
BNHA: My Angel

The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

M0M0KA · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

Rescue Race

Sora hardly stifled her laughter when Bakugo entered the classroom the next day, his hair combed like an obedient boy.

Kirishima and Sero were ruthless, mocking him loudly. They were the ones who enjoyed his sight the most, eventually provoking his hair to go back to normal like an explosion.

Everyone else was talking about their time in their internship rather ecstatically. Uraraka for once had a whole different air around her. " Woah... Her aura is all over the place..." Sora commented.

It wasn't before long that the center of attention turned to be the four of them who had been present at Hosu.

" Midoriya-san, we're sorry we couldn't do much about your SOS," Yuu apologized to the green head.

" Don't worry about it, Seijin-kun. You were far from able to extend a hand back then," Midoriya retorted.

" But it's a good thing Endeavor was around to save you," Whisper added. " The hero killer is a vicious villain after all."

" Speak of his deeds. I'm still surprised those guys survived until Endeavor reached them." Sora looked back at the trio.

The conversation then shifted to the connection between Stain and the League of Villains before Kaminari blurted out that he was kind of cool, forgetting for a moment Iida's presence before Midoriya told him off.

However, Iida seemed to take it rather normally. He seems bothered about his encounter with the Hero Killer. She had heard more from him when they were in the hospital to know exactly how the whole mess started. Hopefully, he will learn from the whole thing.

It didn't take more than a minute for Iida to go back to his old self, telling everyone to take their seats as the class was about to start. Sora was more than happy to see his aura back to normal, as organized and vigorous as it could be.


It was hero basic training in the afternoon. They changed into their costumes and gathered on ground Gamma where All Might was awaiting their arrival. He then announced their training to be a rather fun rescue training race.

" A rescue race?" Yuu tilted his head in confusion. Iida wondered why they wouldn't be practicing in USJ while Midoriya was marveling over All Might's costume.

Such a fanboy. Thought Sora with a sweat drop.

The field they would be racing through was full of obstacles and was more or less like a maze. They were to split into four groups, two of five and two of six, and then race one group at a time to find a distressed All Might. Their start points will be scattered.

All Might reminded them to keep the damage to buildings at minimum while pointing his fingertip at Bakugo, gaining a groan from him.

" Well, you decimated a whole floor in our first combat training," Whisper pointed.

" Shut up egg head!"


They were all taken aback seeing Midoriya jumping from one roof to another rather flexibly. " Did he overcome the drawback of his Quirk?" Whisper wondered.

Midoriya managed to overtake Sero and proceed forward. " Those moves..." Sora tilted her head. " ... I don't know why, they seem familiar?"

" They're based on Bakugo-san's," Yuu answered.

" True!" She banged her fist on her hand.

Midoriya managed to cross a good distance so far. But a slip caused him to slow down. Sora winced as the boy fell to the ground. " Ouch... That must be a rough fall..."

Moments later, Sero was awarded a sash with ' Thank you for saving me ' as he was the first to reach All Might.

" I told you Sero will be first!" Kirishima smirked.

" Iida-kun was close thought." Uraraka was rather disappointed.

" I wish I was there!" Mintea was rather furious about something.

" That pervert probably wanted to look at Ashido from a low angle." Whisper was annoyed looking back at the short boy.

" To be honest I thought Midoriya would do it. Darn it," Sora muttered.

" The next group! Take your places!"

" Hai!" Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, Sora and Todoroki chorused.

" Well then. It's my time." She waved at her friend to get to her place.

" Good luck."

" Knock them dead soldier!"

" Yes sir!"

A minute later, she was in her allotted place, warming up and straining her ears for the signal.

" Start!" All Might's voice bellowed along with the horn.

" Let's go!" In an instant, her wings jutted out of her back and she sprang skyward. " I wonder what the rest are up to?"

She whirled her head around, seeing Yaoyorozu riding on a motorcycle. " Heh... So she could make one?" The said girl sped in between the buildings.

Todoroki's frost could be seen a few meters at her right before he sailed above the area on top of his ice. " Man! He's basically defying Newton, managing to create that ice of him upwards without support." She sweat dropped.

Jiro was listening carefully to find the easiest way. As for Mineta...

" Speaking of him, where's the little devil?"

" Finally."

Sora felt as though Todoroki's ice fell upon her as she reared her head. The short boy climbed a high building and stood there, a sticky ball in each hand. " I've been waiting for someone to pass. Now it's time for my special move to be revealed!"

He said launching himself towards her. " Grap-"

" No way in hell!" Sora's wings flapped roughly through the air, pushing her forward with a great force that Mineta was blown away.

" Why does this always happen to me..." He said tearfully as he was falling downward.

" Sorry, Mineta-kun! Still, I would rather prefer keeping distance between us!" She told him before zooming forward, catching up with Todoroki. She could see a flame set by the side of his face, meaning he was using his left side so his speed wouldn't slow down due to the cold.

" We may have had our intern in the same place. But that's no reason to hold back on you," She told him defiantly.

" Who said something about holding back!" He sped the creation of his ice, levitating himself higher.

Sora smirked as her wings flapped hard. She didn't care about the stinging in her arms that usually preceded the formation of feathers on them. It's fine.

Her speed didn't drop as she and Todoroki fought to take the front seeing the finishing line approaching with All Might watching over her. Endeavor's training was beneficial. It allowed me to overcome the state of panic and hesitation that came with the start of the transformation.

The platform came closer and they were racing neck to neck. By keeping calm, I can slow it even more.

