
Born With Magical Powers

Author: BORN WITH MAGICAL POWERS. Written by Hula Dennis Ternenge. PREAMBLE. Born with magical powers is a thrilling story of a man who was born with supernatural powers by a woman named Dooter The mother of the child who was born with supernatural powers was actually cursed by a hierarchy sorcerer in the village for discovering her real identity which the sorcerer then told her (Dooter) to join her coven. She refused and so, the sorcerer placed a curse of barrenness on her. Been cursed ever since she was a little maiden, Dooter grew up to be a matured woman forgetting the sorcerer's curse. As time would have it that she was to be married, it began to take form that the curse would see that indeed Dooter wouldn't have a child in her first marriage and the husband took her back to her parent. She remarried but the same feat from her first marriage came at her again- not even an issue of the slightest sight of a swollen belly as she was again sent back to her parent. She got married to the third husband but after persevering for more than 3 years, he couldn't handle the pressure of not being a father after a 3years marriage without the slightest of any miscarriage... 3 different husbands and not a child to show for such unions, her parent then decided to find the cause of the barrenness.... Orthodox and unorthodox means were implored and sought after for the spur and cure. With three different men ending their marriage with just one woman due to barrenness, it became the talk of the town to the point of mockery for Dooter as her friends would never cease to mention her misfortunes when a fight or quarrel arises between Dooter and her friends. It went on without the possible nearest solution and thus, the case of Dooter got the best of her mother till it became an heart attack. Many doctors both English and native gave their diagnosis that Dooter would never bare a child but the cause of such barrenness they couldn't even fathom or explain and yet Dooter, a strong willeds person never gave up to her I'll fated ordeals. She kept assuring her parent and herself that she wasn't born a barren and she would never remain a barren. She believed so much in herself that she didn't allow the mockery weigh her down as she went her ways in her dealings with her head held high. Her former husbands all remarried and were blessed with offsprings but for Dooter, no one came for her hand in marriage: she was an epitome of misfortune with no fruit of the womb. What love would a man show and how long would a man stay with a barren woman?! Even though she was the prettiest girl in the whole village, no one wanted her as a wife not even a spouse.She was 30yrs of age and yet, not even a suitor asked for her hand in marriage. All hopes seemed lost but to Dooter, she kept on believing. .

HuladennisT · Lịch sử
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After returning to the city with his mother in preparation for the marriage, Mr Martins asked his mother what he had to buy for the women.. She gave him a list of things he had to get from the market and he at once went to get them.

He bought 6 jerry cans of red oil, 6 bags of salt, 4 crates of soft and assorted drinks each, bush meat for his mother in-law, a kerosene lamp, twelve different materials of Abada and so many other things included... On getting home, his mother went through the items and was pleased that Mr Martins didn't miss but bought all which was on the list and many other things.... Mr Martins kept the items and then called his father asking him the major things needed to be bought but his father told him to send the money down to him so as to get everything needed which may prove difficult for his son to get all at once...

Once everything was almost in place, Mr Martins placed calls to his brothers informing them of the developments and plans being set in motion till the very present... They all agreed to his plans and were ready to follow him to the marriage...

On the eve of the marriage, Mr Martins called his father and instructed him to be at the village with his entourage which his father did as directed.... Mr Martins' father then took brothers and well wishers who would be following them on buses chartered for 2days both to and fro to the neighboring village of their destination...

The arrived the village spending just few hours since the designated village and venue for the wedding was not far from where they settled.... Before they got to destination, chairs and tables were already set and so, on the arrival of Mr Martins' father and his entourage, Ayaaga welcomed his future in laws and guests, sat them down and chatted with them while they awaited the arrival of the groom to be.... After couple of hours, Mr Martins, his mother and her sisters, his friends and colleagues and well wishers arrived as Dooter, her father and mother and all that were present welcomed them with singing and dancing as the newly arrived groom began to spray money.... They were all entertained with food and different drinks being preferred by all who wanted this or the other (alcoholic and non alcoholic).

It was livelier later in the evening as they were all in merriment and prepared for the initial wedding the next day and soon, some slept while most didn't sleep until the cock crowed...

Early the following day, well wishers from the neighboring village and invited guests had began to grace the venue for the wedding as Ayaaga welcomed them all and did the part with his wife of introducing his visitors including the family of his soon to be in laws.....

In no time, the wedding was in procession as both spouses were seated at the corner of their family's side.... The eldest from the Ayaagas' clan stood up and according to tradition addressed and also asked why the gathering was in place to which Mr Martins' father spoke saying that his son had seen and come to pluck a rose flower from the Ayaaga's garden of which they all came to seek the gardener(s) permission lest they would be trespassing and being called thieves.... All laughed heartily as Ayaaga himself stood up and addressed the seated crowd of gathering...

Soon, the dowry was brought forth and the list was read out of which all items and money were intact including other items added as peripherals to the list...

There and then afterwards, the eldest woman in the gathering, being her duty for the day, called on Dooter and Mr Martins as they came standing at her sides each... She recited love vows and the rest to which Dooter and Mr Martins solemnly promised to keep... Mrs Mzamber had in between expressed how hard but inevitable it was seeing her daughter leave when she was summoned to speak but Mrs Anike, when also asked to speak, of all her statements addressed her in laws that not only is Dooter marrying their son but also she is being adopted as her own daughter....

After Dooter and Mr Martins were pronounced as husband and wife, guests were entertained with lots of food, drinks and live performances as the newly wedded couples were asked to dance while gifts were being showered on the couples... As the night approached, the couples and the groom's family began to leave for Mr Martins' father's village. A few minutes drive and then Dooter, through the window opened saw the old man who once visited them and strangely disappeared waving at them if not at her.... Dooter waved back and then looked round to see if she was the only one waving back. Mr Martins was receiving a call while the two other people in the car were half asleep: she was the only one that waved back.