
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Kỳ huyễn
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God Vs. gods part 2

"Continuing, we have Hecate; goddess of magic, witchcraft, and ghosts. Hedone is the goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight. He is the daughter of Eros and Psyche. Helios is god of the sun and Hemera is goddess of the day. Hephaestus is god of fire, metalworking, and crafts or just simply the one who created weapons for all the twelve olympians. Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and family but also the wife of Zeus. Heracles is the immortal hero famous for his twelve labors he endured. He was the strongest man on earth and dubbed the god of strength. Hermes is the god of commerce and travel which is why he is dubbed as the messenger of the gods.Hesperus is the personification of the Evening Star. Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and home. Hygieia is the goddess of hygiene and good health. Hymenaios is the god of marriage ceremonies and Hyperian is the titan god of heavenly light. Last but not least Hypnos is the god of sleep which I see most of you are starting to do but you did say I have the whole day to speak which I am taking advantage of every single minute so don't judge me.

Next we have the I's, K's, L's, M's, N's, and O's. For I's we have lonely Iris who is the goddess of rainbows and also another messenger of the gods. For K's we have Kotys goddess of the wilds and Kratos the titan god of strength and power. For the L's we have Lachesus, who is one of the three Morai/Fates. She allotted fate by the will of the gods. Laso is the goddess of recuperation from illness and Lyssa is the goddess of rage. She also worked with Mania. Onto M's we have Maia who is one of the seven pleiades and Mania who is the goddess of madness and insanity. Melpomene is the muse of tragedy and Merope is also one of the seven pleiades. Metis is the titan goddess of wisdom and Momus is the god of satire and mockery. Last but not least we have Morpheus, the god of dreams and sleep. The only O we have is Oceanus who is the son of Uranus/heaven and Gaea/earth. Oh there's also Oceandid but I already mentioned her.

Onto P's we have Pallas who is the titan of withcraft and Pan who is the god of wild nature plus ruler of shepherds and hunters. He is half man half goat. Panacea is the goddess of universal remedy and her sisters are Aceso, Hygieia, Laso, and Agleao. Peitho is the goddess of persuasion and seduction while Persephone is the queen of the underworld and goddess of spring plus the wife of Hades. Pheme is the goddess of fame and gossip while Phosphorus is the Morning Star(Lucifer) or the 'bringer of light'. Plutus is the god of wealth and Pollux is the twin brother of Castor. Polyhymnia is the muse of hymns and Pontus is the primordial god of the sea. He is the creator of fish and other creatures. Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes. Priapus is the minor god of fertility and vegetable gardens. Pricus is one who manipulates time. He is half fish, half goat. Prometheus is the creator of mankind who was punished by Zeus for giving fire to humans. For this he was sentenced to live out his immortal days chained to a rock while a hawk would keep eating at his flesh over and over again. There he stayed until Heracles killed twelve of Typhons creatures/sons and then eventually killed the hawk guarding Prometheus thus setting him free. Last but not least we have Proteus who is the prophetic old sea-god and hersman of Poseidon's seals.

For R's, S's and T's we have Rhea who is the titan wife of Cronus. She had six children named Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus. When one of the gods demanded Rhea to bring her one of her children or face death; she instead wrapped a stone in cloth and tricked the god. Once he found out; he waged war on her and her children but instead of fighting alongside his brothers and sisters; Zeus took the confusion as a time to flee and that is what he did. Selene is the titan goddess of the moon and Sterope is one of the seven pleiades. Last but not least we have Styx who is a titan goddess of sacred oaths. Tartarus is the primeul god of the dark hellish pits of Hades and Taygete is also one of the seven pleiades. Terpsichore is the muse of dancing and Thalassa is the consort of Pontus. Thalia is the muse of comedy while Thanatos is the personification of death. He is the son of Nyk and his twin brother is Hypnos. Themis is the goddess of divine order, law and custom while Thetis is the sea nymph and mother of Achiles. She is also one of the fifty nereids. Triton is the messenger of the sea and the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Tech is the goddess of fortune and prosperity while Typhon is the god of monsters who battled for control of mount Olympus. His wife was Akidna and his children were part of the labours Heracles had to kill. These monsters included the Nemean lion whose hide could not be pierced by any mortal or man made weapon; Cerebrus, the three headed dog who guarded the underworlds gates; Hydra, the water serpent whose heads kept growing back even when cut off; Alysa Orthus, the two headed dog; and finally Ladon who was the serpentlike dragon who guarded goldenlike apples in the garden Hesperities. There was also a Spyhnx who killes all who couldn't answer her riddles and finally we have Sells who was the girl blessed with beautiful hair but then turned evil with octopus weirdlike hair.

Onto U's and Z's we have Urania the muse of astronomy and astrology and Uranus the god of the sky and heavens. He was father of the titans. Lastly we have Zelus, the god of rivalry, jealousy, envy, and zeal. Zephyrus is the West wing and lastly Zeus is the god of lighting and thunder. He is the king of heaven and ruler of the olympians.

That ends all of the Greek Mythology. I know there are probably countless more and all the consorts and such I have not mentioned but it was a long night remind you. The night may have been long but thankfully we did not wake up to a full blood moon. If we had then that is when Vahalla/Norse heaven is closest to earth and the gates will open. That makes the best time to offer sacrifices using ceremonial places and things on earth. As to the gods peole offer sacrifices too we have the Aesirs/warrior gods; Vanir/fertility gods and Jonars/giants. Then there are minor gods such as elves, dwarves and all of those. Let us begin. I'll share with you sixty eight of the most prominent gods from the Norse.

