
Always The Chivalrous Man

It was the evening of the next day and Alaina was having contemplations about whether or not going to the dinner tonight would be a good idea, all day long. Finally after getting home from her rendezvous with Aria during most of the day time in which they had a great time of gossiping among themselves about many things regarding a dress of the next 'it' girl ,after Ariadne, wore which made her look like a fat horse and how Mandy was actually a nice girl but was seen a few times talking to the infamous –infamous only in Alaina and Aria's eyes- Ivar Azai,  and Aria talking her into it; Alaina informed Jake that they would indeed be going tonight. 

He was skeptical at first and multiple times he asked if she was sure about it and being reassured by Alaina every time, Jake was finally okay with it. Somehow Alaina doubted that Jake only wanted to go so he could get a chance to get in his vengeful punch he wanted to so badly.