
Books Of Paladins: The Journey

In the shadowy realm of Threa, darkness and mystery are woven into the very essence of its history. The land is haunted by countless spirits, remnants of a turbulent past who relentlessly attack humans. Central to Threa's mythology is Origin, one of the revered Celestials believed to have created all things. Origin bestowed upon humanity the strength to advance and endure amidst relentless adversities. This divine gift has led to countless miracles, enabling humans to survive and even thrive in a world fraught with supernatural dangers. Yet, the greed of human's mirrors that of the spirits, as they keep seeking power and wealth that the action itself often backfire, leading to unintended consequences. The spirits with their perpetual hunger to absorb Life Energy, grow ever closer to the world of the living. This unnatural proximity begins to wrap reality, causing events that even defy the natural order. The history of Threa is rich with tales of heroism and despair, where the boundary between the living and the dead is often blurred. The spirits, driven by their hunger and emotions clash with humans, creating a perpetual cycle of conflict and survival. Yet, it is through these trials that humanity finds its resilience, guided by the celestial influence. ... Or so they believe. ... Would you be the same???

Ar7Storm · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Mastermind

Upon observing the cloak, the black badge, and the central gem, Richard had an epiphany. The sight of the rare golden lion badge was not the most alarming aspect that he could encounter; it was the deeper implications of his involvement as unlucky itself are way pass the current situation he is in right now. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" he pondered, recalling a past conversation with his leader.

In a vast, dark hall lit only by the flickering flames of braziers, countless individuals clad in white garments kneel before a colossal statue that appears to be seated.

Towering at 100 feet, its exterior seems to be crafted from tree bark, pieced and assembled from numerous parts to form a grotesque figure.

It has the head of a demonic ape, bristling with sharp teeth, four of which resemble sharpened tusks more than fangs, a lizard's tail, and a slit running down the middle of its chest from throat to belly, revealing an abyss of ever-reaching lethal evilness that charmed those who near it to get closer and closer as it embraced them with nothing but darkness.

Those who stood before the giant statue had faced it countless times, yet none dared claim they were untouched by fear in its presence. The slit in the middle seemed as if something were about to reach out and consume them whole.

An invisible pressure always lingered, sending chills and raising goosebumps as they knelt in the dark, cursed, and treacherous hall, despite the myriads of heinous acts they had committed in their numerous missions given to them.

No one appeared capable of diminishing that overpowering, mysterious, and instinctual fear.

A colossal throne, unfit for human use, stands at the base of a towering giant statue. It is entwined with numerous roots that subtly shift, emitting sounds that provoke nausea in listeners, stirring their insides.

Beneath it, thirteen human-sized thrones, less majestic and crafted from the same tree bark, are anchored to the concrete floor. Five are occupied, while the rest are vacant. A deep, dark chasm divides this raised platform from those kneeling on the opposite side, with no visible bridge.

The members know only one way to reach those thrones. And that is to float, emulating the approach taken by the other leaders.

Richard secretly took a peek at the right end of the platform, where his leader, who had just stood up, began walking towards the center. Draped in an oversized dark red cloak that completely obscured the face, leaving nothing but shadow, the leader moved with steps that seemed to float like a ghost.

Some secretly wished for a misstep, eager to see what lay beneath the cloak. Yet, no one dared to voice such thoughts aloud, especially since they had never heard the sound of footsteps from any of the leaders. It's often creeps some of the new members whether the leader they follow are even human or might as well just spirits, or undead wanting to fool them to serve their own body willingly in a platter.

'I wonder when I could walk like that in front of that creepy statue. Uh, forget it. Better not.' Richard thought while decisively dismiss the idea since every time he was in the present of his leader, it feels like he isn't even alive. Much like a dead talking corpse. 'I still want to experience the good old fashioned se* with woman, alive one at that. Not with some skeletons or rotten corpses.'

"Attention. Now you all may arise," he announced, his raspy, ghastly voice sending chills down the spines of the listeners as it echoed, resounding loud and clear even reaching to the very back of the crowd.

"Thank you, 13th Cult Leader," they replied in unison with loud, solemn voices before standing up.

"Thank you very much to all of you, oohhh the blessed children of our Goddess, graced with her own divine touch, who has endowed us with knowledge that burns into our minds and souls. With spirits unending, she has given us the strength to live and thrive in ways our parents never could. To transcend the mere bonds of blood. To elevate our very flesh to a state of perfection. Purity. Exemplariness. The quintessential being."

"Now, we commence this sacred ceremony to..."

... (After several hours of frenzied, lunatic speech and some bloody, gruesome ritual by our evil leader of whatever cult, whose name will be revealed later in the story) ...

"And finally..." The 13th Cult Leader seemed to be wrapping up his impassioned speech.

