
blurred viewpoint

kim yong a hard work office man who just oike being him in a world full of skills dungeon and many much! he got suck into a unknown book and was lead by a kid he meet at the sub.

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1 Chs

untitle book (1)

Tap tap click tap click

    Kim swiftly tap his keyboard and so does the others.

    As the bell rang indicating that work time is over, everyone sighs in relief.

    Everyone start to shutdown theyre computer and pack.

    "Good work!"

    "Yeah you to"

    "Good work!!"

    Everyone start to part away after they complement theyre co-workers.

    Kim remove a pin with a visibly writing of 'kim yong'.

   A muscle hand hit kim back making him grunt in pain.

   "Good work mr.kim yong!"

   "A-ah...good work too...senior"

    The bigger man laugh at the smaller one


    "No need to be so formal kim! Just called me by my name!"

    The bigger man laugh once again as the anxious kim scratch his hair shyly.

    "Um...is it ok? I mean–its rude to be calling a senior with no formalities....and you can use skills too....."

    Kim glance at his senior, asking him if it was okay.

    "Haha! Its fine kim! I already told you multiple time!"

    The senior smile brightly at kim.

    Kim cant help but smile to at his senior kind energy, this seniors have been nice to him ever since he join the company.

    Everyone seem to be glancing at kim weirdly when he introduce himself as 'no skills'.

    But yet this senior welcome him with open arms, kim glad he is in the same

—company with the senior.

    "Thank you mr.kyong"

    Kim is sincere, he is very glad that senior kyong isnt quick to judge no skill people.

    This world is bassicly build around a myticall power called 'skill'.

    Skill started when magicall beast appear at the late 1983 in japang.

    It appear inside a library, it was suspected came out of a untitle book that one of the civiliance open.

    And after that incident, magic beast multiply around the world, some magical beast is powerfull enough to build a domain which can be called 'gate'.

At 2005 the first gate appears, it was describe 'the beast that appears near the gate look like the 1983 beast, they look ancient and weak, but it was more powerfull than how the historians record it'.

    And at 2007 skill appear, a young student

—was walking on the street when a beast fell out of nowhere, police found out it fell from the 2005 gate that was restricted near the area that the student was walking.

    the police say that the beast at 2005 never close and all the goverment can do is restricted the area and fight the beast with guns,arrows,and knifes.

   Passerby was shock that a beast fell out of the sky, they immidietly called the police and ran.

    But one passerby saw the student fell in shock but get back up again, the passerby was a woman in her mid 20's, as in her motherly instinct, the woman warn the student to be carefull yet the boy just turn around at the woman with a smile as the student carefully touch the beast.

    When the world heard that a mere student defeat a beast that deem to be

powerfull, all countries try to hav theyre

—hands on the boy.

    I mean– who wouldnt want s boy who defeat the first world problem with a single touch? Atleast thats how the woman describe it.

    The woman describe how the student touch the beast and suddenly a blinding light appears, last thing the woman knows that the beast was sliding down to the ground with theyre head gone.

    And the student was name, 'the first hero!' .

    "Welp, you should get used to call me that kim!"

    Kyong patted kim shoulder.

    "Goodbye kim!"

    "Ah– goodbye kyong!"

    Kim wave at senior kyong and sigh.

    'I must have doze off....i should read the articals at the train...'

    Kim started to walk, he pass by some familiar shop and people.

    Kim saw a noticebly big puddle and a biker going to hit the puddle, kim immidietly get away from the puddle and luckily he didnt get wet.

    When he was going to walk again he saw a man on the street where the water splash, the man was soak in dorty water with a sad expression, kim saw his hat on the ground with 5 or so coins.

    Kim pity the man and walk to him.

    "Are you okay sir?"

    "Ah...yes thank you for asking.. just some wet clothe..."

    Kim pushes his lip togheter bitterly as he saw the man poor figure.

   "....do you have extra clothe on you sir?"

    "Sadly no.."

    Kim take off his suit and gave it to the man.

    "Here... i hope its enough"

    "Oh my... young man you shouldnt have.."

    "...its fine sir. Its gonns be a cold night after all"

    Kim forcily smile at the man misfortune and walks away.

    '....the biker didnt even bother to say sorry..'

    Kim glance at the man and saw people either; ignore,walks away, or avoid the poor man.

