
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 19: It's A Progress

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 19: It's A Progress

Days?: First Day of School Part 2

lunch time*

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Sanctum Academy: Cafeteria)

"Why did I decide on enrolling into this academy?" Izaya asks mostly himself, then take a bite of his [Apple].

"How should I know? I can't read minds and I know for sure others would have the urge to hit you until they're satisfied if they heard what you just said. Also, even if the 3 tests are easy for us, but remember, we're prepared and did enough training to pass them compared the time and effort others put into their chance of enrolling." I answer Izaya's question, causing him to look at me with deadpan.

"Like you're one to talk." Izaya rolls his eyes at me, "Stupid crazy training freak." I heard Izaya grumble under his breath.

"Isn't...because...you...wanted...to...stay...with us?" Shigure looks at Izaya, with her default blank expression.

"Sure, why not? It's not like I can continue our group's operations all by myself like before. Oh no, I just wanted to be with my friends that all." Izaya answer Shigure's question filled with sarcasm.

Either Shigure didn't notice Izaya being sarcastic or outright ignored it, "That's...good." Shigure gives Izaya a small smile and felt happy Izaya think we're his friends.

Izaya twitches a little, but let out a depressed sigh when he should have known what kind of reply he would get from Shigure.

A second later, Pyrrha and Momoyo walk over to our table after getting their foods, where Pyrrha sit on my right; since Shigure is already sitting on my left and Momoyo sitting next to Izaya.

"So, how you guys liking this place so far?" Momoyo looks happy to be with her new friends and wanted to know what we think about the Sanctum Academy.

"Honest or lies?" Izaya offers in a dry tone, as he looks at Momoyo this time with his deadpan expression.

Momoyo smack Izaya's back, causing Izaya to grunt in pain when Momoyo put too much strength into her smack, "Oh lighten up will ya? We made it into a Hunter Academy. But, I'll go with lies. So humor me."

Izaya glare at Momoyo now that his back is in pain, "Forget it." Izaya decided it's not worth the effort to provide Momoyo when he knows the chance of getting injured by risking taunting Momoyo. He already learned his lesson when he taunts Shigure before a year back for just kick.

Well, he learned that Shigure doesn't do kick or any kind of hitting him with her own fist or feet. Nope, Shigure at the time decided in the best of her mind, to stab him with one of her sharp weapons.

Izaya know for sure that Momoyo don't have any weapons on her, but her own body count as a weapon from what his back is telling him.

"I think this place is great." Pyrrha continues to give everyone a polite smile, even if it hurts her face a little.

I glance at Pyrrha, with a raised eyebrow and mentally ask her if she was sure about what she just said.

"You do realize there are others nearby glaring at us right now." Izaya pointed behind him to prove his point, where everyone could see a group of students are glaring at my group, but quickly look away when Pyrrha and Momoyo look at their directions.

"Ignore them and just enjoy our first day." Pyrrha didn't look like she upset from being glared at and continue to feel happy to be with her twin, and the rest maybe.

"Not to make a dent of your best day, but I'm still mad that first year students are only doing theory subjects throughout the whole year before even going into hand on stuff." Momoyo pointed out that all first year students won't even have any class related to physically do the stuff they were taught in until the second year.

"I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up." Pyrrha said in a sad tone. After all, with the amount of training she did during the training trip. She got used to always keep on moving and just sitting in a classroom where teacher is only doing lectures. Pretty much make her uneasy with the amount of saved up energy she needed to be released.

"Well, there is a bright side." Izaya brings up, causing all of us to pay attention to him and see what this bright side is.

"And that is?" I wanted to know what Izaya find that could make this first year not too boring and could lead to having one of us go insane from the lack of doing anything besides studying.

Pyrrha, Shigure, and Momoyo narrow their eyes at Izaya, with hidden intent where if Izaya going to fool around and end up making a joke, then Izaya going to be in a world of pain.

Izaya sweat a little as he could feel how intense the girls are glaring at him, waiting for him to give them a reason to hurt him.

"I don't know if you guys read the academy's rule book they handed out for us to read. But, among the rules; there is one that allows us to use the academy's Training Room with permission of a teacher and we could use it during after school." Izaya carefully explains what the bright side of enrolling into this academy.

"Can't we do that already by going home?" Pyrrha asks Izaya and decided this could be considered a bright side to some students.

Izaya just shrugged at Pyrrha's question, "Not all of us have a family's personal Training Room to use." Pyrrha gives that to Izaya since it is true.

"Let's just see how the school year goes." I said to everyone, since there no point of over thinking about the boring stuff and continue doing our class work for the year.

1 year later*

Days?: Mecha-Shift Weapon or not?

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Sanctum Academy: Classroom: Subject: Mecha-Shift Weapon)

During the first year of school; let's just say being unpopular with the rest of the first year students wasn't something I would expect to happen. I forget how some kids could get jealous very easily enough.

