

SYNOPSIS Bridget Smith lives in a pack where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna but she is no different from a slave. She works her bones all day and is constantly harassed sexually by her brother Shawn and another wolf in the pack. There are constant threats to sell her off to an evil Alpha even though she works as hard as she can. She is timid, shy, doesn't talk back and endures all the injustice without a word. What happens after Bridget finds her mate, who she finds out had to pay heavily for her? Does she finally get her happily ever after life or there's more to it than what she can imagine? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY. Bridget Smith. 30 ancient years old, She looks younger than she is and is easily one of the prettiest wolves in the father's pack, though, years of wearing the same servant's garb, have hidden her beauty. She is shy, timid, quiet and subservient due to the maltreatment of her family and the pack at large, Her hair is in pretty rolls that highlight her face whenever she's not staring at the floor and her purple eyes stand out all the time. Bridget Smith, a young unmated wolf lives in the pack, "Blood Forest Pack", where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna is a pack slave, you would think she had all the privileges but she is maltreated and abused by her family members. She is used as a pawn countless times and all her life, she doesn't know what familial love can be, except for the alpha and his family who cared deeply for her and protected her from her own family, the gamma and his family are eventually thrown out of the pack by her father and once again she finds that she is alone. Due to her family's treatment, she is quiet and subservient like a servant, harassed and publicly mocked. Then comes Alpha William waltzing into her life out of nowhere by a twist of fate, in a chance encounter with him when he comes to settle some business with her father, he is the Alpha of the ....... Pack. She is

Moni Sky · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

Smith Bridget P.O.V

‘Why are you panicking?’ Deli suddenly asked. I was so relieved to hear her voice again. I quickly called out for help, “Deli, help me… Please.”

‘He’s our mate. You shouldn’t be so scared of intimacy with our mate,’ Deli rebuked me instead. I sighed and replied, ‘But, I still think everything is going too fast… I’m not ready for this yet. Beta Gaby… Alpha Jackson… They have all done theirs.’

‘Sandra, you know William isn’t like them,’ I could feel her sigh and then she continued talking, “I wish I was strong enough.’ I could instantly feel a strong sense of longing. It’s so unfair that I’m so weak.

Deli can’t be with his wolf because of me. I sighed again, feeling so sad. I wish I had known about mating bonds earlier. Why can’t I even shift?

Believe me, I tried so many times years before to shift but there was just this painful sensation whenever I tried. I couldn’t endure the pain cause I was and am still weak.