
Chapter 16: Long Lost

Raime pov:

I was standing over a mid twenties looking girl.

I aimed a strange looking gun directly at her.

???: "Please! I thought you were my friend!"

Raime: "Sorry, but you wouldn't believe me even if I told you?"


78 hours ago...

Roland: "Why this place?"

Mordecai: "Gotta agree with him. This here is a real open spot. Barely any cover, heavily fortified, and they'll see us no matter which way we go at them. I can't even find a good vantage point to take up a position to snipe them from."

Lility: "I'm starting to have doubts about this."

Brick: "Sorry buddy, but I agree them on this."

Raime: "You all are a bunch of spourpusses. Look, I'll go over it again in more detail."

Currently, I was standing over a table with the others around me, gazing at the Map of the area and of an Atlas outpost nearby.

I had procured this map from the System for a really cheap amount.

Although, the price for the location of a certain village had casted alot more, but not an crazy amount like before, but it was worth it.

I also bought a cloning bacta tank from Star Wars. Surprisingly, i checked to see if I could lease it.

And I could!

I was so happy!

My plan is in motion!

I arranged to purchase a cloning baxta tank that can clone a person instantly instead of the X10 speed the Kaminoans in Star Wars did to create the Republic Clone army in less than 10 years.

I also arranged to get an Animus machine from Assassin's Creed.

Why did I get these things?

Wait and find out...



Haha! The wait is killing you isn't it...admit it...your curious as to what I'm going to use them for.

To bad cause I ain't telling!


Anyway...I was going over the paln to attack an Atlas Outpost.

I would get into an Outrunner and would drive across the barren fields towards the Outpost.

The others would go through a series of tunnels, underground the Outpost and infiltrate it.

Once they began open firing on me, I would try to avoid as much of it as I could.

I would then teleport up to the highest point, and begin throwing down the dozens of grenades I stole from Marcus' vending machine.

It had all sorts of defenses on it that opened fire on me when I had used my PhaseSpace ability to teleport the exterior if the vending machine but leave the interior separate components where they were.

All the contents dropped to the ground and I began looting it. But the hidden turrets nearby had activated and tried blasting holes in me. No wonder nobody steals from his vending machines.

I made sure to wear some Bandit clothes however, I don't want Marcus to hate me when we can be business partners in the future.

After I rained down Hell on the facility, the Arlas soulders would contact Steele of the situation, or Genral Knoxx.


Raime: "Huh? They contacted Steele in the end."

I was currently standing at the highest tower of the Outpost.

Everything had gone exactly as planned. Although, they almost killed me in my vehicle when my line if sight was blocked by so much dust, so I was almost to late to teleport out of my Outrunner.

The shield I was wearing was the one that Sledge had, and taht provided me with alot of protection as I was currently getting shot at, but i was tanking all the damage.

The Atlas soilders were in a panic since I was either to far out of range, or couldn't get a good shot on me before I blew them to bits with a Grenade Launcher I was using.

Grenade Launchers are weapons made by Dahl, Atlas, S&S munitions and Jackobs.

Grenade Launchers?

They don't exist in Borderlands you idiot!

Check your facts kiddos!

They were, they were cut weapons in the game files that were decoded.

I was a massive Borderlands nerd so naturally I'd know these things.

But, since this universe is now real, turns out they finally exist.

I also been hearing legends about the creature known only as the Sandstalker which resides within Static Storms also known as Sand Storms by the locals.

There is a 20 hour weather curfew when a Static Storm appears due to their radiation and of the threat the Sandstalker possesses.

In fact, we attacked this Outpost exactly when the Static Storm had ended, so we took the Atlas Outpost by suprise.

I made my way down as I teleported to the communications room where an Atlas spilder has just contacted Steele.

Steele: "What do you mean you're under attack?! By who?!"

Atlas Soilder 1: "It's a single gu-"

Atlas Soilder 2: "He's here!"

Atlas Soilder 3: "Shoot him!"

All the spilders in the room had just noticed me and I instantly vannished from sight and appeared behind a Atlas Commander.

These guys were big!

