
Chapter Four_Emotions.

Elena's Pov.

The wind whipped through my hair as I looked down at my diary which was lying on my legs,the cool afternoon breeze drifted past and lulled me. My eyes drooped and I was lured to sleep.

A squeal awakened me and I shot up, looking around the park, the squeal seemed to have come from a young girl of about six years old, her mother was hauling her in the air as she grabbed hold of the swing clearly enjoying herself.


Just the thought of the word brought a painful squeeze to my heart.

"Mother"I said it out loud this time and my eyes welled  with tears as I bit my bottom lip.My  mother had been living in a hospice for two months now,the doctor said she didn't have much Time to liveas she was suffering from the last stage of ovarian cancer. My dad,he'd left us  when I was just three and my mother had taken care of me until cancer had caught up with her.

"Mother" I said again and burst out crying, hugging my knees, diary forgotten. Suddenly I felt  a large hand clasp my shoulder.

"I don't like to see you cry"I swung round so suddenly that I was surprised I didn't have whiplash. But there he was in all his glory, the mystery man from GRILL PLAZA. This time I fell off the bench I was stretched on.

"What are you doing here" I said after I had dusted myself clean  then realized how stupid it sounded,I mean anyone can go to the park.

"What do you want"


"I...wait what?"

""You haven't answered my question yet"

"It's none of your business"I said while trying to push past him,but a large hand held me back. I looked at him in puzzlement.

"Why were you crying" His voice was so serious that I couldn't help but answer.

"Mother" I said without even thinking, this man had a kind of aura that I couldn't deny attracted me. When he looked into my eyes I could feel my breath being caught in my chest.

"If I'm right,your mother has been suffering from  ovarian cancer and is currently staying at a hospice,correct?"

"How did you know that"

"I have my sources so,am I right or wrong"

I simply nodded.

"What if I tell you that I will help you get the best treatment for your mother and will make sure that she doesn't die of cancer"

"I.. I will be indebted to you Mr."

"Fine then"

"You would help me, would you seriously help me out"

"Yes,but as you said you would then be indebted to me"

"Yes sir, please please help my mother and you have my word I will do anything you ask of me" I said while trying to hold back the tears that were ever ready to spill.

"I. Want. You. To. Be. Mine." He said stressing every word so I could digest it properly.

"What do you mean by that".I was utterly confused.

He didn't answer, instead he thrust a kind of file towards me.

"A contract that binds you to me" he said answering the question that was already rolling off my tongue.

"So yes or no".

"I'll do it,just tell me how."

Oh gosh what have I gotten myself into.