
Born To Fight

Wilson has a dream to become a pro-wrestler. he goes against his mom's wishes to follow his dream, and he will do anything to become a successful fighter. He does not get into the academy but gets caught in the scandal of various nobles. Then he joins the revolutionaries to rebel against nobles but soon realises he can't give up his dream. Note: This novel is definitely not one of those cultivation type of books the MC is some OP dude, with girls flocking around him and the likes. cos it is simply not one of them. He makes lots of impulsive decisions and is understandably naive. He will only grow stronger as the novel progresses. So, if this doesn't look like what you prefer, at least do not post some annoying reviews. Thanks for understanding.

Mich14 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
143 Chs

Chapter 110- An Alliance of the Hunted part 6

"You sure you are not just sending me out there to die?" Wilson asked. Dash ignored him and continued:

"That is her biggest flaw though. Her ability feeds on life-force, which means she would try her best to not kill you so she can get stronger by absorbing. If you know what I mean."

"No, I don't."

"Look, Wilson, it's not that difficult…."

"Then, do it yourself!" Wilson said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I am not going to fight someone with an ability like that."

Dash had to agree.

"Yeah! That is nightmare material. We will take care of her later." He said and pressed a key, causing the live video feed to change from Lady Margaret to another female. But this time, she was a fully grown woman; a true beauty.

Wilson shook his head again.

"If she is using seductive abilities, count me out of that as well." He said.

"Don't worry. I will handle this one." Dash said and pointed to a different screen. "That boy, you will handle."

"He has strength-type ability. But he recently awakened it. I wager he has not gotten the hang of it yet and this is supposed to be some real-life experience to help him integrate and get used to his ability. After all, it is really difficult to control one's strength especially if it suddenly increased overnight."

Wilson shook his head, a little lost as to what Dash implied.

"You lost me."

Dash groaned.

"Look, awakening a strength-related ability causes one's general strength value to fluctuate. Sometimes it goes very high and sometimes, you lose strength. Activating such abilities also takes a toll on the users; especially if the user was not strength oriented to begin with." He gave a short explanation - with his voice slightly raised - to which Wilson nodded. It was beginning to make sense.

"Oh, okay!"

"Look, just do as I say, and it will be a piece of cake, okay?"Dash said but it did not sit well with Wilson. To him, that was the same as entering a fight without any plans. Relying on Dash for some realtime strategy - Why did that feel a little too complacent and in some way, straight up stupid?

"No!" He said. "Tell me the plan now, or I will not listen to you… no, I will not even leave this place at all." Dash was beginning to seem a little too suspicious.

"Dash!" Wilson called. "What is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you suddenly like this? After you left and came back, you seemed to have changed to a completely different person."

Wait a minute! A different person. Wilson instantly remembered the time Charlie had jokingly mentioned that some people could move from one body to another. If that was the case, then;

"You are not Dash, are you?" Wilson asked, taking several steps back until his back touched the adjacent wall. "You are that Husky guy, right?"

Dash began to cackle like a witch from kid's shows.

"Well, ain't cha quite the bright lad there, nay?" Dash's voice had changed from the deep, fairly comfortable voice to a deeper, drawling one with an accent that Wilson had troubles keeping up with.

"But ya wrong 'bout some'ing though." The possessed Dash paused, perhaps waiting for Wilson to ask 'what?'. But Wilson did not even have that in mind at that moment. What he was thinking was if there was a way to exorcise that spirit out of Dash's body. And so, the former waited in vain. After seeing that Wilson was not going to cooperate, he continued all the same:

"You see, I be not Husky." He paused, expecting a look o shock or confusion but got nothing from Wilson; not even a furrowed eyebrow.

"I be Von Dexter - the spiritual possessing spirit…." The possessed Dash had barely started to eulogize himself when Wilson rudely interrupted.

"That's dumb!"


"If you are a spirit, then you are naturally spiritual, no? Think about it. It is even in the name; 'spirit-ual.'"

"Shut up!" Von Dexter yelled.

Wilson, ignoring the noise, knew he had to stall for some time while tried to come up with a way to get rid of the spirit and save Dash.

"I have a question to ask you." He said. He had to lead the conversation if he was going to be able to buy some extra time for himself.

"What is it?" Von Dexter asked.

"Huh?" Wilson was surprised that Von Dexter had granted him easy audience just like that. Now, he had to quickly think up a question as well. Curses.

"What does Von Dexter mean?" As soon as Wilson asked that question, he berated himself in his head for asking such a stupid question.

Von Dexter looked stunned at the question. He tried to understand where this bright lad was going with this?

"What? Don't tell me you don't know the meaning of your own name!" Wilson asked, a mock expression of shock on his face.

Von Dexter was embarrassed but tried desperately to hide it, although, Wilson had already noticed it and seeing that such a stupid, on-the-whim question had managed to stump this spirit, he continued.

"You gave yourself that name?"

The spirit looked away embarrassed.

"Really? Why would you give yourself a name that you did not the meaning of? That's so stupid."

Dash's face blushed pink from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." The spirit said. Wilson looked away in a bid to hide his shock. He coughed drily to hide the shock. Perhaps he might have a chance at the spirit after all, seeing that he - or should the spirit be referred to as 'it' - seemed dumb.

"No you are not." He Said calmly.

"I… I am. I truly am."

"No, you are not!" Wilson repeated, his eyes blazing, his voice growling at poor Dash who shrunk in fear. In Wilson's mind, he was thinking; 'for real?'

"Are you?"

"Yes, yes, I am. I truly am."

"Oh really? In that case, why don't you leave that body you currently possess?"

"To where sir?"

'Are seriously that dumb?' Wilson asked in his head but yelled out:

"Into open space, you dummy!"


Instantly, the spirit; translucent blue with the appearance of a wisp, came out of Dash with a little bit of breeze to accompany the exit and floated in midair.

Wilson's mouth was wide opened as he stared at the wisp.

"This.. this… this…" HE repeated without being able to complete his sentence. Dash, who had just been unpossessed by an extremely dumb wisp who thought himself a spirit, knew what to do.


He closed a jar on the wisp and shut it tight. Just then, Wilson found his words.

"Seriously, how dare you act do smart if you are so dumb? Like, how the hell have you survived this long if you are so easily manipulated?" He asked, lots more questions filled his brain but just could not bring himself to ask them, limiting the questions to the first few.

Dash sneered at Wilson and said; " Same can be said of you."

Before Wilson could rebut, Dash added; "The wisp is right though. That is our next target." He said, pointing at the scrawny, newly awakened. "The major difference is that the wisp will be the one to take care of him. It will possess him."