
Chapter 33

Reaching the hospital Gina and Zheng Zhou walked out if the call elegantly as everyone stared at them with awe

"Oh my dear Best buddy, I still can't believe that I'm an aunt" Gina said dramatically and Ginze turned to look at Zhengzhou without a word

"Gina, don't be so loud or you'll make the baby, also are you and Zhengzhou back together?" Yna asked slowly as she stared at both of them

"No.. no no he wanted to come see you and the baby, I .... it was a coincidence actually, the baby is so... green? why is he so green?" Gina said as she stared at Yna suspeciously and then whispered so everyone could hear

"Is he even for my brother" She joked and Yna frowned hardly

"When you give birth and your child is just a day old and black, I'll ask you if he's even for Zhou"

She and Zheng Zhou had a baby?? he would be so adorable afterall Zhengzhou was adorable unlike her asshole brother

"It won't happen" Ginze said cutting through his sister's thought and that made Gina felt bad, if her brother said something it was bound to happen except to Yna

"Why? Zhou is such a good guy!" Yna said that instant and Zhou rolled his eyes, however if he want to marry Gina, he would kidnap her and get married before Ginze would get to them

"Hey guys! I'm here, stop talking about me"

"I prefer you being just a spy, wouldn't you be somewhere in a Mountain around here with the rifle?"

Zhou sighed with a closed eyes as he ignored Ginze and smiled towards Lin Yna "How are you feeling?"

"Well I'm not sore....

"You should have not replied, she's fine, she's only tired, you both can go, go... go" Ginze wanted time with his wife so he was very angry that this two had showed up

"Are you driving us away"..

"What if I am? are you having nerves now to speak back? do you want to return to the Chen mansion for life?" Ginze eyes were cold and Gina gritted her teeth

Soon enough Ginyu walked into the room and the atmosphere was very tensed making him to laugh slowly seeing his siblings in a staring war

"Sister in law must be so confused as to why her husband is having a staring competition, Gina lets go.... Zhengzhou? s... since when?? aren't you Gina's boyfriend?"

Ginyu shoved his hands to his pocket and leaned to the wall making him look extremely gorgeous and Yna could only stare at him

In comparison with Ginze, Ginyu was just not as broad and tall as Ginze but in resemblance one would say they were really twin, which they weren't

"Don't look at him" Ginze noticed His wife's gaze at his brother and his face darkened

"He's just so like you" Yna said and Ginyu winced at her

"Oh get lost!" Ginze said to Ginyu who immediately laughed and he then turned to Yna "He's not good in bed like I am" Ginze said shamelessly and Gina's ears were already burning of romance in the air

"Zhengzhou let's go, I hate it when they go around tossing who's better" Gina said and Zheng only sighed as she held her hand ready to go but Ginyu held back his sister

With a much more serious face Ginyu said "Let go of my sister!" He was much more serious and Both best friends stared at each other..

"Ginyu what is wrong with you?" Gina gritted her teeth, "What sort of over possessiveness is this? you let go of me!"

Ginze only smirked as his main for us was on his wife and child

"Once that child wake up you three forget about living"

Lin Yna's eyes widened a bit as she turned to look at Zhengzhou with a pleading eye

Zhou understood and let go of Gina before walking out without turning back, if it wasn't for Lin Yna and her child he wouldn't have agreed to that Chen Ginyu of a person

"Hmmph! Brother!!" Gina turned to Ginze slowly "Biggest brother you let him bully me, who then will marry me huh? is it both of you?" Gina gritted her teeth and walked out in arrogance

"Watch her, and watch him" Ginze instructed Ginyu who scoffed and turned to Lin Yna who hadn't said a word since

"Your husband is the main bully here, I have a life to lead, he still let me go after that arrogant little chick who always end up getting more arrogant" Ginze scoffed and watched his younger brother leave with a frown

"Ginze what did you do?" Lin Yna frowned slowly and Ginze turned to look away from her

"Will you be able to take care of your self? I told you that I have a business meeting for two days, I'll send you to the Chen residence...

"Ginze answer me what was the meeting for that huh? Zhou and Gina would want to get married and I do not want you or even Ginyu to spoil that, you got married to who you want to and...

"No I didn't get married to who I wanted to..." Ginze suddenly blurted out and the child cries could be heard

Lin Yna said no words as she slowly carried her child to breath feed him


Lin Yna hadn't said a word for a very long time and she didn't cry neither did she do anything

After that day she was sent home and Ginze already left for his meeting, he was turning bitter by the day, extremely bitter, maybe now that she had given him a child he doesn't want her anymore

"Lin yna??" Madam Chen called out as she hurried to her daughter in-law before taking the child from her that instant

"Mother, after giving birth do I still mean anything?" Yna sudden blurted out and the Madam turned to her daughter in law

"Of course, you just continued the Bloodline of this family, you mean more than alot than just a wife and lover to Ginze okay? " Madam Chen said and everyone immediately welcomed Lin Yna in afterall she was the soon to be Young madam Chen of the Chen residence

"But Ginze and I are not lovers, he just told me that, he didn't marry who he wanted to marry, I only... I..." Lin Yna stammered as tear filled her eyes and The madam Chen stared at her slowly

'' Bet me when I say he'll come back to his senses, he said it in anger I'm sure"

"The truth are best said in anger!" Lin Yna said as she walked up with maids trailing behind her


Printed by Sharon Raj

Edited by Sharon Raj.


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