
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 12: Multiple Paths

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 12: Multiple Paths

Days?: Helping Hands

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area: Unknown Abandon Apartment)

Last night was terrible and it took me almost the whole night to finally get Shigure to sleep, and don't get me started with Izaya when I asked him if he wanted to talk. But, instead of expecting him to reject my offer to talk.

He actually took and started telling me what he feel at the time when he kill someone for the very first time, then yesterday with the dead leader bring back some bad memory of his.

Of course, Izaya didn't bother to ask for my input and pretty much just wanted to rant about how life is boring and other stuff, then went to sleep on an old worn out couch right after he finish telling me what he feel and not bother to ask me about what ideas I could offer to help him deal with these feelings.

This left me very disturb while I continue to help Shigure sleep without having her scream during the night. I had to let Shigure hug me the whole night just so she doesn't keep on shaking. And only after she fell asleep the fifth time last night. Shigure finally was able to sleep for the rest of the night.

In my honest opinion, I don't know if Izaya was a deep sleeper or a light one because he woke up the first time with his [Flick Blade] out, ready to stab someone. However, after the third scream from Shigure's nightmare. Izaya didn't wake up at the point and slept throughout the night.

Thanks to having more than enough [System Point] from yesterday. I finally be able to purchase more [Skill] and [Magic]. Maybe even upgrade a few things as well.

Going straight to the [Element Magic] and found the one I wanted.

[Persona System]: [Shop]: [Magic]: [Destruction Magic]: [Element Magic]: [Ice Magic]

[Bufu]: 900 System Points

[Upgrade]: tripe cost of the selected [Ice Magic]



[Price]: 900 System Points

Do you wish to purchase this magic?

[Yes] or [No]?

Accepting the purchase as the knowledge of [Bufu] begin to download into my mind.


You have purchased [Bufu]

[Host's Currency]: 88900 System Point



Active Effect: Inflicts small [Ice] damage to one target and 10% chance of freezing the target after the target receives damage. Freeze disables the target's physical movement for 1 minute.

Type: Active

Target: Single

Rank: Tier 1(Require using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: [E-]: 4% Aura Unit Level per use

I blink a few times as I try to comprehend my new [Ice Magic: Bufu]'s effect. It took me a few minutes of waiting for the rest of the [Bufu]'s knowledge settle in and I would say. I have no clue what kind of effect [Bufu] would do against grimm, along with both faunus and human as well.

'Hmm. Besides training. I guess I could do some research on what [Bufu] would do.' I thought myself, once I feel the small headache disappear, then resume to purchase another [Magic].

But, a sudden thought came to me before I could think of another [Magic] I could buy with the amount of [System Point].

So, instead of buying another [Magic], I switch to the [Training] section and upgrade the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room].


Would you like to to get [Pocket Dimensional Training Room: Tier 2]?

[Price]: 60000 System Points

[New Feature]: Double room size

[Yes] or [No]?

I pause for a moment, if I really wanted to do this. Because if this doesn't unlock anything besides double the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]'s size. Then I will be really mad for wasting [60000 System Point]. Even if I discover a new way to gain more [System Point] other than using [Crystalline Dust].

Even if I kill the same type of enemy, which just happen to be human without their aura unlocked yet. From what I could remember, one tenth of the standard value which happens to be [1000 System Point].

So, [1000 System Point] per none aura unlocked human and not being racist and all, I wonder what happen if I kill a faunus. Of course, I'll make sure it's a White Fang member. After they gone bad first before I even decide to attack them since right now they're pretty much none violence as of right now.

Enough of those thoughts, I accept the purchase for the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]'s [Next Tier].


You have upgraded [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] to [Tier 2].

[Host's Currency]: 88900 System Point - 60000 System Points = 28900 System Points


Due to having double the size of your [Pocket Dimensional Training Room]. [Training Dummy] is now unlocked.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath, then open my eyes that have gone dull from this notification the [Persona System] gave me after upgrading to [Pocket Dimensional Training Room: Tier 2].

'Okay. Let see what this [Training Dummy] give me.' I bring up the newly unlocked [Training Dummy].