And once more, kids could be very cruel when they wanted to, but that depends on where and when it happens. So yeah, the first time a classmate of mine tried to bully either Izaya or me.

Well, Izaya brought out his [Flick Blade] at the bullies and threaten them by cutting off their fingers one by one, if they don't leave him alone and some of them had enough brain cells to understand Izaya's threat was very real while those that don't.

Momoyo was kind of enough to stop Izaya from mostly cripple the bullies by knocking them out cold. If that wasn't enough to get the bullies to leave Izaya alone, then Momoyo would pretty much just break a bone or two per limb.

Of course, the bullies' parents would come in to threaten the academy for injuring their precious kids, but after finding out who are Momoyo and Izaya's parents. The parents of the bullies completely back off and made sure to inform their kids about who they tried to bully.

As for other trying to bully me after hearing some rumor about how my parents don't like me at all, and I still haven't figure out who started that rumor and Izaya is already trying to discover the culprit that started it.

Sadly, Izaya didn't have people to gather information inside the academy at the time and didn't make any connection with other students until the kids stop trying to bully him.

I did what any person in my place would do in the case of bullying and that is by threatening to put a [Bullet] through their head; however, there was a case of some smart kids in the bullies as they pointed out their aura should protect them from the [Bullet].

Much to my delight to prove a point, I actually shot one of them, causing a panic in the group of bullies when none of the kids would think I shoot at them. Well, I prove them wrong and with the goodness of my heart.

I force them to pay me Lien for the [Bullet] I used as a threat, even if I did shoot one of them, with the price of a fully loaded magazine for only a single [Bullet]. This lead to an outrage with more than half the bullies shouting at me for ripping them off. Too bad, I wasted another [Bullet] to prove the bullies I shouldn't be messed with.

After that day, two things happen. One: I got the bullies to stay away from me. Two: I gained enough Lien to pay Shigure's family for a few magazines for the price of 2 [Bullet], even if I'm pretty much stealing from little kids.

Sure, there are sometimes a few brave ones that dare to act tough among them to put me in my place. It was just a bad day for them to do it in front of Pyrrha, who went berserk and put the guy into a hospital and dropped from the academy due to not being able to move without help.

I'm pretty sure the only reason why Shigure didn't do anything to help with Izaya or my case of bully. Is because she knew both of us got the strength to protect ourselves against inexperienced kids.

The only reason why Momoyo helped Izaya out is that her experience with her civilian friends, that lead to her helping out.

Momoyo would have helped me out as well, even when I didn't need it in the first place. But, Pyrrha got to it first before Momoyo did and now Momoyo wanted to face Pyrrha more often in a friendly spar. Not like Momoyo didn't force all of us to spar against her through the first school year in the academy's Training Room.

So now, only a selected few kids that don't believe the former bullies would come after us whenever they see either Izaya or me. Heck, some of the girls even tried to bully Shigure for being so quiet and always carrying her [Nodachi] everywhere, causing some of the bullies to call Shigure a sword freak.

Instead of being sad at this so called title from the bullies; Shigure actually liked it a bit. Plus, it's mostly verbal bullying and not physical. No bullies were stupid enough to mess with Shigure, who always carry her [Nodachi] on her and even got her family to ask the academy permission to carry it on her person.

Not like there aren't any problems when the older students above the first year would carry their mecha-shift weapon with them as well.

"Quiet everyone." The teacher called out to all the students while some of the students would continue talking to the student next to them and the teacher would repeat themselves once more before the classroom quiet down.

"Now, today is the day where everyone has been waiting for. If some of you don't remember, then I shall repeat myself once more just for today." The teacher begins, "As last week, I told everyone to plan out what kind of mecha-shift weapon they wanted or do you want a none mecha-shift weapon, which is a fusion weapon instead. That is a melee weapon with a range weapon together in a fixed form. Now, it is time for everyone to build their weapons."

No sooner after the teacher finish speaking; the classroom became noisy from the topic of their weapons coming up and became excited.

Shigure looks like she thinking about making something else, because she always has weapons on herself thanks to her semblance. But on the hand, she could always learn how to make a mecha-shift weapon in order to gain experience to repair them.

Momoyo look bored, since she won't be creating any weapons at all when it would get in a way of her family's fighting style.

Izaya didn't bother to come up with a design for a weapon, when he isn't going to specialize in long range fights. Plus, he could pretty much borrow one of Shigure's firearms to cover his weakness in mid-long distance attacks.

Pyrrha already knew what she making as her mecha-shift weapon after considering it for a while and even asked me for some input, which I, of course, would give some hints about her future canon mecha-shift weapon and the shield.

