
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Kỳ huyễn
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Forces among us prt 2

"Shall we continue?"

"Please do. This is by far the best thing we've heard all week or in fact all semester."

"Hey...I heard that. I can have her removed if you keep making those snarky remarks."

"Sorry Mr. Doubter. We promise to hold our tongue. Just don't make her leave."


"Man sir, your class behaves so nicely. I wish all schools did this."

"We all wish this but unless you take action then wishes never come true."

"If you want food then wishes equal dishes. No one is going to buy you what you need. You have to go out and get it yourself."

Well said."

"Thank you. Now where were we?"

"We're on B's Addy."

"Thank you George. Let's start with by far I think the biggest B if not the biggest demon that the Bible not only brings up the most but we talk of the most. Let's begin with the prophet Bael. Bael is believed to be the first spirit and is a king who appears with three heads each resembling a cat, a toad, and a man. He is the head of infernal powers and is the first demon that made it to hell and also the first king of hell that Satan appointed. He has estates in the East, speaks in a raucous but well rounded voice, and commands sixty six legions. He is best known for teaching the art of invisibility and don't let him confuse you with Baal but he is his equivalent. Balam is the fifty-first spirit who appears with a serpent's tail, eyes that shoot fire, and has three heads consisting of a bull, a man, and a ram. He commands fourty legions and is seen carrying a sparowhawk on his wrist while riding nude and horned upon a bear. His voice is harsh and rash and he can tell of past, present, and future events; teaches cunning, fitness, and the easy way to see without being seen.

Barbatos is the eight spirit who is a duke that appears as a horned archer or hunter in the woods with four kings sounding horns before him. So watch out or else he might have you on his sites. He used to be one of the order of virtues in heaven but now he commands thirty legions. He teaches how to decipher what animals speak of; he knows of buried treasure, and can reconcile disagreements between friends. Finally like all the others; he knows of past and future events. Bathin is the eighteenth spirit who is a duke that appears in the likeness of a man with the tail of a serpent. He sits upon a pale-coloured horse. He knows the virtues and differences between herbs and precious stones; and can transport people suddenly from one country to another. Finally he rules over thirty legions. Coming upon another evil spirit that Jesus himself encountered more than once we have Beelzebub. He is the lord of the flies and the prince of demons. Not only did Jesus drive this spirit out more times then most but He was also always falsely compared to inherit his power of casting out demons from Beelzebub. To this Jesus denied strongly everytime. There is one instance though that a leader gets hurt in battle and asks his messengers to run to Beelzebub and ask him if the leader would recover but Jesus knowing what the messengers were going to do told Elijah to go to the desert and there Elijah intercepted the messengers. He told them that why do they have to run to a spirit for help when there is a God of Isreal who you can just call upon whenever, Then he told the messengers to go home then go back to their leader and say you will not recover from your wounds.

Another time Beelzebub comes into a man and makes him as strong as three men put together but in the proces turns the man into a crazy forcing him to tear his clothes and live in a cave. The situation gets so bad that someone from the town has to run two towns over to Jesus and tell Him to come because they can't just sit and wait for Him to come. So He comes and He could've just went into the cave and cast out Beelzebub but being human He is not a dummy. So He tells four guards to grab a hold of the man's arms while Jesus talks to him but as Jesus is about to walk up to him, the man picks the guards up like feathers, chucks them against the side of the cave walls and then takes off on a run so that Jesus now has to run after him trying to get him to stop. Don't run from the voice of the Lord I would've said if I were Him. If you run then that means I'll only pursue that much longer. When He finally catches the man He commands Beelzebub to come out of the man and return to hell but Beelzebub says I don't want to go back to hell. Please let me go into something else. Just give me anyone to go into so that I don't have to go back to hell. So Jesus sees some stray pigs nearby and tells Beelzebub to go enter them. So he enters them and drives them off the cliff. Now I don't know about you but if I were the man who owned those pigs I would've walked up to Jesus and said, 'You better give me a good reason why you killed my pigs or give me new ones. 'Do you believe in me? 'Yes?' 'Good, now go back to your house and because of your faith your pigs will be waiting there.' All that last bit with Jesus returning the pigs but that would've been cool. Anyways Beelzebub is one of the fallen angels who destroys by means of tyrants, causes other demons to be worshipped if you show that you don't want to, and he arouses desires in priests corrupting their heart or giving them whoever they want in love. He brings about jealousies, murders, and instigates wars.

