
Bond [Timid_Falls]

Amber from a small city thats been partically forgotten was trying to live her best life, but life has its way and her adopted father the only family she ever had has fallen ill. Money wasn't exactly easy to gain, one morning she had to get a refull on his prescription entering that pharmacy had either made her life change for the better or worse....

Timid_Ashes · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter One: Acquaintancy

Amber's POV

It was a long cold night, I had just clocked out of my crappy job, the walk home was just a ten minute one I didn't have a car yet cause my pay is meager those who were born with magic had better wages and well I wasn't born with any I could only afford food for me and my father and his medicine. That reminds me I have to stop at the pharmacy to pick it up, but just my luck right its fucking closed "what the hell its a twenty-four seven store" I muttered under my breathe. I sighed and cursed under my breathe as I continued the walk home.

I decided that staying with father would be the best since theres no one else but me to take care of him. But I really hope that his medicine isn't out I'll have to wake up early to get it, "home sweet home...." I murmured hanging my coat up. I went to check on him I mean he is capable of doing simple tasks and such but at times he has gotten injuried. Sound asleep with the TV still on, I turned it off and went to bed.

Seven a.m and my alarm went off, why the hell did I set that again. Right to get father's pills, I begrudingly rolled out of bed and caught a quick shower quietly I crept past his room grabbing my coat.


I walked into the store and saw a young male I haven't seen before....was he new? He was giving me weird looks from time to time but I ignored it, he finally said something but his voice was irratating and condescending " and what is a poor smuck like you looking for " really now, I see some kid that has magic and uses it to gain what he wants.

I bit my tounge cause I didn't want to get into trouble not agian...I turned his way and pulled out a prescription slip from my coat pocket sliding it on the counter maintianing eye contact " I'm here pick up my father's medication" I said blankly.

He snacthed the thin paper from my grasp almost ripping it, scanning it to see if it was legit and I wasn't some type of junkie wanting to scam him out for a fix. I was growing impatient I needed to get back home before he wakes up. He finally leaves into the back in search of such, after a few minutes he reemerges with the medication in hand and placed on the counter with the slip on the side.

I reached to grab it but he pulled it back a bit closer to him " that's seventy crowns miss" he hissed with malice, I gave him a confused look " have you over looked something I have a reduced price on this" I replied his of look of bitch do you think this is charity spoke he didn't even give it a second glance " seventy crowns" he repeated himself I sighed rolling my eyes digging into my pockets for my wallet "for fucks sake" I groaned I left it on my draw.

He smiled amusingly at my uncapability to pay " I do take other for forms of payment" his statment made me cringe at the thought the fuck you think you is slime jim. " no thank you " I replied and I made sure he heard the malice behind it. " What do you think your better than me smuck" his smiled dropped and started getting defensive "well I do think I have a better personality than you but I beg to differ" I smiled as he was getting visibly angry without warning he grabbed my shirt coller and pulled me closer to him " look here you little bitch, what makes you think I wouldn't beat that pretty little face in" he growled, so much for getting into trouble again.

He raised his hand clenched into a fist ready to punch me I stared not really fazed by his threats I was use to this type of treatment the system wasn't excatly nice when I was there.

I was use to it , even if he is going to punch me he'd definitly break his tumb from the way it was fixed. " not much exactly take your best shot" I stated unfazed he whined it up for a good shot at my nose but he froze all of a sudden it was like an unseen force was stopping him from doing so.

I raised a brow as I noticed the color draining from his face " young man I don't think it's wise of you to hit a customer" I heard someone spoke from behind me judging by the tone I think it was a woman and from his reaction a powerful one at that.

His grip lossened and slipped away dusting myself off, I looked up at him again and he had his head down in a respectful manner, " are you alright" I felt a hand on my shoulder I pulled away aggressivly and turned to look at her well...her chest to be exact.

Well hello there that tatoo on her chest was quite symbolic I stared for a minute or two before I heard a raspy chuckle " my eye's are up here kitten" she said so soothingly. I looked up and met her gaze, her red beaming eyes staring down at me with a small smile on her face, I think I've seen her before.... " young man how much did you say this was for" she asked him. "s...s...s~seventy crowns miss" he stuttered out like he was crapping bricks. " give it to her I'll cover it" she smiled I gave her look of shock was she really going to pay for this " I don't think thats nec-" she held her hand up and shushed me this woman literally used magic bind my lips shut.

The boy handed her the bag and she gave it to me unbinding my lips aswell, " I help people in need I don't expect anything in return" she smiled quite cheerfully ignoring the fact that she binded my lips a few seconds ago. I gave her small smile of gratitude anyway and headed for the door before I got out she was right behind me " what's your name kitten" she asked pushing the open for me, really do I look like fucking a cat to you. I heard her raspy chuckle again " If I may be honest you do remind me of one" she said like I asked her a question..wait...is she reading my mind. " yes " she replied agian with a grin " stop that" I commanded but she tilted her head playing confused " stop what? I just want to know your name kitten" she questioned coyly.

" I don't give my name to people I've just met, but I do apprecaite your willingness of purchasing my meds" I said with a small smile " well then I'll have to call you kitten until then" oh you've thought you won haven't you " well then if so whats your name oh mysterious stranger" I exaggerated that last part a little bit " Vale " the rolled of her tougne like it was nothing Vale..where have I heard that name before....

"my car is right there I'll drop you home" she pointed to a black sedan parked across the street, " no need I leave close by" I waved her off I needed to get back to father he must have woken up by now "I was not asking" her tone dropping as she spoke...okay then I might regret this " you won't " she answered again troting towards the car with me behind " please stop reading my mind" I muttered under my breathe once we were inside. "sure thing kitten" and that the drive was silent.

After a few mintues my residence came up I pointed to the house and she stopped "thank you" thats all I figured I should say " I hope to see you again kitten but I have some things to attend to until then" she smiled and I gave her one in return before she drove off. Damn what an eventful morning.....

