when a call came in, it was Lorenzo.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey? That is all you have to say," he paused,

Elena's Pov.

"Are you okay?" 

 I did not answer, I was lost in the moment, the murmurs around me seemed to fade into nothingness. For a moment, it was just me and him, with his arms around me, I savoured the feel of his strong muscled and toned arms around my body, it was exhilarating.

I had to snap out of it, we were not alone, and I could tell that many eyes were on us, I immediately disentangled myself from his grip, and bowed, then did a little curtsey.

I was definitely behaving awkward, but nobody had told me how to behave with him in public, so I was definitely not to blame for behaving awkward. Plus, no one informed me that I would be getting a picturesque view of his out of this world beauty, so I was justified.

"T..th….thank you…sir?" I said,unsure of what to say, then, I bowed again, not knowing if that was my cue to leave, or if it would be rude to walk out on him, but then again, I could not leave, mainly because my legs were rooted to the ground and I just survived a dress tearing fall, I did not want to go down that lane again, by trying to uproot my implanted feet.

"Are you okay" He asked again,smirking, not that I had the courage to look at his extremely handsome face.

"Yes… I am.. thank you very much sir" I said.

"What did I tell you?" He whispered,

I did not understand what he was getting at,

" Huh?"I asked.

" I told you before, that you are my woman, and therefore you should look me straight in the eye, but here you are, admiring my shoes, I want to look in my eyes, the fact that people cannot know that you are my woman does not mean that you should not look at me in the eye, so look up now, or I will make you" He said.

I immediately looked up at him when I heard that, and he smiled,my intestines became a gooey and chocolatey substance in my belly, I knew because I could feel it melt.

" I.. I think that we have talked for far too long, this is going to attract unnecessary attention, so please leave so that I can leave that I can go too." I said when I noticed that pretty much all activities had stopped in the room and we were the center of attention, the room was eerily quiet and people were murmuring to one another, some even went as far as pointing at us and blatantly gossiping, this was going to be big news tomorrow, I just knew it, some people were being so rude and taking pictures. This was going to be a big thing, I and him were thousands of meters apart in status, so I was courting trouble just standing there and talking to him, so since I knew that he did not give two flying fucks about what people said, I took the initiative.

Bowing a bit, I walked away, or I thought I was doing so, until he grabbed my arm. There were gasps everywhere, people were so invested in what we were doing and I just wanted to cringe, why could the earth not open and swallow me whole at this moment, I felyt really uncomfortable in my own skin due to the way people were staring daggers at me.

"You have a little something on your arm, I recommend you go and clean it" He said, "See you around" He finished, but I understood the hidden message behind what he was saying. He meant, 'see you at home'.

"T…..thank you" I managed to mutter, then lifted another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. At this point, I was going to have to drink myself to stupor.

He walked away, and I downed the glass of champagne, not knowing where to go, so I decided to go back to where I had just come out from, the restroom.

Keeping my eyes trained on the white porcelain ground, I managed to walk without falling over myself.

"She is so lucky" I heard behind me.

"And he even touched her arm, voluntarily" another murmured.

"All the woman hesitate to touch him because he does not like being touched, but he touched her?" Another said, possibly responding to the other person.

"She is not so special, why would he pay any heed to her, he should have just let her fall" another joined in.

I immediately rushed into the restroom area, why did drama always have to follow me every friggin place I went.

"Ughhhh" I groaned, then smiled. One minute he had been talking to Camille 'desperate' Richfield, and the next moment he was grabbing me by my waist and asking if I am okay, that must mean that he had been tracing me all the way from across the room.

I smiled, that showed her who is boss. Then I gave myself a well deserved face palm, did I have to be so awkward, I must have looked so stupid, but blame that on his overwhelming presence, anyone in my shoes would have acted in the exact same way, if not worse, but my heart was racing, I could not forget his last words before he left, 'see you around' it was ringing in my ears, and I could imagine him breathing down my neck and kissing me in all the sensitive places. 

I shook my head, trying to expel such thoughts from my head, looking at myself in the mirror, I had a calm expression on not betraying the turmoil in my chest, I must look so calm and collected to people, they are not aware of the fact that my voice was shaking all the while and I was struggling to keep calm.

My phone tinged and I brought it out of my purse, it was a message from Harry.

Harry bunny: Hey where are you, I have been looking all over for you.

Me: Oh, I am in the restroom.

Harry bunny: When you said you were nervous, I did not expect you to hide away in the restroom, come out right this instant!

Me: Definitely not, my thoughts are disoriented right now, I need some time to collect myself, have fun without me, plus, One waiter poured champagne on my dress, so I have to clean up, do not worry about me and have a good time ;)

Harry bunny:Oh, you should have told me that, anyway, come out soon, I am waiting for you, I cannot have you missing out on all the fun 😔.

Me: I am not much of an art person myself, so do not worry about me🥱

Harry bunny: okay, have fun, or not👋


I preferred to stay in this spotless bathroom than to go out there to the searching eyes of the people, I barely dropped my phone when a call came in, it was Lorenzo.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey? That is all you have to say," he paused," well I you I have to be thankful that you can finally make sentences on your own without stuttering or almost like you were drunk" he said.

" Why you! You did that intentionally did you not, you should have stuck to Camille fucking Richfield." I fumed.

" And miss the chance of making you flustered?, No Thank You" he replied.

" How annoying can one person be" I asked.

" Not annoyed, you mean to say, super hot and ravishing, I know, there is no extent to my charm" he said smugly..

" I feel like hitting you over the head, over and over again until you develop selective amnesia, then maybe you will forget your ego" I said and he laughed aloud.