
Chapter 14: Kaal, the Champion

Raime: "KAAL KAY KAAN" (Champion, Horse, Kyne)

I had spoken three words in Dovahzul.

I spoke three words of an "Word of Power" I had created.

Even if I couldn't use the Thu'um yet, the words themselves will be imprinted into the Phantom Horse's very being as of I was.

By naming a Phantom Horse with a specific name or word, will grant them the power, understanding and very being/essence that the name/word carries with it in its purest form.

Not only that, but the Phantom Horse will absorb the understanding, image and thoughts of the Rider who named it.


What happens if I try and use the Thu'um by speaking in Dovahzul, three "Words of Power" I had created and imprinted my own interpretation and understanding of those three words?

The result is that the Phantom Horse is named and gains Power, through the newly esatblished Bond, and the "Words of Power" I spoke, the Phantom Horse had absorbed and gained Power from it.

Even if I didn't actually use the Thu'um, I had the intention of using it, and what I wanted had still happened regardless if it did or didn't, which of course the later had happened.

KAY KAAL KAAN (Horse, Champion, Kyne)

This is how it is supposed to be said.

Much like Odahviing which is the name of...well...Odahviing.

His name is translated like this fir each individual word.

OD AH VIING ((Snow, Hunter, Wing) is also Snowy Winged Hunter)

It actually translated into this Winged Snow Hunter.

The words are changed around after translation.

That means KAAL KAY KAAN, translates into its true definition of - Horse Champion (of) Kyne.

You may be wondering...what is "Kyne"?

Kyne is also known as Kynareth.

Kynareth is one of the Nine Divines and the Aedric Goddess of Sky, Air, Wind, Storms, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air.

I had used the name of Kyne, to empower my Phqntom Horse so that he can...well...embody everything that Kyne represents. Simce it is a word on Dovahzul which I had used.

It is still no different to the other two Words of Power I had used to bestow my understanding and to name my Phantom Horse.

And as I had wanted.

My Phantom Horse neighed upwards as it reared back on two of its legs and let out a loud cry.

The sound it produced from its mouth, had shook the sky and distorted the air around us.

Dozens of bolts of thunder had stuck all around us, but none had touched me, nor it.

I could feel my connection to it deepen, the Bond between steed and Rider was complete.

I could feel the power it had, and now, so too I but to a less degree.

I understood. He was as powerful...no, he is the Storm, the Wind, the Sky, the Air, the will and embodiment of the elements of Nature itself.

I instantly was aware, that if I rode my Steed into a Hurricane or a Tsunami, we would be unaffected.

If I rode him into the heart of a Volcano and sat upon his back as he stood over the larva, I would only feel the tinge if heat as if it was just another sunny day.

This was what i wanted, by using Kyne to empower him and grant him his name, he had become the very definition of the Word of Power.

The previous white hair and body of the Phantom Hirsr had changed, its Orange eyes as well.

Its body had turned Ebony Black and Goldish-Orange colored markings began to appear across its body. It looked similar to his own PhaseTime Siren Markings he had.

It's eyes had turned into a dark-abyss-Purple, as it moved, it left a trail of purples lines in the air.

A pair of Obsidion Crystal antlers sprouted from the head, like a Stag or a Deer. Although, the antlers were more like horns that went back and then slightly up, akin to the classic design of an Dragon's horns.

(A/n I had difficulty choosing between the four images I had. Just imagine whichever one you choose as it's appearance and match it to the description I have.)

[Image 1 here]

[Image 2 here]

[Image 3 here]

[Image 4 here]

Raime: "Easy there boy! Easy! There you go."

I raised my hands to calm down my new loyal companion, and patted it with my hands as I held it's head with the other.

Horsemaster: "Congratulations. You now have the right to call yourself an Abyssal Rider. Treat him with care and respect."

Raime: "Thank you Horsemaster. I'll be sure to. He is my equal and nothing less."