'Oh, thank goodness. At last,' Richard thought, maintaining the facade of utmost seriousness, mirroring the wild-eyed fervor of the other fanatic cult members, while inwardly pleading for this excruciating charade to come to an end. 'Yes, yes. End it already."

"This is both a warning and an order. Should any of you encounter enemies bearing golden lion badges, you'd better run." This declaration captured the crowd's attention and agitated the fanatics who were displeased and opposed to such a directive, feeling that such statement is the same as looking down on them. Of course, it was the members who doesn't know better at what the cult leaders capable of.

'What a bunch of idiots. Haven't they informed any of these newcomers? Well, guess what, I also don't care,' Richard mused, casting covert glances at his deadly bitter and backstabbing comrades in the front row who appeared to remain silent as if unaware what happens at the back. 'Just look at them. Cruel bas****s.'

"How could we, the chosen ones, run away?"

"Yes, it's disgraceful, not only to us but also to our Goddess."

"Do our leaders think we are weak and pathetic like those mortals?" As the crowd grew increasingly rowdy, particularly at the very back, the leader spoke again with the same calm and eerie voice.

"Silence…" While few heads who spoke the loudest popped out like balloon, accompanied with scared gasped and nervous silence, especially to those who splatted with gore.

"I repeat this once, again. This is a warning, but also an order. For the explanation, it is because those with such badges have a high possibility to bypass the curse and access your memories, not only about the organization, but our own cult. So, for the safety of the plan, for our Goddess who yet manage to arrive on this land, you better heed the command. If any of you end up caught, you better quickly kill yourself."

"And..." He paused, letting the silence amplify the members' anxiety, each dreading they might be next to face a gruesome fate with their brains scattered about.

"And what?" Richard pondered, intrigued by the topic. It was the first time since he had been living in the cult that there was something the members were needed to be chickened out from.

"If any of you should encounter those clad in black cloaks with dark gold trimmings, bearing a black badge with a green gemstone at its center... know this: the likelihood of your escape is nearly nonexistent. Unless you swiftly invoke the curse, ending your own life. Should you entertain thoughts of betrayal, be warned. Not even death will shield you from our Goddess's fury. Understood?"

"Yes, 13th Cult Leader," the members responded in unison.

"Very well. You all are dismissed."

… …

In the dimly lit corridor, Richard, lost in thought, waited for his leader—the one presiding over the ceremony—to appear. The leader moved silently, without a trace of footsteps, while Richard followed quickly behind, hesitantly attempting to ask a question. Sensing this, the leader inquired, "What is it, child?"

"Uh, leader. I don't mean to be forward, but what about those with special badges?" Richard's question was abruptly interrupted as the leader halted. Turning to Richard, the leader spoke calmly, "Richard, you are one of my most cherished children. Therefore, I will share this with you. Do you know when the first successful assassination of an Emperor in the Dawnlight Empire was recorded?"

"Uh, it was the year 2551," Richard answered.

"Correct. It was around that time I was recruited by the organization. I was 14 back then," the leader revealed, causing Richard to inhale sharply in shock.

"Leader, you mean?" Richard asked.

"Yes, I've lived for over four centuries now. And those individuals with badges and cloaks are likely around my age, some surely even older. You must be cautious. They can weave Runes swiftly and with little to no effort. Typically, those blessed with Soul Flames grow stronger as they age, though there are exceptions. As for those bearing the golden lion, they are formidable adversaries. If fortune favors you, you might catch them off guard. They are the Empire's most esteemed and skilled warriors, often leading elite squads," explained the leader.

"I see. I understand," Richard acknowledged.

As the leader continued to gaze at an uncomfortable Richard that seemingly a bit too intense than the normal one, he said, "I had high hopes for you, Richard. I hope you never contemplate on betraying the organization."

"Of course, leader. The thought has never crossed my mind. I am utterly devoted to our Goddess's cause," Richard replied, maintaining the calm tone and manic gaze he displayed at the ceremony, though nearly buckling under the pressure.

"That's good to hear," the leader said, returning to his own concerns, while Richard pondered internally, 'You call me one of your most cherished children, huh? I wonder how much of that is actually true.'

… …

Back in the lab, the cloaked man gazed at Richard, who was now sweating profusely. "Hmm, you seem to know a much about us. Let me guess, the name is Arachnid, Quantum, Specters, Twilight, or... Syndicate?"

At the mention of the last name, Richard involuntarily flinched. 'What the heck, why am I so scared. It feels so unnatural. Damn it. What to do? What to do? They now know the organization behind all of this.'

"Oh, Syndicate it is then." The cloak guy that seems to be in his middle age calmy stating, then turn to the rest of the members. "None of them are highly dangerous, but still, you all better keep them alive. There's still a lot need to fill on the gap."

"Yes, Sir." The black attire group responded simultaneously.