As for me, I've already started at the very beginning of the 2nd school year before it is time for building our weapons. Much to my relief, I managed to get Shigure and her family to help me out to start out in blacksmith and this world's famous folding technology.

Who knew the stuff I could create with the folding technology would throw my mind away, then again, I remember Coco's mecha-shift weapon being an ordinary handbag and transforming into a gatling gun.

So yeah, I'm going beyond the level of ordinary students should be able to create something to the level of Ruby and Qrow's mecha-shift weapons. Maybe even higher depending on how skilled I am in the folding technology.

Lucky me, I got the basic down on the folding technology and took me a while, since my [Persona System] don't contain any [Skill] related to this world's folding technology at all.

Sure, there is the [Basic Gunblade Mastery], but it doesn't include the knowledge on how to build one, but just the knowledge on how to use one instead.

Now, I feel even better that I was reborn into RWBY even more, along with the ability to gain this world version of aura.

2 hours later*

"Well, some of these designs are doable with the amount the academy would provide the materials to make them, but for those that wanted some kind of exotic weapons. I'm going to have to tell you kids to either make up a new design or ask your family to get the materials to make them. As the academy only provides enough materials for all students equally." The teacher informs the students while writing down two lists of names belong to students that can make their weapons with the amount of materials the academy provide under the first list while the second list contains the names of the students that wanted to build a weapon that gone pass the limit of what the academy provides.

Those that are on the second list would groan for those that don't belong to a family that could easily gain those extra materials while those that can are just sighing in relief at the thoughts they couldn't make it in the first place.

"Now, since this is a personal project and the main factor in your career as a Huntsman and Huntresses. For the 3 whole months; you don't need to come to class at all and only need to focus on building your weapon at the time. You will be graded on the last day of the third month to see how your weapon performs and if it is usable or not in the field. I'll see anyone who needs my help in my office for the first hour. Now, the class is over and remember what I explain in class today." The teacher walks out of the class right after they finish speaking to the whole class.

"How long would you think it takes for you guys to build your weapons?" Momoyo asks us in a bored tone as she stretches her muscles a bit from sitting for 2 hours straight.

"About a month or so? I got to see how the mecha-shift work with the design I came up with for my weapon." Pyrrha didn't believe she could easily make her mecha-shift weapon in a week or so, and she definitely doesn't want any help from her parents in building it and rather ask for Shigure's family or Shigure herself for help instead.

"Going to take me the whole 3 months at least with the mecha-shift weapon I'm building." I gave my honest truth, because the one I'm trying to make would take lots of work and effort on my part. Even a single mistake could lead to countless problems in the weapon itself and could also lead to a life threatening accident.

"The heck are you making, for it to take the whole time the teacher gave us to make it?" Momoyo looks at me with narrow eyes as she and the rest of our group waiting for my answer.

I just smile at them and shrug, as my smile turns into a smirk when Momoyo growl at me while Pyrrha just pouted at me. Shigure already got some hints from me by asking her help before and Izaya didn't care at all.

"Well, I got some training to do and with the 3 months of free time for everyone to build their weapon. Izaya." Momoyo said to everyone, then called out to Izaya, "If you're not planning to make a weapon either, then you should get that form from the office to get a dismiss from having to make a weapon yourself. This way the academy doesn't have to waste the extra time to provide wasteful materials."

With that said, Momoyo walks out of the classroom and head back to her home.

Izaya stares at Momoyo's back until she out of sight, then let out a sigh.

"Now that she reminds me of it. I better go do it today than later." Izaya mumbles to himself, as he said his farewell to the rest of us and head to the academy's Office Room to get that form to be dismissed from having to build a weapon of his own.

"So...I guess we should head home and begin creating our weapons? Shigure, do you mind if we come over your place to start? I rather not be at home when making this." Pyrrha asks Shigure while pointing out that neither Pyrrha or I wanted to be near our parents right now, when we're building our weapons.

Who knows what our parents would do to place their own opinion onto our weapons; mostly with Pyrrha's weapon and there is a high chance of that happening.

The only way to overcome this problem is by asking Shigure's family, which our parents can't do a thing because of the agreement with Grandpa Viridian.

Even our parents knew there is a line that can't be crossed and one of them is angering Grandpa Viridian, which they did by accident by asking one of the staff, who was the one that I faced in the first test to stop me from enrolling into the Sanctum Academy.

Now, Grandpa Viridian is staying with us to keep an eye on our parents, for the whole time until both Pyrrha and I decide on going somewhere far away like Beacon Academy, then he would move out.

"It's...no...problem." Shigure didn't see anything wrong with having us over her place to start creating our weapons.

3 month later*

Days?: A Success? Or A Failure?

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Sanctum Academy: Classroom: Subject: Mecha-Shift Weapon)

"Okay, class. Please bring out your weapons and I'll come around to check them." The teacher said to all the students, as some of us already placed our weapons on the table while some didn't at the time are now taking them out for everyone to see.