I used my Dark Saber to slash at the legs of the confused Commander.

The man fell to the floor, but I didn't give him a chance to as I swung at him and cleaved him in two as he fell down on my Dark Saber.

I pulled out my Ace of Spades and teleported to the other man and impaled him in the back, as I forced him to stand in front of me.

The last Soilder was terrified I'd kill him just as fast, so he didn't care about his comrade taht was dying from my Dark Saver in his gut.

Hythe soilder unleashed a barrage of bullets at me and my meat shield took all of it.

I aimed my Ace of Spades under the armpit of the meat shield and fired at the head of the frightened spilder.

When he was dead I violently pulled out my Dark Saber as I decapitated the meat shield thereafter.

I approached the terminal that had Steele on it.

The others should be attacking the place by now. I spoke to Steele as I deactivated the security systems of the Outpost to make things easier for the others.

Raime: "Hey there Bitch! How's thing's going for ya?"

Steele: "You?! Vault Hunter! You have attacked an Atlas Outpost! For your crimes of attacking a Military Facility and Atlas personal, you are to relinquish any Eridian Artifacts immediately at the following coordinates or I will sentence you to death by-"

Raime: "There we go! Found it! *pushes button* You were saying?"

Steele: "How dar-"

Raime: "Sorry? I didn't quite catch the part you were crying like a Pussy?"

Steele: "Continue to insult me and I'll-"

Raime: "You'll what? You cant do shit to me right now? You are all the way wherever you are right now? All your threats are just filled with shit! You can't do anything to me you deathly pale slu-"


I felt something was off and immediately teleported to a corner of the room within my range of sight.


I looked back at the sudden sound and saw a Silver glowing blade that was 3 metres tall and 1 metre wide.

It shortly faded out of existence as it turned into a silvery-white cloud of vapour.


Yet again I felt that feeling and teleported outside of the communications tower I was in.

The very next instant when I turned to look behind me, i saw hundreds of 3 metre ethereal silver glowing swords had pierced the room I was within.

Thank God for my Spatial Awareness!

I would have been dead!

Steele: "Still think I cant do anything now, Vault Hunter?"


She can create objects with her Siren Power!

I had a theory back on Earth what her Siren Power may have been.

5 of the 7 Siren Powers had been revealed so far, as of when I got reincarnated.






Unknown 6th Siren (Steele's power)

Unknown 7th Siren (In Nyriad's Warning)

I had speculated that Steele may have PhaseCreate or something similar that would make her like an Artifacer type class.

Wherein she would be able to summon and conjure weaponry, blades, and Golem like beings to temporarily fight.

In the MMO of Borderlands that was cancelled, it showed a Siren that has an ability to summon a fiery Phoenix and would act like how Bloodwing does for Mordecai.

Atlas is a company that creates weapons based on Eridian technology and had Tracking capabilities.

Maybe they had gotten the idea from Steele's power to create objects that would track and strike the target.

I must have jinxed myself when I said "track" since a moment later, the hundreds of blades impaled into the tower had began to float up and turned to face me.


In that moment the hundreds of blades shot out and flew directly towards me at full speed.

I immediately teleported as far as I could away from the Outpost in an attempt to evade the blades Steele had summoned to kill me.

Lilith: "What happened? Why are you out if range on the map all of a sudden?

Raime: "I'm kinda busy here currently! I'm currently trying to not get killed right now by that psychotic Bitch!"

I cut of the transmission with Lilith and used my Siren Connection with Angel to see why she isn't responding.

I saw John in front of her staring at the live video feed from the Angel Satilite of me getting caused by Steele's blades, as I was rapidly teleporting across the barron wastes.

I can feel the fear and anxiety coming from Angel through my connection

She wanted to tell me something, but couldn't since her father was there, watching with an amused expression.

No doubt at the fact I had taunted Steele and had all this backfire on me.

He must have not known what Steele's power was before today.

As I was distracted by my thoughts, I had been cut on my left leg by a rotating blade.

I barely avoided it by using PhaseSpace to distort the space around my body to create a pseudo-spatial field like a magnet's invisible magnetic field.

