
Bond of Eternity

Fated for each other, bonded for eternity. Two guardian warrior of the Solasterium Empire Princess Isabella Evardon from the Solaria kingdom and Victor Osbourne from the Asteria kingdom fights the demons and evil spirits and keeps the people of their empire safe. By carrying different elemental powers they are meant to balance each other. But what happens when they don't even know each other's actual identity because of using their warrior names and appearance without using the real one? But the attraction is still there. They both can feel the pull. So what happens when they discover their real identity and come to know some of their people are betraying them? They are betraying by using the forbidden magic to bring the ancient devil god into their realm for their benefit and greed. Note: Cover picture is collected. [Mature Content]

Unbeknown_Girl · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Worried Parents

"Aa-ahhh"... cried Queen Esther. "My queen, you're doing great. Please push a little bit more." The midwife requested the queen.

In the morning she was having tea with her mother-in-law the former queen of Solaria, mother queen Theodora. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain shoot through her belly and the water broke. The mother queen ordered the maid standing by their side to bring the midwife and inform the king.

"Ugh..." she gritted her teeth because the pain was unbearable as if something hot was tearing her flesh apart.

"I can see the head! My queen, please a bit more push."

A worried King was pacing in the corridor in front of the room where his wife was giving birth to their child. He could hear his wife cry and scream in pain. He was in his study going through some documents when a maid came running and informed him about the situation. He was worried about his wife and child. He could feel the pain through their soulmate bond.

"Aaaahhhhh....!" With this last cry, she gave birth to the child. A blinding light came with the baby. It was from the baby's body which brightened up the already bright room. When the light dimmed down the midwife announced excitedly, "It's a girl!" But soon the excitement faltered when she observed the baby.

Meanwhile in the palace of Asteria at Glacies, King Edmund and Queen Evana were sitting on the couch watching their only child Prince Victor who was standing outside watching the show falling from the sky. He was three years old now.

A deep sigh escaped from the queen's lips.

"It's been three years since he was born. But a word never came out of his mouth He just watches and observes but never speaks. What should we do Ed?" Asked queen Evana.

"Everything will be fine. Maybe he's taking his own time to speak." King Edmund took his wife's hand in his and assured her. "But he's smarter than his age" he added and the queen smiled at this.

"Your majesty.." the butler came and bowed to greet the king and queen then said, "A

messenger elf came. There's a message from the mother queen of Solaria kingdom."

"What does it say?" asked the queen. She was worried about her cousin because she was in her last week of pregnancy.

"The queen of Solaria has given birth to a princess." Hearing this a wide smile spread on both the king and queen's lips. "But..." the servant paused and hesitated for a moment then said, "But there are some complications. The mother queen requested an immediate visit."

By hearing this a frown settled on the king's face and the queen became worried.

"Inform the elf messenger that we'll be teleporting with him", ordered the King. The butler bowed and left to do what was instructed.

King Edmund glanced at his wife and then hugged her. "Calm down Eve. Everything will be fine. We're gonna teleport there soon."

"What about Victor? Are we leaving him here?" asked Queen Evana. Before the king could answer she felt a tug in her skirt and saw it was her son who was staring at her with his bright azure eyes.

"Come here sweetie" Saying this she took him in her arms and hugged him. "Mother and father have to go visit the Solaria kingdom. So you have to be a good boy and have to listen to what Martha says", she told her son. But Prince Victor shook his head. " No?" Asked the king this time. The little prince shook his head again indicating a no. This time he asked, "You want to come with us?" The prince nodded at this and the king's lips curled to the side.

"So what's the matter", he muttered. "What are you murmuring?" The queen asked.

" Nothing sweetheart. Our son is gonna meet his fated mate as the prophecy says. Did you see that? It's the first time he's communicating with us at his own will. Though he's using the sign language. It's a progress. Everything will fall into its rightful place."

Then it dawned on the queen what was happening and the possibilities.

"Now it's time to go", said the king and stood up with his son in his arms and the queen followed. They walked to the garden where the elf was standing.

Elves were supernatural creatures the size of a dwarf with pointy ears and noses. They are gentle and helpful. They have the ability of teleportation. That's why they are great messengers. But

Seeing the king and queen the elf bowed his head. "Please allow me" Saying this he held the king's hand and clasped it. "Are you ready your majesty?" The elf asked and the king put an arm around the queen's waist to secure her as she was holding Prince Victor in her arms now. "Ready" he replied and with this, they vanished into the thin air...

At the kingdom of Solaria, the door of the room where the queen has given birth opened and the mother queen Theodora was the first one to step out. She was there to heal Queen Esther after the baby was born. Her expression was worried. King Alexander came to stand in front of her and she said with a smile, "You're a father of a daughter now Alex. Esther is fine now. She fainted because of the exhaustion and blood loss but I've healed her and she's sleeping now. But...."

"But what? What happened mother?" He asked impatiently because he was worried.

"The baby isn't responding to us, son. Nor did she cry. It's as if she's in a deep slumber. She's not responding to anything." Then she explained everything that happened there.

"Come you should visit Esther and your daughter." King Alexander followed his mother to the room. When he reached there he saw his wife was sleeping due to exhaustion and his newborn daughter was beside her wrapped up in a towel.

The queen's mother took the baby girl in her arms and gave her to her son to hold. The king took her carefully and felt warmth and love spreading in his heart when he held and looked at his little daughter in his arms. Her head was full of dark fiery red hair, smooth bright skin, and small lips like the color of blood.

But he was worried because there was no response from the baby. "Mother why she isn't responding?" He asked worriedly. "I guess what's happening dear. The prophecy came true. Maybe she'll respond only to her fated mate. I've informed the king and queen of Asteria through the elf messenger. They'll be coming shortly."

They heard someone wince and saw Queen Esther trying to sit up with the help of the maid who was standing by her side. The maid helped her sit down and adjusted the pillow behind her.

"I'll be going now, Alex. I need to see if they have arrived" she said and offered Queen Esther a bright smile then left with the maid. Now the king and queen were alone in the room with their newborn daughter.

King Alexander came to sit next to his wife on the bed and Queen Esther took the newborn from her husband to her arms. Her eyes teared up with joy. The baby was the symbol of their love and the protector of the Solaria kingdom and Solasterium Empire.

She looked up when King Alexander placed a hand on her right cheek and caressed it. She leaned into the touch. Her emerald eyes stared into his golden one. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes feeling the love and affection for her from her mate through the soulmate bond.

"How are you feeling now?" King Alexander asked. "I'm fine now Alex. I feel complete" she replied and glanced at their daughter. "She's not responding to us", murmured the king. "Why would she when there's someone who is waiting for her." Then it dawned on him who she was referring to. He chuckled and said, "I should've known that."

"I've thought of a name for her. It will be Isabella" the queen said. He tested the name and smiled fondly at her then said "Isabella Rose Evardon. Because she smells like roses. So innocent and pure". A smile spread on the queen's lips.

They spent some more time talking then a servant came and informed them about the arrival of the Osbournes....

Dear readers, if you like reading the story please add to your library and comment to let me know and please vote for me to keep going. There will be new surprises soon.

Happy Reading!!

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