
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 6: Accomplishment

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 6: Accomplishment

1 month later*

Days?: New Skills

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Study Room)

It has been a month since Shigure and I spend most of our time together, figuring out more about the [Persona System], along with training together as well.

So far, I found out that my aura reserve didn't increase at all. After draining my aura until it empty, but found out with the help of Shigure.

From what Shigure told me, the reason why my aura reserve didn't increase at all. Was because it was never empty at all and I was only tried with a bit of leftover aura.

Using aura enhance, in fact, did not have the ability to literally empty the aura reserve and will deactivate once it gets too low. Or, in other case, get under the red zone.

Another thing I find a flaw in this world's system over aura.

They don't bother to make the aura into numbers, well, they do, but only in percentage and in colors. Green having 50% of the Hunter's aura still available while yellow is 40% of their aura and red being 10%.

As for the flaw of this aura meter was because no one decided to find out how much aura per person. They pretty much just decided that big aura would drain slower and last longer while those with short aura reserve would be the opposite.

Even Shigure wasn't able to find any other information on this subject. But then again, the native of this world doesn't study more about aura and figure out a way to increase their aura reserve.

Another thing I find irritated, since the people think their aura reserve would never increase at all and only those with semblance that require high amounts of aura would have the ability to increase their aura reserve each time they use their semblance most of the time, or some people who born with a high rank aura reserve, which in this case. Pyrrha and Shigure fall under the second category of aura reserve.

So, if I didn't have my [Persona System] and just some random semblance. I wouldn't be able to increase my aura reserve at all, seeing how I can't empty my aura reserve like I plan to and only with the right semblance would be possible.

In a way, I have pretty much made a third category and found a way to increase my aura reserve by empty it with [Magic]. After I figure out how many time I have to use both [Dia] and [Aqua] to empty my aura reserve.

With Shigure's explaining to me about aura reserve. The only way for people to find out if the person's aura is completely empty are those who fainted from having their aura completely drain instantly and those who could barely move a finger, but still conscious.

So, by using [Aqua] multiple time in high speed multiple casts, which I found out I could instant cast rapidly and the destroyed wooden training dummy from being hit by countless high water pressures in all angles.

I could cast [Aqua] 25 times before I knock myself out, which Shigure would watch over me until I regain 1% of my aura.

That day, I was too in a hurry to find out the number of times I could cast [Aqua] before going back to [Dia]. Shigure was worried about my well being, which I find touching, and knew that I pretty much empty my aura reserve for the first time.

With [Dia], I could only cast it 14 times, but only left with 2% aura in my reserve after the calculation I done. So, using [Aqua] to completely drain my aura reserve, but this ends up as a roadblock in my training.

Because my aura reserve increased by 30% at least, because afterward. The number of the time I could cast [Aqua] turned into 32. Throwing off my calculation on what is [E-: Aura Unit Level] is.

At least, my aura reserve increased in the first place, which surprised Shigure for a bit from seeing an actual result of emptying my aura reserve would increase it.

But, as a result, with 18 times for [Dia] and 32 for [Aqua]. Neither of these two [Magic] could empty my aura reserve alone with high speed multiple casts alone anymore.

I had to wait to time it right to cast one of the [Magic] to empty my aura reserve, but failed many times now. Since, either I cast the [Magic] too early and nothing happens or cast it too late, then I would still have 1%-2% or so in aura leftover.

For the whole month, I mostly train in my current [Skill] and empty my aura reserve whenever I have the chance and mostly leave it to my luck, and so far, I haven't been able to empty my aura reserve beside the first time by accident.

[Basic Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol]: (15/100)

Assemble a [Pistol]: (15/100)

Reload a [Pistol]: (20/20)

Hit a target with a [Pistol]: (78/100)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol]: (4/30)

The interesting thing with [Basic Pistol Mastery]. Once, I reached over 70s in hitting a target with my [Pistol]. I could finally handle the recoil with one arm, well, with my left hand that is. I still need both hands if I wanted to shoot with my right hand and from afar.

After 50 meters between myself and the target, then I require using both hands just to barely hit the target. So, that a success in my book.

Of course, training with [Basic Pistol Mastery] and [Basic Evasion Mastery] wasn't the only [Skill] I done. Since Shigure manage to grab a few [Fire Crystalline Dust] for me to convert into [System Point].

Though, she wasn't able to grab anymore until her Father restock more [Dust] and there is a low chance of him buying more [Crystalline Dust] right now.

