
Born Again

Tania is an only child born to parents of Russian and Indian origin. She has lived her entire life in Russia. After the demise of her parents in a car accident, she is left all alone in a huge house. Her paternal and maternal grandparents want to take her into their fold and plan to come to Moscow to convince her to join them in India or Ukraine. Since her childhood, she had been having these recurring dreams in which she sees herself visiting certain temples and forts. These dreams feel so real. The doctors she visits in Moscow are not able to figure out what is wrong with her. On the contrary, they tell her that she has a vivid imagination. Tania decides to search for a reply herself and reads a book on dreams as well as a few volumes on 'Past Life Regression'. The day her relatives arrive from India and Ukraine, she, in her dream, travels to India and meets her past self. Tania's past self had another name. Her name was Sanya and she had lived centuries ago as a princess of Kalibangan during the Indus Valley Civilisation. Sanya tells Tania of a plot to kill her in the present life. A plot had been hatched in her past life too. At that time her brother, mother and father had been murdered. Who was the murderer in the past and what connection does he have with her in the present life? Please read on to know more. Folks, this is not a Fantasy Romance novel. Unfortunately, the genre for female lead novels gives the term Fantasy Romance only. There is no choice. Maybe I will add a Romance angle at the end. I am publishing 1 chapters a week as I need to do a bit of research for the chapters.

RenuKakkar · Huyền huyễn
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74 Chs

Dada ji and Tania Discuss Future Plan

Tania was let into the room by her Dada ji. As he closed the door, he pointed to the adjacent bed of Dadi ji and told Tania to sit there in a relaxed mannner.

Tania quickly removed her shoes and parked herself on the soft bed while her Dada ji sat on a chair next to a small table set at the side of the room.

"No, Don't lie down. If you do, you will sleep."

"We need to plan our strategy from today itself before your Igor Uncle arrives."

"Of course Dada, I will not lie down, though the pillow looks inviting," Tania responded with a smile on her face.

Even I know that we need to plan our movement very carefully as Igor Uncle will arrive soon and we all know he likes to listen in to conversations," she added.

"Yes, that is why I let your Nani ji and Dadi ji go for a seista and we two can discuss things."

After all your Nani ji is Igor's mother and may develop a soft corner for him and may tell him some of our plans."

"I doubt it Dada ji, after all, I am also important to her and now she knows what Igor Uncle has done to his sister and his brother-in-law."

"I hope you are right, Tania, but human emotions and bonding with their progeny is such that a mother will do anything for her child, even if he is the black sheep of the family."

"I feel that his intention was to come to India all along. He was just pretending to want to go back to Ukraine," I feel this in my bones and when he lies, he does not a person straight in the eyes.

"Beta, when I opened the door to let you in, you seemed to be lost in thought. What was all that about?"

I was just remembering finding my favourite comic book in the library. I wondered what it was doing there. Then as I flipped the pages, I saw that father had encircled some words on each page."

"Yes, I remember you telling us about it and showing me the words you had encoded."

"That paper is still with me. I did not return it because Igor had been trying to install things in your room and must have been visiting your room a lot."

"If he had seen the paper then he would have been alert." He is alert now because of the burglary in your house. But this is different. He is unaware that we know what he is planning."

"His plane would have landed by now and it will take him about two hours to reach the Reception of this hotel where we are staying."

"Yes, Dada ji, how are we to proceed?" Tania asked.

"We need to be absolutely normal."

"No need to discuss with him or among ourselves about where we will be heading in two days time."

"As far as he knows, we are doing siteseeing in Delhi tomorrow, then Agra, the day after tomorrow and the day after that we are heading to Jaipur in Rajasthan."

We will drag his to all the siteseeing areas in Delhi and in Agra also. So that he feels everything is normal."

"When we reach Jaipur in Rajasthan, we will be staying in a hotel there. I have already contacted the hotel persons and have made reservations for about 5 days."

"There also we will be doing some site seeing. Then quitely, we four will leave for the excavation site at Kalibangan."

"Igor knows that we will be heading to Kalibangan, as per the conversation he had listened into through his listening device, when we were discussing this matter in your house."

"He will naturally follow us."

"But before that, when we are in the hotel at Jaipur, you will need to contact Sanya through telepathy or through your dreams, so that she can guide us."

After all, we can proceed to Kalibangan excavation site but after that we will need her guidance to reach the cave." Dada ji mused.

"Another thing, Beta, Your Past Life Regression Doctor will be joining us. He will be reaching Delhi tomorrow and will proceed to Rajasthan the day after. He will be be staying with his friend in Jaipur."

"He has promised to come to help out as he wants to see this case of his to a happy ending."

"Ok, you means Doctor Victor Dimitrius, the Psychiatrist and Past Life Regression Therapist." Tania made a statement.

"Yes, Doctor Dimitrius, he will help out in case you cannot call Sanya." Dada ji explained.

"Yes, I suggest that you try to call her tonight if you can. I will get you a separate room."

"No, Dada ji, that would create suspicion in the mind of Igor as to why I need a separate room."

"Maybe, we can ask him to sleep in the same room as his mother, as it is a new place for her and she might get scared." Tania added.

If things dont work out, You can always come here, to our room, sit down and do meditation. Call Sanya through meditation."

I think dreams will not be conducive, as your Nani ji would be sleeping in the adjacent bed. That would be problematic."

"Dada ji, instead of waiting for night to come, to call her in my dreams or do meditation later on, why don't I try to contact her just now through meditation?" Tania asked.

"Oh yes, great idea !"Dada ji exclaimed.

"What do I do?" He asked.

"Nothing, Dada ji."

"Just sit down, don't move around. It will take me a few minutes to go into meditation."

"I just hope she makes contact." Tania added.

"Ok, it will take you an hour I suppose?" Dada ji inquired.

"Not really, may be 15 minutes to half an hour."Tania replied.

"I suggest that to avoid movement you please drink a glass of water or visit the loo etc, so that you will not need to get up later."

"Ok, I get it," replied Dada ji as he got up from the chair he was sitting on, and went to the side table to poured water into two transparent glass tumblers kept on the table and offered one to Tania.