    They didnt even bother to glance at him or asked if he was okay

    "Mommy i thought we were goimg this way?"

    "We are going another fun way..."

    "Poor him...he probably doesnt even hav a skill..."

    "If he have a skill he would've avoid this tragedy.."


    Kim curse in his mind.

    They assume the poor man is unskill because his poor.

   Kim quickly tightning his grib on his bag and clutch it away as he start to walk in a fast pace.

    Kim finnally arrive at the train station and enter the train with a annoyed expression.

    Kim grab the handler as the train started to move.

    Kim sigh and try to calm down.

    'Life is so unfair...why does skill even exist!'

    Kim pulled out his phone and click on his recent search, an artical about the famous 'first hero'


A student called 'izukimo haku' defeated a beast! It was a shocking discovery! Yet, even tho she defeated the beast. The gate still havent close, many gates have been appearing too! As a land in russia have been abandone as the land is contain with magic beast! But people like izukimo haku is too appearing! Many phenominome happen! A older men have recieve a skill like izukimo haku! With how many people been reciving skill like izukimo haku, we have hope to closing the first gate!

    Kim smile a little, he saw how the person who write the articals truly hope that people from the future will used the ability to safe and protect others who doesnt have the skill to.

    Kim look to the site recomendation and saw another artical that the person write, kim then smile once again remembering the familiar artical, he click it and read the artical.


The first gate who ever appear is the first gate to ever close! Many skillfull people involve and every japang is screaming with pride! The famous izukimo haku is starting an organization for skillfull people to used theyre power to help people who hav no power! Almost every skillfull people around the country come to japang to join the organization! The president of japang even meet with the one and only izukimo haku and hoping everyone from future generation is blessed with the power to help theyre country!

    Kim smile faltered and turn into a bitterfull one, he remembers all the arrogant people he met in the company.

   'Help? They didnt help me! They treat me like im some kind of theyre maid!'

    Kim think as he remembers all of his coworker expect senior kyong.

   "Hey you! Do this work for me will ya?"

   "Im sorry kim but can you please grab a coffee for me?"

    "You unskillfull brat! Show some respect!"

    Kim then scoff as his mind resurffice a memory when his coworker find out that his friend with the 'skillfull kyong'!.

    "Your...friend with senior kyong?"

    "Hey man, i know your fool and all but friends with him? Of all people?"

    "Cant believe you stood this low to lied your friend with the mr.kyong...now go back to typing you scum..."

    'Scum? Your supposed to be the one to be called a scumbag stupid manager!'

    Oh how kim despised his manager, his

manager is so full of himself

    Kim gritted his hands on his phone as he

—Relizes how aggresive he's expression is changing and how people on the train began looking at him with weird snd scared eyes.

    Kim expression immidietly change into his normal one as he bow indicating he was sorry for his unpleasent expression.


    Kim look to his left side and saw a red hair boy holding his laugh with his right hand and desperatly trying to hold the handgrip with his left hand.

    Kim feel uncomfortable as he notice that the boy was looking at he's phone, kim quickly turn his phone and look away.

   The train shake violently and made the red hair boy fell


   The red hair boy catch himself by gripping the handgrip with both hand and

stand up nervously.

    Kim glance at the red boy as he glance back, kim was startled and finnally look at the boy with a uncomfartable face.

    The boy notice this and chuckle with a smile,

    "You're mad because of that stupid artical? What are you? That 'its better in the past!' Karen?"

    Kim eyes look at the ground with a annoyed expression

    'Who this red hair boy think he is? He doesnt even know my problem!'

    The boy notice kim annoyed expression.

    "Oh im sorry! I doesnt mean to offended you–i know im just a stranger and i dont know your personal problem! I was just jo-AGH!"

    The boy must've let go of the handgrip and fell because the train shake once again.

    Kim look at the boy, he notice the boy

—was wearing a school uniform, kim

thought of the conclusion that the boy doesnt know any better and just wanted to start a conversation with random adult in the train.

    Sigh...'this kid...'

    Kim look at the blush boy and spoked.

    "Im annoy because how society treated unskill people now this days, in the artical the person who write it is expecting a society where unskilled people is protect, but how you see how they treated the weak ones made me mad."

    The boy nod understanding kim words.

    "I understand you mister, ive read a post about how skill and beast ruined the society but when i look at the comment it was all hate comment about the person who post the statement it was rlly sad to see..."

