
Born To Fight

Wilson has a dream to become a pro-wrestler. he goes against his mom's wishes to follow his dream, and he will do anything to become a successful fighter. He does not get into the academy but gets caught in the scandal of various nobles. Then he joins the revolutionaries to rebel against nobles but soon realises he can't give up his dream. Note: This novel is definitely not one of those cultivation type of books the MC is some OP dude, with girls flocking around him and the likes. cos it is simply not one of them. He makes lots of impulsive decisions and is understandably naive. He will only grow stronger as the novel progresses. So, if this doesn't look like what you prefer, at least do not post some annoying reviews. Thanks for understanding.

Mich14 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
143 Chs

Chapter 11-The tournament 1

The execution ground was where notorious criminals caught in the city were usually executed at the end of every month. It was very wide, about the size of three football fields and was located outside the city, just before the forest. Even though it was used basically for killing others, it was also used for large-scale competitions, like the wrestling tournament.

Maxi arrived there as soon as the tournament officially began. There were lots of people both in the arena and outside. Maxi had to push his way through to the front of the crowd to check for Wilson. It took him several minutes to get to his destination and he was covered in sweat and food and wine.

"This place is tight! And there are so many contestants this year." Maxi muttered to himself after squeezing his way to the front. He looked around and could barely see any of the contestants' faces. The match had already gotten intense. Bodies were flying everywhere, skills upon skills were utilized regardless of where you looked. Powers of several contestants mixed together, creating a mess of things and explosions rang out continuously. Maxi shook his head sadly. There is no way he could find anyone here. The contestants would have to reduce considerably and that would take quite some time. And what made him so sure that the boy would be here at all, or fighting? And even if he was in the tournament, he was in no condition to fight? With all these mess of a fight going around, even a stray punch is enough to knock him out. Wilson was currently too weak, way too weak. He turned around and left for the inn. He intended to let the boy spend some time to himself. He would come back later, when he was good and ready.

'Wilson is not a kid any way.' Maxi thought to himself and shrugged his shoulders as he entered into the inn. He heard some noise and checked for the source of noise. He could see people gathered together, all watching something.

'Seems like that rascally kid is in town again.' Maxi thought again, reminiscing on those precious periods when he was tutoring his youngest apprentice. Everyone in the city knew and respected him. He was someone who had a natural sense for business opportunities. He became rich very quickly, going as far as owning his personal merchant organization in a city far, far away. Maxi remembered the boy inviting him to join his organization and help him run it, but was politely refused. Maxi was already too old and only wanted to retire and rest. With slow steps, Maxi joined the crowd in the inn. Everyone had gathered to watch his apprentice display the latest model, Portable-Spatial-Tele device. It was simply a large screen television that could be carried around in your pocket. It utilized spatial technology to shrink into a weightless pocket-sized pouch. Maxi looked at the device and shook his head. The device had just come out and his apprentice was already here, showing off. Some people never change. He looked at the screen and saw the tournament being displayed. The camera was focused on a visibly injured boy. Maxi could not see from so far back, so he decided to listen to two other viewers' comment.

"Who is that kid?"

"I don't know...but he entered the tournament limping"

"And he ain't out yet?"

"I am as amazed as you are." A female joined the conversation.

"He has disqualified quite the number of contestants!"

"He had no choice! He wouldn't be there if he didn't want to win."

"True….true…. He was targeted by them first any way!"

"But one thing I still don't understand is how come he hasn't been defeated yet?" the same man questioned again.

"Maybe his opponents were just terrible fighters!"

"Or maybe he is faking it!" Another female had joined in. An old man who had been listening finally decided to chip in.

"No he is not!" the old man said with a shake of his head. The people conversing turned to face him. The old man took it as a cue to continue.

"I recognize him. He is the kid that was beaten to stupor two days ago because he tried to kill that young thief. His uncle was killed and he tried to avenge."

