
Liam Knows

I did a five mile run before I was calm enough to take on the punching bags. I wrapped my hands up before I got to work. Punch. Punch. Knee. Elbow. Kick. Punch. Punch. Knee. Elbow. Kick. I did that over and over until I felt like I was going to collapse. My breathing was hard and ragged. I can't remember the last time I worked my body so hard. Come to think of it, I've never worked my body so hard before, especially after D.O.T.T.

"You really shouldn't work your body so hard, just, cause you're a wolf doesn't mean you won't feel the after effects." A guy commented from behind me.

I spun on my heels to face--Liam? "Yeah, well, I had a really bad day. I had to get it out somehow."

"To each his--or rather her own; I guess." He shrugged as he ran his fingers through his hair "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this has something to do with Sarah." He stated.

"How did you ever manage to figure that out?" I asked sarcastically.

He chuckled "You're the first person to stand up to her. No one ever does; which is stupid by the way. She uses the fact that she and Jaxson are "dating" to her advantage."

"She obviously doesn't know how to take a hint though." I said.

"Never did. Probably never will." He said "You know she sees you as competition though, that's why she singled you out."

"Competition? What for?" I asked confused

"You've been here what? 36 hours? And you already have Jaxson Allen in a twist. She doesn't like that, she has it in her head that she's Jaxson's mate and would be his future Alpha female."

"I gathered that much about her from our meeting at lunch." I said "In all honesty though, I could really careless about her and Jaxson. They can go live happily ever after for all I care."

"Really?" He asked giving me a knowing look.

"Yeah, really." I said.

"Are you sure about that?" He questioned.

"Listen if you have something you want to say, just spit it out." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, you're Jaxson's mate." He said bluntly.

I gasped at him, how did he know that. Only my friends know! "H-how did you know?"

"I'm not stupid, I noticed it when you guys first met yesterday. He plays it off like nothing's wrong with him, thinking I don't know what's going on."

"Well, that's awesome to know!" I said flatly.

"So, you can deny it all you want, but I know you do give more than 2 cents about him."

"Look, Liam, my wolf may care, but I don't. He rejected me and that is fine with me." I sighed not wanting to continue this conversation any further.

"Come with me. Lets go get a coffee and I'll let you in about of information about him." He said gesturing to the door.

"I know all I need to know about him." I grumbled.

He sighed "I'll tell you why he rejected you."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn't care why he rejected me, but why not. "Fine."

Grabbing my things I followed him out the gym. Together we walked over to the coffee shop and took a seat after receiving our drinks from the barista. I sat there staring out the window, watching everyone go about their day. Mated coupled passed by as well as couples who were just dating or who just got back from a vacation. Did everyone have it easy when it came to mates? Was I the only one who was rejected by their mate? Why did we actually need to have mates anyway?

"So, you ready?" Liam asked bring me out of my thoughts.

"As much as I want to say I don't care, go on." I replied.

"Jaxson is a player, which I'm sure you know. At the moment he and Sarah are on, but when they aren't he can be a real player." He said "But, that has nothing to do with why he rejected you. His reason behind that is also the reason he's a player."

"Go on." I said.

"When Jaxson was 13 his mom was killed by hunters. His dad lost it. Like really lost it. For two years the Alpha went on a rampage, killing any hunter he came across. He was torn up after the loss of his mate and wanted revenge. Jaxson hated what the loss of his mom had done to his dad. The Alpha hasn't been the same ever since it happened. Yeah, he toned down a bit these last couple years. He no longer goes looking for hunters."

"Okay, what has any of that have to do with Jaxson?" I asked.

"His dad was heartbroken, for months after it happened. He still is. Jaxson vowed the day his mother died and saw what it did to his dad, that he never wanted to find his mate. If he did, he'd reject her. He doesn't want to go through what his dad is still going through if he ever lost her. So, instead of finding his mate at 15, he went off to become a player. Playing the field and never allowing his heart to be broken."

I guess I understood that. Didn't mean I didn't think it was a lame excuse. I mean, yeah, I can understand what his dad went through--still going through--is completely messed up. But, to never want a mate because of that...stupid. I may sound rude because of that, but why would you deny yourself something that is supposed to make you complete. Something that's supposed to be beautiful, how could you not want that?

"That makes sense, I guess." I shrugged "It's whatever though."

"He really isn't a bad guy, no matter how much of a prick he can be." He said.

"You know, just cause you shine some light on all that is Jaxson, it doesn't mean I'm going to go begging him to accept me. Does it suck? Yeah it does, but I can't go wallowing in it forever."

"You proved that at lunch." He chuckled.