
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Life

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 1: The New Life

Day 1: Birth


I look around me, but all I see is darkness itself.

'I can't even see my own hands, but why do I feel so calm at the moment?' I thought to myself, 'Why aren't I even panicking in the first place? No. What I should be asking myself the most important question. How in the world did I end up in a place like this?'

While I was thinking to myself, I started to feel like someone near me. Actually, it's more like they just kicked me in the stomach.

'Whoever you are. I will find you and I will destroy you. Also, why do I feel like multiple people's shouting?' I thought to myself, as I started to move around to see if I could feel my surrounding and maybe hit back the person, who kicked me a few seconds ago.

So far, I didn't make any progress at all. However, I felt something pulling me, well, more like pushing me out of this weird darkness place that seems to feel a little weird. Kinda like I'm underwater or something, but my instinct is strongly telling me it's not water I'm thinking about.

However, a few second later, someone slapped me on the ass, causing me to shout in surprise.

But, for some reason, I heard a baby cried out instead. Making me surprise further and furthermore, there were voices talking to one another.

Sadly, I couldn't hear everything they are saying to each other.

'Is something wrong with my ears? And who the hell just slap my ass?!' I thought to myself, then shouted mentally in rage at the action of having my behind slapped by some random person.

"It's a healthy baby boy." I heard a young man spoke out to everyone, or that what I think he is talking to everyone.

"Wait! There another one!" The same young man shouted out to everyone, causing a female to scream out in pain.

'Wait, baby boy? Another one? What's going on here?!' I quickly try to open my eyes and move my head to see my surroundings. The keyword 'trying', since I couldn't even move my head at all and I having a bit of trouble opening my eyes.

I started breathing heavily from this problem, 'What happened to be suddenly calm a few minutes ago?!'

Slowly, I calm down and control my breathing, which I found out that I wasn't even breathing at all before being pushed out of where ever I was a few minutes ago.

Lucky for me, it didn't take long for me to calm down, but it doesn't mean I'm completely calm.

few minutes*

It took a few tries, but I was finally able to open my eyelids and quickly close them from the sudden bright light. I had to blink a few times to adjust the light in the room and to my surprise, I see a baby in front of me, who was looking right back at me with curiosity in their baby eyes.

"So, did you decide on their names?" I heard a different young man's voice compare to the previous one.

"Well, I'm a little disappointed that the older twin is male, while the younger one is female. But, I guess life never fair. Anyway, for our little baby boy. His name will be Enma." I heard a female voice above me, where my sight range was barely enough to look at the woman just from looking up.

To my surprise, I see a giant person, which happen to be the woman I heard a few second ago and another surprise was her hair color being red and her eye color being green. As the giant red hair woman gives me a smile once she noticed me staring at her.

A few seconds later of staring between us, the giant red hair woman look over to the baby next to me, "As for our little baby girl. I shall name her name will be Pyrrha."

"Huh, Enma Nikos and Pyrrha Nikos. Welcome to the Remnant." I heard the same young man's voice behind me.

However, I didn't bother to listen to what else they about to say, because I was in shock.

'Pyrrha Nikos. Remnant. A giant woman and a baby that look bigger than they should be. I'm in fucking RWBY and a baby!' I thought in shock, once I heard the name of the baby across from me, who looked at the red hair woman, then back at me.

'Wait. If I was reincarnated into RWBY. Good for me, I guess, but what was my name in my previous life on Earth?! I can't remember shit, sure I could remember lots of things. Like watching anime, playing video games and going to school and all that stuff. But, how come I can't remember the faces of my family or even my own name?!' I thought with confusion, but surprisingly, I was suddenly calm once more.

I felt someone grab my left hand and found out it was Pyrrha, who gave me a smile, much to our parents' happiness of seeing us get along.

'Oh yeah...' I thought dryly, 'I'm the older twin of Pyrrha Nikos right now. Well, I guess I better figure out a way to get stronger fast without crippling my growth. So, I could beat the living shit out of any boys coming near Pyrrha.'

The next thing I knew, I started to slowly close my eyes and I fell asleep while the last thing I saw was baby Pyrrha asleep already, 'Wait. How is Enma a color-based name? Plus, isn't it a feminine name of Germanic?! I think?' Is my last thought before I fell asleep.