"And just the previous day, He had slapped the son of Lord Ruthless. He was left for dead!"

"Oh my god!"

"And he can still fight? That kid has some spirit."

"I now know who I am rooting for!"

"I think he is done for! That kid will not be able to withstand a punch from this boy. Super strength is his power."

Maxi rushed forward to have a better look at the screen, pushing people out of the way.

He saw Wilson on the screen, covered in blood and sweat. His legs were wobbly and his shoulders drooped. He looked tired and weak. Anger was clearly written on his face as he glared at his huge opponent who smiled menacingly. People moved away from them, leaving them to brawl it out. It was apparent that they were waiting to pick the scraps of whatever is left of the victor and beat him up.

Wilson's opponent closed in quickly, seemingly too fast for a person that big. Wilson stepped backwards, avoiding a fist to the head. The boy staggered before regaining his balance. He had wanted to finish him in one hit, but apparently Wilson still had enough strength to dodge. His opponent was not too bothered though. He immediately rushed back, swinging his heavy fists at Wilson. Wilson blocked a punch to the head that still made him stagger. He knew he was too weak to block such heavy punches. He needed a change of plans.

"Rule number two, any contestant that steps out of the line is immediately disqualified!" Wilson remembered the instructor's angry voice spouting the rules like venomous poison.

With a new plan in mind, he began retreating while dodging. Two steps back to avoid a punch to his head, a step sideways to avoid a kick to his abdomen, a jump backwards to escape the grapple. He moved back, step after step, avoiding the jabs and kicks and grapple attempts as he moved. He soon reached the line and could tell that a half step backwards would mean disqualification. He looked behind him at the line. His super strong opponent smiled at this opportunity and used all his strength to strike at Wilson. Wilson rolled very quickly forward, underneath his outstretched arm to stand behind him. The boy staggered forward, almost passing the line. His backside was open for Wilson and Wilson kicked him so badly, he fell face-first outside the line. Just then, he heard the same angry voice shout out loud.

"Fifty contestants left!"

Just fifty left. Wilson knew things had just gotten harder and for him, more dangerous. But should he step outside the line because of that? Of course not. All he had to do was delay till he was among the top twenty. Simple, right?

And then he saw his next opponent. She was a very beautiful lady with long purple and pink braids. She smiled sweetly at him and he tried to return the smile but the jabs he had received to his face from previous fights had made deep cuts to his lips and they hurt badly. She smiled even wider and quickly closed the distance, swinging a kick to his face. Wilson bent backwards but wasn't fast enough and the boot grazed his lips. Again. He staggered backwards, once again nearly stepping outside the line.

"UUUURGGGHHH!" Wilson groaned in pain. He had a goal in mind. His dream was at stake. How could he be beaten out of the tournament by a lady his age? His mom would be ashamed of him. His dreams would go down the drain. He would have to learn a trade. All these thoughts flooded his mind, bringing with it a fresh batch of raw pain and anger. He glared at the beauty in front of him like she was the cause of all his woes. He saw her not as a beautiful lady, but instead as that power-drunk twelve year old he slapped, his bodyguards, the thief who murdered his uncle and the swordsman. In his vision, the lady was everything he hated and wanted to knock out. He began to feel the adrenaline rush. The lady was surprised by the sudden change in expression and took several steps backwards to prepare for what was to come. She had seen him since he entered the arena and was impressed by his feats. He had surpassed several thousand contestants who had started with them. She was even more impressed when she saw him outsmart one of the strongest contestants and had reached top fifty. She wanted to face him next. But his expression surprised and even scared her a little. She watched him go down on a knee, ball his gauntlet-covered hands into fists and rise slowly. She began to prepare herself for the worst. All of a sudden, he was before her. She had not even seen him move. His fist struck at her face and she could barely block it, pushing her backwards. He followed up with series of punches and kicks, forcing her into a defensive state. She quickly brought out her sword to block his incessant, never-ending punches.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*