
Mika Mash, Michaelis Treshi

"Isabelle? you here?"

"ahh, sir Ma'il, what brings you here?"

"Mika's looking for you, she's currently on the world pad"

"Did she tell you something about it?"

"no... that girl is always specific on everything... so it's good she's asking for someone to join her but ehh... I don't want to be harsh but you're the weakest on Project right now"

"I understand... well I'll be going now"

the sound of the digital door was only left after my leave

"... I hope Mika's alright right now..."

I managed to find the central and I can see miss Mika just waiting for me in the distance.

"miss Mika! did you ask for my help?"

"ahh! Isabelle, yes. I need to go back to my homeworld... dig up some past..."

"hmm?" miss Mika's world huh...

"ahh... I'm sorry in advance if I'll be a bit sentimental right now..."

"ahh... did something happen to your world?"


ahh... "I'm sorry, I think I'll just come with for now... if you'll have me"

"...thank you"

this is uncomfortable... miss Mika has been cheerful when she was with me... what's with her today?

we hop to the world pad and for a moment, in a whisper miss Mika said [transport; Latika.] the transport pad began to start and lights enveloped the place, getting really used to this...

I open my eyes and all I see is rubble... no... it's like 50 years or so after the extinction of everything here... and miss Mika's...

"surprising right? and please don't be afraid. guess I'll properly introduce myself right now, I'm Mika Treshi, a Mage here in the world Latika. don't to find anything though, everything here has most likely died or decomposed since I've left this place for around probably 200 or so years..."

200 years!? I'm way off from what I thought...

"wait, miss Mika, wasn't your surname Mash?"

"yes, in Ilatra my surname is Mash but in this world my original surname was Treshi, here, I'll even spell it here in this world"

she writes some with a stick and wrote on the ground, she wrote something I can't even read... this isn't the language I know...

"guessing you can't read it, without the Ilatra system automatically translating every word written, if outside it would show what we really are writing, you might've noticed but a small trivia, Ma'il, Nick, everyone here has different languages, thanks to the system we see what they write is something similar to your original world but you might see some discrepancies, like Ma'il writing but the letter deviates from the pen"

"ahh... wait then how can we understand each other?"

"that's thanks to our personal system, if there's one person with a system then both parties can understand each other, like when one's an anomaly while the other isn't then it's still capable of translating both parties, language seamlessly, it even imitates your lip according to the language. that's why we can talk to non anomaly normally like Naoya"

"I see... that was useful information, thanks!"

"useful despite being just a trivia, you don't really need to pay attention to it, it's all a program that helps the client"

we've been walking while talking for about a few minutes, the debris we walk on still has a faint of sturdiness but some of them crumble immediately, after some time we came in at what seems to be a grave.

{dear friend... I wish you've been taking care of yourself this past few hundreds of years}

miss Mika kneels down as if praying, she began to whisper but even the system can't translate it

I wonder if the grave is some lover, or a family, or a friend...

{I've been fine... what do you think of me right now? haha... I wish I could just meet you again}

-warning, anomaly skill detected at behind-

??? what was that? anomaly skill?

{I've been taking care of myself since then... I'm glad that I'm making friends, I hope your fine even in the afterlife}

-anomaly skills can be gathered at certain people, races or so. this benefits the taker and the skill 'chameleon memory' can currently take the skill of any skill compatible for the taker-

ahh... then where is it?

-currently below individual Mika-

wait wait wait... are you serious? I'm gonna be digging up a grave!?

{thank you for being with me for the early days when we were kids... and I hereby finish what I have started for you}

"hmm? something wrong Isabelle?"

"ahh! miss Mika... well..." how can I tell her about it..."

"?... ehh!?"

"what!? I haven't said anything yet!?"

"ahh... sorry sorry... no, the system just said that you were compatible with one of the skills Yuka has right? be my guest"

"Are you sure? isn't that grave something special?"

"ahh... well... this Grave holds someone dear to me, Yuka... she was a friend, although she didn't nurture her skills so I'd like you to use it, at least it's someone I know using one of Yuka's skills"

she began excavating the grave with her magic, and upon digging the grave, a child can be seen, it looks like...

"looks a lot like me right? well now you have a good image on what I looked like when I was a child"

"it does... question though... why does she look normal despite the years it took?"

