
Chapter 29: The Storm Approaches

Modecai: "Jackpot! Giveme the moneeeeey!"

Mordecai slammed a deck of cards onto the steel table and proceeded to take thousands of dollars worth of cash from the centre.

Brick: "No! You cheated!"

But he was halted as Brick reached forward and his large hands and arms blocked Mordecai from trying to take the pile of cash.

Raime: "No Brick, "You" cheated by trying to take a card from under the table, which you had stuck with tape before we even started."

Brick froze, but Mordecai went under the table to see said cards stuck with loose tape to the bottom of the table near him.

Mordecai spoke from under the table and his anger reached new heights.


brick fell on his butt, as Mordecai had used the sword he always carried to cut the legs of the wooden chair.

Meanwhile, Bloodwing had swooped down with a net, which Mordecai prepared for just such a scenario if anyone tried cheating, and tossed it over the cash pile.

As Bloodwing rose into the air, she was confused as she didn't feel heavy while carrying the cash pile.

Looking back, she saw that the net was cut and Raime was standing up with a vibroknife in his hand.

Raime: "You guys are forgetting that I am still a player in this game and I still have my turn left."

Mordecai: "!!!"

Brick: "!!!"

Bloodwing: "*Caw Caw, Caw!!!*"

I slammed my cards down on the table and...

Raime: "?!?!?!"

Mordecai: "Hahaha! Nice joke Idiot!"

Brick: "Hahaha! That was funny! You had me going there for a moment!"



It had dawned on me who was the one responsible for doing this.

I had gone to the bathroom just one turn ago, I held my hand onto my cards just in case, but I had left them beside the sink.

I felt a light breeze but had paid it no mind!

Raime: "LAURA!!!"

That devil of a girl had to be the one responsible!

She has a freaking Nephilim body now!

She can go at stupidly fast speeds and at her peak, she can go Faster Than Light!


This kid is gonna get a beating from me.

Marcus: "This is why I never gamble."

Raime: "Shut it, Marcus! If I didn't know any better, you were the one that told her to do this! I'll deal with you as soon as I deal with her! Now then!...???...where the fuck she go?!"

I used my Spacial Awareness and found Laura running on the rooftops of New Haven.

I chased after her, but she had faster reflexes than I did, after all, I still had a Human body, but Superhuman senses. She had the Supernatural senses and reflexes of a Nephilim.

She would always leap over my head when I teleported to her or would slip out of my grasp.

She had the largest smile on her face as she laughed at my failed attempts to catch her.

I smiled internally as I too was having fun.

So this is what having a daughter is like...

I was going to continue this chase but I heard the robotic voice of a woman announcing something I was afraid of Laura hearing.


The very same words as that day in the village replayed through the speakers around New Haven.

I stared at the back of Laura who had stopped dead in her tracks and was standing motionless with her hands clenched into fists.

I teleported to her intending on restraining her but my hand only touched air, as she was already speeding off in the direction of the Static Storm.

Raime: "LAURA! WAIT!"


She isn't invincible and can still be killed if enough damage is dealt to her brain and heart, primarily the brain.

And she is currently isn't in a clear mindset as she has nothing but exacting revenge as her sole thought.

I chased after Laura and contacted the others.

Raime: "Guys?!"

Lilith: "What's going on? We can see you and Laura running towards the Sandstorm! Get back here!"

Raime: "I'm chasing after Laura, she thinks the Sandstalker of this storm is the one that killed her mother! I could use some help here?!"

Roland: "We're coming! Hold out until we get to the both of you!"

I cut the transmission off, but not before I heard Brick swearing that he would rip the Sandstalker, that killed her mother, apart into two.

Over the last few days Laura has been here socializing with the others, everyone had come to love the little girl, even Angel decided to talk to her from time to time.

I turned on the infrared on my visor and teleported near Laura, but I was forced to teleport away because she had tried attacking me with blind fury.

Raime: "Laura! Stop! It's me! Your Dad!"

I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't listen as her eyes were glowing red with rage.

