
Bookmaster of the Library of Life's

When he was ten years old, Bayu suddenly found that he had narcolepsy. His life, which was filled with laughter, turned dark. Sleepiness always haunted him, making his childhood he spent more often in his room sleeping and reading books. Time has passed, Bayu has graduated from college at the age of 22. But one day, Bayu suddenly inherits an artifact in the form of a library embedded in his subconscious. In a world filled with fantasy and supernatural creatures, Bayu is a little excited to do something with his new powers. "Let's make this world even more chaotic! Haaa... but when I think about it, I'm too sleepy, it's better to sleep too."

hatentea · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
85 Chs


A man stood in the middle of a building, in front of him neatly lined up many rows of large and tall bookshelves. The shelves seemed to be made of sturdy old wood, while emitting the smell of earth and leaves like in the middle of a forest. It's just that the man in his twenties realized that he was not in a forest, but in a round room with a diameter of about fifty meters.

The man looked up, looking for the ceiling of the building that was increasingly unseeable as far as his eyes could see. The man thought that now he was in a tower, from where he stood, he could see other bookshelves on the upper floors. The more he looked up, the more amazed he felt.

"How tall is this place? What's more, where is this?"

The man looked around, at a glance he knew he was in a library. However, there are some strange things he must think about.

First, how did he get here? As far as he could remember, he was in his room reading a biography of a musician who was less known to the general public. Then he fell asleep and now this is where he stands. A place so foreign to him.

The man was convinced he was not kidnapped, because there were no traces of violence against him, nor did find the kidnapper's property such as ropes, sacks, handcuffs, etc. The first thing that came to his mind was teleportation, which he immediately denied, for thinking such a stupid reason.

Secondly, of the many bookshelves in this library tower, there is not a single book in it. As the man looked at the empty bookshelves around him, in his mind he wondered what the reason for the person who made this magnificent library was. He feels the state of this library is amusing, and thought that the makers might run out of funds to buy books after building this tower. Maybe the library owner went bankrupt and then kidnapped people to be held hostages for ransom. Later the ransom money was used to buy books for the library. After thinking about it, the man's mouth slightly smiled on his face which had not shown the slightest emotion.

Third, back to the endless height of this building. From where the man stood, no matter how many times he looked up at the ceiling, he could not find the high end of this building. There's only hundreds of floors filled with bookshelves in this building.

"Hundreds of floors, empty shelves, deserted, hmmm... Okay. It's a dream."

Recalling that he had fallen asleep while reading before coming to this place, a dream, was the only logical reason. Even though this dream seemed so real to him, trying to find another reason is just a waste of time and energy, this incident was like questioning whether heaven was real or not.

After ignoring all the weird stuff from the place he might think was a library. The man walked from where he stood right in the middle of the room, towards the wall in front of him. The man began to think about finding the whereabouts of other individuals in this place.

The man would not be surprised if he suddenly met dracula or fairies, because for him this place was already considered as an artifact. An ancient object with a certain power, commonly used by adventurers.

After arriving at the wall of the room, he traced the room following the arch of the wall. There is one place on his mind if this place is really a library, and it didn't last long before he arrived. The place where librarians usually sit.

In front of him there was a table that surrounded a single chair in the middle. The chair was empty. Not far from the table, on the right side is a large door and on the left there is a staircase leading to the upper floor. There was a blank nameplate on the table, then a book which was probably used to record the list of visitors and a silver bell beside it.


The man did not hesitate to immediately ring the silver bell. The silver bell wasn't big, it was only as big as a small cup. But the sound generated from it echoed throughout the room. The man was somewhat surprised when he heard the sound of the bell. He re-examined the library in front of him. Quiet. The man's gaze returned to the silver bell on the table, his finger pressed on the bell again, twice.

Tring~ Tring~

It's still quiet, no one has suddenly appeared before the man. He started to think that this place was uninhabited, even the ghosts he thought lived in a place like this didn't seem to exist. The man sighed, then thought about what he should do next. However, it wasn't long before footsteps were heard. It sounds faintly but getting louder and louder, indicating that someone is walking towards his place. At least, with this sound he knew that it wasn't a ghost that came, although he didn't know if the ghost made the sound of footsteps or not.

Before long, the man heard the sound of footsteps from the floor above him, the man turned his head to look up the stairs, there he saw a beautiful woman in her thirties, with wavy red hair that fell to her shoulders, and her blue eyes that shone beautifully.

'Foreigners? Good, this place is getting weirder.'

The woman slowly descended the stairs with a smile on her face. She was wearing a dark blue blouse with a long tight skirt, the sound of the high heels that she wore was getting closer and closer to the man who was standing silently in front of the librarian's desk. Despite the man seeing a beautiful woman in front of him, there was no sign of surprise or astonishment, the man's face still flat like it had lost its muscles.

The beautiful woman stood in front of the man with a sweet smile. Many things occurred to the man instantly when he saw the foreign women. But all those thoughts went away. The man's expressionless face slightly frowned when the woman suddenly spoke fluently in the language of his country.

"Welcome master! May I know your name?"



Both were silent for a dozen seconds. The man took a deep breath, then told her his name.

"Bayu—Bayu Rivertale."

The beautiful woman then bowed her head, with a sweet smile painted on her face. Her blue eyes become more radiant, as given the special effects of stars that are often shown in cartoons.

The man named Bayu frowned even more.

'What's wrong with this woman?' Bayu thought, looking back at the beautiful woman in front of him. Silence returned between the two of them. A dozen seconds later.

"Ehem! Sorry Master Bayu, I am a little excited. Finally I can meet my master!"

"Eeee, o-okay. So, can I know what is this place?"

The beautiful woman after hearing Bayu's question, her smile grew wider, then in a quite excited tone, the woman said:

"Congratulations Master Bayu! Master has inherited the Library of Life's artifact!"

In harmony with the beautiful woman's words, the bookshelves that were previously empty, magically, books began to appear one by one. The whole room suddenly shone brightly. After a few minutes, Bayu, who was forced to see the bright light, could only stand still while closing his eyes.

'Can this be just a dream?' Bayu thought, feeling that his days would change drastically.