Raime: "Well see how long you keep this up you pale skinned doll!"

I knew she can't keep it up forever, or at least I hope so...

She looked to be in her 40s, and simce she can't can't anywhere near me, she has to be at the Atlas HQ where Tannis would get locked up at.

That was thousands of miles away from here.

She must be straining her abilities to their limit to create and control the blades at this distance.

From this I can speculate she had the Siren power since early childhood or when she was 10 years old.

I was fighting a seasoned Siren, ir trying to survive against one. No wonder she's so prideful of her rank and position in Atlas.

But, maybe she is doing a Luke Skywalker Force Projection stunt, like in Episode 8.

Luke died due to how much strain creating a Force Projection halfway across the Galaxy was putting on his body.

The same must be true for Steele.

I teleported even further than before and headed towards the location of a certain village I had acquired a map for.


This causes had continued for two GODAMN STRAIGHT HOURS!!!!



I was still getting caused by her freaking blades of death.

When I examined it, I saw it had some ice on it.

Exam Siren has an element associated with their power.

PhasWalk - Fire

PhaseShift - Electricity

PhaseLock - Corrosive

PhaseLeech - Slag

PhaseTrance - unknown, maybe Radiation or Physical damage (like Explosive)

PhaseCreate - Frost

7th Siren - unknown

I don't know mine, but this gives me an edge for when I'll confront Steele. Maybe I can discover what my element is to become stronger.



Or both since I have two Siren Powers?


I finally continued the boring and life treating traveling to a small village of scap buildings and stone houses.

When I finally reached near the village, I stopped as I couldn't continue any further.

I looked behind me and saw the blades had fizzled out of existence.

I listened in on the Atlas Echo line I had hacked into earlier before our assault on the Outpost.

Steele: "One Civilian village is inconsequential to eliminating a definite threat as that Vault Hunter."

Knoxx: "You won't continue your pursuit any further! This is an order Commander Steele! As long as that village is at risk! You will halt your pursuit immediately!"


Such it Bitch!

I knew you can't do shit to me here!

I laughed in my head as I fell to the ground on my back and panted loudly.

I ahd almost passed out a few minutes ago simce nearly all my Suren Energy had been consumed in the process.

Maybe provoking her was a bad idea.

But in my defence, I had no idea she could pull off that unexpected stunt of hers.

Seems she is stringer than I thought.

Imagine if I forced her power onto an ally of mine?

I would gain a powerhouse!

???: "Hey are you okay?"

I saw a bunette shirt haired girl standing above me.

I know her. She's the reason Knoxx stopped Steele from attacking me still.

To imagine that this girl would be the catalyst to creating one of the most lethal assassins in the Galaxy and is indirectly responsible for the destruction of the Atlas Corporation.

I got up slowly not to frighten the polite girl.

Raime: "You shouldn't trust strangers at first meetings."

???: "I suppose so on this planet. But we were assured we are safe here. We haven't been attacked once in the last 2 and a half years."

(A/n 2.5 Pandora years = 25 Earth years)

Raime: "Damn. That's longer than I thought."

???: "What was that?"

Raime: "Nothing. Anyway, what's your name? I go by my alias Spectre for privacy reasons."

Jess: "The name's Jessica. But everyone calls me Jess."

Raime: "Nice to meet you. I got a suprise for you if you like to know?"

Jess: "Sure. What is it?"

Raime: "You have a long lost sister named Athena."




Jess: "WHAT?!"

Athena had been searching for Jess fir many years. She came to Pandora and served under Genral Knoxx because she had heard rumours her sister was on Pandora. She would talk to Knoxx very frequently and express her joy and happiness of her dream to be one day reunited with her long lost sister. The Atlas higher ups didn't wnat to lose a valuable asset like Athena. So they ordered that her and her team attack a certain village with "thermals only". Because of this, Athena didn't recognise Jess and had killed her on the rigged attack. Knoxx was forced to detain her and expressed his great anger and displeasure to the higher ups for what they had done to her. The General Knoxx DLC happens at this point and thus began Athena's quest to destroy the Atlas Corporation...

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts