
Night Out

Everything went completely still, my mouth open in shock when Kylee ran up to Liam and attacked him. Not in the he's-the-enemy way; in the he's-my-mate way. I had never seen someone so...I don't know the correct word I'm looking for. Liam was holding her up with her legs wrapped around his waist while she framed his face her hands.

"Mate." She whispered.

"Mine." Liam said.

"Well..." I cleared my throat "That is...I don't even know. Congrats, I guess." I said.

"Who would've thought that you and Lee would find your mates when we came here." Ava said nudging me with her elbow.

"At least he's not like Jaxson." I said smiling at my best friend and my roommate. "He's a good guy."

"He'll come around eventually." She said.

"I don't think he will and I'm fine with that." I said.

When Kylee and Liam were finished staring at each other and being all cozy we all sat down around the dining table and had dinner. We talked, laughed and made jokes like every other time we were together and eating. I was happy I had friends like this amazing group of weirdos. They were everything and meant everything to me and I wouldn't change that for the world. As the night came to a close we said our goodbyes. Although it was harder for Liam and Kylee since they didn't want really want to part ways with each other. I laughed as Ava and I had to try pry her off of him. Before we left Liam promised that he'd come and get her first thing tomorrow morning before classes.

As Liam and I walked back to our room I kept sneaking glances at him; he had that goofy smile on his face. I shook my head and smiled along with him. Liam was really a good guy and Lee is lucky to have him. Anyone with a mate was lucky; well, anyone with a mate who hadn't rejected them. I did not like the way my thoughts were heading to so I was happy when Liam decided to speak and to end these horrible thoughts of mine.

"I can't believe I found my mate." He whispered; more to himself than to me. "She's beautiful."

I laughed lightly "Yeah, that she is." I nodded.

"Thanks for inviting me tonight Emma." He said looking at me.

"Your welcome." I nodded "I never thought that by bringing you, you'd find your mate."

"Me either." He said "I would've met her eventually though."

"Yup, that's for sure." I said.

We came up to our room and walked in. Ally and Austin were cuddled up on the couch. Jaxson and Sarah were nowhere to be seen; thank goodness for that. I said goodnight and excused myself. This had literally been the longest day of my life. After changing into a pair of pajamas I curled up in my bed and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was a new day.


The first week at this school passed by so fast that I barely knew what was going on. Liam and Kylee had already fully mated. I hadn't had another run-in with Sarah; she had been keeping her distance from me. I don't know if Jaxson had told her to do so and I didn't really care, as long as she stayed out of my way I was all good. I hadn't had a run-in with Jaxson either ever since that last night I talked to him.

"We're going out tonight!" Ava said as I walked into the lunch room that day--it was Friday and I was more than ready to start my weekend.

"Where are we going?" I asked as i sat down.

"To a club in the city." She grinned.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded "How are we going to get there exactly?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nolan's parents shipped his truck over, it should be here in a couple of hours." She said.

"Lucky!" I said to Nolan.

"Hey, I had to beg them to send it." He said lifting his hands up in surrender.

"No matter how much begging and pleading I do, my parents would still refuse to send mine up." I grumbled "I'm pretty sure your begging consisted of saying the most important word please."

"Yup!" He grinned being proud of himself, "So, are you in?"

"Yeah, I'm in." I nodded.

The rest of the day passed without much notice from me. I was buzzing with anticipation about tonight. I had never before been confined to one area and it was really starting to get annoying. At least the school was fine with students leaving the campus as long as we came back.

Now here I am sitting in my room wondering what I'm going to wear tonight. I hadn't been to a club in a while and I just could not wait. Most of my clothes were already scattered around my room and I had yet to find a top to wear.

"Knock, knock!" Ally said peeking into my room.

Oh, hi Ally." I said pulling out another bunch of clothes from my closet.

"What are you doing? It looks like a hurricane blew through here."

"I'm trying to find something to wear. I'm going out with my friends tonight and I can't seem to find an outfit." I said.

"Oh, I was just going to ask if you were busy tonight. We're going out to a club."

"So are we, um...rain or something." I shrugged.

"Oh, Austin and I are going there to with a few of our friends." She grinned.

"Great, I'll see you there then." I said.

"Yup, see you!" She said with a wave before exiting my room.

I gathered up a whole bunch of outfit options and shoes before I left for Ava and Lee's room. I need their opinion on what to wear. If I didn't get then I'll be staying at home. When I arrived to their room the girls were locked up in Lee's room getting ready. It was only five but if we wanted to get to the club by ten we'd have to leave here by at least 7h30. We had a lot to do if we were going to be leaving on time.