"ahh... somehow I don't know... from the time I found her in a river and... killed the populace for 2 or so years she didn't decompose... "

somehow it's ominous... I began the extraction and

-extraction complete, Time sight has been extracted, also unknown kind of skill has been extracted, currently contacting admins and the goddesses, please wait for a few days-

"huh... Time sight and something else..."

"Yuka had that? hmm... the more you know..."

-alert! attempting to use Time sight-

wait... wait!


w-where am I?

-you are currently under time trance, you are invisible to everything-

hmm... not really answering my question...

-apologies, you are in Latika, year 4330, Mika Treshi's Mansion-

"wait... so I'm in a world where miss Mika was a child?"


wait... who fixed my system personality?


silence huh?

a few minutes pass and I finally found Mika, wait no... wait... I'm confused...

"Mika! C'mon or we'll be busted!"


miss Mika said that her friend was Yuka... so this must be Yuka... since when did they meet exactly?

"here... put this over there and I'll lure one of the people away, make sure you don't mess this up, partner!"

"o-of course!"

miss Mika seems to be having fun... her personality is much different than what it is today, she's so... nervous... she's not afraid but rather just not used to doing this...

I've been watching them creating traps and chaos among the maids, that girl... what's her name? Yuka... she's like the more assertive one... wait... something's amiss...

"my lord, it seems that miss Michaelis has a friend from the western country, I ask you what is our orders?"

"kill the westerian and lock that child in her room, I'm gonna educate her after that westerian's death"


I got to warn those two!

-alert, you can't interfere with current time, causalities is heavily restricted by the goddesses if the person is already an anomaly-

ahh... so... I'm just forced to watch all of this?


... so I'm just gonna watch?.. can I stop the simulation?

-yes, it's your skill thus you control it-

then please stop this...

-yes, discontinuing time trance-

the world fades back to where I was, all I see was Miss Mika and the healthy corpse just lying there

"hmm? something wrong Isabelle?"

"ahh, nothing... just glad I'm back..."

"your not making any sense right now... but okay"

-alert to party Isabelle and Mika, an unknown anomaly has entered the- [Isabellle! are you there?]

"wait, Miss Mei? is something the matter?"

"Isabelle, you might need to go back"

[I'll connect to you two, don't attempt to go back, things will be more chaotic if you go back, I'll send reinforcements in T-20 minutes]

"Wait! Miss Mei what's going on!?"

"Isabelle, what is it?"

"sorry but miss Mei said we shouldn't go back or else, what's happening?"

"shoot is it one of them? this will be troublesome. we'll lay low, for now, they can't spot even with the system on so we're safe"

we run to a nearby cave and Miss Mika set up some sort of contraption on the ground

"I guess you want some answers right now?"

I nod and she sat down.

"right now, the anomaly with us in this world is a scavenger, I doubt he's trying to kill since most of their kind search for it... right now his community is more likely one of the 10 dark communities of Ilatra, one of the communities is World:nameless, it currently has about 20 members and most of them sell skills from the black market"

"There are those kinds of people?"

"...- wait"

miss Mika looks around and heads out temporarily I don't know what's happening but I just assumed that there's a problem...

[Isabelle, the unknown anomaly has entered your vicinity]

"wait, how do you know where we are? and how did you know where the other one is?"

[thanks to your friend we got eyes on the anomaly, we just Identified him, I think they got alerted when someone got a new kind of skill. assuming that you had the skills then I think his target is you]


[scavengers are monstrous types of anomaly, they kill other anomalies to sell the skills they got, which means they'll go to absurd ways just to take your skills, most of them have chameleon memory so try not to die]

"yes... how long will the reinforcement take?"

[2 more minutes, the reason why you can't go back because almost everybody will know you have a new type of skill, this has happened in the past but it's mostly a new skill, not a type of skill, once your community mates enter the world then your safe, there's an admin in your community thankfully so he'll be coming with them, just hide for now and try not to get in Mika's way]


there are no other things I can do but wait... a lot of things have happened and even I'm disappointed that I can't do anything...

"Mika! reinforcement has come!"

the battlefield is in utter chaos. fire, ice, any kind of magic Mika has used is visible

"Magika! hurry now and help me!"

