
Bonded To A Witch

[Mature Content] What if she was destined to kill him? What if nothing can stop her from killing him? Not even herself. ______________ Raziel Crayon- a young, lazy, and beautiful witch who is unable to cast spells made tragedy compound upon itself when she experimented with death and unknowingly tried to kill herself, resulting in the downfall of her family and them, sent to the heart of the forest. She was known for her free spirit with modest desires of being a princess and living an easy life, without having to learn how to cast spells as she believes it was a waste of momentum and vigor. Valhoon Cross- The vampire king of Daxtan. He was the cold-hearted king, ruthless, and a monster who lurks in the shadows. A King considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the country. After getting betrayed by his uncle, and losing half of the country's staff, he resolved in finding the mastermind and getting back the other half. He accidentally met her in an unfortunate incident where she saved his life but ended up in deep trouble herself. In this journey, will he fulfill Raziel's both desires or both would be left unfulfilled? The problem? She was fated to kill him and he was destined to marry her. Will she be able to stop herself from killing him? or would her fate change? ......... "I never knew you read these kinds of books. I only read the middle page and I’m thrilled." "H…how did you get it?" She gulped. He chuckled. "Come and get it, sweet. I don’t bite." Raziel narrowed her eyes. He was trying to trick her into opening the window. "It’s not that hard. Come on, I’ll give you your erotica," he assured, drawing on the last word. "It’s not erotica. You’re horrible at reassuring people." "And you’re a pro at hurting my ego." "Seriously?" "No." She glared at him and he smirked. Seems like she was no longer scared of his blazing golden eyes. Such a huge achievement. "I won’t hurt you, sweet, sweet, Raziel," he spoke out as he used his hands to tell her to come forward. Noticing the reluctance and doubt in her eyes, he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, I’ll grant your request and leave," he said as he sauntered towards the railing of her balcony. He heard her panicked voice and her loud footsteps as she quickly tossed the blanket off her body and hurried to the window. Just as he saw her opening the balcony window, he smirked at her and leaped off the balcony. She released a horrified shout as expected. It was a five-floor drop after all. "C…come back!" She slightly whispered, dreading to wake her family or alert the guards. He turned a deaf ear to her. A hand was tucked into his pocket as he walked down the mansion with ease. His free hand swung the book as he walked. He kept walking and just as he had predicted, she uttered the word. Raziel panicked. She sprinted out of her bedroom, barefoot and with just her thin nightgown. The book wasn’t hers, it was May’s and she would fight with her if she found out that her book was missing and that she took it. She doesn’t want any quarrel with May and she has to take the book from him to avoid May’s wrath. Raziel ran outside and was welcomed by the chilly cold and the bright light of the moon. She sighted him walking away and she racked her brain for something to say. Yes, she now knew his name. She had seen it at the royal grandmother’s birthday party. She had forgotten his name until it was forced out of her. "Valhoon, please!"

suxyki · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


Meanwhile At Daxtan Palace

"Is this place inside the forest too or we're out," Raziel asked, her eyes twinkling as she hoped for a positive answer.

"How can you find such a beautiful place in a forest huh?" Valhoon replied. Ah, so she was finally out of that godforsaken forest after seven years. She can't wait to go out as she use to before and she guessed Daxtan would be more beautiful than before. Too bad if she was going to go back to that forest.

"Those m-maids, they called you, your majesty, Why?" She asked.

"Is there something they were supposed to call me? Isn't that my rightful title? Or do you want them to call me purple man?"

"That's a lie," she said and he chuckled.

"Why do you think so?"

"There's no way you can be the king, if you truly are, why then were you in the forest that day?"

"I already told you why but it seems your pretty head didn't get it," he answered.

"Stop lying, I want to go home now, take me home," she said, shuffling to the door.

"You want to go back to the forest?"


"I brought you to this beautiful place yet you want to go back to the forest? Do you like that place so much?"

"I-I don't like it but my mother would be worried about me. It's been three days already. Come on, take me home," Raziel persuaded. Her mother would be worried sick about her by now. Although she always scold and yell at her a lot, she knew her mum loves her and would probably be crying, especially with the fact that she can't cast a spell.

Valhoon moved to the couch at the side of the bed and sat down crossing his legs.

"You want to go home right?" He asked and she nodded. "Now come here."

"I'll let you leave only if you answer my questions otherwise, you'll stay here forever without seeing not even the shadow of your family," he threatened and she walked to him frowning.

W-what do you want?"

"Tell me, what's your name redhead?"

"Raziel." She answered.

"Hmm, Ra-ziel," he emphasized, nodding and trying to imprint her beautiful name in his head.

"What's your name purple man?" She asked but when she stared into his golden eyes, she quickly retracted her gaze and apologized.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

His eyes scare her a lot, those bright golden eyes of his with a little touch of red. Anytime he looks at her with those eyes, she felt chills as if he would eat her any moment from then. She wanted to sit on the bed when she heard his voice,

"Keep standing. Who asked you to sit?"

"But I've been standing for a while now and my legs are hurting," she complained but still followed his instruction and kept standing.

"I heard you tried to commit suicide and that's why your family was sent to the forest. Such a weakling, trying to commit suicide all because you couldn't cast spells and your sisters could," Valhoon said, looking at her from up to down.

"I didn't try to commit suicide," she answered loudly.

"Then why were you and your family sent to the forest? I heard you slit your wrist."

"Y-yes I did slit my wrist, but I didn't try to commit suicide."

"Why then?"

"If I tell you, you'll think I'm stupid a-and that I'm lying."

"Answer me!" he demanded, coldly.

"I-I was only experimenting. I tried telling this to mother and everyone but they didn't listen to me. I was fifteen then and my friends told me if someone slit their wrist then they will die, but I didn't believe them, I thought they were lying," Raziel explained, twisting her fingers together as she recalled the incident.

"They said there was a vein in our wrist which I didn't think was possible, a-and I wanted to see if it would work just like they said, so I-I slit my wrist. When mother came into the room, she screamed and cast a spell to heal me. After I became fine again and since committing suicide is a crime in Daxtan, the people sent us to the f-forest. I tried explaining, but they didn't listen," she concluded with a crumpled face and eyes staring at the floor.

Valhoon was quiet as he kept looking at her in disbelief. Who on earth experiments on such a thing? He guessed only her. Such a stupid fool.

"So you mean you didn't try to kill yourself? You were only experimenting and that got your family living in the forest?" He asked.

"I know right, you think I'm lying."

"I don't think you're lying."

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" She asked as she raised her face.

"I'm just thinking about how stupid and naive you are. I'm sure if someone tells you a knife can kill, you wouldn't believe them and you'll make an experiment by stabbing your sister or friend," Valhoon answered.

"I'm not that stupid not to know that a knife kills someone, just like your sword killed those vampires that day. I was only young back then," Raziel let out, a little offended by him calling her stupid and naive. Just because she acts weak doesn't mean she was stupid and naive. He doesn't even know she can fight with a sword, as she learned that secretly. He doesn't know anything about her, yet he calls her names.

"Hmm, I'm sure you're not," he mumbled with a bit of sarcasm.

"Now I've answered your questions so take me home. I like this place, but I'll like to leave now."

"You now deem the forest home, are you an animal?"

"I consider anywhere my family are as home and don't forget you're the animal here after all you eat..." She rebuked but immediately regretted her words when he glared at her and she shuddered.

"S-sorry. Please just show me the way back to the forest, I'll go m-myself," Raziel pleaded desperately.