

Later that same afternoon, I went to visit my friends just like we planned on doing, and then we ventured out onto the school grounds touring the huge massive place. If I had thought that the campus was big when we first got here, now I'm starting to have second thoughts about that by being proved wrong once again. The whole place was extremely massive, it was as big as a whole freaking small town. How on Earth could that even be possible is way beyond me. The Council really went over and beyond when they expanded this place. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that they really did all this just for the kids of the different packs.

Everyone had already known about this school as well as the one on the east coast side. They were the most expensive high schools known for wolves. Up until a few years ago they were just "regular" private schools, but now for obvious reasons they have become boarding schools. That explains the expansion, hmm I wonder if they did this much expansion on the other school on the east coast side.

The school itself has about three sections. Elementary, middle school and high school. Each section has their own lunch room, library, and gymnasium, though the high school has two lunch rooms plus an outside area for lunch as well. Our section of the school (which is the high school section) had a few extra areas, a work out area and training rooms, there might not be beaches to surf but that could work as well as working out is my second favourite. Speaking of beaches and surfing, I miss my surfboard and beaches back at home where I could surf to my heart's content and worry about nothing. But for obvious reasons I had to leave all that behind. It also seems like every dorm room is the exact same for each section on campus. There's so much more to this place than I could have ever imagined. It would take me a whole day just to explain each and every detail about everything we passed by so far during our little tour.

"This place is so amazing!" Kylee said.

"It sure is. It's like heaven." Ava agreed.

"We," Kayden said, gesturing to him and the guys "Can't wait to try out the gym and training room."

"Well that's a big shocker!" I said rolling my eyes with a playful sarcasm

"Don't hate La-la." Nolan said, wrapping his arms around my shoulder, "We can't help the fact that we look good and want to keep it that way."

"Oh, I'm not hating so you have nothing to worry about." I said pushing his arm off me. "But you might want to save your 'lookin' good' for your precious mate who has to deal with your nonsense."

"Oh, she knows I'm all about her." He grinned "She is my mate after all, although I did love her even before we were mates."

"Yeah, everyone knows that Nolan." I smiled.

It is indeed true. Nolan has always had a thing for Ava ever since we were like kids. We were all ecstatic when Nolan first shifted and she was indeed his mate. So their "thing" that they had for each other kind of paid off because Ava could hardly contain her excitement since apparently she has harboured feelings for him that none of us knew about, so you could say their feelings came true. Speaking of mates, I think now is a good time to tell them that I may have, sorta, kind of found mine. Which I'm super nervous about to be honest.

"Hey, guys there's something I have to tell you all and it's super important--for you lot." I said as we came across a little coffee shop on campus, everyone turned to look at me immediately. "I kind of found my mate."

"What do you mean 'kind of'?" Ava asked

"As far as I know it could be one of two people. I caught the scent earlier today in my dorm while I was unpacking. But, by the time I walked out he was gone." I replied

"Who are they?" Jaz asked

"One of them is my roommate's brother Jaxson or it could be my other roommate Liam. So, I don't know which one it is so I'm super nervous about his reaction. Even though I wasn't keen on finding my mate, I'm just scared about the outcome." I replied

"Wow, quite a predicament you've got yourself into there." Nolan snickered

"Oh, you don't say?" I asked sarcastically, "I didn't even notice."

"Don't use that tone with me, young lady." He teased wagging a finger in my face.

"You better get that finger of yours out of my face before I bite it off." I warned playfully while we got our drinks and made our way back to the dorms.

"OH, she bites, Roar." Kylee teased acting as if she had fake claws

"That's okay, I like it rough." Nolan said wiggling his eyebrows

"Woah, down boy." Ava said

Kayden and Max just walked along laughing at the drama the four of us were putting on. That was their usual thing; just laugh at everyone. We were all still laughing when we made it to the fourth floor. We walked past a bunch of our pack members and a bunch of other wolves we didn't know; they seemed nice enough though. They all followed me to my room so they could meet my new roommates and all I could think about was if I would see my mate when we walked inside. It was not my lucky day when I opened the door only to find Ally and Austin in the living room watching a series called "Supernatural".

"Oh, hey Emma!" Ally chirped

"Hey Ally, I brought my friends over if you don't mind. They wanted to meet my new roommates." I said

"Yes, of course, it's totally fine, this is your room as well." She smiled

"I like her already." Kylee said, pushing past me, "I'm Kylee." She extending her hand to Ally for a handshake

"Ally and this is my mate Austin." She said pulling Austin next to her while shaking her hand

"I'm Avery, or just Ava and this is my mate, Nolan."

