
Chapter Forty seven.

 *mature scenes ahead, read at your own peril, also, it's not an Elena and Lorenzo scene, so it won't be all lovey dovey.*

Katie smirked about to send the filthy man's photo to the most reliable person she knew, not because she wanted to, but because she was asked, no told to do so. She personally wanted to handle the issue on her own, but she was not going to deny the fact that initially she did not have a start or any leads on what to do, until about two hours ago when Chris had called, and instructed her on what to do,her finger hovered on the send icon and she had to snap herself out of the hesitation, she could never have been able to offer a solution to the problem without asking for Chris's help, turns out, he already knew about everything and he just needed her signal to act on it, sending this bulbous guy to help with the problem, but refusing to tell her what exactly was the opponents plan, she had only the texts to guide her, therefore the reason she had been so agitated earlier, the first plan has been sabotaged and now they had gotten over with this, she tapped on the send icon without another blink and then rushed towards her friend with haste, just in case the opponents had another plan up their sleeve.

"Hey, are you okay" she asked Elena when she arrived at her side.

" Yes" Elena nodded in the affirmative.

" Are you really sure?," The man asked, probably looking for more confirmation. Katie smirked, but none of them noticed it.

"Yes, I am okay, thanks,for your concern" She flashed a lovely smile at the man, he smiled back, patting her on the back, but he had an uncomfortable countenance. Katie wanted to punch him so bad, just to wipe the smile from his face, but then she would be questioned and asked why she had done that, to an elderly man, what would she say? she did not have evidence that he was the one that manipulated the chandelier, YET or the fact that he had tried to..

"Katie, Katie, what the hack are you thinking about, are we done with the shoot? I'd really like to go home" Elena pulled her out of her daze, she shook her head to clear her foggy brain.

" Oh, I will just ask them" She said and hurried off right after, leaving Elena to the scrutinizing eyes of the pot bellied man at the back.

Elena felt uncomfortable, like someone was watching her, she tried to shrug the feeling off, but was not able to do so, so she veered around and met the gaze of the man that had helped her out earlier, 'maybe he was just trying to check on me, to see if I am okay, I must seem pale as heck' she thought, but was still not able to shrug the eerie feeling off, 'something is not right with the way he is looking at me, almost as if he is expecting something to happen' she thought, her blood was racing at this point and she could hear her blood drumming in her ears, she withdrew her gaze since he did not drop his and instead gave a sweeping look at the room, trying to find the knight in not so shiny armor, owing to the fact he had been wearing black jean trousers and a black tee with a black hoodie, 'it was always the hooded guys', she thought, remembering the incident with the gamer guy on the day of the Queen's Glow shoot. But then this guy had saved her, was it his instincts or swift action that had saved her, she did not know, she did not also know if it had been pre planned, she just knew that he had saved her sorry ass, and she needed to thank him.

But he was not there, she rubbed her eyes and checked again, but he was not there, he pretty much stood out with his delivery man attire, but now? he was gone, missing, vanished, she sighed, not knowing what to do at this point.

"Hey, you okay?" Katie asked when she returned.

"Yes Katie, it's not like I got killed or even injured or something" Elena said.

Katie was not having it, " What do you mean by that, you almost got hit by a chandelier that was right above your head, do you have any idea how narrow of an escape you just had?." 

" I am okay, I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself and handle situations like this you know, I was only a bit shaken at first, nothing too strenuous." Elena replied, massaging the point in-between her eye brows.

"If you say so, oh and, the director said that the pictures taken is more than enough, they will just chose the best one for the cover and the story, he also said that we are free to go, that you probably need some rest after what happened" Katie relayed.

" Sure, let me go and change." she turned to leave and stopped, then turned.

" But first, who was that guy, the one that saved me, I wanted to go thank him but he just like disappeared into thin air, I saw him whispering to you at the back earlier so I thought he might be an acquaintance" Elena asked.

" Uh..well, I will tell you later, just go and change, I'll be waiting." Katie replied, not ready to spew everything in such an open place, especially when that filthy man was still standing there, looking at them, ready for his plan to work, he was wrong, Katie had everything under control and had even set the plan to back fire. 

"Okay, sure" Elena turned swiftly on her heels and disappeared into the dressing room, wondering why Katie no longer looked as worried as she had been at the early hours, like all the worrying and fretting all dissipated, she was not as agitated as before, Elena knew something was up, but what?.Katie waited for a minute, then two, watching the man from the corner of her eye, he brought out his phone from his pocket,then proceeded to dial a number, placing the phone on his ear, he hurried out the door and disappeared into the hallways, Katie slipped out too, stealthily following him.

His stop was a little compartment, it looked like an area where a meeting would take place, only, it was not large enough for a meeting, it was more the size of a miniature office. The office consisted of only a long wooden table and some few wooden chairs, scattered here and there. He looked left right and center, then proceeded to close the door, without any creaks. Katie saw what he did and immediately went close to the door and opened it just slightly to be able to peek inside, she was not really shocked at who she saw, it was Amelie Banks.

She knew already that Amelie was the master mind and the sole proprietor of the whole scheme, she had her doubts earlier, but then it had been confirmed with what the hoodie guy had whispered to her when he arrived some few hours ago. Now peeking at the woman that was talking to the pot bellied man, she felt a sudden rush of disgust and bile rose to her throat, she wanted to throw up right at the sight of her.

