
I Have My Own Plans

Hey Folks,

Happy New Year!!!

After talking with several other writers, and discussing the issue of word count with them, I have understood a few mistakes I made and am hoping to rectify them. I am conducting an experiment for the next week to see if it affects the flow of the story much.

Kindly be patient with me. Also, let you know your thoughts in the comments.

New readers who are unaware of the issue can refer to the auxiliary chapter for further details.


"So Rob, do you want to add anything to what Dacey said to me until now?" Malora asked eagerly.

"A couple of things," Rob said looking at her. "That witch-like cackle you did while going out earlier, fine-tune it and make it more spooky. Try to end most of your promos with that cackle. It will create a sinister effect on your character."

Dacey nodded from the side hearing Rob's suggestion. She could already envision the screen going dark with only those cackles echoing in the background. It would be really spooky.