
Chapter Forty.


Go girl" Katie was in her full gossip girl mode and I was in a fit of laughter.

"And he just lifted me as if I was a feather, and gently pressed his lips to mine, then started nibbling and sucking and oh my God, was it enjoyable." I bit my lip unconsciously.

"Argghhh" Katie squealed, " He kissed you, oh gosh, I must be dreaming, he really kissed you?full on the lips? I guess the way to a man's heart is definitely jealousy."

"And a woman's heart too" I added, but Katie had a weird expression on her face, "Like I mean, if I had not been so frustratingly jealous, I would not have gone out, met Harry, stroke up a friendship, made him jealous, and gotten that kiss."I further explained.

" Was that your first kiss?" Katie asked.

" Gosh girl, I am twenty four, of course I played a little truth or dare in highschool and at uni, that obviously was not my first, but it was one in a million. I am not sure that was his first too, and also, I do not think I performed that well." I ended, looking down casted.

" Yeah, he probably isn't a virgin too." She said. " You are right, I am a virgin though, never really found the right person to do that with." Just the thought of him with another woman, doing..... things, was enough to make me feel queasy.

" Yeah, but try to make your first time with him as special as possible, you hear me girl?" She said excitedly, I did not want to know what she was picturing in her mind at the moment.

"Why are you acting do excited, are you high on something?" I teased

"Yes girl, I am high in your romantic love affair with the pres.."

"shhhh, someone might hear you" I whispered, cutting her off.

" oh yeah sorry about that." she apologized giving a nervous giggle.

"Yeah it's fine, just don't go shouting in the office, walls have ears, especially in a place like this." I advised.

 Truly, we were at the office, talking about yesterday's incidents, and relishing it. It was now five days remaining for the shoot and I was nervous as ever, but I was also quite confident that I would do well, contrasting myself in the process. When I arrived at the office today, there was no weird kind of dressing, but everyone had their heads bowed and eyes on the floor,well not everyone, but most people, I guess she just really wanted to make a fool of the people on that day, I scoffed, ball gowns,then I shook my head.

"But then, I feel bad for the Harry, he will be on the boss's radar twenty four seven, he may even have his whole existence investigated and then sorry for him if there are any scandals under his name." she empathized.

I thought about it and realized she was right. " I did not even think of that, I have put Harry in a danger zone without even knowing it." 

" Yeah but come to think of it, there are some benefits included, like the fact that you would know whether he is a trust worthy person, or the kinds of people he associates with, if he has dirtied his hands with some sort of crime, you know, you put him under the radar but in the process protect yourself and will be able to protect him if he comes out clean."Katie reasoned.

" I guess you are right"

" As always" Katie out in, not allowing me to finish, I rolled my eyes and continued,

" He is a jolly good fellow, I think I like him, as a friend I mean, it would be really nice if he comes out clean, he is so relatable unlike one Camille Richfield I know."I whispered the last part so that she could not hear me but I thought wrong, she did hear me and as usual, the lectures.

"You know, you are just being jealous, the president does not have a taste in such women, Camille Richfield, I mean." she muttered.

"You mean desperate rich women, yeah sure." I retorted, not bothering to tone down the very evident sarcasm in my voice.

"No seriously, he does not have any real interest in her, a blind person standing fifty feet away could notice that." she continued.

"Well, that would mean that this country has the highest population of blind people" I answered back, bringing out my phone and showing her the comments.

"She looks so good with the CEO, I hope they are in a relationship." one user who had already used the photo as his profile photo commented, I scowled.

"OMG, the ultimate power couple." Another comments, I could practically hear the squeal.

"I wish I was her right now" Another commented.

 I logged out of the social media account and looked at Katie with an I told you so glare.

"Well, in my defense, some people can be overly as kissing, they don't look good together." She said.

" You could be kissing ass right now by implying that I look good with him but not her." I joked.

"Then you are mistaken, I have only seen you two together only once, and I never implied that you look good with him" she smirked, happy at having escaped my clutches.

"By the way, how did you even meet Lorenzo that he actually chose you to be my assistant and manager." I asked, it only hit me now.

"Well, I guess the hate comments from his sister triggered him to kind of like meor like, put me in his favor, if you understand, and one day, she did something, she attacked me with a knife, almost killed me, in a drunken stupor, I was wounded, badly, I managed to get myself to the hospital, I don't know how I did it, I just did, and then boom, she appeared, cane to my ward and tried to strangle me to death, maybe to silence me and stop me from saying anything about her viscous and bad behavior towards  me and all if her staff, he just came bursting in, ordered some men to take her away, then he helped me, flied me out of the country, to treat me and like bring down the heat and the tension, in a way, he not only saved me, he saved her career, saved her from committing a sin, murder, I still do not know what triggered her so much that she tried to harm me, the issue was settled, I was,still am,  indebted to the CEO, so I vowed silence, she knows this and that is why she is so comfortable. Anyway, her antics do not move me anymore. I am so done with her" she said confidently, but I could see the stress that was evident on her face, what could she be worried about, was it Valerie related?

"Do you by chance know what he was doing at GRILL PLAZA on that day? I mean the day he met me. He does not seem to have any business there, and there was no business meeting held there, as I was told by Caleb, if not a business meeting, and he does not know anybody there, then what really brought him to GRILL PLAZA. " I asked

 Katie looked at me blankly" I was not there, so I absolutely don't know anything, you should try asking him yourself, any way, did you ask him about what caused the delay at the botanic garden, why did he not come for the date? 