Shigure gave me 11 [Fire Crystalline Dust], along with my previous leftover [System Point]. I had a total of [12300 System Points].

At first, I was planning to save those [12300 System Points] for the future before spending it on something at the time, but Shigure told me I may as well, seeing how she won't be able to get any more, even if it isn't [Fire Dust] and her Father may end up asking her questions she can't ask.

Also, Shigure pointed out the fact that I have barely any training in other areas besides shooting and dodging, and sooner or later in the future before I could train in my new [Skill] and [Magic]. I won't have the time then and would end up being killed.

Seeing her points, I brought 3 [Skill] that I could use and help Shigure as well. Costing me a total of [9100 System Points] and a leftover of [3200 System Points], which I would use for later.

Sadly, among the 3 chosen [Skill], [Basic Knife Mastery] wasn't among them since Shigure decided that I should focus on one weapon for now and later in the future I could purchase the [Basic Knife Mastery] if I really need it then.

The 3 [Skill] I purchased was [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery] at the price of [3100 System Points]. [Basic Movement Mastery] for the price of [1200 System Points], and as for the third [Skill]. It's [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery], with the price of [4800 System Points].

Out of the 3 [Skill], I would say the [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery] is the most useful one, and Shigure agrees with me completely.

[Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to craft in many different types related to crafting. Along with a small instinct for the user to adapt to the many tools around them and use them to craft something, even if they almost at the point of being destroyed in a matter of seconds.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery] to [Trainee Jack of Crafts Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Cook something edible: (101/1000)

Build something useful: (0/1000)

Repair something to a decent workable: (2/1000)

Craft something to be shown as art: (0/1000)

Craft something useful in the medical field: (23/1000)

Merge something together: (60/1000)

Yup, Shigure was very happen when I told her about one of the [Training Methods] included in the medical field. Also, the first few tries in cooking and making something in the medical field wasn't that great. Just above failure, to be honest.

Shigure was sad that I need to keep on practicing for the [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery] to show its effects later on. Once, I hit in the 50s or even 100s by then.

The cooking part, however, was kind of cheating in my opinion. I pretty much made some [Scrambled Eggs] and [Macaroni and Cheese], to increase the [Training Methods]'s counts.

But, at least it show the progress I made once it went pass the 10s and into the 50s, then once it hit pass 100s. The food I made is pretty good for my age and from the way Shigure look so eager to eat one of the food I [Cook] show how good it is.

Well, it more like Shigure and sometime Father is the ones who eat my cooking so far. I honestly don't know if it's good or not, compare to other chefs. Father pretty much say it pretty good and didn't comment anymore. With Shigure, I really don't need to hear what she got to say about my foods, she pretty much devour all of them.

It was too bad, that Pyrrha wasn't able to eat any of my cooking since most of the time. Pyrrha was training with either Father or Mother at the time.

As for the stuff I made related in the medical field, I made Shigure cry from wasting so many materials, which I had to make some [Custard Pudding] to cheer her up.

After I had to redo a few times to get it right, seeing how I haven't made a homemade [Custard Pudding] since my reincarnation. And now it's Shigure's favorite and almost to the same level as Pyrrha's chocolate and Ruby's cookies.

Once, I reached in the 20s for crafting medical related stuff. I finally gained some new knowledge, well, more like it give me the knowledge to improve Shigure's medical pills by 20% stronger effects while replacing a few materials as well.

Also, I had to buy a [Dis-Poison] from the [Consumable] section, costing me [600 System Points] and a leftover of [2600 System Points], which I promise to buy one for Shigure to study.

Most of the time Shigure would be studying the [Dis-Poison] to see if she could recreate her own version or a base to create varies of different types of antidotes.

Now, beside training in [Basic Pistol Mastery] and [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery], which is during free and meal time. I would mainly train in [Basic Movement Mastery] after finding out it improve my stamina by a long short.

Of course, Shigure benefit from this as well by following the same [Training Methods] the [Basic Movement Mastery] it give me.