[Persona System]: [Shop]: [Gear]: [Tool]: [Training]: [Training Dummy]

[Tier 1] - A single [Training Dummy] of the Host's choice, with only basic and simple commands input. (Require being in [Pocket Dimensional Room] in order to use)

[Price]: 1000 System Point

[Repair]: 100 System Point for full repair or use a [Material Card]

[Tier 2]: Lock

I felt my eyebrow twitch from having to figure a way to unlock the next [Tier] in [Training Dummy] because it doesn't even give me a clue, like most of the others, to unlock it.

But, seeing that I have something to use whenever Shigure can't train with me. I purchase the [Training Dummy: Tier 1].


[Training Dummy: Tier 1] has been purchased and host require to enter [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] in order to activate and further features belong to [Training Dummy].

[Host's Currency]: 28900 System Point - 1000 System Points = 27900 System Points

I widen my eyes a bit in surprise, that there is actually more than giving the [Training Dummy] basic and simple commands.

If I had the chance, I would go into my [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] to check it out. Sadly, the sun is just rising and Shigure still cling to me and I've already experienced what happen whenever I try to separate myself from Shigure.

I couldn't separate myself at all because she would unconsciously use aura enhance to strengthen her grips and even if I just keep on trying until her aura is empty. However, I never even got Shigure to use up her aura during her sleep since I don't even have the physical strength above Shigure's aura enhanced physical strength.

Sure, I could use aura enhance as well, to boost my physical strength, but the thing is. That compared to my aura reserve to Shigure's aura reserve is laughable.

So any time Shigure clings to me when she sleeps or not, I would be just wasting away my aura reserve and the only chance of her letting me go is when she is awake, where I politely ask her to.

Closing my [Persona System] since I rather save those [27900 System Points] for later use. I have no idea when the next time I go into battle. The amount of [System Point] the [Persona System] would give me be enough and also having the current amount of [System Point]. Could be the tie breaker of my future battle or a life saving chance.

"Mmm..." Shigure started to wake up as she let out a yawn while she stretches her legs, even when she still cling to me.

"Morning." I whisper to Shigure and wait for her to let go of me since we've been sleeping on the floor, even with sleeping bags. It's not the same with a bed at all.

"Morning." Shigure finally lets go of me and sit up for a few seconds before she walks out of the room to do her morning business. Not after she grab her bag containing a few things to do her business out of everyone's sight.

Once Shigure has gone out of the room, I look over at Izaya's direction and see he still asleep.

Not wanting to wake him just yet, I decided to begin doing the [Trainee Pistol Mastery]'s [Training Methods]. If I wanted to, I could go to the [Pocket Dimensional Training Room] to test out the [Training Dummy] while finishing the rest of the [Basic Unarmed Strikes Mastery]'s [Training Methods]. But, someone got to watch over Izaya and make sure Shigure got a backup, which is me if there any trouble in this Apartment.

'I wonder how long until Izaya wakes up.' I thought to myself, as I take out my [Pistol] to be dismantle then assemble within 20 minutes.

2 hours later*

[Trainee Pistol Mastery]:

Training Methods:

Dismantle a [Pistol] within 20 minutes: (12/200)

Assemble a [Pistol] within 20 minutes: (13/200)

Reload a [Pistol] within 5 seconds: (0/200)

Hit 5 targets in a row within 5 seconds: (1/200)

Perform a proper maintenance on a [Pistol] under 1 hour: (3/20)

I managed to dismantle my [Pistol] 2 times and assemble it 3 times within the time limit. Sadly, I wasted over an hour worth of training from messing up a half the time by dropping a few pieces when I speed up too quickly or took too much time.

Also, Izaya finally wakes up after 2 hours for both Shigure and me to finish our morning stuff. Even Shigure had enough time to make her daily amount of medicine pills, for us to use.

"Morning, Izaya." I said to Izaya, then gone back to finish assembling my [Pistol] for the last time.

"Morning." Izaya mumble to me, then slowly sit up and swing his legs over, then carefully put himself up to stand.

"I'll make breakfast. You should get ready for the day." I said to Izaya before I place my [Pistol] inside my bag and in the [Inventory].

Izaya still half asleep and just nodded at me in silence while yawning.

1 hour later*

After eating a breakfast of [Bacon], [Toast], and [Eggs], with [Orange Juice]. We all sit in a circle on the floor. Waiting for Izaya to explain to us on who those men were yesterday.

"Haaa..." Izaya let out a sigh while scratching the back of his head, "How should I say this." Izaya pause for a moment to come up a good way to explain who those men were.