Next we have the Behemoth who is a spirit of the desert and what Egyptians used to call, 'the water buffalo.' Job 40: 15-24 describes him as follows,

'Behold Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold, his strength is in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron. He is the first of the works of God;

let him who made him bring near his sword! For the mountains yield food for him

where all the wild beasts play. Under the lotus plant he lies, in the covert of the reeds and in the marsh. For his shade the lotus tree covers him the willows of the brook surround him. Behold, if the river is turbulent he is not frightened; he is confident though Jordan rushes against his mough. Can one take him with hooks, or pierce his nose with a snare?'

Ohh, food for your thoughts. The Behemoth is a boy and the Leviathan is actually a girl, the Bible says. Next we have Beleth. He is the thirtieth spirit and takes on the personification of a mighty king who rides a pale horse while trumpets and other melodic music play before him. He is primarily summoned by exorcists but it has to be in a correct manner. Beleth will appear rough and furious attempting to deceive the summoner but if the Excorcist keeps his courage and holds out his hand carrying a hazell bat then it's okay. He then has to stretch his bat to the east and south and draw a triangle and then a circle but not one inside the other. If the Excorcist forgets to make the triangle and circle before telling Beleth he can come in then the Excorcist shall keep on reading and soon Beleth will summit but won't be as ready to serve if you did not honor him the way you should've. Belial is known as the one without value but that doesn't stop him from being the chief of all devils and then the leader of the Sons of Darkness when they had to fight. Belial deals with fornication, wealth, and pollution of the sanctuaries. God Himself says that Belial will be let loose during the months of the antichrist. Belial is represented as the agent of divine punishment and as a rebel. During Aaron and Moses 'stay' in Egypt to free the Isealites it was Belial who inspired most of the sorcereres mainly Jochaneh and his brother to oppose the two and encourage the other sorceres to match all the miracles the two did. The term wizard means anyone who is ruled by the spirits of Belial and speaks of rebellion. If anyone is caught by it shall be condemned as a necromancer or wizard.

Belphegor is god of the moabites and along Moses' journey with the Isrealites they happened umong the Moabites and joines with the women. In so doing they started offercing sacrifices to Belphegor for thanks and God's anger burned againsth them. As punishment all who sacrified to Belpphegor were to be killed and the slaughter amounted to twenty four thousand. Berith is the twenty-eight spirit who is a duke that appears as a soldier with red clothing riding a red horse and wearing a crown atop his head. He governs twenty six legions. In order to summon and control him you need a magic ring but if you do summon him then he will tell you of past, present, and future events. He gives dignities, aids in singing ability and is known as the demon of the alchemists because he can change metal into gold. Bhairava/Beyrevra is the 'terrible' aspect of Shiva. He is the lord of time and death. His feautres of a tall man with long and crooked nails. When Brahma, a companion of his with five heads, had insulted a superior god, Beyre punished Brahma by cutting off one of his heads with his left thumb. Brahma felt humiliated and asked Eswara for forgiveness and she said that he would be no less respected with four heads then with five. As for Beyre; Eswara caused Brahma's head to turn into a skull and harden on Beyre's hand so that he would always wear the skull from now on on his hand. Bifrons is the fourty sixth spirit and is an Earl who appears as a monster then turns into a man when summoned. He teaches astrology, geometry, and other arts and sciences. He teaches the virtues of herbs, precious stones, and wood. He changes dead bodies around, putting them in different places and lights candles upon the graves of the dead. Lastly he commands twenty-six legions.

