
BNHA: A Hero, But Would Rather Be a Villain

BakuNoNii · Võ hiệp
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41 Chs

Practical Exam: Eijiro and Mina VS Nezu

"YaoMomo-chaaan!" Ochaco and Toga attacked Momo with hugs as soon as she entered the surveillance room.

"That was amazing," Izuku nodded.

Momo's face turned a bit flushed. Seems like flattery wasn't her strong suit. She then looked at me as I paid no attention to her, having Recovery Girl rewind the video of Shoto and Momo's exam.

"Is there something wrong, Yuno-kun?" She asked as she stood next to me. "You're really focused on the playback."

I looked her up and down. She definitely seemed more confident now. She gained some back after that exam. Well, no one said it was going to be easy.

"No," I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Nothing's wrong. Just reviewing your exam for my personal improvement."

"Your personal improvement? What would you have to improve? Your combat skills are exceptional and you are possibly the smartest person in Japan. And might I add that your level-headed and calm no matter what situation."

"The point you are trying to present is stupid. Why in All Might's name would you think I don't have room for improvement?"

Momo looked down at the ground in embarrassment and pressed her lips together, keeping her words to herself. I rolled my eyes. Since when was she so afraid to say what's on her mind?


"Oh, c'mon!" Rikido yelled as he held onto a rail while being sucked with Thirteen's Quirk. "We were so close!"

"Oh, no. I'm not letting you get away!" Thirteen said with a cheeky voice.

Yuga and Rikido's exam was now taking place and so far, they've been doing pretty badly. They were both trapped between life and death. Although, Thirteen would never let them be sucked in by her Black Hole.

"We have to find a way to get out of this!" Rikido yelled over the wind.

"Rikido-san-" Yuga said, but was cut off.

"Hold on, I'm thinking right now!"

"I will let go now."

"What are you talking about? That's crazy!"

Despite Rikido calling him insane, Yuga let go of the railing and was pulled in by the Black Hole. He had the cuffs in his hands and spread his arms and legs out. He looked stupid.

Realization came to Rikido's face. He let go of the railing and follwed Yuga's tactic. Yuga is actually smarter then he looks, surprisingly.

Immediately, Thirteen stopped using her Quirk. That would be her downfall and Yuga and Rikido's success.

Yuga wrapped his arm around Thirteen while Rikido held her down. Yuga cuffed Thirteen and was done with exam. They barely passed. Honestly, it's not so surprising to me since their both dense and don't know how to use their Quirks creatively. I don't care what Yuga says, he is nowhere near creative.

"Hey, congrats on passing, Momo-chan!" Denki said as he entered the room.

"Denki-san," Momo deadpanned and scooted away from Denki. "Um, thank you. Are you here to watch the exams?"

"Actually, no. I was gonna ask Yuno-kun if he's seen Shoto-kun."

"Why? What could you possibly need from him?" I asked.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you both about something and I have no idea where he is."

Momo gave a look of confusion. What would the dunce need with me and Shoto? Maybe he needs help with One For All or something.

"I'm pretty sure he was roaming through the hallways." I said. "Can't you just call him?"

"Eheh," Denki looked away and scratched his cheek. "I actually forgot it in the classroom."


Resisting the urge to smack him, I lowered my fist and reached into my pocket. I pulled my phone out and muttered to myself.

"Here," I handed my phone to Denki. "Just find his contact. I don't care anymore."

"Sweet," Denki took my phone in a hurry and walked out of the room, putting the phone to his ear.

"Wonder where he's off to," Tsuyu put a finger to her chin and tilted her head. "Why would you give Denki-san your phone?"

"At this point, I don't care what happens." I answered, rewatching Yuga and Rikido's exam. "I have ways of getting him to forget about my information."

Literally everyone in the room, except Toga, scooted away from me. Am I that unapproachable?


"Team Mina and Eijiro, practical exam. Ready? Go!"

Now it's Mina and Eijiro's turn. Something tells me their going to fail this exam. I may be wrong, but…

They are just such idiots. One is hard-headed and the other is, I don't even know what to describe her as. She's that stupid.

"So, we're fighting the principal, right?" Mina confirmed as she cradled her head in her hands and leaned back a bit.

"Hai(yes), it's not gonna be easy." Eijiro said. "We don't even know his Quirk. And being in this dense factory area, it's gonna extra hard since we can't see him."

Shocking the two, a sound of metal clicking on metal rang in the ears of pretty much everyone.

"What was that sound?" Mina looked around cautiously.

"It can't be the principal." Eijiro said.

"Eh- Ahhhhh!" Mina screamed while looking up to the sky. The one thing that freaked her out was a pipe falling down, heading straight for them. Suddenly, everything started to fall apart, like it wasn't put together the right way.

"Eijiro-kun! What's happening?!" Mama panicked as she ran beside Eijiro.

"I don't know, but I'm sure the principal is behind this!"