1 hour later*

It took at least an hour for the teacher to check more than half the classrooms of their weapons.

Which is something, when the teacher could only provide a minute per student to check the faults on the student's weapon and give the tips on how to fix them by pointing out a book belong in the academy's library to help them.

Of course, some student's mecha-shift weapons can't be switched to their other forms without damaging anything nearby. Which leads to having all the students with mecha-shift weapons with the risk of damaging the academy's equipment would have to wait for their turn after the other students are finished.

Afterward, the teacher will take us to one of the academy's arena to allows all students to show everyone what their weapons could do and how well it performs.

But now, the teacher is finishing up the last student's weapon, that happens to be a fusion weapon of a staff and a shotgun barrel attached at one of the ends of the staff, with the trigger just a few feet away from the shotgun barrel.

"Where is the spot for inserting the magazine?" The teacher asks the owner of the fusion weapon: Staff/Shotgun, while holding the fusion weapon in their hands and trying to find the anything that allows one to load a magazine into the fusion weapon.

"Hehehe...I, uh kinda forgot about it?" The owner of said fusion weapon, let out a nervous laugh while beads of sweat going down their forehead from being glared at by the teacher.

"You already heard me repeat myself to your fellow classmates about this problem of yours. So I won't repeat myself." The teacher returns the fusion weapon back to the student.

20 minutes later*

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Sanctum Academy: Classroom: Subject: Combat Training)

"Okay, everyone. You know the tournament's rules. Anyone go down the red zone lose and if your weapon does cause lethal damage to even a full aura shield. Then, we're going to have a talk and that includes your family." The teacher warns to those that require more materials than the standard amount the academy gave to everyone.

What I would expect to happen when we enter the classroom that contains an arena. Is that each of a pair would go a single time, but who knew that the teacher would make everyone go at the same, with each other in a one versus one and by using our scrolls to keep an eye on the aura meters to see who's aura meter enter the red zone first. Then again, the arena is big enough for all of us when we're kids.

Right now, my opponent happens to be a boy that is 2 or 3 years older than me and his weapon happens to be a metal baseball bat, much to my confusion at this.

"You're going be in a world of pain after I'm done with you pipsqueak." My opponent sneers at me as he tries to frighten me by doing a few swings with his bat as if he already hitting me with it.

Not bother to give a response, I switch out my [Current Persona Equip] to my 4th [Persona] I gained half a year ago. Which is my 2nd [Magician Arcana] as well.

[Edea Florence], the Mother of Magical Art and also known as the Pure White Witch. Also, going to be among the [Persona] that I'll use the most from this point on, with [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] mostly used against stronger opponents in a close ranged battle and [Amakusa Shirou Tokisada] being my main one for survival. As for [Accelerator], he is still not combat ready, but at least I managed to get [Accelerator] to [Persona's Rank: 3].

This gives me 30% control over vectors upon summoning [Accelector] while 15% for just equipping him only.

But, what made me decide on using [Edea Florence] more often is because of the [Skill] and [Magic] she has. One of them happens to help me decide on what to make my weapon. Sadly, I had to scrap my mecha-shift weapon design as it was too heavy for me to even use.

So, once I gained [Edea Florence]; well, I got my answer on what I should build instead of going with Shigure, Momoyo, and Izaya to get the form to get dismissed from having to make a weapon when I already have my own. Which is the [Pistol] and [Combat Knife].

But, thanks to [Edea Florence], I created a fusion weapon. Actually, it isn't really a fusion weapon at all, more like an attachment to me in my opinion.

[Magical Production]:

Active Effect: Require a large amount of [Aura] to even make the weakest [Magical Item] under the [Quality: Common] and to activate the [Magical Item] as well. Also, require even more [Aura] in order to infuse the materials before crafting into a [Magical Item] to be able to channel [Mana] into it.

Passive Effect: [Edea Florence] is capable of making [Magical Item] including a complete [Mana Gun] and is only [Persona] capable of producing the [Mana Bullet]. Although the [Mana Gun] is easy to produce, the [Mana Bullet] require a large amount of [Mana].

Type: Active/Passive

Target: Self-Single

Rank: Tier 1 (Require Persona's Rank: 2 to rank up)

Active/Passive Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D-]: 1% Aura Unit Level per second

Let's just say I follow one of the [Pistol]'s design from a video game I played in my previous life and combine it with the help of [Edea Florence]'s [Magical Production].

Yup, the whole 3 months, I was just making the parts that [Edea Florence] needed to assemble into a [Mana Gun].

Now, I own the [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] and for some reason, the teacher actually counts this as a fusion weapon once I told them there are 2 blades make up the slide of the [Mana Gun]. So that was a thing.

[Item Type]: [Modify Pistol/Mana Gun]

[Name]: Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom

Durability: 100%/100% (Weapon)|N/A (Mana Bullet)| 10/10 (Bullet)|0/10 (Dust Round)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C+

Value: 5000 System Point

Description: A modified [Pistol] that was designed to follow its predecessor [Velvet Nightmare]. There are two blades make up the slide of the gun, and are thus near impossible to be used to attack with; however, it can still be used to block [Sword] or any melee weapon. Also, this modified [Pistol] been customized into a [Mana Gun] thanks to the knowledge belong to the creator of [Mana Gun]. Giving the user to convert their [Mana] into [Mana Bullet] without having to reload this modified [Pistol]. But, it could still use normal ammo.

[Arcane Custom]: Allows the user to convert their [Mana] into [Mana Bullet]; making it possible for the user to continue shooting without the need to reload as long the user has sufficient [Mana]. But, only work with those with [Mana] to activate this.

[Mana Bullet's Effect Control]: The ability to change the effect of the [Mana Bullet] to become [Explosive Bullet], [Piercing Bullet], [Anesthetic Bullet], and so on. Its efficiency depends on the magical abilities of its user. But, at the price of increasing the amount of [Mana] required depending on the magical abilities for the [Mana Bullet].

Of course, how could I ever use this [Mana Gun] if I didn't have [Mana] in the first place; well, that thanks to another [Skill] belong to [Edea Florence] once I equip her.

[Mana Source]:

Active Effect: The ability to enhance the user's physical capabilities. Being [Enhanced Speed]: Increase the user or [Persona]'s speed that they can function. [Enhanced Strength]: Attacks reinforcing with [Mana] that become more powerful than it should without [Mana]. [Enhanced Durability]: Increase the user or [Persona]'s defense up a few [Tier] through using [Mana]. [Quicker Recovery]: Using [Mana] to allows the user or [Persona]'s wounds to heal at a more rapid rate. 10% effect applies to the user.

Passive Effect: Giving the user a secondary source of [Energy].

Type: Active/Passive

Target: Self-Single

Rank: Tier 1 (Require Persona's Rank: 2 to rank up)

Active Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D-]: 1% Aura Unit Level per second

Passive Cost: None

So in a way, I got two sources of [Energy] I could use from this point on. However, [Mana Source]'s passive effect would only work if I have [Edea Florence] equipped. This means my [Mana Gun]'s [Arcane Custom] won't work and could only be used as a normal [Pistol].

Also, I'm pretty glad that I discovered my aura reserve has entered the [D+: Aura Unit Level] now. Once I looked up [Edea Florence]'s status and found out I require [D+: 50% Aura Unit Level] to summon her.

Taking the risk at the time when I got her from the [Gacha System]. I found out summoning [Edea Florence] actually took half of my aura reserve; well, a bit less than half of my aura reserve. This lead to me thinking that maybe my aura reserve could be in the [C-: Aura Unit Level], but I didn't have any proof just yet.

I tilt my head to my right, as I dodged from getting hit by my opponent's bat. I mentally thanked [Edea Florence] for helping me dodge that or I would have ended up getting a migraine.

Out of my 4 [Persona]; only [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] and [Edea Florence] seem alive compared to the other two [Persona] of mine. Then again, [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]'s [The Fool's Curse] is the main reason why it seems like he alive while [Edea Florence] actually using the [Mana Source] to form a connection with me.

Much to my relief, [Edea Florence] isn't like [Joukyuu Kunitoshi], who would force me to do things against my will and instead help me out. Making [Edea Florence] my favorite [Persona] right now. Just next to my first [Persona], even though [Amakusa Shirou Tokisada] doesn't show a single emotion at all.

[Edea Florence] just giggle in my mind, since her [Persona's Rank] isn't high enough to give her the ability to speak to me just yet. Well, that is what I'm thinking that require to give her the ability to talk to me.

Pulling out my [Mana Gun] and place it against my opponent's bat, then fire two [Bullet]. Sending the bat straight out of the owner's hands, along with a shout of pain belong to the owner of the bat as well.

I punch the guy in the throat with my right hand, then place the barrel of my [Mana Gun] against their forehead and fire; blasting my fellow classmate off their feet.

It's just too bad I don't have enough materials to build a second [Mana Gun] and even if I did have enough materials. I don't have enough aura to allow [Edea Florence] to build the second one at the time, since the first [Mana Gun] caused me to use my aura so much that I can't even use aura enhance for the rest of the day because I needed to regenerate enough aura to summon [Edea Florence] once more to continue her walk.

Around a minute is the limited time I got to keep [Edea Florence] stay outside the Sea of Souls, because I can't even assemble the parts for the [Mana Gun] and infuse the parts with [Mana]. Who knew that [Edea Florence] only uses her own [Mana] to assemble without the help of any equipment.

Also, it took a total of 1 hour to assemble the [Mana Gun] and that was [Edea Florence] being very carefully for each part. After all, she couldn't rush her work when there a high risk of breaking the [Mana Gun] since at the very critical moment. [Edea Florence] would disappear from the lack of aura supplying her summon.

One month to gather the materials, half of a month to craft the parts and the other half of the second month is for [Edea Florence] to be summoned multiple times. As for the last month is for me to test my [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] to see anything wrong with it, even if I did feel [Edea Florence]'s annoyance directly at me for thinking her work would contain any faults.

I carefully walk towards my opponent, who is currently crawling for his bat while ignoring the fact that I'm pretty much taking my time walking toward them.

'Do you think I'm a sadist for doing this?' I ask myself, but [Edea Florence] send her emotion to let me know of her answer, that I am in fact a sadist for taking my time to cause harm to my opponent instead of taking them out quickly.

I mentally roll my eyes at [Edea Florence] and fire another shot at the bat, sending it further away from their owner. I could hear the guy's whimpering at the moment and slowly look back at me.

Taking pity of my opponent; I begin to fire at anywhere on their body while taking out my scroll to check their aura meter and much to my surprise. After the 3rd shots; I already send my opponent's aura meter into red, making it my victory.

I stop before I cause any critical damage to my former opponent, then begin to reload more [Bullet] manually one at a time. Because this [Mana Gun] is more like a [Shotgun] when reloading than just inserting a new magazine. I'm just glad it's not really a [Shotgun] or else my [Official Pistol Mastery] would be useless right now.

I blink a few times when my [Official Detection Mastery] told me I'm being watched, like by more than one set of eyes.

Looking around me; I notice almost all the students and including the teacher as well, are looking at me with a surprised and shocked look.

The students that notice me looking at their directions quickly look away and fought their opponents, while acting like they didn't glance my direction at all.

The teacher didn't bother to hide that they were spying on me, which isn't something that needed to be hidden when it's the teacher themselves. Since they require to keep an eye on the students to make sure no accidents would occur.

"Enma! You can leave the arena. It looks like your fusion weapon is working fine so far." The teacher called out to me to leave the arena, as they pointed to their left side for me to sit while waiting for the rest of the students to finish their matches.

On my way to the spot where the teacher pointed; I find Momoyo, Izaya, and Shigure along with a few other students a few seats away from my friends. Are watching the rest of our fellow classmates testing out their weapons.

Once I walked over to my friends; I took a seat next to Shigure on her right, with Momoyo on Shigure's left and Izaya is sitting behind Shigure and look like he studying everyone's fighting styles.

"Pyrrha still not finish?" I ask Shigure and her reply is pointing towards the outer edge of the arena, where Pyrrha is facing against her fellow classmate that happen to be using an [Assault Rifle] that could turn shift into a [Battle Axe].

What took Pyrrha so long at the moment is getting used to the weight of her newly created [Shield]. Pyrrha's future signature mecha-shift weapon and [Shield], which is [Milo and Akouo].

Also, the fact that [Akouo] is pretty much taking half Pyrrha's size; blocking her view of the battle towards the left side of Pyrrha's vision. Plus, Pyrrha has to adjust the weight of [Akouo] every time she switches the form of [Milo].

Not to mention that Pyrrha is still not used to wielding [Milo] compared to her 17 years old self and that 6 years from now before Pyrrha become skilled in using [Milo and Akouo].

"So...how...did...your...fusion...weapon...for...you?" Shigure looks at my [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] with curious eyes. Not that I could blame her when I told her that this is a [Mana Gun] that was created by a witch.

Compared to the maidens fairy tales belong to this world; meeting a witch shouldn't be so far fetch.

I twirl my [Mana Gun] a few spins, then hand it over to Shigure and she looks excited to finally be able to hold it; well, an excited expression that belongs to Shigure that looks like sparkling eyes and a small smile would make her look excited.

Shigure carefully studies the [Mana Gun] in her hands to see how it's been assembled and which parts does what for the [Mana Gun].

As for the reason why Shigure looked excited for getting the chance to hold my [Mana Gun] was because I told her before that she couldn't help me assemble it after I carefully explain to her about [Edea Florence] before she gets the wrong idea.

Now, that Shigure gets to study something that's been created by a witch, who has the ability to use [Magic] itself. Plus, Shigure was busy helping her Father, making a few things to deliver to a client at the time.

So at the time when [Edea Florence] finished with assembling the [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom]. Shigure didn't get the chance to get a good look at it and I pretty much go full training in my [Pocket Dimensional Training Room], to get used to using my new [Mana Gun].