[Basic Movement Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to move around and at the same time, converse stamina during in motions. Also giving the user a small instinct on how to adapt to countless way to move in their paths.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Basic Movement Mastery] to [Trainee Movement Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Walk without stopping for 1 hour: (21/100)

Run without stopping for 1 hour: (15/100)

Spring without stopping for 10 minutes: (11/100)

Jump over something above knee level: (0/500)

Crawl under something above waist level: (0/500)

Climb something above knee level: (0/500)

Perform a side step without hitting anything: (54/500)

Perform a front roll without hitting anything: (34/500)

Perform a slide without hitting anything: (0/500)

Perform a backflip without hitting anything: (2/500)

Perform a cartwheel without hitting anything: (5/500)

Yeah, let just say walking for an hour without stopping and not get bored was not that fun one bit. Even Shigure wanted to run instead of walking for an hour, but decided that if I'm doing it, then she should too.

As for running, well, Shigure had to carry me a few times to find a seat to rest until I could run again. I felt really embarrassed at the time, since there were people around that watched Shigure carrying me in mine tired state.

For the backflip and cartwheel training sessions. Let just say I wasted a ton of aura to cast [Dia] in order to speed up the healing process at those times and had to use more of Shigure's medical pills, which she was happy to use on me to see the results.

However, what both Shigure and I try to train the most for the whole month is the [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery]. Shigure is using her wooden sword against me using my bare hands, and sometime with my [Pistol].

[Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to perform countless and formless striking techniques. Also giving the user a small instinct on how to adapt to countless way to move in their own path in unarmed combats.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery] to [Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Straight punch something: (150/150)

Uppercut punch something: (43/75)

Jab punch something: (100/100)

Back fist something: (31/150)

Elbow strike something: (0/200)

Knee strike something: (0/200)

Hand strike something: (33/100)

Knife hand strike something: (21/125)

Palm strike something: (76/100)

Hammer Fist something: (9/100)

Front kick something: (0/150)

Back kick something: (0/150)

Side kick something: (0/150)

Push kick something: (0/150)

Roundhouse kick something: (0/100)

Axe kick something: (0/100)

As of right now, I mainly focus on using my hands first, then once those are done. I would switch to the other [Training Methods].

Together with [Basic Evasion Mastery] and [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery], I was able to cause Shigure some problems in our daily sparring match with each other. Until she got used to my inexperience style and beat me silly.

Which is a good thing, since it give Shigure some experience and the instinct come from [Basic Evasion Mastery], [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery], and [Basic Movement Mastery] has helped me countless time from almost getting stabbed in the eyes and hit in the balls.

Well, more like I had to explain to Shigure that fighting dirty would give her experience against future foes, who fight dirty as well, so in a way, she would know how to defend herself and also give me experience in fighting an opponent, that fight dirty. An opponent, who happen to be Shigure, with lots of sharp weapons that could put multiple holes on my body.

There are a few things I regret, and one of them is making Shigure know how to fight dirty early when she could learn about it later in the future.

"Enma...back...to...training..." Shigure poke me for each word she speak, as she try to stop me from doing my daily monologue.

"Monologue...later...now...is...training...time..." Shigure continues to poke me and knew there are many ways to break me from my inner monologue, but being poked by her almost every day started to get to me.

I let out a sigh of defeat, and get off my seat while Shigure looks at me in silence, but just waiting for her chance to poke me once more if I go back to do my inner monologue.

"Okay. Enough with the poking." I said to Shigure, who has a small smile on her face.

I let out another sigh, that I pretty much give Shigure something to enjoy besides training and making more medical related stuff, and now, she enjoys figuring a new way to stop me doing my inner monologue whenever she sees me just staring off into space.

Looking back at the book on the table in front of me, I have been trying to research for anything related to aura and semblance, to find out if there another way I could increase my aura reserve.

So far, my research doesn't give me much results and most of them say the same things or similar.

"Well, I guess the only way is for me to keep on trying to empty my aura reserve." I said to Shigure, who continue to poke me on my left shoulder.

I look at Shigure with a deadpan expression while Shigure poked me one more time, then give me a small smile, showing me she is amused.

I roll my eyes at Shigure and follow her out of the Study Room after I put back the book I was reading back to its shelf.

few minutes later*

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dojo Building: Training Room)

Bringing out my [Pistol] from my inventory, holding onto it with my left hand as I stand in front of Shigure, who already got her wooden sword out and took her stance against me.

"When...either...our...aura...enter...red...or...one...of us...give...up..is...the...loser..." Shigure said to me, as the flat screen monitor on the wall show our aura meters.

"Alright." I agree with Shigure, seeing that we are going with the tournament's rules this time. 'Good thing I found an instruction manual in the Study Room on how to use these monitors in the Training Rooms to link with our aura.'