All Might rose both his hands as Todoroki and Sora passed him and landed on the water tank. " Who was it?" They quickly asked him.

" You both did well, but young Todoroki was faster by a fraction of a second," All Might stated.

" Dang it!" Sora waved a punch in frustration.

" That was close." Todoroki sighed. Yaoyorozu and Jiro caught up with them. Mineta on the other hand crippled his way there.

" That was rude, Shirogane!" He complained. " I just wanted to hitch a ride on your back!"

" And I said there is no way that's happening!" She stated in a definite manner. The last thing she wanted that day was to give that little pervert a piggyback.


The third group consisted of Sato, Kirishima, Kaminari, Hagakura, Baguko and Shouji. Needless to say, Bakugo was the first to reach All Might, begrudgingly allowing him to deposit the sash on him. Sora could tell he was angry about something, but when he ever wasn't?

Next was Yuu, Uraraka, Asui, Koda, Aoyama and Tokoyami.

Yuu inspected his position carefully. " As expected, the best choice is the midair approach."

" There is Asui and Uraraka in our group, it'll be easy for them," Whisper pointed. " Aoyama too, more or less." He sweated recalling the sight of him once he shoots more than a second.

" Don't forget about Tokoyami-san." He placed his hand around his chin. " Dark Shadow has a flexible body, he can scout from above for him. Koda-san as well."

" You too have Kyubi. With her speed and flexibility, she can easily cross this field," Whisper stated.

" True. Still... Maybe I..." He pursed his lips, staring at a flame by his right side. In the end, he hesitated."... No. Forget about it."

Whisper was rather puzzled as he looked down at the boy. " Don't tell me... You were thinking ..."

" I'm going with Kyubi," he said reaching for the one by his left. Whisper's eyes narrowed rather nervously at the purple head.

" Start!"

Just as the horn sounded, Kyubi climbed on a nearby pipe and started rushing for their destination.


" On such a narrow foothold, she could move that quickly!" Midoriya's eyes widened as he saw the white fox bolting forward, picking up speed as she went.

" Balance is one of Kyubi's specialties," Sora said sitting by his side. " Speed and flexibility too. There is no wonder she is Yuu's favorite." She blinked at the screen. Now thinking about it, her speed is increasing significantly. Wouldn't that make him faint faster?

" She is also able to take her current position and the place she is going to land on into account." He took out a notebook and a pen much to Sora's shock. " She isn't hopping around randomly. She is choosing her landmark carefully while looking ahead, making sure it's the optimal spot for the coming move."

" Oh, that would be Yuu's maneuver."

" Eh?"

" He is well at picking optimal directions. Back when we were kids and we would solve the maze puzzle, Yuu would find the path in a second. I've never beat him once." Sora sighed. " Maybe it's years of avoiding spirits wherever he walked that helped him out."

" Now thinking about it, Seijin-kun is kind of smart. I was told he aced the written exam." Midoriya stated.

" You think so?" Sora smiled, looking back at the figure of her friend on the huge screen as he managed to take first place. " I just think it's Yuu's hard work. Because he was always told that he couldn't do anything, he worked harder than anyone. He may be hesitant and shy but..."

Her smile widened when Kyubi landed by All Might's side. "... Deep down he has an unwavering resolve and determination to accomplish what he had set his heart on."

Yuu accepted the sash from All Might with a wavering smile. He didn't expect to get there first. Whisper could be seen yelling something at him and making him stand straight in front of the number one hero.

Midoriya looked back at the wide smile on Sora's face and his lips pulled into one. " You two are really looking after each other." Sora blinked and directed her focus back to him. "You're such good childhood friends."

" I wonder." She hugged her knees, making him blink in surprise. " I still didn't tell him anything about my secret. Nothing at all. Yuu had always trusted me with everything but... I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I'm still afraid, he as well..." She had a rather sorrowful air about her.

Midoriya was about to say something before All Might cut them off. " Everyone! Well done!" He walked to the watching platform with the other six in tow. " Indeed, the internship had steeled you even more, future heroes. Make sure you keep improving, young men and ladies!" He held a thumb up at them.

" Hai!" They all chorused.

" Very well. Then you're free to go change. Then... See you another day!" He said before rushing away at full speed, leaving nothing but dust behind.

" All Might is truly a busy hero, huh?" Whisper sweat dropped.

" Guess so..." Sora let an awkward laugh before placing a gentle hand on Yuu's shoulder. " You were awesome! You came first and even saved All Might!"

Yuu had a huge bead of sweat dropping down the length of his head as he tugged on his band. " It's not like I really saved him."

" But I was really worried. With that speed of Kyubi, I thought you would drop unconscious any moment," Sora pointed as they trod to the changing rooms.

" Don't look down on our Yuu. He wasn't wasting his time around." Whisper wagged a finger with a wide smirk.

" I've been building up my stamina even more." Yuu rubbed his head. " I needed to work even harder, so I can aim to the top too."

" Well said!" She gave him a rough pat on the back it almost threw him off balance. " We're still aiming for the top after all!"

" I will make sure to train you even harder so you can get there, Yuu," The ghost stated, his eyes glimmering.

" Something even more than that hellish schedule!" Yuu jolted.

" Well, as long as Whisper is with you things will work out just fine." Sora smiled broadly holding a thumb up at him.

" No I'm not!" Yuu cried tearfully.

The events of the coming few chapters will revolve around School Briefs' Parents' Day, look forward to them

M0M0KAcreators' thoughts