" well, apparently, He was busy, doing things" I replied

Katie looked confused, mirroring the exact expression I had when he had said that to me, "what things exactly.

I shrugged,"how would I know I am only telling you what I was told.

" Shit, and you did not push him to tell you more, like gurrl, what were you even thinking!" Katie gasped, I personally thought she was exaggerating

"I was in no mood for any form of explanation, the kiss was definitely on my mind."

" ooooh, I see, you were still feeling the heat if the moment weren't you, I see you, your are the girl." She winked at me and I wondered just what had put me in this situation, like whyyy

" Look here, you better stop fangirling over him or you will have yourself to blame." I threatened, smiling to myself

" Yeah yeah, he is yours okay, don't chew me raw, I just can help but drool, like any other ordinary human being" she threw both hands up in surrender and I smiled.

"You know what there is this sexy waiter that I saw at the restaurant, he is sexy, but cute at the same time and he was completely smitten by me." I but my lower lip, " in other words, I am telling you that I want to hone my flirting skills a little bit more, so let's go there, their food is also delicious,so that's a bonus." I finished

" Hey, you would be playing with somebody's feelings you know" she commented

I was about to suggest that we do not go ahead, as she was right, I did not want to play with someone's feelings, when she added

"but I'm in, I mean, why not, they play with our feelings all the time." She whooped

"Yeah, alright, let's go now.

"Let me finish up some stuff first, then we can go" she said and I let her work

After a few minutes if silence, she closed the folder she had been working on, dropped her ball point pen with a clank as the metal pen hit the metal cover of the folder and stood up, adjusting her skirt and then stretched with a yawn

"I am ready, let's go, the hunger is ravishing." she yawned again

" Sure let's go, it's my treat." I said

"of course it's yours, like who else would pay." She stated as if it was an obvious fact

We made our way out of the office and exited the building without facing any problems, there was no Amelie or Valerie in sight, in fact the whole place was a bit quiet, contrary to other days, though there were a few people, clustered here and there, obviously gossiping about somebody or something. Breathing a sigh, we both entered the car and sped off in the direction of the restaurant

On arriving, we went inside, I took a seat at the specific place that I sat yesterday,the man was not in sight, maybe his shift was over. Just when I was about to break the news to Katie that our victim was not available, I saw him walking out of the kitchen

"Look there" I gestured with my eyebrows to Katie and she immediately looked in the direction I was motioning at, when she saw him she gasped

"He is so handsome, his square jaw and his face, oh my God, he is a beauty." she whispered violently and I had to move my face away from her to prevent any acid substance from the mouth landing on my face

"okay, calm down, I know he us fine as heck, but that does not mean you should be so excited." I giggled, the laughter bubbling from my chest. Just then he came over,"may I please take your orders ma'am" I looked up, he was looking directly at me, I flashed him my sweetest smile and he looked stunned for a minute.

"I will just have what I had yesterday, oh I am sorry, you probably don't remember me". I did a facepalm and shook my head, adding a 'sorry' with a little voice.

" No no, of course I remember you and everything you ordered, you even ordered two bottles of alcoholic wine which you finished with your friend, you left here almost tipsy.

I smiled," you actually do remember, I guess it is left for my friend to order now." I motioned to Katie sitting opposite me, making frantic hand gestures to me, only then did he turn to look at the woman I was referring to.

"Hello,may I take your order." He asked politely.

She placed her order and he left to get us our different orders. I looked at her intently, the only reason I brought her here was to see if she would like this guy, I wanted to play cupid and matchmaker.

She had been telling me that she was having serious relationship issues with Joe and she wanted to free herself from the relationship, so I thought maybe if she found someone she actually liked, she would be able to do so faster. I had still not met Joe yet, but that did not stop me from disliking him, I was secretly happy that they were having problems, she never did look happy whenever she talked about him. The tension between us when it came to Joe had thawed and now she was warmer, sharing some little details with me, that was enough, in fact it was a big step, but what I was doing now was bigger.

"Hey, do you like him?" I asked, looking at her intently.

" Hey what's with the question and that serious look, you are making me squishy." She said, I rolled my eyes at her, " just answer the bloody question."

"Well, I guess he us okay, but personally not my type." She replied. I huffed, this had gone downhill, the only option left was to enjoy the meal.

He came back with the orders shortly and I sent him one of my precious smiles again, what had I been thinking, this guy is completely whipped for me, there was no way I would have been able to play matchmaker here, with him looking at me like I just came down from the sky and Katie basically shipping us, now that I thought about it, she shipped me with everyone, especially Lorenzo, I smiled at the thought of Lorenzo, that incredibly infuriating man.

"Hey, this guy is completely whipped you know, sometimes I wish for a guy like that, but no, I don't really like those type of guys that much, like have a little sauce you know" she said, while munching on her  food. I sighed this woman had the nerves to rekindle my hope and then pour ice cold water on it, real nice Katie, real nice.

 We finished our food in silence and made our way out, Katie patting her stomach, me holding my sides and a pair of eyes boring holes in my head.


"Hey faggot!" It was Valerie, and she was drunk. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys 🥰🥰, how was your day, mine was not so bad, I just wanted to ask this here, who is a BTS Stan here(raise your ✋) I am an ARMY and my bias is suga, if you are also an ARMY, follow me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9, I will follow back, let's connect with each other, I really wanna get to know my readers, anyways bye love you 😘,thanks for your support y'all.