The Nephilim Blood must be enhancing her emotions far more than I had expected.

The only knowledge about the Nephilim I had to go off of, was Death, Fury, Strife, War and the first Nephilim Absalom along with the few lines of dialogue from the creator of the race, the Demon Queen Lilith.

Seems I greatly misunderstood their nature.

When this is done I am going to either go back to the Darksiders Universe to find a way to help her to control her negative emotions or summon Vulgrim for answers.

Both of us were in the middle of the Static Storm and I can barely see the markers that display Roland, Mordecai, Bloodwing, Brick and Lilith's icons on my minimap, slowly getting closer to us.

There were using a Runner, but the distance was so great that it would take a while before they got here.

I surveyed my surroundings and can barely see the figure of the Sandstalker.

It must have some sort of anti-infrared blood or skin.

Using my spatial awareness seems the only way, but using two powers consciously is difficult.

I was able to see wverything that was happening.

Laura was in a rage, blindly attacking at the Sandstalker she believed to be Storm Terror.

I wasn't sure myself it is the same one since I can't accurately see its body in the Static Storm.

Laura was getting impaled by its spike projectiles, slashed at most of her vital areas like the neck, heels, joints, elbows, knees and sometimes pierced through the stomach by an occasional unexpected tail.

But since none of it was to the brain or completely destroying her heart, it was fine, she can heal from it as it was physical and not magical damage.

Laura got even more angrier and a powerful surge of aura erupted from her body and encased her within it.

So this is her Nephilim form?

(A/n Image here and in comments below. I am calling it Nephilim form, but it is called "Chaos forms". It makes no sense since War's transformation is called "Chaos form", Death is "Reaper form", and Strife is "Havoc form" or "Mayhem form".)

I could feel the sheet power her new form was radiating and I was confident she can easily kill Ancalagon the Black or fight evenly against a fully restored Frostbane, but she would lose to the latter as she has no control over her Nephilim form.

The Sandstalker was able to attack the mindless Laura many more times, but at this point, its attacks couldn't penetrate her Nephilim form's defences.

The Sandstalker decided to make a tactical retreat for now.

I slowly approached Laura who seemed to have felt the Sandstalker leaving.

I knew this was dangerous and so I was completely on guard, ready to teleport away in an instant if she even twitched slightly.

If I didn't calm her down now, she might very well kill everyone in New Haven and Roland and the others who should be here soon.

Raime: "Lau-Argh!"

I was keeping my eyes completely open and I didn't even see it!

Laura in her Nephilim form had moved so fast that she may as well have stopped time and was now standing before me.

She towered over me and I looked down to see her demonic hand had pierced the centre of my chest!

I wasn't even able to say her name as I coughed out blood from the sheer pain I could feel.

Laura's demonic form's eyes opened slightly and soon the red glow dyed down and replaced with a silver one.

She retracted ger hand clumsily and i realised she had woken up from her trance and knew what she had done.

As i stumbled a few steps, her body had reverted back to her Human appearance in a small swirl of silver energy that surrounded her body.

Laura: "D-d-dad! I-I-"

She tried muttering out words of apology but her shock at what she did was too great.

Raime: "Laura..."

She was about to say something in response but she was unexpected pushed to the ground by him.

She recovered amd looked back at him only to see him impaled in his left lung, by a long extending tail.

Raime had sensed the Sandstalker as he had reactivated his spatial awareness as he knew the Sandstalker was still nearby.

Due to Laura's Human height, if Raime hadn't pushed her out if the way, the tail would have gone right through her head and killed her instantly.

With his fianl act, he grabbed the tail wuth his left hand and pulled it with all his might.

The Standstalker was pulled towards him and he was able to pierce the skull of the Sandstalker with his Dark Saber.

Raime tried to take out a Potion of Ultimate Healing (Skyrim) but he was far too weak with what he had just done, and he fell on his back as his vision went black.




next arc you guys may like. it will be short like 5 or 6 chapters, maybe less I'll try to condense it into less, then back to story and finish of Botderlands one events then it is time to meet Angel.