
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Kỳ huyễn
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230 Chs


"There I was; alone and afraid. Giants roared and killed men on one side of me while my orders were being taken by a girl on the other side. Still I set off on my path with fear weighing heavy in my heart.

Something poked me in the back making me take off like a rocket but it was not in a good way. The plagues were back. Pain surged throughout my body as more and more gnats tried to take me down. Screw the sword; life was now the one thing that clung to my heart like paper and glue."

"Croak, noo!!! How could you divvy from the path so early and fast? You were starting out so well. When you become a believer you give up the self-independant personality and come into a much larger/broader structure called a family of believers. And with all families the core is to help out one another in any dire situation both big and small one faces. Remember how God phrases it in the Bible?"

"Yes, yes I know. God lays it out as such: we follow and put Him first; then family; then neighbors; then friends;last everyone else. You need not remind me."

"Exactly. I am a victim too but nowhere does it say put yourself over others in any situation even if it's a fear for your own life sit rap."

"Yea, you're right…...again. Like most when they start fresh, some barely make it past their first battle. This battle conssists of friends, family, loved ones, and neighbors all turning on you, forcing you to make the dreaded decision. Do I cave and go back to living only for myself or do I stand strong in the words I preach and believe?"

"Not an easy decision in the slightest."

"You can say that again."

"Not an easy decision in….okay, okay. I didn't literally mean repeat those….nevermind. Nonetheless the sword was abandoned by me and so were all the people I tirelessly walked beside to help me get here. Fight or flight baby and all that nonsense. I ran and ran hard until I could no longer hear the cries and screams of pain ringing in my ears. The world left me as darkness was first to greet me on her doorstep.

"H...hello! Is anyone there? Please answer. Your cabin blocks my path and I seem to be lost. If you could just steer me in the right direction then that will be much appreciated. Thank you."

"Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged;and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite; first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Do not give dogs what is sacred and do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who seeks finds and the one who knocks the door will be opened."

"Look! Whoever you are, I dont have time for any clues. I came seeking help and not confusion. That's why many don't knock on your door because that's all you answer with. You confuse people with an answer but these verses sound more like a promised attack than a helpful motivtion. Seems more of a if you hurt me then I'll hurt you back ten times as hard. Considering the place we are and giants roaming I have one thing to say. Give me your helmet or else I'll have no choice but to take it by force, Goliath."

"Ha...ha...haaaaaa!! Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks? Are you going to kill me like you did to Aaron? He was a messenger. No, he was our messenger and you killed him in cold blood for no reason."

"He attacked me! A bad spirit filled his soul so he lunged out. He wasn't who we thought he was."

"So that gives you the right to kill him just because he wasn't who you expected?"

"What would you have done if you were in my shoes and a friend you believed in turned out to be the enemy?"

"I wouldn't kill him irrationally on impulse like you did. There are more ways around a problem than simply trying to cut it out of your life so you don't have to deal with it anymore."


"Judge not lest you be judged; for in the same way you judge others you will be judged. With the same measure you use on someone that same amount of measure will be used on you. I'm just going to do the same thing to you as you did to Aaron."

"If I can get through the Leviathan by words alone then I can get through you as well."

"Funny!! To be a Christian is not by words alone but actions performed. Let's see how strong you are."

"Shield of…..Fake!!"

"Goliath's arm hit my gut hard and a rock a ways away was broken in half by my arrival. Goliath unsheeshed his sword and started walking towards me."

"Where is your God now? Where is your faith? You are weak, disheartening and ultimately a disgrace to you and everyone you love. Dishonor befalls you rat. If you can't take responsibility for your actions no matter how dark they seem, how are you going to walk this straight and narrow path without looking back? If you're indeed ready to take responsibility and defend against your own actions then rise up now and stand your ground soldier."

"I...will not…..ouch!!"

"As I said. You're weak and unfit for the path."

"Fine; okay. I take responsibility for my actions and don't regret what I did. Taking this path you have to make decisions that many will doubt you of but you must stay strong in what you do."

"Good boy. Now you have my permission to die sad and alone."

I took a step back as my eyes saw the leaves of the trees start to russell and a smile lit on my face.

"I'm never alone!!!!!"