Neither of us said when to begin, but Shigure already rush straight towards me with a simple right horizontal cut.

Without even thinking, I already took a step back and raise my left arm, then shoot Shigure in her right shoulder. As I try to stop Shigure for a moment, but lower herself just a few inches at the very moment I pointed the [Pistol] at her.

And the [Dust Round] barely touches the layer of Shigure's cloth. 'I seriously hate the fact, that Shigure has abnormal reflex, along with her training in weapons.'

I throw a right jab at Shigure in hope she would back away, to give myself some distance, but instead of Shigure moving away from me. She decided to get even closer and dodge my right jab by lowering herself even more, then switch her grip to a reverse grip. Shigure use aura enhance to boost her speed and slam the bottom of her wooden sword into my stomach.

I grunt in pain, and try to shoot Shigure, but much to my annoyance. Shigure disarmed me a second later after hitting me in the gut. By using the tip of her wooden sword to hit the top of my left wrist, causing me to let go of my [Pistol] at the sudden pain.

I tried to knee her in the face, but even that fail when Shigure hit the back of my left knee, forcing me to bend my left knee, throwing my balance off and fall on the ground.

Before I could roll away, Shigure already straddle on top of me, with her wooden sword's tip really close to my left eye.

Shigure waited for me to give up or find out if I have a trick up my sleeve to turn this situation around.

"I surrender..." I said to Shigure, then watch Shigure get off me and stretch her left arm towards me in a gesture of helping me get up.

Accepting the offering hand, Shigure help mes get off the ground.

"Need...better...speed...and...reflex..." Shigure said to me, as a reminder that even with these [Skill], if my body can't even catch up with my opponent, then how could I even use them in the first place. Even with the instinct, I acquire won't be any help if my body can't follow those instinct fast enough.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Still trying to come up with a training method for improving my reflex." I said to Shigure, as I walk over to the side to pick up my [Pistol].

"Man, I can't even hit you anymore thanks to your current speed." I mumble to myself, "Alright. Let try this again." As Shigure quickly got back to her stance.

Looking at the monitor, to find out what my aura is at right now and it still in the green zone by half the original amount.

This time, I shoot at Shigure before she could charge at me in the very beginning like before.

Shigure did a simple side step to her left, letting the [Dust Round] pass her without even touching a layer of her clothes.

Not bother to think about the second failed shots, and fire three times in a row. As I try to block Shigure's escape route by shooting one on her right, then left and last one straight towards her head.

This force Shigure to duck, seeing how both her left and right are cut off. Of course, Shigure could of just rush straight towards me or back away

However, I already fired off the 4th shots, aiming directly at Shigure's stomach.

But, instead of Shigure jumping back to dodge the 4th shots, Shigure roll to her right and use aura enhance to launch herself straight at me once she got back onto her feet.

Just before Shigure could shorten the distance between us, I cast [Aqua] in front of Shigure's path and blast her away from me.

Shigure tried to get her balance stable, but end up getting smash into the ground when I cast another [Aqua] barely above Shigure in midair.

Of course, if this was the older version of Shigure. I'm pretty sure could easily dodge my [Water Magic], I think.

Looking at the monitor to see what is Shigure's aura at right and see it just a bit above the red zone.

"I...surrender..." Shigure gives up this time and sneeze afterward. I look at Shigure, who is currently soaked from getting hit by my [Aqua] and having a ton of water splash on her when the second [Aqua]'s effect is over, then the water sphere burst over Shigure.

"Well, I guess that end our daily sparring match. Let get you a change of clothes." I said to Shigure, who nodded in agreement.

next day*

Day?: New Found Discovery!

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Nikos' Twin's Bedroom)

"Summon?" Shigure asks me while balancing herself on top of a soccer ball.

"No, Shigure. Like I said before, if you could sense my aura being drained while I use any of my [Magic]. Then someone who trained in sensing aura would try to locate us when there a large amount of aura appear in a single location." I deny Shigure of the chance of seeing my [Persona], which she keep on trying since day one when she finds out about my [Persona System], along with the ability to summon a [Persona].

Not once in this life had I summon my [Persona] yet. Which is killing me to find out what my initial [Persona] is.


The door to the room was open with a bit more force than necessary, to open the door, and the person who opened the door this way was Pyrrha herself and from the look of it. Pyrrha is very happy, with that big smile on her face, like she was given a good news of some sort.

"EMNA! I got great news!" Pyrrha shouts in excitement and already started dragging me off of our bed.

