
Bonded with my Dragon Mage Mommy

A tale of ancient magic, dragons, and a mother's love. Adam and his mother Maria are gifted the power of a magical brand - however, they discover that in order to harness the power, they must be close, incredibly close. After all, you don't get much closer than mother and son.

Jocasta_Complex · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

Adam awoke the next morning to find Kaley curled up at his side. A soft smile crossed his face as he looked at her sleeping form, and he reached out to stroke the hair away from her face.

Kaley stirred, and opened her eyes. She blinked a few times, looking at Adam before sitting up and stretching.

"Good morning," she said softly. "You slept well."

"Yeah, I did. I could get used to this."

"Me too." Kaley grinned. "So, what are we doing today? We should probably start training, so you can learn how to use magic. I'm sure we have enough mana charged up after last night."

Adam nodded. "Yeah, that'd be awesome."

He got out of bed, and slid his boxers on. He pulled some clothes out of the closet, and headed downstairs. As he stepped into the kitchen, he saw his mother already seated at the table, eating breakfast.

"Sounded like you two had a busy night."

Adam shrugged sheepishly. "I guess we did."

"Well, don't worry. It's not like I haven't been there. If anything, it's a relief that you finally found someone who makes you happy."

Kaley walked into the room, wearing only a t-shirt she must have found in his room.

"Kaley is going to need some clothes. Any suggestions?" He asked his mother.

Mary sighed, looking at her son. "Alright. I'll take Kaley shopping. She can pick out whatever she wants."

Adam grumbles. "I think I should find a job. To help out around the house."

Maria looked up at Adam. In a matter of one day he had completely changed. He didn't even want to go out of his room anymore, and now he wanted to help around the house. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"It's alright. We can't have Kaley walking around in your clothes all the time." Maria said, smiling. "I think you should postpone your job search, there's some things that need taking care of."

They're interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Kaley rushed to open it, finding Rebecca with a plate of freshly baked muffins in hand.

"Morning, guys!" She said cheerfully, inviting herself inside.

"Hey, Rebecca," Kaley said begrudgingly.

"I woke up early and made these myself."

"Thanks, Rebecca. You shouldn't have." Maria smiled.

"It was no problem. My mom sent me over to ask you guys if instead of going to the fair, you wanted to go on a picnic. I know that the fair will be way too crowded, so my mom was thinking of having us go somewhere else. Do you two mind?"

"I wanted to go to the fair." Kaley protested.

"A picnic would be perfect, Rebecca." Maria smiled. "It's a beautiful day outside, we should enjoy it."

Rebecca turned to Adam. "Are you guys going to come?"

Adam looked between his mother and Kaley. "Sure, why not?"

"Rebecca, while you're here. Could I ask you a huge favor?" Maria asked.

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Do you have any clothes you could give to Kaley. Her luggage didn't make it with her, and she doesn't have much of anything left."

Noticing that Kaley was wearing one of Adam's t-shirts, her eyes widened, and then she blushed.

"Isn't that Adam's" She asked.

"Yup." Kaley replied.

"I think I have some stuff that will work for her." Rebecca replied.

"Thank you so much, Rebecca." Maria said.

"My mom's not home right now, why don't we go take a look and see what you might like."

"Yeah, you two have fun. Kaley, remember to behave yourself." Maria leered at Kaley.

"Yes, ma'am." Kaley replied with a smile.

Rebecca led her out the door, leaving Adam and Maria alone.

"Sit down, Adam. I think I should fill you in on a few things."

Adam sat in front of her at the table.

"Fill me in on what?" He asked.

"Years ago, before you were born, there was a rebellion within the ranks of mages. There were those that believed that there was no point in us living in secret, and that we should be ruling over the people that can't use magic."

Adam listened intently.

"Those that rebelled were led by a pair of mages, the Thrakur."

"You mentioned that name before."