"I'm Kayden and this idiot over here is Max." Kayden said introducing himself and Max.

"It's so nice to meet all of you." Ally grinned "You're all from the North Shore Pack right?"

"Yeah." I nodded "How did you know that?"

"The Alpha of the pack here is my father. He kind of made me remember just about everyone and everything from the different packs that were coming here. So I guess I'm part of the unofficial welcoming committee." She shrugged

"Cool, so where's your other roommate?" Nolan asked

"Oh, Liam is off with my brother Jaxson; as usual. They've been friends since forever and when I say forever I mean like diaper buddy's forever, they're only a year apart; so they're always together. Plus, Liam's gonna be my brother's Beta when my dad hands the role of Alpha to Jaxson."

"Not bad!" Kylee whispered so low that only I could hear "You're either gonna have an Alpha as your mate or a Beta, that's pretty darn good and I'm so jealous of you."

"Shush!" I hissed

We all sat in the living room talking about what school was like back at home. Ally and Austin along with the other kids in their pack and a few neighbouring packs had been attending this school from before the council turned it into a boarding school so they know this school from the back of their palm. We asked what it was like living in Washington and they asked what Hawaii was like. The differences were pretty drastic, well, to me at least. The door opened and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. He was here and I could help to bring myself to look back at him. Cause if I did that he'd know that I was his mate and I wasn't so sure if I'd want him to know that.

"Hey, Ally, do you know if dad is letting us keep our cars here?" He asked

"I don't know, probably." She shrugged "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"He isn't really fond of me right now, remember?" He said,

His voice was like music to my ears. I could just sit here and listen to his voice all day. Ahh, what the heck am I thinking?

'Mate!' My wolf whispered

'I know that!'

'I want to see him, turn around please.' She begged

'I can't'

'Yes you can, please!' She begged

'I don't want him to know about us yet'

'But I do!'

She was definitely not making this easy for me right now.

"Emma? Are you alright?" Ally asked

"Yeah, totally I'm fine." I nodded massaging my templates

"Internal conversation?" She questioned

"Like you wouldn't believe." I answered

"What's she saying?" She asked

"Oh, um, nothing important really. Don't worry about it." I said waving it off 'lies!' my wolf hissed.

"Well, okay, I'd like you to meet my brother Jaxson." She said pointing to the person whose my mate that's standing behind me right at this moment

I took a deep breath and turned around. My greeting was stuck at the base of my throat. He is extremely and remarkably gorgeous. He was tall, at least roughly 6'4" I think, filled with long lean muscles. His brown hair was complemented by his blue eyes. By his stance I could tell that he realised what I had a few hours ago-- I was his mate. Now here comes the difficult part-- acceptance or rejection.

He was shaking his head before I could voice my thoughts. "No!" He growled "I don't want this!"

I got that message loud and crystal clear. "Come on guys, let's get out of here." I whispered and headed for the door. I turned around when I placed my hand on the knob. "Don't worry, the feelings are mutual." I said looking directly at Jaxson's eyes. I opened the door and stormed out.

The reality of the situation didn't hit until I reached the elevators. I don't like this feeling in my chest, it feels like someone ripped my heart out and shoved it down my throat. I tried to breathe but it hurts when I do. Is this how rejection and heartbreak feels like? If it is, then it damn well sucks. I pushed past the pain and wiped away the lone tear that rolled down my check. I wouldn't let this get me down, I just couldn't, I will get through this. I am strong, I'm not going to be weak all because my mate doesn't want me. But it hurts a lot.

I walked into the open courtyard wrapping my arms around myself as I forgot my jacket in my room in the heist of getting out of there. I found a dry bench and sat down taking my hair out of its ponytail so it fell down my back giving me at least some warmth. How could I find my mate and then lose him at the same time in less than twelve hours? Were the moon goddess or fates or whoever decided that wolves need mates really that cruel? What have I done to deserve this?

Ever since I was a little girl my mom would tell me stories about mates. She would always say that finding your mate is like finding your other half. The one who would love you unconditionally no matter what. They were made for you and you only; that no one can break that bond you share with your mate as it's too powerful to break it. Well, news flash mom, that's all fairy tale's. All that talks about mates is as real as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. And everyone who’s in the same situation I'm in can understand and agree with me.

Was this what it's like for humans when they get heartbreaks? Was it this bad? I knew the answer for that; No! For werewolves, when we get heartbreaks, it's much stronger. The pain, loss, everything amplified makes it 100 times worse; or so it seems to me. On top of my pain I can feel my wolf's pain and that's the hardest part.