I raise an eyebrow at him for taking a bit longer to explain while Shigure is holding my left hand with her right since she still shaken from having to kill a few people. Now, Shigure is more attached to me than before because of this.

"Well, I guess these men were hired by my family to bring me back home, but from the look of it. These guys only see me as a chance to be used as ransom for even more Lien they were being paid for." Izaya said to us, then stop for a moment to see either of us have a question to ask, but mostly me that Izaya is looking at.

I look directly in Izaya's eyes, "You ran away?" I said in a serious tone, with a blank expression.

Izaya's left eyebrow twitch a little, "That's the first thing you're going to ask me? Not because of the reason why I ran away?" I could hear Izaya's annoyance because he usually deals with most people asking the main important thing first or secretly come up with a plan to gain the answer from him. Well, from what Izaya told me on the way to the 80th Floor Area's Checkpoint.

Of course, I was still surprised this Izaya was more open than his canon version, then I mentally smack myself because I keep forgetting this Izaya not even at the age where he went to middle school yet.

"Never mind." Izaya took a deep breath, "Only two days now, and I feel like I know you all my life." Izaya growls at me, but at the end, he let out a sigh of defeat.

"It's...okay...you...get...used...to...it." Shigure tries to cheer Izaya up while continuing to cling onto me, as she gives Izaya a blank stare and gives him a thumb up with her free hand.

"Uh...thanks, Shigure." Izaya said in a monotone, "And I could just tell, that it only take a few days until I'm used to someone like Enma."

I let a small grin appear on my face, much to Izaya's annoyance since he is going to be a bit more stress than usual for a while.

"Did I say days? I mean a few minutes." Izaya continues to speak in a monotone.

"So...anything else you need to tell us before we head out to do our own business? Also, how long does it take you to get us tickets to the 78th Floor Area?" I ask Izaya, changing the topic before Izaya loses his cool.

"Honestly?" Izaya look at both Shigure and I, as we nodded our heads together at Izaya, "At least by tonight if I'm lucky and a week at best for getting a ticket or we could use my other methods to go straight to 74th Floor Area from here."

Both Shigure and I look at Izaya, with a shocked expression, well, Shigure just leans back a little to show she surprise instead of widening her eyes like always whenever she surprise. Right now, Shigure still hasn't overcome the after effect from yesterday.

"Before you even ask me why not use this 'method' of mine to go straight to the 74th Floor Area. It's because there are ton of requirements to do so and one of them requires us to be in the 79th Floor Area instead of 80th Floor Area. So there is your answer to the unspoken question why we didn't go straight towards the 74th Floor Area today." Izaya explains to us, that even if he know a few ways to skip a few Floor Area like using an Air Bus for the important people.

Shigure and I look at each other, then back at Izaya, "Do you need us to help you with anything?"

Izaya actually looks at us, with widened eyes and a wry smile appears on his face, "I just realize that I have you two to help me from now on. Guess I got too used to being by myself." Izaya stands up and stretch his muscles.

"So?" I glance at Izaya, as I stand up and pull Shigure up with me off the ground.

"Yeah." Izaya let a smirk appear on his face, "Yeah, I got a few things I need help with now that I have you two added into my plans now."

'Why do I got a bad feeling about this?' I thought to myself and felt that I should be ready for lots of actions from this point on.

1 week later*

Days?: Escape

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area: Unknown Base)

'I knew it! The bad feeling from a week ago was true!' I regret offering my help to Izaya, even if this is a good training experience for me.

"Come back here! You're going to pay for messing with us!" A loud voice shouted at me from behind, and quickly, I started climbing the wall by using [Rhetera] to create a few holes on the wall to use as a foothold and something to grab.

As I continue to climb up, I continue to create more holes in the wall while refilling up the previous holes under me at the same time.

During the week, I decided to get [Tera] first to give me an edge in home field advantage, but it only creates a block of rock the size of a bowling ball. Smaller size compares to [Aqua], then again, the block of rock is really dense and very heavy.

At first, I thought I could use it to weight lifting, but couldn't get a grip on it at all. So, I decided to finally [Upgrade] one of my [Magic], which happen to be [Tera] in the [Upgrade: Control: Tier 2].


Active Effect: A small control/manipulation over [Earth]'s size and shape.

Type: Active

Target: Area

Rank: Tier 2: Control (Require using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: [E-]: 8% Aura Unit Level per use and 1% per second

Thanks to [Rhetera], I could easily manipulate a small degree in the earth around me, like creating small holes on the wall I'm climbing on.

Cost me a total of [2300 System Points] for [Tera], then [Upgrade] to [Rhetera]. Leaving me with [25600 System Points].

"He on the wall!" A different person shouted to the others, as the sound of people loading up their firearms.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, then push myself off the wall and let gravity do its work while I throw in a flying drop kick against the closest one below me.

Sending the person the ground, with their aura shield shatter and push them into the ground, and just barely have any leftover aura to protect them one last time before I stomp the back of their head for a good measure. Knocking the person out cold and maybe sent into a coma.

However, I end up getting shot in the stomach by a [Shotgun] at the next moment, sending me flying against the wall and draining almost 30% of my aura reserve.

I cough a little from the brute force, then quickly roll away as the previous spot I was a second ago. Is being covered in countless [Bullet] from the people around me.

Afterward, I get back on my feet and start running once more. Much to my annoyance, more people started to appear in the area.

'Shit, they called for reinforcement.' I did a sidestep to the right, as a someone tried to put a [Bullet] into my head.

Gathering aura towards my right hand, then throw a palm strike directly into an enemy's stomach, sending them crashing into the others behind them.

Making an open path for me to escape. Not bother to care that I'm using people as a platform for me to use to run on.

With the cries of agony for help from the people, I step on and wonder if there a mixed people with aura and locked aura among them as I take a turn to a corner.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area: Unknown Base: Elevator)

'Seriously hate Izaya right now.' I pick up the speed once I enter a hallway and see an Elevator about to open.

Taking out my [Pistol] and load it up with a [Ice Dust Round], then glance over my shoulder and empty the whole magazine by firing all of the [Ice Dust Round] around the area, to create a few ice spikes in hope it would stall the people behind me for a few seconds or so.

After emptying the whole magazine of [Ice Dust Round], I put back the empty magazine in my [Inventory] and reload another one.

Just as the Elevator's door open, with a set of 4 people in a group of 3 old men and 1 little girl. Also, seeing me rushing straight at them surprise them a bit when the first thing they see right away once they enter this floor was me charging right at them.

Not even giving them a chance to react, I quickly eject the [Ice Dust Round] and replace it with a [Bullet] magazine while continuing to hold the magazine contain with [Ice Dust Round] as I begin shooting at the group.

Of course, the 3 men jump in front of the little girl, with their bodies and much to my dismay. All three of them have their aura unlocked from the lack of bleeding shot wounds.

"Capture him!" The little girl behind the 3 men shrieks at them, to capture me. Honestly, I didn't hear the word 'alive'. So, I don't know if she wanted me dead or alive at this moment, with the 3 guys blocking my view of the little girl from seeing her expression.

But, if I had to guess, she would be pretty angry at this moment, as I continue shooting at the 3 men, which I could guess they're the little girls' bodyguards.

After the 7th shots, the 3 bodyguards rush towards me and take out their hidden weapons that just happen to be a bunch of ropes.

'Okay, look like they're going to try to capture me alive then.' I slide under the first one right as they jump straight at me and at the same time, already replaced the empty magazine with the one in my right hand and shot a [Ice Dust Round] between their legs, causing them to shriek like a little girl. The other two bodyguards stop for a moment, with pale faces as they cover their balls.

Not pausing for a moment, I throw the empty magazine directly at one of the two bodyguards in their face and with quick reflex. They snatch the empty magazine in front of their face, giving me an opening to fire another shot.

But, this time, I aimed at their face, causing an ice spike to form a connection between their right hand and face, along with blocking their sight and maybe also a very bad effect towards their eyeballs. But, they're stranger to me and an enemy so it doesn't matter to me.

'Honestly, these [Ice Dust Round] much be created from high rank [Crystalline Dust]. Because these [Ice Dust Round] shouldn't even affect people with aura protection.' I already feel the grief of wasting a whole good [Ice Dust Round] magazine just for a distraction.

'Ah...the Lien I have to spend later to get good quality [Crystalline Dust].' I let out a sigh before I drop all thoughts and refocus on escaping this place.

The last bodyguard went around the second one and tried to tackle me to the ground. Sadly, I knew this would happen and shot right at the moment his foot was close to the second bodyguard's right foot.

This lead to another ice spike to form another connection, but this time between the second and last bodyguards' right and left foot.

I cringe, when the last bodyguard kneecap was destroyed by one random ice spikes and causing it to bend in the opposite angle it supposes to, leading the last bodyguard to shout in pain the loudest as the only reason he not bleeding to death is because of his aura trying to heal the damage.

So, in this last bodyguard's case. I would say his aura is more lean towards regeneration than defense.

I almost feel sorry for the one, but honestly, I don't when they look like a walking giant of muscles that could give a bodybuilder a run for their money.

'Either they very hardcore in working out or they're taking drugs.' I run pass the pair of bodyguards and glance over my shoulder to get a good look at them, 'Yeah, I think it's drug.'

I turn my head back to the front, where I see the little girl pressing the Elevator's button as fast as possible and the Elevator's door started to close. Much to the little girl's relief and my fear of ending up trap in a closed area.

"Hurry! He about to enter the elevator!" A previous voice belongs to the group chasing me, shouted to their ally.

I scowl and use aura enhance to boost my speed above my physical limit and just barely made it through the Elevator's door and crashed into the inside wall.

"NOOOOOOO!" The little girl shriek at me, and look like she about to cry as she back away from as far as possible, with her back against the wall.

I frown a little at the loud cried belong to the little girl, "Will you be quiet?" I tried to be polite as possible, but instead of being quiet. The little girl took a deep breath and let out a shriek that is louder than the previous one.

Thanks to training in [Basic Detection Mastery], this is worse to me compare to the average human, that don't train in their sense of hearing.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area: Unknown Base: Unknown Floor)

Luckily, the little girl manages to hit the correct floor button I needed for my escape and we've arrived at the floor before I could lose my sense of hearing.

Not bother to look back at the little girl to see if she alright or not and decided that my life is more concern than checking on her. Also, I didn't even touch her let alone shoot at her.

Heck, she even the same age as I am and could be the daughter of someone important in this place, which I'm thinking she really is.

But, I don't have the time to think about this subject and continue using my aura enhance to burst through the people trying to stop me, then break through the front glass windows while increasing the aura output to boost my aura shield from the scatter glass.

Lucky for me, the glass window itself covers almost two third of the front store. Yup, this base is underground with a cloth store as a front.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area)

Looking at the night sky for just a brief moment, then use the leftover aura and increase my speed to the limit. As I try to outrun the people behind me while at the same time using [Basic Detection Mastery] to make sure no nearby cars would run over me.

Of course, at this very moment, I could continue shooting behind me with the rest of my [Ice Dust Round]. But I won't, because again, the whole high rank [Crystalline Dust]. Right now, I'm very limited on these [Dust Round] and I won't be using our Lien to purchase those [Crystalline Dust].

'Where is that so call support?!' I begin to think Izaya lie to me about doing his part of the plan, 'I hope Shigure manages to get Izaya to do his plan like always.'

Just right after I run pass my third blocks, and take a small break. A police siren appears just ahead of me, then a few police cars drive pass me and heading to the area I was just a few minutes ago.

'I swear if those police weren't sent by Izaya. I'll shoot him in the foot.' I quickly hide in an alley from any nearby cameras, to recover my aura.

If I didn't know how dangerous it is at night, then I would be stupid enough to walk out in the open at night. Luckily, Izaya explains to both Shigure and me about how that even the upper section of Mistral is also dangerous to its counterpart of the lower section.

One of the dangerous things about the upper section of Mistral beside higher status people and other important groups. Is that at night, if they see anything they fancy. Be it a person or an open shop that contain some interesting items. They will take it either legal or illegal way.

Who knew that even when you live somewhere safe and then become dangerous once its night time. 'No wonder both Shigure and my family always repeat themselves on never go outside at night without them with us.' I glance at the edge of the wall and see a few groups of people walking out of the open.

Like always, everything is nice and dandy on the surface, but beneath it is a ruthless place.

I don't even dare to sigh right now in case someone heard me like two days ago, where I was almost captured. And it was only thanks to using a few [Bufu] to create an ice wall to stop the chasers from getting me.

If I didn't bring my scroll with me all the time. I wouldn't be able to contact Izaya and direct me a new path to the hideout we're currently staying on this Floor Area.

Slowly, I try to lower my heart beat rate but failed a second later. Letting a frown appear on my face, as I bring up [Basic Presence Concealment Mastery].

[Basic Presence Concealment Mastery]

Training Methods:

Making the sound of breathing less noticeable: (100/100)

Lowering the heart beat rate: (3/50)

Perform soundless step: (200/200)

Make oneself unseen-able for 5 minutes in a crowd area: (50/50)

Be in someone's blind spot for 5 minutes: (50/50)

Out of the rest of the [Training Methods] belong to the [Basic Presence Concealment Mastery]. The one require me to lower my heart beat rate is really hard to do, even with the knowledge and instinct that come with the [Skill] doesn't make it easy.

Well, it does, but it doesn't work all the time since it's a small instinct to guide me, not my own experience build upon pure instinct to do this just yet.

'Well. I should be grateful as I manage to do it 3 times at least and most of the time. Not even a whole second, which is the only requirement to be counted, I would fail instantly.' I let out a sigh and switch to another [Skill] while waiting for my aura to regenerate.

[Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] - Passive - AP cost: None

Description: Giving the user the knowledge about how to perform countless and formless striking techniques. Also giving the user an average instinct on how to adapt to countless way to move in their own path in unarmed combats, along with the ability to judge which strikes does the most damage towards the target.

The requirement to take the [Mastery Rank Test] to advance from [Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] to [Official Unarmed Strikes Mastery] is to finish the [Training Methods].

Training Methods:

Back hand strike something: (12/200)

Bolo punch something: (3/200)

Double fish punch something: (0/200)

Eagle strike something: (2/200)

Spear finger strike something: (30/300)

Spear hand strike something: (10/300)

Sweep kick something off balance: (54/300)

Flying drop kick something: (1/300)

Flying front kick something: (0/300)

Flying side kick something: (0/300)

Hook kick something: (3/300)

Jumping axe kick something: (0/300)

Front leg side kick something: (0/300)

Rear leg side kick something: (0/300)

Front leg roundhouse kick something: (0/400)

Round kick something: (0/400)

Double roundhouse kick something: (0/400)

Downward roundhouse kick something: (0/400)

Shin kick a humanoid: (0/400)

Heel kick something: (0/400)

Looking at the newly acquire [Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] and feel with delight that I got my second [Trainee Rank]'s [Skill]. Thanks to the [Training Dummy], which happen to be an amazing [Training Tool].

Even Shigure gets more training through using the [Training Dummy]. Since unlike those unmovable [Training Dummy] that either just a wooden figure or something.

These [Training Dummy] actually moves as if they are alive and their speed actually matches or surpass our own, if we put in the command and the options the [Training Dummy] give us.

Also, the fact that I could now continue training with my [Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] and any other [Skill] that can't be done by simply doing it without hitting something or dodging. Whenever Shigure is too busy to be my training partner.

Sure, with Izaya here now I could ask him to have a training match with each other, but he also busies getting everything we need to get to the next Floor Area.

I close the [Trainee Unarmed Strikes Mastery] and glance at the edge of the wall once more to check if anyone nearby me.

Seeing there is none, I quickly cast [Rhetera] to create a few holes in the walls to climb. Because I am not stupid enough to think I could run out the open like I did a few minutes ago, which was dangerous enough itself.

2 hours later*

(Mistral: Mistral City: 79th Floor Area: Unknown Abandon Apartment)

"Izaya. This better be the last one or else." I growl at Izaya, right after I enter the room, with Izaya lying down on his couch and checking something on his scroll while Shigure is writing down her notes on her medical notebook filled with her research up to now.

"Welcome...back...Enma." Shigure looks up from her notes to give me a small smile, to show she happy to see me back in one piece, then went back to her notes.

I greet back to Shigure, with a smile of my own and back to a scowl once I look back at Izaya, who think its too much an effort to get up from his current position and just turn his head to look at my direction.

"Hey, Enma. I see your part is a success and don't worry. This is the last one." Izaya calmly answers me, with a grin on his face.

I felt the urge to wipe that grin off his face but decided it wasn't worth it since I just know that this isn't really the last time I have to go an errand run, that contains many life and death situations.

I took a deep breath, then take out a small black book from my right pocket and toss it to Izaya, who easily caught it without getting off the couch.

"Really. What's the point of having me get that book?" I ask Izaya, with a small frown on my face since all it contained were a few words I don't know and a bunch of numbers.

"Hmm?" Izaya glance at me after turning a few pages, "Oh! These are coded notes about plans belong the Branches of the Olympians gang. I think the one you invaded was one of the Branches Base of the Athena specialist."

I raise an eyebrow to show Izaya that I'm very confused right now and wonder why a gang named themselves the Olympians after the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses.

Izaya sees the confused look on my face, let out a sigh because of my lack of knowledge about the Olympians gang.

"The Olympians are pretty much one of the many high ranked gangs belongs to the lower section of Mistral. Even I know of them before I decided to go to the lower section. If you read your fantasy books about those so called Greek and Roman Gods or whatever." Izaya being to explain about why a group called themselves the Olympians.

'Okay, so not a history of the Greek and Roman Gods, but as a fantasy in this world. Good to know.' I thought dryly, as I continue to listen to Izaya and even Shigure stop for a moment on her research to listen as well.

"Actually, if you didn't then go buy a book on it. I think it's a little interesting, but I'm getting off topic. As I was saying, the Branch Base you invaded belong to the Athena specialist. The members under one of the 12 main specialists, with Athena is the group of intelligent people that study in crafts and strategy. Like this little stolen good, you got for us. Written by Athena herself, and yes, there are 11 captains and 1 leader named themselves after the Olympians Gods themselves. Talk about big egos for naming themselves after gods." Izaya finish explains to us just a few things about the Olympians gang.

Both Shigure and I waited for Izaya to continue to explain further, but a whole minute later of not talking. Shigure and I knew Izaya is done explaining and gone back to making up his plans, which may or may not include either or both Shigure and me.

"Okay, and how does getting that book allow us to go to the 78th Floor Area?" I ask Izaya and getting back to the main reason why I had to risk my life to get that book belong to the Olympians gang, even if it's one of the Branches and not one of the Main Bases.

"Huh? 78th Floor Area? Oh! You misunderstood me. This isn't to get ourselves tickets for the next Airship ride to the 78th Floor Area. Also, those tickets are still out of stock by the time I get there or the sellers wanted to lie to my face that they ran out. Pretty sure it's my family's works on stopping us from going further down. Guess they discover me using these tickets to go between the Floor Areas." Izaya answer my question while revealing that getting tickets is pretty much a zero chance.

"So. Are we going to the 74th Floor Area then? Like you said before about how we need to be on this Floor Area to do it." I walk over to Shigure and sit next to while continuing to pay attention to what Izaya would say.

"Nope. That's my plan C as of right now." Izaya waves the small black book at us, "This is plan B, where we're going to steal one of the Athena's Air Bus for ourselves, or should I say. They're going to give us a ride without them realizing we gained their secrets."

I feel like throwing something at Izaya, but figure this is just another plan of his, but at least we closer to the 50th Floor Area.

"And which Floor Area are we heading then?" I ask with a tired voice as Shigure rub my back in comfort.

Izaya opens the book and flips a few pages, then stop, "Well, the next appointment is tomorrow and look like they're heading to the 59th Floor Area, which happens to be the right Floor Area I need to be at this month."

"Well, that's good news I guess. Since we're going pass 20 Floor Areas." I raise an eyebrow at Izaya because at first, it is one Floor Area at a time, then a few days later. Another method to go past 5 Floor Areas and enter the 74th Floor Area. Now, Izaya got a way for us to straight to the 59th Floor Area.

"What...the...catch?" Shigure finally asks her own question to Izaya, as she narrows her eyes at him to see if this is worth it or not.

"Well, I'm glad you ask!" Izaya finally gets off his couch and look us straight in the eyes, with a big smile on his face, "The catch is that we have to make one of their guys pilot the Air Bus for us or we hijack one. I'm more leaning towards kidnapping one of their members and Enma before you ask why we don't use the stolen Air Bus to travel to the 50th Floor Area." Izaya answers my unspoken question before I could even ask him.

"It's because of the fuel to power the Air Bus. Trust me on this, because I don't have a single clue on how to refuel the Air Bus one bit and I don't trust the enemy from taking us to a different place than the one we're aiming for." Izaya looks at us with a serious expression to tell us that the real reason we are heading to the 59th Floor Area.

"And we have enough fuel to go past 20 Floor Area?" I look at Izaya with a frown on my face but wonder if the people here use [Dust] as the Air Bus' fuel or they actually have another energy source.

"Well, I've already done my research and gained some proof that the Olympians gang actually one of the many groups that sells [Dust], but only second to the Schnee family. One of the many reasons the council of Mistral allows the lower section to do whatever they wanted within reasons. Because the Olympians are one of the suppliers for Mistral on getting [Dust]." Izaya shrug at us while revealing other things neither Shigure and I would know about Mistral.

Izaya pause for a moment when he notices something wrong right as of this moment, "Uh...Enma. You alright there? You kinda freaking me out here."

The reason why Izaya feel uncomfortable right about now is because the way my eyes glow blue a little like I'm about to summon my [Persona], but what the cause of this is when Izaya mention a gang in the lower section, who only second to the Schnee family in [Dust] and the fact that the Olympians is a gang.

'All those [Crystalline Dust].' I feel like this training trip is really worth the effort put into and now there is a big target open for more [System Point] just appear in front of me.

As the sudden greed for the unimaginable amount of [Crystalline Dust] the Olympians have right now, almost took over my mind, but just barely with pure willpower from stopping myself from just running out of here and head back to the Branch Base of the Athena.

"So...no one would care if...I don't know. Steal all those [Dust] belong to the Olympians?" I ask Izaya in a slow and calm voice, causing Izaya to shiver a little when my eyes stare directly into his own eyes.

"W-Well the Olympians themselves would care and many have tried to, but end up failing. Even the Schnee family would think twice about messing with them...oh...you one of those types of people..." Izaya started explaining that some people tried to steal from Olympians and may end up losing their lives or not, but Izaya notice the look on my face when he finally realizes what's going on.

"What...type...of...people?" Shigure look lost right now and wanted to know what's going on.

"Our friend here." Izaya place his left palm on his forehead, "Is someone who would do anything to get what they want no matter how dangerous it is."

Shigure tilts her head to the side, to show she a little confuse since she already knows about this side of me and wanted to know what the point of bringing that up.

Izaya seeing the confused Shigure, let out a sigh, "What I meant is, that all of us aren't even strong or have the resource to steal from the Olympians and the only reason Enma here got this book is because we target a Branch instead of the Main one. Also, the fact that we're stealing from a low ranked Branch of the Athena Specialist."

Shigure slowly blink once, "Then...we...just...need...to...get stronger?"

"Ugh. You know what? How about you two get strong enough to the point of destroying one of the minor gangs alone. Then, we could talk about stealing from the Olympians once more because we're just on the borderline of being on their radar." Izaya gave up on making us not steal from the Olympians, which is pretty funny when Izaya was the one who planned to steal from the Olympians in the first place and now he acting like he afraid of them.

I guess Izaya figure out which plans of his have the most risks and the other the less. Then again, I almost die more than once during this whole week and figure it would get more dangerous further in the future at this rate.

"Alright. Which Floor Areas contain minor gangs?" I stop planning a way to steal from the Olympians of all their [Dust], be it [Crystalline Dust] or [Powdered Dust], and listen to Izaya for now.

"In the 40th to the 79th Floor Area. And yes the one you faced a few hours ago count as a minor gang by themselves, but they could have asks one of their main members or below them to come in to take care of us easy. If you still haven't noticed. The only reason I made you get into their Branch Base is because I gained some information on when their higher rank members are gone at the time." Izaya looks like he regrets inviting me to this group, "We are kids. Not even teenagers yet."

"Oh yeah..." I mumble to myself, "So tomorrow we're going to hijack an Air Bus from the Athena's Branch Base?"

Izaya looks at me for a moment before he answers, "That or captures one of their members to pilot for us. Since this book doesn't contain everything and mostly are plans. So, we're going to have to return to the same Athena's Branch Base tomorrow or we have to go with plan C, which I rather not do just yet."

Both Shigure and I look at each other once more, then look at Izaya, who currently waiting for our answer.

"Alright." I answer for the both of us, causing Izaya to roll his eyes at us.

"Right. I'm going to head out for a few hours and see you guys in the morning." Izaya leaves the room to head to whatever he needs to do, leaving both Shigure and me alone.

"Can...we...have...dinner...before...we...train?" Shigure asks me, as her stomach growl in an agreement.

I smile at Shigure, "Why not? While I make dinner. Please get the plates and tableware from out bags."

As for the rest of the night, both Shigure and I enjoy ourselves to a good meal before we do our daily night training and wait tomorrow, where we may or may not be the day we head to the 59th Floor Area.

Because even then, with the help of my [Persona]'s [Personal Skill] would lead me to a path towards the 50th Floor Area.