"The Thrakur were one of the most powerful mage families in the world. They've been around as long as magic in this world has existed. A dynasty of powerful, and influential mages amongst our ranks. At some point, they decided that there was no reason to live in secret from the rest of the world, and they planned an assault on the council of mages. They infiltrated the council, and started turning the members against each other. The rebellion was eventually quelled, but the Thrakur and their followers were too powerful to completely defeat."

"I remember you saying something about seven brands sealing them away." Adam recalled.

"That's right. Seven pairs of mages sealed the Thrakur in a sort of prison, their followers scattered. Like a key, the only thing that can free them, are those seven specific seals. To make sure that never happened," Maria paused, looking directly at Adam. "a sacrifice was made. One of each of the seven pairs gave their life." Tears begin to form in her eyes. "Your father and I were a pair of those seven. To make sure our brand was never used to open that seal, he gave his life." Maria choked back a sob.

Adam looked away, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know how, but my brand is back, two of the remaining seven are dead, according to Kaley, and I have a bad feeling things are only getting started."

"You think the followers of the Thrakur are plotting to set them free?" Adam asked.

"We need to warn the council of mages, and if necessary, the remaining four brand bearers of what is going on."

Adam stood up from his chair, a determined look in his eye. "I'm going to do everything I can to help." Adam said.

Maria nodded her head. "Thank you, Adam."

Kaley and Rebecca went through all of Rebecca's old clothes that had been packed away in her closet. Kaley held up a sundress, thinking it would be great for the picnic they were going to have that afternoon.

"You like really cutesy clothes." Kaley said.

"Well, yes." Rebecca replied. "I am a girl after all."

"I guess." Kaley replied.

Rebecca pulled out a pair of short shorts, and smiled at Kaley.

"I was hoping you'd like these."

"Oh. They'll look good on me, I'm sure. Let me try this dress on, first."

Kaley took off the t-shirt she borrowed from Adam and stood naked in the middle of Rebecca's room.

She turned towards the mirror, and saw herself in the mirror for the first time since arriving. Her body was slender yet firm. She had long legs and a nice round ass. Rebecca was staring at her in the mirror, her jaw hanging open.


"I... uh..." Rebecca stammered, "are you a model? You're beautiful."

Kaley turned to face her. "Are you mocking me?"

"No, really. I mean, I've seen girls who are pretty, but never anything like you. Your figure is amazing. And your skin is flawless!"

Kaley stared at Rebecca, trying to decide how to respond.

"So, what's it gonna be?" Rebecca asked. "The dress or the shorts?"

"Um, the dress." Kaley replied, looking Rebecca up and down. "These dresses are skimpy, but you wear them with shorts underneath. Why?"

Rebecca blushed. "I like the way the dress looks, but I don't want to reveal too much."

"Why not? Look at you." Kaley said, pointing to Rebecca's buxom chest. "I wish I had a pair of tits like that." She laughed.

"Your body is gorgeous as it is." Rebecca said, smiling. "If I ever have a daughter, I hope she grows up half as beautiful as you."

Kaley blushed, not sure how to react to such praise. "Thanks." She slipped the dress over her head and walked toward the mirror. "Sorry if I came off as rude. It's just that-"

Rebecca interrupted. "It's okay. I get it."

Kaley looked herself over in the mirror, studying her reflection.

"I think you look beautiful." Rebecca said. "Like a princess."

Kaley smiled, and reached out to touch Rebecca's hair. She ran her fingers through the slick strands, enjoying the way the silky smoothness felt against her hands. Rebecca's face turned bright red, and she quickly pulled away.

"Sorry." Kaley whispered. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Nonsense! That was sweet." Rebecca giggled.

Kaley took the dress off, put her hands on her hips, and stared at Rebecca. "You've seen me naked. Now let's see you."

"What? No." Rebecca protested.

"Oh, come on. I gotta see what you look like." Kaley said. "We're friends now. I have to know what it feels like to look at you."

"Friends?" Rebecca's eyes widened. "You're serious?"

"Yes. I wanna see." Kaley said.

"But... I'm so embarrassed." Rebecca said.

"If you let me see you naked, I'll do anything you ask. Anything." Kaley insisted.