Day 2: System

(Hospital: Baby's Room)

'Hmm. Okay, I'm bored. How do those people being reincarnated into an other worlds deal with this boredom?! I know they do a time skip because of this, but seriously! This is so boring! And I could still can't move besides my baby fingers. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is a lie! Those babies were able to move and all, but then again, they were some kind superhuman or whatever they are.' I continue thinking to pass the time while trying to move something besides my baby fingers.

'I wonder what my semblance would be?' I thought to myself before my trace of thoughts was cut off when someone enters the room.

"Hey, which one of these babies is it?" I heard someone whisper.

"I don't know! These humans look all the same to me!" Another voice shouted in a whisper tone.

"Dude. A little bit quieter or else you wake up the babies. And if these babies start crying, then the human in this hospital will come straight at us." The previous voice whispers to the loud one.

"Well, sorry for hating on the new generation of human, that literally would hurt our kind in the future." The loud one whisper back harshly to the quiet one.

"Rusty. Bro. These are babies." The quiet one made a remark.

"Human baby." The loud one, which I found out is named Rusty, counter back, with a hint of venom in their voice.

"They are still babies. Faunus or Humans, they are still babies, Rusty." The quiet one repeat once more to get the important point into their friend's head.

"Whatever, Beryl. Just go grab the one we came for. If I have to stand to look at these Human babies. I may end up doing something you would regret." Rusty said to the quiet one, who name is Beryl.

"You know what? Fine. I don't even know why you even bother to come with me on this mission." Beryl said to Rusty, with frustration.

I started hearing footsteps coming nearby and quickly close my eyes while acting like I'm asleep just in case.

"Uh, hey, Rusty?" Beryl called out to Rusty.

"Yeah? What is it?" Rusty response back with an irritated tone.

"Which one we suppose to take again?" Beryl asked and from what I could tell from Beryl's voice, he either ashamed or worried about something. I think I lean more towards the first once than the latter.

"And this is the reason why I bother to come with you in the first place. You always forget the important things on our missions. I swear if I didn't make that promise with your parents to watch over you. I would be less stressful right now." Rusty said mostly to himself, "We suppose to look for a baby belong to the Nikos family."

"Oh." Beryl said out loud, then frown a second later, "Wait, why the Nikos?"

"I don't know. The higher up didn't bother to explain much to us grunt. Yeah, I said it. We are a grunt in the White Fang. We don't even have our aura unlock in the first place." Rusty said through his teeth, as he felt irritated from knowing that they are a grunt.

"Oh...I...honestly don't know how to feel about this. I thought we were someone important in the White Fang." Beryl said to Rusty in a sad tone, causing Rusty to let out a tired sigh.

"Don't worry, Beryl. I...I..." Rusty tried to say something, "I think you are important." Rusty said to Beryl, and from the sound of it. It took much willpower for Rusty to say that to Beryl.

"Aw...thanks, Rusty." Beryl said to Rusty, with happiness.

"Yeah, don't get used to it. Now, hurry up and get the Nikos' baby." Rusty said to Beryl, barely holding back a remark.

"Alright. Wait, which one of these babies belongs to the Nikos?" Beryl asks Rusty, who took a deep breath to calm his nerve before he says something that he would regret saying.

"I would say it's the one with the red hair or green eyes. Common traits belong to the Nikos." Rusty said calmly, and lucky for him.

Beryl could tell Rusty was not in a good mood and quickly stop asking questions and look for the baby belong to the Nikos, which happen to be Pyrrha and me, unless there are other babies belong to the same family as us.

However, much to Rusty's dismay, Beryl didn't even move a single step from the lack of footstep sound.

"What now?" Rusty asks Beryl while trying to not kill himself from dealing with Beryl much longer than he should right now.

"Um...Rusty. There are more than one baby with red hair or green eyes here." Beryl whisper to Rusty.

I almost let out a giggle from this, because they wasted so much time arguing with each other now.

"You know what? I'm done. I don't even care about this whole making humans treating us an equal thing. I'm leaving and find myself a different career, that actually makes me feel important." Rusty said mostly to himself and started walking out of the room from what I'm hearing.

"Ah! Wait up, Rusty! Don't leave me behind!" Beryl shouted at the top of his lungs, causing all the babies in the room to cry out, and sadly for me, I had to fake crying or else I would draw more attention to myself. So, I just started shouting with the rest of the babies in the room with me.