Starting off with the Norse/viking gods we have Baldur who is the god of beauty, innocence, peace, and rebirth. Sadly he was killed by Loki who tricked his blind brother Hadr into killing Bald with a spear of mistletoe. Deadly love I guess. Borr is the father of Oonin, Vili, and Ve. Bragi is the god of poetry, music and harp while Buri is the ruler of prehistory; the first god and father of Borr. Dagor is the god of daytime, son of Delling and Nott. Delling is the god of the dawn and Eir is the goddess of healing. Eostre is the goddess of spring and Elli is the goddess of old age. Forseti is the god of justice, peace and truth plus the son of Baldr and Nanna. Freyja is the goddess of love, fertility, and battle. Freyr is the god of fertility and Frigg is the goddess of marriage and motherhood. Fulla is Frigg's handmaid and Gefjun is the goddess of fertility and plough. It seems Norse gods have a lot of gods for the same exact purpose. Heli is the queen of Helheim/Norse underworld and daughter of Loki. Heimdallur is one of the Aesir/guardians of Asgaro which is one of the nine realms. Hermour is the heroic son of Odin and tried to rescue Baldur but failed. Hlin is the goddess of consolation and protection while Hoor is the god of winter but sadly was killed by Vali. Hoenir is the silent god and Iounn is the goddess of youth. Joro is the goddess of the earth and mother of Por by Oonin.Kvasir is the god of inspiration but again met his cruel death by dwarves. Lofn is the goddess of forbidden love and Loki is the trickster and god of mischief. Magni is the god of strength and son of Thor. Mani is the god of the moon and Mimir is Oonins uncle. Sadly he too died by being decapitated by Vanir. Nanna is the goddess of joy and peace. She was on Asynia , one of the nine realms and maried Baldur. She was the mother of Forseti but sadly she died because of Baldur's death.

We have a few left. Nerpus was a goddess mentioned by Tacitus but no one knows who she was the goddess of. Njorour is the god of the sea, wind, fish, and wealth. Sadly he was killed in Ragnarok. Nott is the goddess of night, daughter of Narvi and mother of Avo, Joro, and Dagur by Naglfari, Annar, and Delling.

Oonin is the 'All father'; god of war; and is associated with wisdom, poetry, and magic. He is the ruler of the gods. Saga is the goddess of wisdom and Ran is the goddess of the sea, She is also the wife of Aegir. Sif is the goddess of harvest and wife of Thor. Sigyn is the goddess of fidelity and wife of Loki while Sjofn is the goddess of love. Skao is the goddess of winter and Njoror's wife. Snotra is the goddess of prudence and Sol/Sunna is the goddess of the sun. Sadly she was swallowed and killed by Skoll. Thor is the god of thunder and battle plus the son of Ooinn. Tyr is the god of war and skied while Ulr is the god of ski/winter, hunt, and duel. She is the son of Sif. Valii is the god of revenge and Var is the goddess of contract. Ve is one of the three gods of creation and brother to Ooinn and Vili. Vioarr is the god of the forest, revenge, and silence. Vor is the goddess of wisdom and Yggdrasil is the goddess of life and the Tree of life which connects the nine realms/worlds. Brano is the god of daylight and son of Baldr. Andhrimmir is the cook of the gods and Amor and Cupid are not really gods. Those 'gods' were invented. Jupiter/Jofur is not really a god either. He was also invented/made up. Geirrendour is the father of the billow maidens and Glum is the attendant of Frigg. Last but not least Laga is the goddess of wells and springs.

Finally we get to the religion of Christianity. To start with we have God who is the one and true God over all. His name is Yahweh. Jesus is God's only Son and walked the earth between January 27 BC to Mach 37 AD. He lived through two emperors/ceasers. He was born during the time of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus( January 27 Bc to August 14 AD), and then died during the time of Roman Caesar Tiberius(September 14 AD to March 37 AD). Although these were emperors; Jesus lived under the overall king Herod the Great from his time of birth, death, and resurrection into Heaven. He was killed by a traitor just like most of the other gods. His traitor's name was Judas Iscariot who was one of His twelve disciples. When He resurrected three days later He was seen by over two hundred before He ascended into Heaven. At that time if ten were able to agree together as eyewitnesses then whatever they saw was true so Jesus greatly overdid ten. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus and the one who performed all of Jesus' miracles and every miracle in the Bible for that matter plus rose Christ from the Dead and helped make the Seven days of Creation. Lastly we have Lucifer who was referred to as the Bright Morning Star By God until he fell with one fourth of all of God's angels with him. He was the one who made all the songs that were sung to God and one day he got jealous that God was having all the praise and worthiness when he the original writer of those songs wasn't receiving any. For months he whispered in the ears of other angels and finally was able to get an army together to overthrow God but all powerful God won. For his failed attempt God threw Lucifer down to the earth as well as one fourth of His angels with Lucifer. As custom every time something big happens or someone does something big God always changes their name to showcase who they now are. With the case of Lucifer his name was changed to Satan and Lucifer's angels turned into falling angels and demons. Questions?