Shigure jumps off her soccer ball and walk over to hear what Pyrrha has to say.

"What is it?" I ask Pyrrha while getting off the ground, thanks to Pyrrha suddenly pulled me off the bed and was only holding onto my left arm while the rest of me fall on the ground.

"Mother finally lets me learn how to [Cook]!" Pyrrha cheers while ignoring the fact, that the relationship between Pyrrha and Mother are still strained, but getting better.

My mind went to a complete stop once I register what my own twin just said, then slowly blink. As Pyrrha wait for me to response, with her excited expression and from the look of it. I could tell Pyrrha wanted me to be her first taster.

"Why that sounds grand..." I said dryly, and Pyrrha was too excited to notice my concern. Because in this family, it's Father who sucked at cooking and I overcome that inherit of his cooking talent through my [Basic Jack of Crafts Mastery], or I got my cooking talent from Mother.

I don't know why, but I got the feeling Pyrrha didn't inherit Mother's cooking talent.

"Come on!" Pyrrha drag me out of the bedroom while I send a mental message to Shigure in the hope she bring a medical pill for food poisoning.

Too bad, Shigure didn't get my mental message like always and just tilt her head to the side to show her confused look.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dining Room)

"So...who teaching you on how to [Cook], Pyr?" I ask Pyrrha, as I try to gather some information on the unknown.

"Why Mother of course." Pyrrha looks at me like I was asking a silly question, which is pretty much a silly one since the whole family knows Father can't [Cook] at all, even with his life on the line and would rather eat fruits to survive than try to cook raw meat.

"Oh. OH! T-That's good!" I said in a fake cheerful tone, causing Pyrrha to pout at me for thinking, that she would ask Father of all people to teach her how to [Cook]. That's just asking for a disaster to happen.

"That's mean of you to think I would actually ask Father to teach me." Pyrrha glare at me, but to me. Pyrrha still look like she pouting instead of glaring at me with anger.

"Sorry. Sorry." I apology Pyrrha for even having that thought.

Pyrrha looks at me for another few seconds, then nodded in accepting my apologies.

"Shigure. Please tell me you brought some medical pills for food poisoning." I lean over to Shigure a bit closer So I could ask her in a whisper tone, but sadly her response was a shook of her head, that she didn't bring or didn't make any medical pills for curing food poisoning.

Lucky for me, Pyrrha already entered the kitchen when I asked Shigure for some medical pills for me to use soon.

I straighten my back and look straight ahead, then walk over the table and sit in front of Father, who look at me with amusement.

"Why does it look like your about to enter a life and death battle? All you going to do is eating." Father said with amusement, as he looks at me with a smile.

Shigure took a seat on my right and wait for the food to come, but glance at me a few times.

'Why do I get the feeling Shigure isn't waiting to eat Pyrrha's food but mine?' I thought with confusion.

"Isn't it too early for Pyrrha to start cooking?" I ask Father in the hope he would stop her from cooking.

"Sure...and your not the same age as Pyrrha, who already could [Cook] better than me." Father said dryly and didn't bother to stop his daughter on how to learn to [Cook] since it a good skill to have for survival when you live alone or just order takeout.

"Anyone could [Cook] better than you." I replied back while hoping Pyrrha don't try to make something complex.

"True. Doesn't mean I like it." Father grumble.

A second later, Pyrrha came out of the kitchen with a single plate of what look like a chocolate cupcake.

'Well, at least Pyrrha got the appearance to look alright.' I thought to myself, as I stare at the chocolate cupcake while Pyrrha places it in front of me.

"Come on! Tell me how it tastes!" Pyrrha looks at me with hopeful eyes, as she waits for me to taste her chocolate cupcake.

'Aura...don't fail me now.' I pick up the chocolate cupcake and take my first bite.

Ignoring the jealous look coming from Mother, who currently standing behind Pyrrha.

I started chewing, as the taste of the chocolate cupcake register to my tongue.

"Huh. Not bad." I said with surprise, which is true, seeing how the chocolate cupcake actually tasted like one and not something that tasted like mud or worse.

"See! I could make a chocolate cupcake on my own!" Pyrrha spins around, and look at Mother with her chest puff out, with pride.

"Of course, Pyrrha." Mother said in a happy tone while glaring at me for eating Pyrrha's first handmade chocolate cupcake.

"Is a chocolate cupcake the only thing you made so far?" Father asks Pyrrha while staring at the half eaten chocolate cupcake in my hand.