"SHIT! And you were telling me to be quiet! We need to get out of here! We don't have time to find the right baby!" Rusty shouted at Beryl and started running to the escape route, with Beryl following after him.

"HEY! YOU TWO! GET BACK HERE!" I heard a different voice shouting at Rusty and Beryl, then I started hearing more shouts from other people.

'Great. The second day of my new life and I'm already getting a headache. Just great.' I thought to myself, as I keep on shouting while tears started going down my cheeks, which I found out I'm truly crying now from the amount of control over my baby emotions going out of control.

1 hour later*

After a few nurses come in the room to calm down the other babies. Much to my relief from having to hear all the babies' crying.


Found a host! By scanning, the host is confirmed to meet the requirements. 'Persona System' binding successful, host Enma Nikos.


Host currently underage from accessing all features belong to Persona System. A seal has been placed on host to limit the access to Persona System until further notice.


The host has to choose 1 of the 3 starter gears option.

[Item Type]: [Pistol/Summoner/Magic Gun]

[Name]: [Evoker]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C+

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description:The Evoker is a gun-esque item that appeared in Persona 3. It functions as a summoning medium for Persona user, to invoke and control their Personas, the mask to protect oneself. Evoker has a chance to traumatize the user and will cause the user to feel tired from using it. Using an Evoker resembles the act of suicide. The Evoker is symbolic of accepting death and knowledge of mortality, which often arise during the teenage years.

[Persona's Summon]:To summon the user's Persona, the user must press the Evoker to their head and pull the trigger, emitting a pale blue fog that covers them while giving out the shape of their Personas, along with a glass shatter effect.

[Magic's Bullet]:This Evoker does allow the user to fire off a spell like a bullet.

[Repair Feature]: 1 System Point per 1% durability

[Side Effect]: 20% extra cost from using [Magic's Bullet]

[Item Type]: [Card/Summoner/Magic Card]

[Name]: [Tarot Cards]

Durability: 1%/1%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C+

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description:These Tarot Cards are used in Persona 4, which the user uses as a summoning medium for their Personas. Only require the thought of the user's Persona to bring the Tarot Cards out before the user, which they are required to crush it or break it, for it to summon the Persona. Since these Tarot Cards are meant to be destroyed in the first place, there are an unlimited amount for the user to use to summon their Persona and reason why their durability are at the lowest it could be, making it fragile.

[Persona's Summon]: Crush or break the Tarot Cards, to summon the user's Persona.

[Side Effect]:These Tarot Cards require for the user to summon their Persona and to cast their skills or spells, which the Personas themselves will do. However, when the Persona takes damage, so does its user and a very weakened Persona will start to show a bit of static in its body.

[Item Type]: [Mask/Summoner/Magic Mask]

[Name]: [Mask]

Durability: 10%/10%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C+

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description:Mask function as a summoning medium for the Persona users. It appears to be symbolic of their Persona, as captured Personas are shown taking the form of a mask. When a Persona user awakens their Persona, they must rip it off their face and bleed.

[Persona's Summon]: Through thoughts and will to summon the user's Persona.However, after the first use, the mask dissolves into blue flames to summon the user's Persona afterward without leading to bleeding anymore. As the mask dissolves into blue flames, the user is also engulfed in blue flames, and their outfit changes to a theme similar to the Phantom attire belong in Persona 5.

[Side Effect]: Require the Persona user to rip the Mask off their face, and cause of bleeding temporarily. For the first Persona awaken.

Please choose the 3 starter gears.

[Evoker] - Will cause the user to rely on the [Evoker] for Persona summon, but with training, the user can summon their Personas without it. However, it will cause large strain onto the user without the [Evoker] still.

[Tarot Cards] - Will cause the user to completely rely on the [Tarot Cards] anything related to the Personas themselves.

[Mask] - May lead to user's death if fail to remove it for first-time use. Picking this will give the user a bonus ability thats allow them to see the enemy's face wears a mask that can be removed to briefly break their control over their state of mind. Leading their control of anything to be out of control.

'Well...this is weird...in an amazing way! Not a gamer ability, but it's something. Out of these 3 starters gears. I rather not have to literally rip the mask off my face, causing me to bleed a lot. The [Tarot Cards] is a maybe, but [Evoker] win me over already.' I thought to myself, as I quickly pick the [Evoker] as my starter gear, by giving a mental command, while ignoring the face I gained this [Persona System] out of nowhere.


You have chosen [Evoker] as your starter gear. As a bonus for picking this starter gear, you have unlocked [Inventory], which would require 1000 System Points to unlock. Your [Evoker] has been placed in your newly acquired [Inventory].

I started to giggle with madness, causing a few of those who heard a mad laughter before to shiver in fright, but return back to their duty of taking care of the babies around them.

Right as I was about to pull out [Evoker] out of my [Inventory] without thinking this through, with having many people around, who are adults.

However, unknown to my future relief and my present dismay.


[Evoker] is locked in your [Inventory]. Require user to be older to gain access to [Evoker].

I blankly stare into space, as the mental image of words appears in my head just told me that I can't even take out my starter gear.

'Okay. I may be a bit a rush to take out [Evoker] without thinking this much through and may end up having it taken away, which would be very bad for me. But, come on! I barely have any access to my [Persona System] at it is right now!' I cried in sorrow mentally and physically, 'Curse these baby emotions!'

I feel someone picking me up as I continue to cry in sorrow of not being able to access the [Persona System] at all and it's just there to mocking me.

"There, there, little one. Those mean people are gone. How about we hang out with your little sister?" I heard someone whisper to me, as they carry me to where Pyrrha is, which maybe because in my point of view or something, but I was already placed next to Pyrrha.

I stop crying, then stare at Pyrrha, who stared at me back.

While we were staring at each other, I notice the person who carried me a few seconds ago already left.

'Hey. Hey. You shouldn't leave a baby unattended, with twin nonetheless.' I thought to myself, as I give up feeling sorry for myself and just wait until the [Persona System] unlock itself, once I get older.

Pyrrha blink a few times, then let out a cute yawn and slowly fall to sleep.

Yawn* 'Great. Now...I'm...slee...py...' I let out a yawn myself, then fall to sleep as well.

few days later*

Day?: Goals

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home)

"Finally! We're home and I really hate staying at the hospital. The food there is just nasty." Mother said mostly to herself, but I could tell she really meant the hospital's food are really bad, with the amount of hatred in her voice near the end.

"Honey. The whole time you stayed there. You barely eat any of the hospital's food and only the one I brought with me." Father said to Mother, who just huff at him.

"Like that's any better. Your cooking suck, by the way." Mother said to Father, who just rolled at her.

"One, I didn't cook those foods. Two, those were takeout." Father said dryly, causing Mother to cough to the side and not bother to continue to argue with him.

"Let just get the kids in their room for them to sleep, then we could relax for our remaining free time until it's time the twin wake up. I know for sure, we won't be getting much rest for a few months." Father said to Mother, as he already knows that taking care of a baby, and a twin at that, would take lots of work. To the point of being stressful all day long.

few minutes later*

After a few minutes for my parents to put Pyrrha and I in our shared bed, then quietly left the room once they finish making sure we are asleep. Well, Pyrrha is still, I'm wide awake right now.

Once I stop hearing their footstep, I open my eyes and see the ceiling of the color brown.

'I still can't move my head. At least, I could move my toes now I guess.' I thought dryly while I try to bring up my [Persona System]. As a clear mental menu window box appeared within my mind.

[Persona System]: Menu

[Shop]: Lock


[Current Persona Equip]: Lock

[List of Personas]: Lock

[Skill List]: Lock

[Magic List]: Lock

[Fusion System]: Lock

I feel like crying right about now. Actually, I could feel tears about to form, but I barely held it back and try not to fall into depression since I know this would lead to luring Grimm to my location.

'Why did I have to be reincarnated instead of just having my previous life's body come to this world instead. This way the [Persona System] will have some of its features unlocked, but all I got is the [Inventory] unlocked.' I thought with sadness but didn't let it get to me.

After all, I am a baby now and not one of those curse babies in Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

'So, no being an OP baby, I guess.' I let out a mental sigh at the thought of seeing myself being OP as a baby, which is a funny thought itself, causing me to let out a giggle.

Before I could think of other things, I heard a small yawn next to me.

But, again, I can't move my head at all or anything besides my baby hands and waggle my tiny toes.

'Can't move and can't even talk. Again. How do those characters that reincarnated deal with being a baby during the first few months?' I thought to myself.

'Hmm. Well, I have already finished panicking at the hospital multiple times already. Back to thinking up some long-term goals. And suddenly, I really wish this [Persona System] has a build in note taken feature.' I thought dryly, as I forget about the whole memory problem.

If I can't even remember my own past life, besides the anime and other stuff I like, I may end up forgetting about them later in the future.

'Guess I have to make sure to remember them at the best I can. Okay, first main one. Find out how I end up reincarnated into RWBY. The second one is how did I die?' I started making up my long term goals while hoping that I won't forget them anytime soon.

'What else is there? Hmm.' I am already starting to have trouble coming up with other long-term goals, 'Ah! Right, get physically stronger and improve my instinct, reflex, and speed.'

I gave myself a mental pat on the back for coming up with that one without a single ounce of shame. After all, I'm going to do that anyway for my foundation for future battles.

Without warning, Pyrrha started crying at the top of her lungs, much to my surprise and poor baby ears.

Seeing as Pyrrha already crying, I may as well too.

"And they are awake..." I barely heard Father's voice.

'This is going to be a long time before I could do anything.' I thought to myself, as I continue to cry along with baby Pyrrha.

4 months later*

Day?: Pyrrha love to Cuddle

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Living Room)

'Well, I have finally mastered the techniques of rolling over, holding my head up while lying on my stomach, and sitting up on my own without any support.' I thought with pride, not to even mention about how bored I was, for the past 4 months.

As I continue to ignore the noise of someone taking multiple pictures.

"Look at them! They are soooo cute!" Mother cried out in happiness, causing my smile to be forced now.

"And look at little Pyrrha. She is hugging her older brother with that cute smile of her." Father said with happiness as well.

In fact, what he said is true, Pyrrha is hugging my left arm. I honestly don't know I should feel happy about this or worry that Pyrrha would follow me everywhere in the future, and this mean, I can't do my secret training with her around.

'Actually, isn't Pyrrha using me as a support to sit up?' I thought to myself, but cut that trace of thoughts after a second thinking about it.

"Come on! Pyrrha and Enma, say Mama!" Mother said to us while repeating the word 'Mama' more than once now, to see if either us would actually say it.

"Honey. I'm pretty sure they are still a few months away from being able to talk." Father said dryly, but end up being ignored by Mother, much to his annoyance.

Pyrrha let out a giggle when she sees this, causing Mother to squeal with delight from hearing Pyrrha's laughing.

'I'm guessing Pyrrha is Mother's favorite at this point.' I thought to myself when I notice how much Mother focus more on Pyrrha than me.

'Also, from the look of it. So does Father as well. Am I going to end up being neglected like one of the main characters in those light novels and fanfic I read before?' I question myself but decided it wasn't that much important to me at this point.

Because I have the [Persona System], which I still need to unlock all the features first, though.

Nonetheless, that shouldn't stop me from working on the physical part of my training. But, I still have to take it easy on myself and not do something that would do more harm than helpful.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Pyrrha smiling to everyone and kept on hugging me.

I try to roll over to my right, but found out I couldn't move at all, with Pyrrha still holding onto me.

'Okay, so she has a stronger grip than I realize.' I thought dryly while giving up getting away from baby Pyrrha.

"Ah! I ran out of space on my scroll! I need to go grab my spare scroll!" Mother cried out in a panic, then rush out of the living room to find her extra scroll to take more pictures.

"Guess I will watch over the twin then." I heard my Father mumble to himself, as he sits down on one of the few chairs in the room.

Pyrrha started pulling on my left arm, causing me to look over, to see her smiling at me and letting out a giggle.

I mentally roll my eyes at this, but I gave a smile back to Pyrrha, causing her smile to be brighter once she sees me smiling back.

'Well, look like I won't be working on my crawling for a while.' I thought to myself, as I start playing with Pyrrha, much to her delight and Father's amusement.

2 months later*

Day?: Crawl like no Tomorrow

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Living Room)

'Come on, Enma! You can do this! You have been training for this all your life! Crawl, man! Crawl like there no tomorrow!' I shouted at myself mentally, as I continue crawling around the living room.

While I was crawling around and act like I was looking for something. I already noticed Pyrrha following right behind me, with a big smile on her face as she continues following me at my pace with ease.

'Damn it! Pyrrha is catching up to me so easy! It took me 2 whole months and it only took her a week to match my 2 months of hard work!' I cried out in jealous but also felt proud of my younger twin.

Feeling a bit tired of crawling for a while now and fall onto my stomach, before I roll off my stomach and onto my backside.

'Okay. Break time now.' I started breathing a little harder while Pyrrha crawls next to me on my right.

Where Pyrrha stop crawling and take a few seconds for her to sit up on her own, then look at me with a smile and just kept on staring at me as if she is just waiting for me to do something interesting.

After a few minutes of waiting, Pyrrha finally took a hint that I was still on break and look around the room to find anything to catch her attention.

Which I guess something catches Pyrrha's attention when she started crawling away from me.

I was too tired to even bother to see what catch her attention and wanted to rest for a few more minutes before I go back to working on my crawling for another month or two, then work on walking.

However, before I could go back to crawling, Pyrrha returned back to my side and she didn't come back empty-handed.

What Pyrrha carried back with her is her favorite stuff toy. A toy size chocolate cupcake, with 1 big eye and 1 small eye at the frosty part of the chocolate cupcake while there is a big smile on the cupcake wrapper. Also, there are two small arms, but a big pair of white gloves as its hands.

I was a little confused why she brought along with Mr. Chocolate Cupcake, but found out a second later when she started biting the top of her stuff toy.

'I guess she hungry or just teething. Well, better for her to start biting that stuff toy of her than me.' I thought dryly, as I continue watching Pyrrha trying to bite Mr. Chocolate Cupcake's head off.

Pyrrha blinks a few times, then stop biting onto her stuff toy and brought it to me as if she asking me if I would like to take a bite.

'Aww. Pyrrha already knows the concept of sharing, but I think I'm good.' I thought to myself and carefully push myself into a sitting position, where I gently push Mr. Chocolate Cupcake back to her.

Pyrrha taking the hint of me not wanting to take a bite, gone back to biting the top of her chocolate cupcake toy.

'Welp. Back to crawling.' I thought to myself, as I started to resume my crawling, with Pyrrha right behind me once she noticed me crawling away and leaving behind Mr. Chocolate Cupcake behind without a care. Seeing me more important than her stuff toy.

6 months later*

Day?: First word!

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Dining Room)

"I think the twin are old enough to have their separate beds." Father said to Mother, who currently feeding Pyrrha solid food already after a month ago.

"Hmm. I guess we could get them their own room. Seeing how we got enough spare rooms to have our own personal room and still have extra spare rooms." Mother said to Father, as she wipes the leftover messy food on Pyrrha's mouth.

"No!" Everyone stop for a moment, when we heard a squeaky voice in the room.

Much to my parents' surprise, all of us look at Pyrrha, who is glaring at Mother, much to my surprise.

"D-Did Pyrrha just said her first word?" Mother whisper to Father in a shocked tone.

"Yup, and from the look on Pyrrha's face. I guess she understood us about separating her from her older brother." Father answer back with the same shocked tone.

"Pyrrha." Mother called out to Pyrrha and was about to say something else, but was cut off.

"No!" Pyrrha shouted once more, causing Mother to fall back into her chair in despair.

"Pyrrha's first word. Pyrrha's first word." Mother whispers to herself, much to my amusement as I watch Father trying to cheer Mother up.

"Em!" Pyrrha shouted a different word, or tried to say another word, but came out part of it.

"Eh?" Mother cried out in a high pitch tone when she heard Pyrrha's second word or sound like one.

Even Father stopped in surprise from hearing Pyrrha speaking another word.

"Em!" Pyrrha shouted once more and this time, she reaching out to me, letting everyone know she meant me and realize that when Pyrrha's 'Em' is part of my name Enma.

"Em!" Pyrrha shouted again, this time she started crying as well, but Mother fall into her self-depression even more once she figured out what her baby girl's second word actually was.

Father numbly picks up Pyrrha and walk over to me, where he picked me up as well.

Once Pyrrha was in range, she buries her face into my stomach, almost causing Father to drop us from the sudden action and making him come back from where ever his mind went before while leaving his body on autopilot.

I look up to Father's face and see a wry smile on his face, much to my amusement, but didn't let it show and kept my innocent confused face.

"Got anything you would like to say as well, champ?" Father asks me, but I could tell he was just joking around and not actually expect me to say my first word as well.

"Pyr." I said simple, much to Pyrrha's delight when she heard me call out to her as well.

Father on the hand, just look at me with a forced smile and slowly walk out of the dining room and to the living room.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Living Room)

I noticed Mother still didn't recover from her shock and still whispering to herself.

Once we reached the couch, he places us on it, where Pyrrha finally get off my stomach but kept on hugging me as if she let go. I would be separate from her and won't be seen again.

"Well, I guess those rumors were true. Never separate a twin from each other." Father said mostly to himself and just realize Mother wasn't with us, which he quickly return back to the dining room while leaving Pyrrha and I unattended.

"Em. Em." I heard Pyrrha mumble to herself, as she looks at me with teary eyes. "Pyr." I said to Pyrrha, as I return the hug, causing Pyrrha to call out to me once more and slowly calm down after noticing I won't be separate from her.

"So...look like we won't be separating them after all." Father said to Mother, as they enter the living room once they see us hugging each other.

"But I wanted to Pyrrha to sleep with me tonight, though..." Mother mumble to herself while Father raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you mean her own bed?" Father ask Mother, who pretty much just ignored him, causing Father to let out a tired sigh.

"At least the twin said their first word, kinda." Father said to Mother but was still ignored by her, which lead to Father giving up on getting Mother's attention.

'Well, there goes my today plan on trying to walk without falling.' I thought dryly, as I continue watching my family being sad for different reasons.

5 months later*

Day?: Unlock

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Backyard)

'I am so bored right now.' I thought to myself, as I blankly look around me and all I see is dirt everywhere, with a few random trees in the backyard.

After I finally could walk on my own without falling and run for a few seconds at least.

Pyrrha, however, was able to catch up to me a day later from watching me doing my baby training.

Truly, baby Pyrrha knows no bounds at the meaning of hurting my progress in hard work.


The host has reached the right age for the [Persona System]'s [Shop] to be unlocked.

'Eh?' I was still confused and kept my blank expression after I just heard the [Persona System]'s notification on the [Shop] being unlocked.

Quickly, I brought up the [Person System] to see what the [Shop] look like.

[Persona System]: [Shop]

[Persona]: Lock

[Gear]: Lock

[Skill Card]

[Magic]: Lock

[Incense Card]

[Material Card]


[Extra Feature]: Lock


[Host's Currency]: 1000 System Point

'Oh come on! Some of the options are locked?! WHY?! Why do you finally show me what I wanted, but end up stopping me from even get them?!' I cried out mentally of sorrow.

Suddenly, I felt someone hugging me. I look towards the person who currently hugging me and found out it Pyrrha, who look at me with a worried expression.

'Huh, much be a twin thing for her to notice me being sad.' I thought to myself, as I stop feeling sad about how the [Persona System] being unfair to me right now.

"Em. Ok?" Pyrrha asks me, as she continues to hug me to cheer me up, which I return back with my own hug, causing Pyrrha to smile at me.

"Ok." I replied back while ignoring the headache from the extra new added knowledge on the [Persona System] being shoved into my brain.

Once Pyrrha decided I was fine and not being sad anymore, she let go of me, but stay with me instead of going back to where she was a minute ago.

"Em. Pay?" Pyrrha asks me if I wanted to play with her, as she tilts her head to the side, making her look even cuter by the second.

'Much resist-who am I kidding. I can't say no to a face like that.' I force a smile to appear on my face, to show I would gladly to play with her, as she grabs my left hand and drags me to where ever she wanted us to go.

'Welp, I guess I could check what else there are on [Persona System]'s [Shop] later.' I quietly follow Pyrrha back into the house through the back door.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Living Room)

After entering the room, and passing by our parents, who are talking to each other about something while ignoring us for some reason.

We continue walking straight to our bedroom, but before we reach our bedroom. Pyrrha stop, which causes me to stop as well, and looks around for a moment.

I didn't bother to figure out why Pyrrha stop and just wait for her to do something since this happen many times now.

'Hmm. Does Pyrrha see something that I don't?' I begin to come up with a few theories about why Pyrrha kept on stopping at random moment when she drag me around or following me.

A whole minute of waiting, Pyrrha finally resume walking and pulling me along to our bedroom like she wasn't looking for something.

(Mistral: Unknown City: Home: Nikos' Twin's Bedroom)

Pyrrha pushes the door to open it, which was easy for her since the door wasn't even completely close all the way in.

As we enter our bedroom, Pyrrha drags me to the area where our toy chest filled with toys we kept in.

Surprisingly, most of the toys are stuffed toy version of weapons. Of course, our parents would get us some stuff toy, not a plastic toy version of weapons, to get us interested. A good plan I would say, if I was Ruby Rose, but I'm not.

So, seeing all the stuff toy weapons in our toy chest. I would question my parents on how they are raising us, but I remember this the Kingdom of Mistral and not Vale.

It took both of us to open the toy chest, then I had to help Pyrrha pull out a toy bat out of the pile and afterward, I pull out a toy shortsword, but to me it's a longsword instead.

Pyrrha started giggling from dropping on her butt when she raises her toy bat too high, throwing her balance off.

I walk over to Pyrrha and help her get up, but end up falling over myself when Pyrrha pull me down instead of trying to get up with my help.

Pyrrha's giggle, turn into laughter once she sees my confuse look, like she seen something funny that I don't see.

I roll my eyes at her, then push myself off the ground and walk over to my tossed shortsword, but Pyrrha throws her toy bat at me, hitting me in the back and causing me to fall onto my stomach.

"Em!" Pyrrha called out to me in a cheerful tone, as she jumps on my back to hug me from behind.

'While I enjoy a hug as much as the next person and from a baby Pyrrha at that, but did she had to jump on my back in the first place?' I thought to myself and trying to force myself not to cry from my aching back.

I would have told Pyrrha to get off me but seeing the smile on Pyrrha's face. I couldn't do it since I know it would make Pyrrha sad, which kind of break my heart.

'Then again, a pouty baby Pyrrha is also cute as well.' I thought to myself, as I started to make future plans to beat away any boys going after Pyrrha.

"Em! Pay!" Pyrrha shouted in an excited tone as she gets off me, much to my relief, and grab her toy bat and my toy shortsword, then she speeds walk towards me to pass me the toy shortsword, with a bright smile on her face.

Grabbing the toy swordshort from Pyrrha's little hand and quickly chase after Pyrrha when she hit the top of my head with her toy bat, then move away from me before I could make a counter.

However, since neither of us could run yet, I was able to catch up to Pyrrha since her center of balance is unstable from carrying a toy bat.

I was about to make my attack, when I lost my grip on my toy swordshort and end up being smacked by Pyrrha's toy bat once more.

'Okay, I guess I'm putting down grip training into my schedule.' I added another training into my busy schedule, then crawl towards the toy shortsword while Pyrrha continues to smack me with her toy bat against my back.

'Man, I never knew how much I love our parents getting us stuffed toy version instead of the plastic version now.' I thought with relief at this very moment.

Once I pick up my weapon to protect myself against Pyrrha's attacks, where I see Pyrrha trying to hit me once more, but end up hitting the side of my toy shortsword inside.

As I continue to see how happy Pyrrha is right now, I begin to remember what her fate was in RWBY. I tighten my grip on my toy shortsword's handle but loosen it once I notice Pyrrha stopped attacking me with her toy bad and look at me with a concerned face.

"Em. Ok?" Pyrrha asks me, with concern in her voice, as she drops her toy bat and walks up to me, then hug me.

"Ok." I said to Pyrrha, who look at me once she stops hugging but held onto my hands.

When Pyrrha see the smile on my face, Pyrrha's concerned face turned into a happy one after seeing I'm alright again, then turn around to go get her toy bat so we could play again. Well, to her it's playing and to me, it's more of a sparring.

'I don't know why I was reincarnated into this world, but I know for sure I won't let Pyrrha die like in the canon. Screw Ozpin and everyone else. Pyrrha is my sister now and it is my duty to look after her. So, get ready world because a new player has joined the game.' I made a vow there and then, to protect Pyrrha from anything that comes to harm her, even I have to make the whole world my enemy.

I have been reading a few novels with game elements, where they have 'system' they gained as they enter a different world. Kinda like the Gamer ability, but without the whole Gamer's Mind and Body. So, no instant heals after a good night's sleep or finding any skill book, where the Gamer could learn it instantly. Well, kinda still can, but instead of finding a skill book. You will have to buy it from the 'system' instead. Oh, you could still learn from a book the normal, non-gamer way, by actually reading it...I know it's boring.

This has been on my mind for a while now, so I decided why not to help me bring in new ideas for my other fanfic later. Leave me a review of what kind of pairing, ideas, or whatever for this fanfic. I have not decided on the pairing for this fanfic yet. So yeah, who know.