Horsemaster: "I'm glad to hear it. I've seen the Humans of Earth from here. And all of them look down on Hirses like they are animals to be tamed. Just because they cannot speak the tongue, does not mean they should be valued any less. All life is equal. If I had to choose between saving the life of an Human or a insect. I would choose the latter in an instant. You are one of the few that treats others with the respect they deserve. They exist, as do you and I, none are above the other, for we all were made, and can be unmade...2hat us his name Rider?"

Raime: "His name is KAAL KAY KAAN (Champion, Horse, Kyne). But I'll use Kaal for short."

Horsemaster: "Three names? Interesting. All have choose a single one. Very well then. KAAL KAY KAAN and Raime Hawke. As Horsemaster of the Far Fields, I bestow upon you my blessings. This is a rare occasion, since all who came here were strong enough. But you are a Human, and to help you, my blessing is with you. You will know what it does one day. You may leave, Abyssal Rider of KAAL KAY KAAN."

As I had mounted Kaal, a saddle had been magically created. It suprised me as I thought I was mounting Kaal without one. But the sudden hard object shocked me. I also had a harness/reigns to control and guide Kaal.

With that, the Horsemaster moved aside and allowed me to ride on Kaal and put if the Far Fields, through the portal back to the Borderlands Universe.


Moments after Raime had left...

Another portal had opened up. A fiery Aura and embers of the hottest flames to exist poured out of it.

???: "Mmmmh, what was that I had felt just now? Seemed like a special soul had left, and it had taken one of my children's soul with them."

The figure that spoke was that of a female, but not just any female, but one with dark charred skin and a pair of large upside down wings. It's voluptuous body was nearly entirely exposed for all to see.

Horsemaster: "Leave Lilith. This is not your realm. If I do not grant you permission to set foot here, then it will be so. The Charred Council has given me this authority to use as I see fit. And you hold no place here, unless you have come to tame a Phantom Horse. Otherwise...begone."

A tense atmosphere was left between the two.



Lilith: "Very well. But I'll find that Soul I sensed. I will take back my child's soul from his body as he is burned alive in Hellfire. If you are to deny me him, when next he returns here, then I will have your head. And I care not for the petty squabbling of a corrupt Council."

Little did Lilith know, that the chances of Raime's return to the Darksiders Universe is near nil.

He was very well aware that Lilith would know that he had taken one of the Nephilim's souls with him.

That was why he had every intention to stay as as far way from her as possible, nit until he can destroy an entire continent with a single wave of his hand.





(Sorry, I ran out of time as I wa busy. I'll continue this next chapter. It'll have talk, Angel talk and Sledge fight.)

This Chapter was specifically for Phantom Horse since I dont want to repeat it again in the future. Also you can return to thus and last 2 chapters if you want to fo back and reread to remind yourself on info on Phantom Horse. From now on, the explanations will be reduced to nil from now on. Only when it is relevant will I mention it. But I think I had covered pretty much all I needed to ATM. I will keep future explanations quick and brief. But from now on in the next chapter, it will be story focused. Sorry about delay, I had been sick and busy with work. Now I gotta go tomorrow at 6am again. Lovelllyyyyyy~ updates will return to normal schedule of Tuesday and Friday. If any delay, it will be only a few days. I will post all delayed chapter at once if it does happen.

Also, after Sledge fight, I am able to go faster with Borderlands 1 story and have MC go to New Haven, Tannis, Krom's Canyon and get Vault Key piece, go to Trash Coast and Rakk Hive and get Vault Key piece, go to Tannis, kill Baron Flynt, Free Tannis, Kill Steele and there we go. Vault opened and original story and ideas can begin. I think the Fyrestone story before reaching Sledge was longer since it feels like half the Game. After that it is just traveling to open the way to Krom's Canyon and Salt Flats and reactivate Echo.net at Atlas facility before killing Steele. Moat if which is skiable and I can put in more original stuff in there instead. Like Jess, I bet 99.9% don't know who that is. Also if you try searching it up, you most likely won't find it since Jess doesn't have have dedicated wiki page, actually...you can find it... Hahaha! You'll be suprised who she is if you don't know who she is, which you won't. Anyway, Bye~