

Loverina was just in the quiet room, all to herself. No one to talk to and not even a phone to keep herself busy. The television was just there but she had no zeal to watch it. She was rather still too emotional and wouldn't think straight. Only if she had answers to the questions in her head. Only if she knew exactly what was really going on. The room was way too quiet. Anyone would bet that there was no one inside. In as much as she wanted to escape, the suffering and punishment of the previous night was somehow still fresh in her memory.

“What will be my next punishment?” She asked herself and folded her legs together, burying her on her laps with her hands supporting her head from relaxing on the lap.

Loverina gave out a heavy breathe before she heard a knock on the door. It was too early for Jayden to return or did he not leave at all? Loverina kept her eyes fixed at the door as it was opened and from the sound of the heels, Loverina knew it was a lady.