
Booty Conqueror

{ Part of the Zoniverse: Nova } Waking up in an unfamiliar room, a young man holds his head as he tries to remember what happened to him. He was interrupted when he felt a wave of pain as memories began pouring into his mind. Taking a few minutes to organize these thoughts, he finds out his name is Alex. Although everything is very fuzzy, he understands that he is not in his hometown... and maybe not even his home planet. The words that stood out to him in his memories were "reincarnation" "system" and many more related to novels and fantasy plots. Just as he was wondering what to do next, an attractive young woman appeared on his lap with an audible pop. "Hi there cutie! I'm Aria and I'm the goddess of life and love." Armed with the knowledge given to him by this sexy goddess, Alex must go out on his own journey throughout this new world, Nova, to discover his purpose in this new life. A path that is paved with blood, sex, alcohol, and more sex. - - - This is an R-18 novel so there with be sexual scenes. I will be trying to use a wide range of kinks but I will NOT be labeling my chapters R-18 so you are forewarned hehe. If you do not like a certain kink or preference then tough luck cuz it's my book and I can do what I want. I will leave warnings for chapters that contain more risky topics so be aware of those. Chaps are also about 2k words sometimes more, up to 3k. - - - Don't know who the cover belongs to, I found it on the internet so if it is yours, and you would like me to take it down, please leave a comment or review and I will respond.

QueiterNoises · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
117 Chs

Author is still alive

Hello readers! Its been like 3 months or something since I last uploaded. Sorry for being MIA but irl stuff has had me really busy and writing has just been at the end of my to do list. I still want to continue writing the stories I have, especially this one "booty conqueror," but I just don't have a lot of time for it.

winter break is coming up for me in a few weeks so I will be working to try and crank some chaps out. No promises but the novel is not dropped, just very very slow on uploads. Hope you all have been finding some nice novels to read. If you have any good ones you've found go ahead and drop them in the comments, idc.

Imma try to get more active on webnovel again, but also, no promises. This is just a hobby for me after all. I'll leave this chap here at least until I become more active, if enough ppl comment on it tho I'll just keep it. Anyways see y'all more soon hopefully.

- QueiterNoises