
Bound by Deception: Billionaire's hostage heart

In the heart of New York City, a web of deceit and desperation unfolds as Ava Montgomery's twin brother, Ethan, perpetrates a daring heist against the enigmatic billionaire CEO, Jacob Blackwood. When the theft goes awry, Ethan goes into hiding, leaving Ava to face the consequences of his actions. Fueled by a desperate need to find her brother, Ava becomes an unwitting pawn in Jacob's dangerous game. Convinced that holding Ava hostage will lure Ethan out of hiding, Jacob takes her captive, intending to use her as leverage. As Ava and Jacob navigate the confines of captivity, they find themselves drawn to one another in unexpected ways. Despite the dire circumstances, a profound connection forms between them. Ava, initially resentful and frightened, discovers a different side to Jacob – a man scarred by his own past, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice. In the midst of danger and deception, Ava and Jacob's relationship deepens, blurring the lines between captor and captive. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the complexities of trust and love. As the truth behind Ethan's actions begins to surface, Ava and Jacob must confront their own demons and decide whether their burgeoning love can withstand the storm of secrets surrounding them. Will they find a way to trust each other, even when the truth threatens to tear them apart? In this tale of unexpected romance, Ava and Jacob must navigate the treacherous waters of deception and desire, learning that sometimes, love can bloom in the most unlikely of places.

Anita_Martins_1617 · Thành thị
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5 Chs


    The grand ballroom shimmered with opulence, a sea of elegant gowns and tailored suits, as Ava Montgomery hesitantly stepped into the world of New York's elite. Her eyes widened with wonder at the sight of celebrities and billionaires mingling under the glittering chandeliers. 

Why did Ethan invite her here knowing how she always felt about places and occasions like this? Out of place, just like she's feeling now. 

Ava wears a simple, knee-length navy blue dress that modestly accentuates her figure, paired with nude pumps that have seen better days. Despite the occasion's extravagance, she manages to pull off the look with confidence. 

Her strawberry blonde hair is neatly packed into an elegant bun, with a few loose strands framing her face, adding a touch of softness to her overall appearance. Despite the budget constraints, Ava exudes grace and poise, making the most of her low-cost outfit for the extravagant event. 

"Now where is Ethan?" Ava wondered whilst looking around. She brought out her phone and dialed Ethan's number. 

"Ethan, where are you? I'm here now and I can't find you. Call me back when you get this. No scratch that. Call me back now." Ava sighs, ending the dial. She knows no one here but seeing as her smart twin brother was able to get a job at such a huge company, she might as well stay and watch him show off his skills proudly. 

 "I'm glad you could make it. Enjoy the party. All these wouldn't have been possible without our biggest investors." Jacob Blackwood was referring to the bald man standing before him, taking his hand in a handshake, he turns to his secretary, 

"What's next?" The young man looks down on the iPad in his hands making notes, "Our cyber analysts are yet to locate the one hundred and fifty million dollars, and Mr Ethan is still out of reach." 

Jacob scans the room with his eyes, as if looking for something suspicious and out of place, his eyes setting down on the lady in elegant buns. Though the navy blue dress looks so basic, it fits perfectly well as it hugs every curve on her. 

She seems lost. Is she in the right place? Regardless of all, he didn't fail to notice Ava's eyes sparkled with joy as her lips curled into a radiant smile, illuminating her face with happiness. The corners of her mouth lifted, and her cheeks glowed, conveying genuine delight and warmth to everyone around her.

He beckons to a waiter, grabs a glass, and heads towards her. "Drinks?" "Ah yes, thank you," Ava said, taking the glass from him and taking a sip. 

He looks closely at her, "doesn't she recognize me? She doesn't seem to know who I am or is this a trick? Only one way to find out." 

"So, you look lost." 

"Is that obvious? I thought I was doing a very good job at hiding it." Ava replied clutching the glass tightly.

"Okay, so what's a lady like you doing here? You don't look like you know anyone here."

"My friend works here, and he invited me over. I've not seen him since I stepped in here. And since I'm here, I was hoping for a chance to run into Mr Blackwood. He owns the company." Ava downed the contents of the glass at a go, beckoned on a waiter, and setting down the empty glass, she took a filled glass. 

"Interesting. Whatever for?"

"I just wanted to see what he looks like. You know, to see if he looked like the press describes him or more of what the rumors say he is." 

He saw James, his secretary approaching, and he quickly looked for a way to get her discharged immediately, "Okay, uhm… I didn't get your name…?" 


"Ava. Okay. It's nice running into you and I do hope we get the chance to meet again." Turning on his heels and walking towards his secretary, she heard the other guy call out, "Mr Blackwood, we're ready." 

"Did I hear right? Mr Blackwood? As in The Mr Blackwood? Jacob Blackwood? Oh my God. I hope I didn't just get Ethan fired for my mistakes. I didn't make any mistakes, did I? Now where is Ethan just when I need him?." She brought out her phone again and tried dialing the number again. She reaches the voicemail again and sighs in frustration. 

Seeing as her attempts were futile in reaching Ethan, she spent a few more minutes at the party and then left back to her place. 

   Ava just lost her job, "bastards, they couldn't have the decency to do it in person. They had to fire me over the phone?! Danm." 

Ethan is the only hope she has, seeing as he works in such a huge company, he has a place here, so she could spend a little time with him while looking to figure out what to do with herself. But for today, she's going to his company to look for him in person. "I just hope he's not getting into any trouble." 

     Jacob Blackwood is in his office now, fuming, "What do you mean a contract worker stole from me?! Nobody steals from me! Nobody!" 

In Jacob's office, the atmosphere was tense, the air heavy with a mix of anger and frustration. His usually tidy workspace was now cluttered with scattered papers and a half-empty coffee cup, a testament to his troubled state of mind.

 The dim, muted light from the desk lamp cast long shadows, adding to the somber ambiance of the room. Seated behind his desk, Jacob rubbed his temples, his furrowed brows reflecting his disbelief and betrayal. He glanced over at his secretary, James, who stood nearby, concern etched across his face. 

"Let's involve the CIA. It's a matter of national security. We can recover the money easier." 

"It's not about the money! I don't give a danm about the money. What about my reputation? What will investors and clients say when someone can steal from me?! Nobody steals from me. I am what lesser men fear."

"I want you to hire a private investigator. He should find out everything about Ethan Davis, from the number of hairs on his head, to how many times he washes his feet in a day. Everything. I want every single detail." Jacob stood up almost immediately with a forceful curse under his breath, banging his fists on his table. 

A soft knock on the door, "Mr Blackwood, one Miss Ava is here. She's looking for Ethan Davis." The door opens as Ava steps into the office. 

"You?" Jacob asks, beckoning her to come closer. 

"Why are you looking for Ethan Davis? Who are you?' 

"Uhm…" she was cut short just as she was about to speak.

"It was you at the party. Was that when you planned your robbery with your lover?!" Jacob thunders

"Lover? What are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Ava looks as confused as ever as she looks from Jacob to the other man in the room whom she presumes to be his secretary. 

"Don't play dumb with me. You and your lover planned to rip me off a hundred and fifty million dollars!" He bangs his fists on the table, his face red all of a sudden.

"What? One hundred and fifty million dollars? Did I hear wrong? Oh God, no. Ethan, what have you done? What did you just get me dragged into?."