
Bonded to a Demon

Lavender has had a tough life, and because of her lack of opportunities, she is forced to live in the slums of a giant city. She is alone and has to take care of herself while living in a neighborhood that even the police are too scared to come to. She works a full time job in order keep her apartment and tries to stay tough for her own survival. Because of the constant danger, she is forced to dress like a boy for her safety. The world is cruel to her but she can't fight the fact that she was born with a kind heart. Despite her challenges, she finds happiness in her affection toward one of her neighbors. She has developed feelings for a mysterious man that lives below her. She tries to build up the courage to say something to him, but she knows that he could very well be one of the druggies, muggers, or murderers like the rest of the tenants in her building. One thing she could never have expected was that he wasn't a human.

siethmaster666 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 15: Red Flags

I was more surprised at how he hadn't brutally rejected me yet. It almost felt like he was rejecting himself. Maybe that was his way of getting me to back down while looking like the good guy, but maybe he was telling the truth and didn't think of himself as a good person. After all he had done for me, I wasn't going to back down just because he had a few flaws. I had been in love with him for too long to give up on him now. "I seriously doubt that. I'm not scared of a few red flags," I said, confidently. He turned to look at me again and after a moment, he smirked. "I'll tell you what. Let's play a game. I will tell you three things about me one by one, and you will only move on to the next one if you can convince me that you are accepting of the previous. If you can make your peace with all of them, we will go out on a date." 

I squeaked. "Like a date, date?" He nodded. "Yes. A date, date." I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't know exactly what was going on other than that I was about to test my love. How had he not shut me down immediately? I fully expected him to. But he had offered me a chance for a date with him instead. Although, this game was kind of a red flag in itself. He must really believe that he is undatable. We both moved to sit on the couch and I nervously fidgeted until he spoke. "Ready for the first one?" I nodded and he continued. "I'll start light. What I do for work tends to make whoever I tell uncomfortable. That being said, I don't have a regular job. I get paid to kill people." 

My eyes popped. "That's light?!" His serious face didn't waver, and he looked at me as if he fully expected me to scream and run. I did want to scream and run. But I wasn't going to. Throughout the years, I found out that it was always better to get as much information as possible before jumping to rash decisions. I sure didn't expect him to kill people for a living, though. "So... You're like a hitman?" He nodded, suspicious as to why I hadn't jumped out the window yet. I supposed that I should've suspected that he had a job related to his superhuman strength. He had killed that psycho yesterday and he did it as if he had done it a thousand times before.

"Do you kill good or bad people?" It was a risky question but I needed to know the answer. He shrugged. "I never know the victim. They could've been good, could've been bad, all that matters is that I get paid. Although, if they had someone paying to have them killed, they probably weren't the holiest of saints." I thought for a moment. "Do you kill women or children?" He seemed surprised with all the questions I was asking. "Not regularly. The only instances someone pays me to do that is if an affair was going on. Even so, I never turn down a job. No matter what." His answers had me on the fence. I didn't know whether I could live with the fact that he was a murderer. Dear god. He was a murderer.

I took a deep breath and hesitated. He might be paid to give out bullets, but he saved my life. If he was a completely immoral scumbag, he wouldn't have done that. He was also protecting me. And because of his skills, he has done it very successfully so far. A man's career was hardly my concern anyway. Truth be told, he most likely didn't have the scariest job among our neighbors. I swore I had heard someone in the halls whisper about how he was paid to kidnap children and watch as his boss dissected them alive. That thought shot me straight out of my hesitation. "I'm completely fine with that! Be a hitman all you want, I don't care!"

Levy's eyes widened. "You're joking." I shook my head. "I'm serious. So what if you get paid to kill people? At least you only do it if someone pays you to, right?" Levy was dumbfounded. He nodded, slowly. "Right... Unless someone I care about is in danger." I blushed, suddenly. I didn't expect my body to react the same way when he said sensual things anymore, but it did just the same. It was like my heart couldn't care less and all I could think about was how he saved me. Levy gave me a small smile and it sent sparks through me. "Ready for the next one?" 

I remembered that there were two more of these things. I guessed that it was better to let me know beforehand before I found out down the line where things could've been worse. I took a deep breath and nodded. His smile faded as he continued. "The next thing would be that if we go out, I will be both emotionally and physically needy. I will need you to be in the moment with me and I will constantly have to be touching you. Most importantly, I will pressure you into having sex with me on the first date." That kind of sounded awesome, actually. I definitely wouldn't be one of those girls who was on her phone the whole time, so I would say that I was emotionally available.

I didn't know why he wanted to touch a bony girl like me, but it made sense why a hitman would be deprived of touch. I didn't take the sex part that seriously because of the same reason, but the images that came to my head after he said it made my skin warmer. "That one isn't so bad. I'm on board with that." I put a hand on my chest with exasperation. "You should've led with that one! Our definitions of light are very different." I paused. "Um, by pressure you don't mean force, right?" He didn't answer as quickly as I wanted him to. "Normally, no. In some instances, maybe." This one might have been worse than it sounded. 

"W-what do you mean?" I asked while beginning to shake. He sighed. "Sometimes I can't control myself. I might force myself onto you if you become too tempting. Even if I did, however, I am a generous lover. I would make sure you got something out of it." That was a little terrifying. It was at first. For some reason, my fear went away after a few seconds and was replaced with the idea that he would completely dominate me and get me to orgasm despite my protests. The thought started to turn me on when I quickly shut it down. What the hell was wrong with me? He just admitted that there was a possibility that he will rape me! 

I quickly stopped myself from freaking out. Wait. He said that would only happen if he became too tempted by me. So never. It was surprising how I had already forgotten that I looked like I came straight out of The Walking Dead. I had no reason to worry about tempting him. I regained my cool in no time. "Alright. I'm good with that." His mouth dropped a little. "There is no way you're okay with that." I crossed my arms, proudly. "There is so way."