"Haha," The principal laugh was heard from a different camera. "That's right, it's me."

"Principal Nezu is sitting inside the crane!" Tenya said as he leaned forward in shock, seeing that Mezu was in the crane surprised him.

"Then how is he attacking them?" Izuku questioned.

"Forecasts." I answered while studying the situation on the screens. "He most likely reached those through sophisticated calculations. Certain chain reactions depending on what he breaks. For him, it's as easy as making a cup of tea."

Name: Principal Nezu

Quirk: High Specs

He's an animal with a Quirk that makes him smarter. A unique being you won't find anywhere else in the world.

"Humans did a bunch of experiments on Nezu in the past." Recovery Girl said. "So in times like this, he can't help but let out his true self."

Mina and Eijiro kept running as the debris was catching up to them. If they weren't moving, they'd be buried alive right now.

"Eijiro, in here!" Mina said as she opened an escape with her acid.

They both jumped through the hole and into a building. Now they could plan without being attacked constantly.

"How are we going to beat Prinicpal Nezu when we don't even know where he is?" Mina said thoughtfully. "We're basically trapped with all this debris piled everywhere. So, A: we can keep running around and try to find the escape route from there or B: we can try and the principal himself. But how will we do that?"

"How about we go with option C!" Eijiro punchd his hand with determination.

"What? What is option C?"

"Smash everything and level the playing field! That way, he won't have anything to break and put in our way!"

"How- how the heck does that even work?! That doesn't make sense! We'll run out of time before that hap-"

"I'm already pumped! Let's break everything down!"

Eijiro started punching at walls rapidly. He created a path through the already fallen debris, allowing himself and Mina to walk through.

"That not very safe," I pinched the bridge of my nose and muttered. "I know I critique literally everyone, but this? This is just reckless as fuck."

"At this point, what other options do they have?" Tsuyu asked. "They're trapped in a building and there's debris falling everywhere. What else could they do?"

Everyone in the room stared at me. What do they want from me? A solution that Mina an Eijiro can't hear? I guess it'd be for them too, since they would want to learn what to do in this case scenario.

"My god." I mumbled under my breath. "Let me just tell you all that leveling the playing field will almost never work. If you do that, the opponent will win because, not only do you have a chance to win, but they do too."

"What would you have done in this scenario, Yuno-kun?" Tsuyu asked.


"On what?"

"On who I'm working with. Let's say I was working with Kisu. She's pretty stupid but her Quirk is useful. Since her Quirk allows her to steal things, in other words, when she gets close enough, she'll steal the important parts of the build, I would most likely throw her up and let her do her own thing."

"Throw her?" Izuku tilted his head. "I don't understand."

"When I say throw her, I mean I would throw her. She's always doing some sort of weird, parkour, obstacle course thing. So climbing up pipes, walls and all that stuff isn't difficult for her. The problem would be Prinicpal Nezu's reaction to that."

"Well, how would he react?" Tenya waved a stiff hand.

"He'd keep causing those chain reactions. Meaning, sooner or later Kisu would fall. But she's a little better then that. She would probably be a crazy, reckless bitch and use the falling debris to walk her way up to Nezu. She's stupid, but she does have a brain. She's just reckless thinker. Her shoes also give her a boost when she's jumping, so that would make thing easier."

"That still doesn't explain why she would use the debris to walk her way up to Nezu." Toga tilted her head side to side.

"The chain reaction has to have a cause, right? Once you find the core, usually, you can stop it. She would probably take a single part of the crane. That would Nezu's downfall."


"That's such a complicated plan." Tsuyu said.

"You're the one who wanted to know what I would do!"

I shook my head in irritation. What was the point in asking if you're just going to say something like that?

"At this point, they'll just run out of time with this plan." I said as Eijiro kept punching a walkway. "They failed the moment they started screaming and running."

It's true. When you panic during a battle, you've already lost. This is because you don't think rationally or carefully during panic. All you think about is getting away.

Loud rumbling was heard from the screens. Eijiro kept punching his way through while Nezu kept destroying all of battlefield with chain reactions.

"Haha! Finally! Eijiro said as he broke through the last of the tunnel with his fist. "Look, there's the escape gate! I told you it would work."

"I'm not going to argue," Mina sighed. "I just wanna complete the exam!"

You know what this means? Something is about to happen and it's not something good.

They ran toward the escape gate with their hands in the air. They looked like they were crying from relief of seeing the gate. Another loud rumble sound was heard. Mina and Eijiro sweatdropped as they stopped their run to freedom. More debris from yet another chain reaction came falling down on top of them. Of course, what did they expect? A sweet and harmless fun to freedom? No, amateurs.

"Team Eijiro and Mina have retired due to running out of time."

Eijiro and Mina dug themselves out of the pile and sighed in disappointment.

Unfortunately, they failed the exam.

Dang, it feels nice to be writing this story again after a while. Like it ? Add to library!

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts