
Bondrewd, a new beginning

What we know about Bondrewd from the epic "Created in the Abyss" - scientist, genius, "father of the year" and a lot of positive and not so positive qualities. Making this character extremely curious against the background of crowds of schoolchildren and other characters as bland as cardboard. After another "successful" experiment "Lord of Dawn" died, this time finally, and got into a new world, with a clear goal - to save the world, Will Bondrewd be able to save the world, will his attitude to life change, will he get a harem... maybe yes, maybe no. Read it and give me feedback. Postscriptum: this is the author's first work, so don't hit me, at least not hard.

DaoistK0F5Ju · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Let the battle break out

Bondrewd was not an experienced orator and had never made a battle speech before, so he just said the first thing that came into his head. Dick from such a sudden speech like a lightning strike was a little confused. He heard it at the last moment and had no time to do anything, but a couple of centimetres from his head a sword flew with a whistling sound, exactly hitting the skull of the assailant, crushing it into a fine dust. 

Bondrewd quickly reached the stunned man and raised his weapon.

"Come on, let's go, and don't forget your weapon." Said Bondrewd and pointed to the wagon. Dick did not try his companion's patience, and dashed to the overturned wagon, picking up the junk with his hands, the man quickly found his sword, dagger, and bombs. 

When everything was put in its place, Dick looked round casually, the horse that had dragged them looked terrible. Its whole body was covered with horrible wounds, there was not a living spot on it at all, and its breathing was intermittent and extremely painful. Dick did not hesitate to take his blade out of its sheath and slashed the animal's neck with a swing, giving it a long-awaited rest.

"Thank you, you." The bald man said quietly, already turning his gaze to the new threat, a new crowd of dead coming from the breach.

"What are we going to do with them?" Dick asked his partner. Bondrewd thought for a moment, and before he could give an answer, he noticed a pale white blurred spot approaching quickly from the forest.

"It had not lagged behind after all." Said the Lord of Dawn, catching a look of incomprehension from Dick.

"Who?" It still hadn't occurred to the bald man.

"Ozen, of course, let's go, I think she can handle it, and we have to hurry," the men ran to the centre of the city, from there came the sounds of battle.


The situation was critical, the old warrior stood on the barricade and waved his halberd like an oar, chopping the heads of zombies, they had been fighting for several hours, and the opponents were still not running out. His subordinates were already exhausted, and he himself too. Suddenly, a shriek came from the roof, loud enough to overpower the sounds of the ongoing battle.

"Nekrogolem, Nekrogolem!"

At the opposite end of the street appeared a monster, a skinny three-metre tall corpse, its body hideous, its skin peeling off in rotten chunks and its internal organs peeking out. In his hands he held a club as long as he was.

With a fierce shriek, the creature lashed out, sweeping smaller creatures out of its path, and for its size and origin, the monster moved astonishingly fast. 

The men on the barricade trembled in panic and some were already looking back. "Don't panic, pull together, remember we have women, old men and children behind us. Archers, aim for the head." Roared the grey-haired veteran, chopping off another zombie head in the process.

'We won't hold... there's only one chance, if I get the timing right I can chop that bastard's head off, but it'll only be one chance.' Praying in his mind, the old man gripped the halberd tightly in his hands and prepared to perform his final feat. A couple of moments before the collision, something changed, and the veteran realised what had happened only about 10 seconds later....

A black shadow, quickly jumped out of the alley, and without slowing down the monstrous speed crashed into the necrogolem, the blow was so strong that the monster flew away to the side piercing the wall of the house with its carcass. The defenders were stunned, though no one knew what was going on, it was impossible to see anything because of the dust. 

But people heard everything perfectly, the sound of skulls breaking and the clang of steel blades was hard to confuse with anything, when the dust cleared a little, the soldiers were amazed to the core, there was no trace of the small army of zombies, all of them were chopped into a bloody mess.

There were only two men left in the street behind the barricade, a strange-looking knight whose mere aura sent a chill down the grey-haired warrior's spine, and...

"Dick, you fucking cunt!"

The two turned synchronously towards the defenders and strode briskly towards them. 

"And hello to you, Grim, it's good to see Meredian having so much fun." The bald bandit, in his own way, started the conversation with a witticism.

"Hold your tongue, anyway I'm glad you helped us out even considering it was you and..."

"Bondrewd." Calmly said the black knight, and continued. "Where are the main forces of the attackers?" 

Grim was a bit taken aback by such a question, and answered. "They are barreling from the opposite wall." 

"I see, thank you for the information," then waved his hand to Dick, jumped over the barricade in one jump and ran on. 

"Dick, I don't know what you've got yourself into this time, but you'll have to tell me everything." Baldy nodded silently, quickly climbed over the barricade and was about to go on, when his and not only his attention was attracted by a deafening screech coming from somewhere in the breach.

"What the hell is that?" One of the soldiers exclaimed.

"Their own, I suppose." Dick answered, smiled wryly, and rushed off to catch up with Bondrewd. He was followed by the glances of the soldiers and an old veteran.

