
Chapter Forty eight.

Elena's Pov.

 I sat on the sofa going through my phone, the social media was on fire, people were bashing and cursing Amelie Banks till today, it's been two days since the incident and the netizens were shocked, and I myself was aghast when Katie told me all about it, I must say, Lorenzo was thorough and extreme.

The multiple sex tapes had been released and not long after, news got out that she was in the hospital, completely paralyzed, apparently she had called the emergency number herself, the internet and netizens were not also taking it easy on her, turns out she had manipulated almost all her endorsements, and everything just came crashing down for her, she was stuck in an immobile body, knowing that everybody outside hated her guts, banned by LSC, since LSC was one of the biggest, and she had been banned by LSC, other agencies had followed suit, blacklisting her, her endorsements withdrawn, her name tarnished. She would have to move in with her parents, if they were still alive, and if they still wanted her after how shitty she had been, if not she would then have to hire a nurse, since her step sister Rosette had not bothered to visit her, even for a second, I know because I might have asked Katie to find out for me, but then her income would start to wane, and since she could not move any part of her body, then it's all downhill from there. I shuddered at her plight.

But then again, if her plan had not been foiled, I would be the one in her state, mine would have been better though, or maybe worse.

What if the chandelier had made a direct hit at me, I would have been in the same state as she is in now, paralyzed, or what if Katie had not intervened, I would have drank the poisoned water and then I would have kicked the bucket, dead. I shuddered again, if the chandelier had hit me, I would have been paralyzed, unable to work, what then, I would have Lorenzo to care for me, but then what if he did not need me anymore, because I would not be 'useful' anymore, that would have been the end of me, I realized how much I needed to keep myself safe, for me, my future, my mother, yes Lorenzo was the best if the best, but would he still need me if I was no more valid, if I became an invalid, I wouldn't want me too if I was in his shoes.

Well Amelie had definitely learnt her lesson, the hard way, maybe in her next life, if such a thing existed, she would learn from this life and make her choices carefully, she had met her end without my name being involved in it, even though I am the reason she met her climax, nobody knew that she had tried to kill me, she already had a lot on her plate I did not want to add to it, she had been exposed of her misdeeds and I had nothing to do with those.

Molly and Kayla had almost tripped on seeing me in the office yesterday, guess they were in on the plan, or maybe not, but they knew that I was involved in a way or two with the downfall of their tyrant leader, aside from that, everything had been okay at the office, until Valerie came along, she had just returned from a shoot looking all hot and set, when she had seen me with Katie, she had snorted and muttered something about abominations roaming the earth, under her breath, I kept silent, she might have been talking about herself, but when she came up to us in the office and sneered at me, asking, " so you did not know she was a dyke?" 

Well, just like any other sensible person would do, I sneered right back and gnashed my teeth pretending she was not talking to me.

She said it more loudly this time, "Hey changeling, did you not know that she was a dyke, a fucking faggot?" This drew attention of the people outside, since she was standing at the doorway, but when she turned her sneer to them, they did not need telling on how to mind their businesses. This time, I don't know if it was because of the fact that she called me a changeling or the fact that she called Katie a faggot, the term I so hated, I made sure to release a low snicker for her ears and Katie's and mine.

"What? are you finally out of your drunken stupor? because you still sound drunk. You are making quite a fool of yourself? do you even realize how stupid you sound? I am not sure you know, but then let me enlighten you, YES Valerie, I am aware of the fact that my best friend over there is an homosexual, your low mentality would not allow you to stop discriminating people, but I was never like you, never will be. I agree that I did not know about it before, and I still like her, the fact that she is homosexual should not stop me from liking her, or even make me to like her less, it's only just a preference, between male and female, and I am not going to make her feel like shit because of what or who she likes, that's plain stupid and twisted, you may be homophobic, that sounds like a 'you' problem, don't drag me into it" I was raging and my face was red by the time I was done speaking, I took a sip of water from my handy water bottle.She looked shocked at my proclamation, like it was my duty to side with her twisted and discriminatory views, well, I proved her wrong.

"But it's abnormal, women are supposed to like men, not women like them, they are abnormal, it's all wrong, thus should not be happening, they should all be wiped out" She said, almost looking unsure.

Wiped out?

"Like I said, if you have any problems with homosexuals, that is a 'you' problem, I have nothing to do with it, you have to work on yourself to get that problem out, but then, it is not her fault that her preference lies there, we do not have a choice in our making, everyone has their demons, if I can call it that, they do not have to be crucified for it, and please, don't use the 'f' word again, I don't know how I will react if you do" I'd said.

She looked at me for two seconds, unable to speak, then turned away and left, more like stomped away like a child throwing a tantrum.

Katie had been silent all through, but I could see on her face that she was thankful to me for standing up for her, and calling her my best friend.

But back to the present, here she was moping around, with a long face.

"okay, are you gonna tell me what your problem is exactly" I asked for the millionth time today, which was only just the third time.

"Oh Elena, I don't know what to do" She said, again.

"You do realize that you have not given me a direct answer, how am I supposed to know what is bothering you if you don't tell me?" I asked.

"Ughhh I hate my life you know that?" she asked, slapping herself on the cheek.

"I know, I hate your life too, now if you will, tell me what the problem is" I tried again.

" oh Elena, can you even imagine, I called mom to talk to her over the phone, and she said that if I have anything important to say, I should come over for dinner" she said.

Then why was she being so dramatic about it, " that's a good thing, why then ate you being so dramatic, people tend to be more considerate and understanding with a full stomach, when are you going?" I asked.