"Yeah. Why you ask?" Pyrrha looks at Father, with a confused look, then Mother stops glaring and look like she gains enlightenment.

"Because. If you inherit my cooking talent, then the first thing you [Cook]. Will be the only thing you could [Cook] for the rest of your life besides heating up premade food." Father answer Pyrrha's question, causing the rest of us to look at Father in surprise.

"I forgot about that!" Mother exclaimed, as she looks at Pyrrha with sadness and worry.

"Huh?" Pyrrha look at our parents in confusion while not noticing Shigure takes the remaining half eaten chocolate cupcake from me and eat it before Pyrrha could look.

"Pyrrha, come back into the kitchen, honey. We need you to make something else." Mother said with a worried tone, as she drags Pyrrha back into the kitchen to make something other than the chocolate cupcake she just made.

"So..." I begin to ask Father about what could he [Cook].

"I can make a pudding." Father said without a shame.

"Any kind of pudding?" I ask Father, with curiosity.

"Any kind. As long as it is pudding of some sort." Father said in a proud voice.

"Hmm...pudding..." Shigure started to drool at the thoughts of having pudding, causing Father to chuckle at the current state of Shigure.

"Maybe I will make some pudding after Pyrrha done with using the kitchen." Father offer with a smile on his face.

Shigure look at Father, to see if it's possible to have pudding soon, causing Father's smile to widen.

"How about you, Enma?" Father look at me with an eyebrow raise and at the same time, Shigure looks at me, with narrow eyes. Daring me to reject Father's offer of making pudding today.

"Sure." I said dryly while sweating a little from being glared at by Shigure and seeing how Shigure look so eager to eat some pudding made from Father and I got the feeling she just wanted to compare it to mine to Father, then force me to improve my pudding version for her to eat.

So far, Shigure pretty much got a sweet tooth and actually demand me in the payment form of pudding for the amount of medical pills I been going through from the training sessions I went through.

Well, pudding and anything [Item] related to the medical field in the future when I get more [System Point].

"Alrighty then. Now, let hope Pyrrha doesn't inherit my family talent in cooking." Father said to both Shigure and I, then whisper the last part to himself, but we could still hear what he whispering.

"Pyrrha! NO! NO! NO!" We started hearing Mother's shouts from within the kitchen.


Before we could enter the kitchen to find out what wrong, but we're too late and an explosion happens.

"Is everyone okay? Or do I need to call for help?" Father ask everyone while I open a window to let the smokes out of the house.

"I'm okay." Pyrrha answers back while coughing a little, along with everyone else in the room.

"Anything on fire?" I ask both Pyrrha and Mother, but mostly Mother, even if she does hate me for some reason.

"Not anymore." Mother answer my question in a neutral tone, and I just roll my eyes at Mother's tone of voice.

'Still, I need to get stronger. I don't know much about Father and Mother, but I need to watch both of them carefully. Something is going on in the shadow of this family. Another thing, why is that I'm the only one in an arranged marriage? Not that I don't mind, but how come Pyrrha don't have one?' I begin to think about what's going on with this family of mine.

'At least, I know what Mother's semblance is from her using it multiple time...and Pyrrha asking our parents what it was a week ago. Can't believe Mother's semblance is related to time manipulation. With just a single touch on anywhere on her skin to rewind the target back a minute.' I dread of the thoughts in the future, where I may or may not fight my own Mother, who has years of experience in using her semblance.

'Oh well, I only have to place Mother's threat level above Father. Since Father hasn't even figured out his semblance yet or that could be a lie to be a trump card.' I let out a sigh and feel already tired, when it isn't evening yet.

'Can't even trust my own parents. How sad is that.' I watch Pyrrha looking at Father, with crushed dreams while Mother just shook her head in regret. As for Father, he just shrugged his shoulders at this.

Shigure places her left hand over my right hand, causing me to look at her.

"You...can...trust...me." Shigure looks at me with a smile, as she squeezes my hand gently in comfort.

"If you didn't show me your semblance a few days ago. I would have thought it was something like emotion detection, with the way you keep on telling what I'm feeling most of the time." I whisper to Shigure, as her smile widens a little.

Looking back at my family, showing me how a loving happy family it is.

'I need more [System Point] and find a safe place to find out what my [Persona] is.' I continue to watch Father and Mother trying to cheer Pyrrha up from discovering that the only she could make is related to chocolate or a cupcake.