As he raced through the streets, he heard the sounds of fierce fighting, the man jumped out of the alley and into the street, where the battle was raging, and the living were clearly losing. Quickly orienting himself, the Lord of Dawn attacked the most dangerous opponent in his opinion, a 4-metre tall furry monster that tried to crush a knight in beautiful armour with its hands. A strange aura emanated from the warrior, unlike Dick's red aura, but somehow familiar. 

Bondrewd joined the fray, hacking at the creature from the back, the blade hitting the carcass at the hilt, but as if the creature didn't care. Sensing a new threat, it struck the building with its paw, but the attacker was no longer there, the knight took advantage of the respite to slash at the monster's leg with his flamberge. The monster struck the man angrily with its paw. The man managed to dodge it, but the Eater caught him in a somersault with his other hand and was about to finish him off with a blow to the ground.

Suddenly the man felt a strange sensation of levitation for a moment, only for a couple of moments, but he saw what happened. The unknown black warrior simply grabbed the monster by the paw, and threw it over the sag, everything happened incredibly fast, the "eater" broke through the wall with his body, and fell on his back. The black knight did not waste precious time and catching up with the falling carcass struck a blow to the head with his boot. It crunched through the skull of the creature and went inwards to the knee.

Realising all this the knight with the flamberg collapsed on the paving stones, still unable to believe his eyes, he looked around. And suddenly he realised, they were winning, his warriors, clearly inspired by such a speedy demise of the 'devourer', were beginning to press on, and the skeleton warriors were losing ground. And leading this assault was an unassuming looking man of gangly appearance. 

The knight raised his sword and shouted something unintelligible and rushed into the battle. Bondrewd, meanwhile, had no difficulty in removing his boot from the skull of the strange beast, his premonition clearly telling him something, but he could not understand what it was. After catching a rough direction, the man ran towards the source. Bypassing fighting people and undead, and killing only those who were in the way, he came to another alley.

 There, behind a crowd of skeletons stood a strange man in a black hood, his face was not visible because of the hood, but by the look of his dried up hands, you could judge that he was not in the best physical condition. Noticing the "Lord of Dawn" the strange type shouted.

"Who are you?"

Bondrewd did not reply, and putting his blade forward he rushed to attack, the skeleton-warriors were not badly armed, and they fought with much better skill than the other dead, but for Bondrewd it was not a big problem. He was quickly reducing their numbers, taking advantage of the enormous advantage in strength and speed. Slashing the last three defenders with a roundhouse kick, the man stared at what he assumed was a necromancer. 

"You filthy insect, die." Without waiting for the end of the sentence, Bondrewd rushed forward again.

"From the side." Said a strange voice - breaking through the old door in the head of the "Lord of the Dawn" flew an intimidating-sized hammer, missing it literally a couple of centimetres above the man's head, sharply grouped and stepped back. The enemy was the 2nd knight, wrapped in some dirty sackcloth, through the holes in which the features of the armour were clearly visible.

"You're not dead yet, you wretch," the necromancer said and began to recite a spell in an unknown language.

"Vitrumu es navine." - After the last syllable of the spell, the eyes of the zombie knight glowed faintly. And Bondrewd's sense of danger alerted him to its existence once again.

"BRGE." The zombie mumbled and attacked, doing so at an extraordinary speed for its brethren, probably only slightly inferior to Dick's. Bondrewd evaded a very predictable blow, counterattacked his vis-a-vis in the head, the blade ricocheted off the zombie's helmet, he did not think, if it is possible to apply such a term for him, to stop, swung for a sweeping blow, from which the "Lord of Dawn" simply ducked, and to the surprise of himself received a boot in the snout. After a good seven metres, the man sensed danger again and rolled to the side, a small crater smoking and hissing where he had just been lying. 

Quickly devising a plan, Bondrewd stood in a defensive stance, the zombie took this as an invitation to a fight and immediately attacked the man, Bondrewd ducked and dodged the blows of the overgrown zombie, waiting for the right moment. 

Deliberately slowly dodging the next swing, he peripherally saw a glint of glass in the hands of the necromancer, then everything happened quickly, a shot from the shaker hit the shaker right in the hand breaking the bottle, the green liquid under the screams of pain rushed out, eating everything around with a slight hiss.

As Bondrewd had expected, the zombie's eyes went blank, and the lethargic dead man was killed by the first blow of his fist to the head. The corpse did not have time to fall to the ground, as it was grabbed by Lord of Dawn and using him as a shield, he rushed towards the necromancer, but as it turned out his fears were in vain, he was already dead. 

"The necromancer was already dead," said Bondrewd, examining the dead man, his clothes and body showing numerous holes scorched by acid, and his arm had ceased to exist in principle, just in case he had cut off the head of the necromancer. Bondrewd was about to leave, especially as he was expected, and at the exit from the alley stood two figures: Dick and the knight he had rescued earlier.

"Greetings," the latter said proudly, and gave a slight bow.