" When am I going? probably never, I mean, she wants me to come today, technically she thinks it's okay, since I called yesterday and she was like ' yeah come tomorrow for dinner then we can discuss' and today I am totally freaking out and hell if I'll go alone, she will definitely invite Matt and Josette and my dick head brother will be there, whatever am I going to do, I can't go alone, it's a freaking six hour drive from here, I have only two hours left to prepare if I want to go, but I am not even sure if I want to go, talk less if picking an outfit, I am doomed" she replied in one breathe, tugging at her hair.

"stop tugging at your hair, you do not want to arrive there looking like gollum from lord of the rings, that would actually be a start, then we can think of the rest" I suggested and her hand dropped to her sides before I could spell ME.

"so what do you reckon we do" she asked, eyes widened.

" Well first,do you want to go?"I asked, looking at her expectantly.

" Well, I guess I just want to get this over with,so I think...yes?" The last part came out more like an unsure question than a statement.

"okay, so you wanna go" I started," to clear things up" I quickly added.

She nodded in the affirmative.

"But you are scared" I looked at her like a professor questioning a student.

"Yes" She responded gruffly.

"That's easy, I can come with you" I stared," if you want me to, that is" I added.

She almost jumped on me in excitement, " Really? of course I want you to come, would you really come with me, I would love that, it would mean so much to me, you can not even start to imagine, it's like you are my saving grace, I really need the strength, and someone to distract me from Josette, so you coming along will pretty much be the best thing you can do for me."

okay, that was a confession.

" But then if it's a six hour drive to the place, aren't we going to have to sleep over?" I asked.

" We might, but if it gets too uncomfortable, we can just book a hotel and stay for the night, so you up?" she asked looking hopeful.

" sure, did you not say we had two hours,we better start fishing for outfits." I said and dropped the phone I was holding and immediately went to my bedroom as she dashed to hers.

Some time later, I was still in a heap of clothes, I did not know if I should go on jeans, though that would be too casual, or a suit, that also would be too formal. I groaned, why does it have to be so hard. At long last, I chose to wear a simple flared gown that had ruffled sleeves and my favorite flats, it was just a simple dress, one of my old dresses in fact, it was among the things that Katie had managed to hijack from my apartment.

Katie was shuffling on the stairs, trying to put in her high tops,she was wearing black jean trousers and a large T shirt that read, A GIRL CAN BE ANYTHING.

Was there a reason for the choice of outfit, I did not know and I did not bother to ask, we were running low on time."I'm coming, I'm coming, don't be in such a hurry" she yelled right back.

" How can I not, thus is your chance need I remind you?" I said since she had gotten closer.

" Yeah yeah whatever" she drawled.

We both rushed out the door when everything we were both set and jumped into Katie's car, literally.

"This is going to be one long ride" I heaved, more like wheezed, due to the fact that my breath was caught in my throat from all the running.

"This is going to be one long evening" Katie said, gearing the engine and pulling out of the compound.


 "We are here" Katie announced as we pulled the garage, I was faced with a large bungalow, it looked comfortable and warm, but then again, do.not judge a book by its cover.

"Alrighty, let's do this, just hold my hand and breathe slowly and steadily, nothing is going to go wrong, you have me here okay?" I encouraged.

" Okay, just breathe, fine, everything will be okay" She echoed.

We both held hands and knocked on the door, it was opened by a stout woman with a graying and receding hairline, she was beautiful with gray eyes that complimented her hair, she had a kind of upside down mouth that looked turned into a boxy smile when she smiled, which she was currently doing. 

"Hello darling" she greeted her daughter.

"Hello ma" Katie muttered drily with no enthusiasm, if her mother noticed her lack of humor, she did not show it, instead she turned to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello dear, Kate did not tell me she was bringing a friend, I would have made more soup and dessert, but okay, the more the merrier" she announced.

" Hi ma, it's nice to meet you, sorry for the inconvenience, my name is Elena, I practically bullied Katie to take me." I half lied, giving Katie a wink as she was about to protest.

" Then please do come inside" her mother ushered, still the perfect host.

"Thanks" We both muttered at the same time and I looked at Katie, she was so nervous that she was making it awkward. Her mom was confused at what was going on, but did not say anything, again.

 Once inside, I found a man in a wheelchair, his hair was graying at the temples and his eyebrows too, he must be Katie's father, they had a striking resemblance, it was just like the older male version of Katie, I bowed in greeting, Katie placed a kiss on his forehead but said nothing, a blonde guy was sitting on a sofa next to a ack haired taller one, one if them must be Matt and the other must be Katie's brother.

"Marie, I think the oven is calling you" A blonde girl walked out of the kitchen and Katie's grip tightened around my hand, it was her, josette. She was walking towards her brother, who I'm guessing was the blonde haired one, when she noticed us, standing hand in hand like strangers, they looked like one big family and Katie just did not fit, I see where her insecurities stemmed from.

My mouth went dry, she just sent me a sharp piercing glare. Katie's word echoed in my ear.

"This is going to be one long evening".

Author's Note:

Hey guys, how was your day🙂🙂, mine was stressful🥺🥺, but as devoted as I am, I still gave you your daily update🤯, I think I deserve a standing ovation 👏👏, now don't I.

Anyway guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter, what do you think will happen next, hot scarring and searing drama or cool family reunion, Katie's fate is in your hands, or mine. Let me know what you want in my Twitter account @cancerzodiac9 don't forget to follow me while you are at it✌️, thank you for reading my book , it means a lot to me🥰🥰, I know y'all are tired of hearing this, but I love you guys so freaking much it hurts 😔♥️♥️ I love yoongi more though but don't tell him that 😏🤐🤫, enjoy the rest of your day, or night, xoxo ❣️❣️♥️🥰😘😊.