Which is the only time I may get, to take on my [Training Dummy] after Pyrrha finish building her [Milo and Akouo], then afterward, Pyrrha and I would resume our daily spars once more like we used to do back before the training trip.

Also, the fact that she is trying to learn how to do a [Shield] throw is going to be something to face later in the future.

"You know." Momoyo begins, which breaking Shigure, Izaya and myself out of our focus, "I got the feeling that our 2nd years is mainly just learning how to use our weapons more than using it in combat training."

Both Izaya and I just waited for Momoyo to continue to speak out what's on her mind while Shigure is listening as well, but kept on studying my [Mana Gun] at the same time.

I glance back at Izaya, who glanced back at me at the same time, then look at Momoyo's direction.

"What did you expect? Do you think anyone would be an expert in using their newly created weapons right off the bat? Well, there was Enma's opponent that actually used a bat as their weapon. But, you should know what I'm trying to say." Izaya rolls his eyes at Momoyo and she just sticks her tongue at him.

"Momoyo, are you just mad that the teachers won't put you in a match because you lack a weapon?" I ask Momoyo and the answer I get back was a scowl.

"Maybe." Momoyo didn't even look at me, but she is glaring at the back of our teacher's head for not allowing her to fight against someone, even if she didn't want to make a weapon for herself.

I let out a sigh while I send a wave towards Pyrrha's victory and sweatdrop that Pyrrha made a mistake by destroying her opponent's weapon by hitting the weak parts of their weapon that kept everything together. Sadly, Pyrrha put too much strength in her swing that pretty much broke those weak parts with ease.

Now, Pyrrha is standing there with an awkward, nervous smile in front of her crying defenseless opponent.

I stop waving at Pyrrha when she not even paying attention to her surroundings. So I decided to help my little sister out as I get up from my seat and started walking down the stairs as I head towards Pyrrha.

'I really hope Pyrrha's opponent won't start shouting at her and even threatening Pyrrha for breaking their weapon.' I was just about to enter the arena when I see the teacher already standing next to Pyrrha's opponent and checking for any injury.

Walking over next to Pyrrha to check if she injures, but I know she isn't. I just have to check to be sure. And from the look of it; Pyrrha only got scratched on her [Akouo] and I could see Pyrrha completely fine.

"This is what happens when you make something that is beyond your limit." The teacher berates Pyrrha's opponent in a harsh, but calm tone of voice. As the teacher continues, pointing at what's wrong with their mecha-shift weapon.

I didn't have a single clue what their reason for combining an [Assault Rifle] and a [Battle Axe] in the first place. But then again, there Port's fusion weapon. So their mecha-shift weapon should work if they changed into a fusion weapon like Port's fusion weapon: a cross between a [Blunderbuss] and a [Battle Axe].

'Maybe that's where they got their idea from?' I begin to wonder if Pyrrha's opponent was related to Peter Port. A professor at Beacon Academy. 'Maybe not.' I didn't see anything Pyrrha's opponent resemble to Peter Port.

I lean a little over to Pyrrha and whisper, "You okay?" And by that, I meant Pyrrha's mental condition since she is physically fine after all.

Pyrrha looks at me with a surprised look as if she asking me how in the world did I appear next to her out of nowhere without her notices.

"Well?" I raise an eyebrow at Pyrrha, who just blink at me once then twice to make sure I'm actually in front of her and not her mind playing a trick on her.

"I'm fine." Pyrrha said in a quiet voice and look back at her former opponent's weapon with a thoughtful look as if she looking at her own mecha-shift weapon lying on the ground, destroyed.

I ruffle my little sister's hair, snapping Pyrrha out of her trance and look at me with a confused look. I didn't bother to explain myself and drag Pyrrha away from the arena with a high chance of getting hit by a stray shot.

There was no need for further words between us. As Pyrrha knew I was worry\ied about her, but knew when to not press too much that it would lead to Pyrrha being uncomfortable.

Pyrrha give me a big smile as she feels happy once more for being together with her loving twin brother.

3 years later*

Days?: Pyrrha's Fame Rising!

(Mistral: Mistral City: 75th Floor Area: Mistral Region Tournament: Unknown Private Room)

A lot of things have changed over the past 3 years. Now, by this time my group should be finished with studying at the Sanctum Academy, which is the primary combat school for trainee Huntsmen and Huntresses.

However, much to my surprise; well, maybe not is because it happens to Ruby in canon to be skipped 2 years ahead and enter the Beacon Academy.

But instead of skipping like Ruby; my group was offered to an extend time to improve ourselves until we reach the age of 17, which is the age where the canon timeline should start.

This happens during our last day of our third year of school, where our the Headmaster of the Sanctum Academy offers this towards my group. Now, at first, I was a little cynical at this because I know for sure Izaya didn't put much effort into his classwork and is pretty much have just decent grades in all his classes.

