
Bonded with my Dragon Mage Mommy

A tale of ancient magic, dragons, and a mother's love. Adam and his mother Maria are gifted the power of a magical brand - however, they discover that in order to harness the power, they must be close, incredibly close. After all, you don't get much closer than mother and son.

Jocasta_Complex · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 1

A mother would do anything for her child. Maria worried for her son, Adam. Not merely because of his recent slump, but because of her magic.

Adam was once a brilliant boy, by his second year in college, he had burnt out and was kicked out for poor grades. Maria was happy to take him back in with her, heartbroken to see him go through such a difficult time. He was smart enough to pass his classes, but he just didn't have the will or ability to try anymore.

Maria had provided for Adam a normal life. Supporting him in all of his endeavors on her own since he was born. Her life as a mage was behind her, until she began having dreams she recognized as visions, like the ones she used to have when she had access to her magic. All of them depicted the same scene: Adam lying dead near a dragon ritual site.

The only dragon ritual site she was aware of was downtown, inactive for centuries. The place had turned into a tourist attraction by the none-the-wiser citizens of Ashmoore. They had no idea of the significance of such a place, and had set up the county fair nearby. That's why she couldn't allow Adam to go to the fair with his childhood friend Rebecca. It wasn't an easy decision, Adam spent all of his time locked up in his room and hardly ever came out. A visit to the fair with a friend would have been a refreshing change of scenery for him, but after the visions she's been having, there was no way she could let him go.

"Why not?" Asked Rebecca when she came over to invite him.

"Because we're going on a camping trip this weekend." Maria blurted out.

"We are?" Asked Adam, bags under his eyes, and still in his pajamas.

"Can't you go another time? The fair is only going to be around this weekend." Protested Rebecca.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca, I've been planning this surprise trip for a while now. Ask your mother, I've talked to her about it." Maria knew Olivia would have her back.

While the women talked Adam checked out his mother's amazing body. His mom's body had a captivating hourglass figure that showcases a well-defined waist, voluptuous bust, and shapely hips. She exudes confidence and sensuality with her fit and petite frame.

Rebecca always wore her long dark hair straight, and wore a long dress that ended in her ankles. Adam knew she had massive breasts, but the shy girl never liked showing off the goods.

Rebecca caught Adam looking at his mother. When he noticed he was being watched, he rapidly averted his gaze.

"Maybe next year." Rebecca pouted.

"Maybe." Uttered Adam before walking back to his room.

"I'm really sorry, Rebecca. I'm just worried about him."

"I know. Me too." Stated Rebecca, staring at Adam's shut door.

"I think this trip will be for the best." Maria smiled.

Adam had protested going on the trip, but Maria's insistence had given him little choice. It wasn't because he wanted to go to the fair, he just didn't want to leave the house, especially to go on a camping trip with his mother. After moving back in with his mother, he spent his days in his room playing video games, watching anime, and when the opportunity presented itself, masturbating to his mother's dirty underwear. Since he was young he would masturbate to his mother's pictures, and even though he had grown older and matured, he still found himself doing so occasionally. His mom never suspected a thing, and that suited him fine.

Maria stood there on the edge of the forest, watching the sun rise. She looked down at the ground below, seeing the small path leading to the edge of the tree line. Adam always said he hated camping, and thought he wouldn't last long without the comfort of his home. But once he was out there, he seemed to find himself enjoying the scenery.

"This is actually kind of nice." He said, taking in a breath of fresh air.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Said Maria

"Yeah," Replied Adam. "I guess I just needed a break from everything. Where do you think this path leads?"

"I don't know, to a lake maybe?"

"I don't see any signs of water anywhere near here."

"It must lead somewhere, doesn't it?"

"Maybe we should try to follow it." Said Adam.

The path eventually led them to a large clearing. There was a small meadow with a few trees and a hill right in front of them. A rocky cliff rose from the side of the meadow.

"What is this place?" Asked Adam.

"I don't recognize it at all." Answered Maria.

"I wonder what this rock means." Mumbled Adam.

"What do you mean?" Asked Maria, looking over at the rock Adam was pointing at.

"There's writing on it."

"Let me have a look." Said Maria, stepping forward.

She knelt down and took a closer look at the stone. There were symbols carved into it, although faded and hard to decipher, Maria recognized some of the letters. She couldn't make it out completely, but she did notice something odd about the stone. As soon as Maria stepped close, the symbols started to glow.

"Oh my god!" Shouted Maria. "A ritual site."

Maria quickly backed away from the rock, turning around and looking at Adam.

"What's wrong?" Asked Adam.

There was a flash of light coming from behind Maria, followed by a loud clap of thunder. "Run!"

Maria grabbed Adam by the hand and they dashed through the woods, running as fast as possible, until a bolt of lighting struck the ground where they had been standing. There was an explosion of fire and smoke, sending rocks flying through the air.

"Mom, what's going on?" Asked Adam. "Gaah!" He let go of her hand and dropped to the ground.

"Adam, are you okay?" A sharp pain struck Maria just above her groin. She had felt this pain before. "We need to keep running."

Behind them, more flashes of lightning filled the sky. The smell of smoke and burning wood filled their nostrils. They ran as fast as they could, the sound of a crashing trees from behind them. Maria looked over her shoulder, seeing a massive tree fall on top of another.

They both huddled together under the cover of a felled tree. Maria kept her hand on her stomach, feeling it throbbing with pain. She knew what was happening, and it frightened her.

"Mom, I feel like something is stabbing me."

Another crash came from somewhere close by. Maria looked over, seeing Adam's eyes open wide in fear. A massive beast made its way towards them. Black scales, dark like night. Its eyes were yellow to the point of resembling a fire. It had many sharp teeth and its mouth was wide, able to swallow him, and Maria, whole.

"Is that a dragon?" Gasped Adam.

Maria gulped. Wanting to keep running, but afraid the monster would catch sight of them, she assessed the situation. Her car was too far away and she lost track of what direction they ran. Besides that, the sharp pain above her groin was only getting worse. "Adam, did something pierce you?" He looks at her confused. "You said you had a pain in your stomach."

"Right here." Adam pointed just above his own groin.

Maria's heart began to pound harder. She knew this pain, she had felt it once before. Unbuckling her belt, she lowered her jeans to reveal where the pain was coming from. On her skin, bellow her bellybutton a red mark began to form. She grabbed Adam by the shirt and pulled him up so he was eye level with her.

"Please tell me you don't have one too." She said.

Adam pushed down the waistband of his jeans to reveal a similar phenomenon. A light, similar to the glow of the symbols on the rocks earlier, searing a mark on his skin. Maria looked at the brand that had formed in his skin, two dragons entwined at the tail, their long necks allowed their heads to appear to nuzzle together as their wings stretched in opposite directions. Adam and Maria had been paired with identical brands.

"Oh, no." Exclaimed Maria.

"What is this?" Asked Adam.

Before she could answer, a loud roar shook the forest around them. The tree they hid beneath began to crack, making them both jump. Another roar as the beast charged at them.

"Get ready to run." Maria whispered to Adam.

The beast charged at them, its gigantic head swinging side to side as it tried to get a good look at the two of them. It opened its maw, revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth.

"It's not going to stop." Said Maria. She turned to Adam. "Listen to me, Adam. What I'm about to say will sound insane, but I need you to trust me, and do what I say."

"What?" Adam wasn't sure why they weren't running.

"I need you to kiss me, and stick your tongue in my mouth."