Botis is the seventeenth spirit and is a president and Earl. He appears in the form of a viper but once summoned he turns into a man. When he is a man he has great white teeth and two hornes. He carrys a sharp sword in his hand and he answers things of past, present, and future. He reconciles friends and foes and rules over sixty legions. Buer is the tenth spirit and is a President who appears in Sagitary and can't change when the sun rises up. He is a president of hell and a demon of the second order . He commands fifty legions and takes the form of a five-branched star or wheel and that is how he rolls. He teaches philosophy, logic, and herbal medicine. He also is skilled in healing the sick and giving good servants. The last of the B's is Bune who is the twenty-sixth spirit and is a duke who appears as a dragon with three heads where the third head looks like a man. He speaks with a strong divine voice and makes the dead change their places with each other while he dissasembles the monument/rock overtop their grave. He greatly increases a man in strength and wisdom making him eloquent and wise. He answers true to all demands and commands thirty legions. The only thing you have to do for him is be obedient because he demands it but if you aren't then he won't do as you say.

Onto C's we have Cacus who was the son of Vulcan and was a giant who lived in a cave on Mount Aventine. Sadly he was killed by Hecules when Cacus tried to steal Hercules cattle. Cali is the goddess of….I'll just name them all. Finishing we have Cali, Calicantzaros, Camio, Cerbeus, Chiang-shih, Cimejes, Crocell, Daevas, Dagwanoenyent, Daityas, Dantallion, Decarbia, and Deumus. For E's, F's, and G's we have Eligos, Ereshkigal, Erinyes, and Eurynome. Next is Fenir, Flaga, Focalor, Fomorians, Foras, Forneus, Furcas, and Furfur. Onto G's H's and I's we have Gaap, Ganga, Garuda, Glasya-Labolas, Gorgons, Gremory, and Gusion. H's, we have Haagenti, Haborym, Halphas, Harpies, Haures, Hecate, Hel, Hiisi, Hun Came, Huraken, Iblis, Incubus, Ipos, Ishtar, and Izanami. J's through L's consist of Jinn, Jormungand, Kappas, Lamia, Lechies, Leonard, Leraje, Leviathan, Lilith, Lix Terax, Loki, and Lucipher. M, N, and O bring us Malphas, Mammon, Mara, Marax, Marbas, Marchosias, Mastema, Melchiresa, Melchom, Mephistophiles, Micctantecugtli, Moloch, and Murmur, Naberius, Nagas, Nickar, Nybbas, Onoskelis, Oriax, Ornias, Orobas, and Ose. Phew. Can I be done. I am beginning to see why lectures are so boring. They are so long and just drag on and on just like the Bible does in the old testament with family trees and such. I know it's important from a studyign factor and to pinpoint which Joseph is talked about and why he is doing the thing he is doing because his great great great great great great great grandpa first moved there and started it but I want to move onto more engaging topics."

"What's wrong Adalyn? Did you forget the names of all the others? You certainly have forgotten what they do or else you would have talked of them. If you really know our ways then you will continue."

"I know. Just give me a minute. I'm thirteen after all and trying to remember them. Okay I'm ready. What are we on?"

"We're on P's and my mind is thinking about that letter so badly so hurry up."

"I'm going I'm going. Let me introduce you to Paimon, Phenex, Picollus, Pretas, Pruflas, Purson, Rahovart, Rakshasas, Raum, Ribesal, Ronove, Sallos, Samigina, Satan, Seere, Seraphim, Shax, Shedim, Sitri, Stolas, Succubus, Tezcatlipoca, Tilaltecuhtli, Torngarsux, and Tzitzimime. To end this out we have Ukobach, Uvall, Valefor, Vampires, Vapula, Vassago, Vepar, Vine, Volac, Vrykolakas, Vucub…..Came, Vucub Caquix, the watchers, Xaphan, Yan-gant-y-tan, Yara-ma-yha-who, Yenaldooshi, Zagan and last but not least Zepar. Phew...why are there so many bad guys? I'm getting tired just by saying their names. Go use the bathroom and when you come back I'll have my point made but first I need a drink. When we come back I'll show you why you should never say a demon's name three times as your looking into a mirror or else they just might appear.