Plus, there the part where the students' grades include the weapons they created and how well it performw. Forcing both Shigure, Momoyo, and Izaya to do extra work to overcome this loss of points.

Well, more with Momoyo than Shigure and Izaya since Momoyo is the one without a weapon and the only reason the academy isn't worried about Momoyo's career as a Huntress is because she belongs to a family that could easily overpower a veteran Huntsmen and Huntresses with ease thanks to their family's semblance and fighting style.

So the main reason should because their families were the ones that asked the Headmaster of the Sanctum Academy to offer us this extended time before finishing the academy.

Of course, there are different choices to spend this extended time given to us and Pyrrha chose to attend the Mistral Region Tournament in order to see how well her skills go against others than against people she faced countless time already.

And so Pyrrha's fame started once she won her first time in the Mistral Region Tournament. I'm pretty sure our parents are bragging about Pyrrha among their friends or some kind of inner circle.

Momoyo took the option to return to her family to study more of her family's [Technique] and other things instead of entering the Mistral Region Tournament like Pyrrha.

So we didn't see Momoyo for a whole year and only came back during the final match between Pyrrha and the former champion.

Afterward, Momoyo resume hanging out with us, but still kept on going back to her family once a while and most of the time. Momoyo would find anyone to fight in order to expand her experience in fighting and develop an instinct against danger.

Izaya would have picked the same choice as Momoyo, but instead, study under one of Grandpa Viridian's friends that is an expert in gathering information. So that was a given choice for Izaya once he finishes hearing all the options available for him to pick.

Shigure decided to further her training under her Grandfather Hachirobe Kosaka in the family's Kosaka Style. I just hated how Shigure's Grandfather would always use me as a target dummy to display a few [Technique] to Shigure.

What made it more annoying to me is the part where it includes stealth attacks and the only reason I survive besides the help of my aura; are thanks to my [Persona]'s experiences that I gained through my dream experience.

As for me, I managed to create another [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] and begin training under [Edea Florence] by using the [Training Dummy], which allows me to temporarily insert one of my [Persona] into the [Training Dummy] and allow them to possess the [Training Dummy]'s body.

I realize how horrible the idea was at the time because I forgot the part where [Edea Florence] does hand on stuff training, and by hand on stuff, I meant [Edea Florence] would literally teach me through experiencing it with my body.

Also, the fact that I lose the [Passive Effect] by equipping a [Persona] is negated once my [Persona] is inserted into the [Training Dummy] and even then, I wasn't allowed to switch with a different [Persona] to help me.

So there goes my 3 years of experiencing hell training itself, when I would be covered in countless wounds and only thanks to my aura and [Diarama]. Another thing I learned at the time was that I could repurchase the same [Magic] and [Upgrade] it in a different path. Of course, I couldn't have the same [Magic Tier] copy, but I could get the very first [Tier 1] of the [Magic].

At least I could snipe lots of enemies, with the firing distance of 492 feet around me. Which is of course not my range limit at all, but the best distance for me to easily predict my enemies' next movement and fire it at the spot where they about to head.

I could go further, but would require me to focus more onto a single target instead of facing a group of targets.

Plus, I was also studying under Shigure's Grandfather as well in using my [Combat Knife], which is the reason why at the time; I became the target dummy for Shigure and her Grandfather's lessons on using different weapons. What made this training harder than it should be was that I couldn't use anything but the [Combat Knife].

Meaning I can't strike back with my bare hands or legs and even use a [Pistol].

But hey, at least I learned how to use the [Combat Knife] even more since there is not longer any [Training Method] after [Official Knife Mastery] for me to use.

"Welcome everyone to the Mistral Region Tournament's Final Match!" The announcer shouted to the crowd, as the crowd started shouting in excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen! On our right is our current champion, who won last year Mistral Region Tournament and will she be able to keep her title as the champion this year as well?! I bring you, Pyrrha Nikos!" The announcer introduces Pyrrha to the stage, as everyone watched Pyrrha waving at everyone, with a polite smile as she walks to the arena.

"On the other side is the runner up and could be the one to become the new champion or fail to try, I give you Shino Cex!" The announcer introduces Pyrrha's opponent, as they enter the arena and walking towards Pyrrha in the middle of the arena.

"Think Pyrrha going to keep her title as champion for the 2nd time?" Izaya asks me, as he continues eating [Popcorn] while waiting for the final match to begin.

"You should know the answer to that question." I didn't bother to answer Izaya's question when he should know it without asking.

"Pyrrha..will...win." Shigure supports Pyrrha's chance of winning the Mistral Region Tournament a second time in a row.

Momoyo was too busy watching the final match about to begin instead of joining the conversation.

"Everyone! The final match between Pyrrha Nikos and Shino Cex shall begin!" The announcer shout, then quickly get off the arena before they get in between fights.