"So, how did it go" she sat at one if the wooden chairs in the room and questioned the man before her, her face had an hopeful expression such that Katie sneered, hands itching to use the wooden chair she was currently sitting on, to wipe that expression off her face.

"Well, the chandelier incident did not go as planned,she was saved, by I think her brother it someone she knows cause I don't think I  have seen him before. The backup plan was smooth though, I made sure I gave her the drink containing the poison from the cobalt glass, the effects must be appear by now, your plan had worked out, and you will have to give me what I deserve right here right now" He licked his lips, and walked towards her, removing the empty glass that had contained a mango smoothie and place it at a far end corner of the room, then he turned back his attention to her, she was smiling, she had already started undressing, showcasing the sexy red brassiere she was wearing, katie wanted to double over and puke her guys out, but common sense prevailed, so instead she brought out her phone and started to video the ongoing scene.

The man had his trousers down, she had taken all her clothing off, climbing on the table on all fours, she did a kind of teasing posture by setting her ass in his few, he grabbed it and squeezed and she gave a low peal of fake laughter.

Amelie knew why she was doing this, she was doing this so that this filthy idiot would put in a good word for her so that she would have the gig for next months editorial as the cover girl, so she was ready to endure another bout of not so appealing sex with the pig, the gain would be greater, plus she would have Elena out of the way. 

Soon the slapping noises produced from both their skins colliding together and the filthy grunts and groans (mainly from the man) only helped to irritate Katie the more, she'd had enough and she would not stand to watch any more of their very disgusting love making, if you could even call it that, what they were doing was plain disgusting, Katie wondered whether this was what those wannabe models and actresses go through to get their gigs.

She ended the video and pushed the door wide open, he was still inside her, Katie vowed to make sure they were embarrassed as hell.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat loudly.

They both jumped at the same time, shock evident on her face.

"say cheese" she smiled and took a snap shot. " well, I don't mean to interrupt, you can carry on with what you were doing, I really do not mind watching, I have been watching for the past few minutes." Katie sighed in mock bliss.

" wh...wh...what are you d-doing here?"Amelie stuttered.

" Why are you sputtering, you should have expected to see me here, or did you forget that Elena, the one YOU tried to kill, was having a shoot here today, or are you that dumb, do you think I'm stupid and would not catch on to what was going on, hell no" Katie smirked in satisfaction.

 Now that the imminent shock had worn off, they both scrambled for their clothes.

"Aww, do not spoil the fun, at least allow him to make you reach orgasm with his dick that was never hard, oops,semi hard" Katie said covering her mouth at the last part.

Amelie looked like she wanted to throw herself in the river and Katie wanted to reassure har that she did not even need to go that far, her time was near.

" How much did you see"Amelie asked throwing her clenched teeth, closing her eyes.

" See? that should not be your concern right now, your concern should be about the video that will be circulating the internet really soon, and the poison that is slowly making it's way and familiarizing itself in your blood stream, that should be what you are worried about the most right now" Katie was still all smiles.

Amelie's eyes snapped open at Katie's words.

" Video? poison?" She asked, taking in a large breath of air and gulping.

" You heard it right, you did not expect me to just watch that disgusting act all by myself did you? of course I have to share it with the world,sharing is caring remember? and also, did you really expect me to just let you poison my best friends water? oh hell no, I sabotaged you Amelie, and I also got the exact poison you put in her water, I got someone to help me put it in your milkshake and deliver it to you, when you were about to enter the building remember? the delivery guy?" Katie explained.

Amelie turned pale, almost a bluish hue.

"poison? I am going to die? please, please" she started begging, fear looming on her face.

" No no uh-uh, do not be scared, I am not evil, it was not my plan to poison you, you just messed with the wrong person who has a lot of backing, and also, I did not want to kill you, you would be dead by now if that had been my plan, so I did not put a large quantity of poison, only the volume that would help to paralyze you, you created a mess for yourself, you have to face the music, plus, where's the fun in posting two sex tapes of a dead person, I want you to watch your own downfall with your eyes, to live through your remaining days in misery and what ifs, I want you to think about the consequences of your actions and how it would have turned out if you were not so bent on destroying another person." Katie said, the smirk never leaving her face.

"Two sex tapes? p-please, I b-beg you, please don't do this, p-please" She started sobbing.

" Oh, you had quite a rendezvous at the cheapskate hotel, I can't let that slide now can I?  I am sure the netizens will enjoy your episode" Katie laughed clicking her tongue continuously.

At this point, Amelie fell on her knees, still naked, she had not found the strength to pull on her clothes and cried pleading and begging. Katie lowered herself to her height by squatting, then grabbed her by the jaw and whispered.

" You tried all those times and failed, but you did not stop, you wanted to bring Elena down huh, how does it feel knowing that your end is near, you stink and reek of disgrace,Karma really IS a bitch" With that she released her iron grip on her jaw and walked of the room, Amelie let out a disgraced yell. 

Author's Note:

mwahahahah mwahahahah *evil cackle with hands mid air*. I am pretty extra guys, it's almost evil and I love it. How do you rate this chapter out of a hundred.  I enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much. I guess really did Amelie dirty, but what can I say, I always hated her from the beginning, and I am not one to be mild, maybe Elena but not me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys, I love you❣️❣️❣️. Stay tuned for more. Goodbye, till my next update,ILY ♥️♥️♥️.