4 people came including Magika Gurhim, armed with weapons made of Mana.

the foreign anomaly left as soon as reinforcement came, thank god

"Isabelle, it's all alright now"

"miss Mika?"

along with miss Mika, there are 4 other people

"oh, these people are on our community, Luna Hiba, Jun Mi, Kiho Talyo and Magika Gurhim"

all of them are equipped with weapons even some absurd

"Gurhim's an admin of the system, although it's surprising that you join in the reinforcements"

"haha! C'mon Mika, I may be weak but I have my uses, but anyway's you heard from Captain Mei from Muse right?"

"Yeah, do you work"

"Isabelle, you'll have to forgive me for this since this might feel uncomfortable, system, begin code white"


"w-what is this? what's happening"

"I'm sorry Isabelle, I'll leave this to you Magika"

light... nothing, in or out, everywhere I walk leads to nowhere... Ghahk!!

what's this... it's... Haaahhh!! "Isabelle... I'm sorry for this experience, please bear it a bit longer"

... lightning... shocks... my arms getting ripped off and then put back... wha... what is this...

-alert, unknown skill has been identified. congratulations, you have scavenged, rare skill: Time manipulation. Individual ///|\|/\?\//\/\\\||-

"Isabelle, everything's fine now"

I open my eyes and I'm back in my room...

"w... what happened?"

"sorry... that might've been one of your worst experience as of right now, tell me, what was your experience, can you explain to me so that I can improve this?"

"... it was... like my limbs were being cut off, I couldn't feel anything... I just know... and shocks across my body as if I was being electrified..."

"hmm... quite different huh... well thank you for roughly explaining it. I'll be going now, I'd feel ashamed if I stay longer in a girl's room"

he left without saying another word and Mika and Nick came in

"are you alright now?"

"yes... thanks miss Mika... what's Mr. Nick doing here?"

"didn't I tell you to refrain from saying any honorifics? jeez... it sounds wierd"

"... .... he came because he was worried, we got a good sermon from him too, even Ma'il wasn't safe"

"you were getting her killed!"

"We didn't have any choice!"

they started arguing...(ahhh! my parents are arguing again!)

"hahh... well... as long she's safe... I couldn't care less about you though"

"HAAH? that's gold! considering you didn't even help!"

"say that to my face again! if I joined in there then I would just be dead weight considering my circumstance"

"yeah! we didn't even need you anyway"

"I could beat you to a pulp if I wasn't recovering!"

"hoh? you got beaten by that kind of an anomaly? you're over 500 years and you experienced trouble?"

"he was also hiding his years! didn-"


I scream at the top of my lungs, they both look at me with concerned eyes

"this is my room... can you two stop your arguing? I'm getting mildly annoyed by it"

I let out an honest opinion... I'll have to apologize later...

"... sorry Isabelle, have a good rest. AND YOU! we're still not finished!"

both of them leave still quarreling with each other...

"what's with those two?"

"ahh... Naoya, nothing they just fought in my room... what brings you here..."

"ahh! I heard you got a new skill, I was thinking of celebrating it with you but..."

"ahh no, no. it's alright."

Naoya gave me some chocolates and a gift

"thanks... I needed that..."

"your welcome, if you'll excuse me I'll be training with sir Ma'il for today"

he left... just me today huh...


"Mei, what happened here?"

"hmm? ahh, Liliya... nothing, just some urgency needed to go to"

"ahh... how's the world that we visited?"

"ahh, that? thanks to you two we got some good info, we set up a portal near that village but it seems to have been changed or rather the coordinates changed. we can still travel to it but the destination has changed"

"ehh? what about our investigation? they have much more advanced weaponry over there!"

"the question is the race you met with, considering the sample you gave me I can tell it's coated in ether and the metal is made probably stronger than Magnesium... probably titanium or something else... although these are just speculations so it's best to act cautiously when meeting one, we don't know their personality so we won't be visiting them any time soon"

"ehh... where's Isa then?"

"Isabelle's currently resting"

"aww really? then I'll go back to Laplace for now"

"Liliya... you seem healthy today... stop using Isabelle as a stand-in for Kirin"

"I'm not... she's just aa friend"