    The boy scratch his hair.

   "Ah yes i forgot to introduce myself mister! My name is haru!"

    Haru smile sweetly.

    'Why bother to tell your name to me if we probably not gonna meet anymore..'

    "You probably wont remember my name, i mean who would remember a stranger they meet on the train anyway?"

    Haru force a laugh, it looks like haru read kim mind as he smile at the young boy intusiasm.

    "My name is kim, kim yong. Haru. I wanna ask you something"

     "Yes mister?"

    "You look like a highschool student, if you do why are you doing that made you come at home so late?"

    Kim ask curiosly, last time he check the phone when he read the articals it was 11 pm, so he was concern why the boy got

—home so late.

    "Ah, it just that mister i have a group project so i got home late"

    "Did you ask your parent? Your parent is going to be worried."

    "Ah– about that...i think im gonna get grounded..."

    "So you havent asked your parent?"

    "Yeah...the project was sudden, and i didnt bring my phone to school this day..."

    "I see...."

Ding!  Our next stop is 'kanazawa' station

    "Ah...this is my stop.."

    Kim say as he heard the station name.

    "Ah this is my stop to mister! I guess we are gonna parted way"


We arrive at 'kanazawa' station.

The door is open to the right.

    Bunch of people exited the station and so does kim and haru.

    "Welp, goodbye mister!"

    "Goodbye haru."

    As they both parted way. Kim cant help thinking,

    'What a mature kid..'

    Haru rlly made kim day.

    Kim went to his apartment and search for his key.

    After he found it, he unlock his apartment and went inside. He remove his shoes and neatly put it aside as he step in his apartment.



    Kim yawn, he scratch his cheeks as he look at the clock.

    '7 am....'

    Kim rubbed his eyes and sat up.

    Kim went to the shower and get dresses, he also bring his reading glasses with him.

    Kim exited his apartment and lock the door, he left the apartment building and walk straight to the library.

    As he expected, the libarary is peacefull and its not crowded as it used to in sunday.

    Kim internally cheered for being early to the infamous 'tree of books'  library.

    Kim enter the library.



    Kim smiled to himself as he heard the bell rang when he enter the library. There he meet the old lady that he misses alot.

    "Hello grandma."

    Kim greeted, the grandma seems to notice and answer with a wave.

    Kim went to his favorite section, 'fantasy',

He went to check on some new weekly books.

    Kim always visited the library every week

—on weekend if he have time.

    "Ah! Mister! What a coincidence!"

    The familiar voice made kim flinches, he look behind and saw the same red haired student with a diffrent clothing.

    "Ah....haru isnt it?"

    "Yeah! I didnt know mister like to go to the library too!"

    "I actully come here often."

    "Same too!"

    'Thats weird...i never saw him... maybe i never payed attention'

    "So...what book are you searching for haru?"

    "I already found the book i was searching for"

    Haru smiled as he show an untitle book to kim.

    'Huh? It's untitle..'

    "Umm..haru its untitle..so you cant find it

—on internet even if you search for a 'untitle book'."

    Kim was suspicous. The brown book is immitating some kind of aura, and it doesnt have a title. Either way its weird to find a untitle book in a famous library, especially the 'tree of book' library.

     "Oh! I actually found this on coincidence, i was searching for another book and find this instead, it look cool so i pick it up instead. Wanna read it togheter mister?"

    'Look cool? Its just a normal brown book.. this is weird...'

    Kim looks unsure. First he was in the middle of searching a book and second, he cannot let a child to roam around with an untitle book, people might mistake the book as a illegal book that the goverment ban.

    Either way kim agree's with haru and

—found a corner to sit and read togheter.

    "Oh yeah i forgot!"

    Haru stand up and push the book too kim hands aggresively(?).

    "Mister you can read first! I must go to my friends, goodbye mister! I'll come back i promise!"

     "E-eh? Wait haru!–..."

    kim aggresively sigh in annoyance.

    'Stupid child..'

    Kim huffed. And look at the brown book, the more he look at it the more omminous the book feel.

    Kim look at the back expecting some kind of writing explaining the story on the book but theres nothing. Only a writing of 'cho haru enters this book'.

    '...cho haru? No.. i must've over thinking... haru full name isnt cho haru.. and how can a person enters a book?'

   Kim suddenly feel a wave of magic, kim

—choke on air aggresively as he clutches to the book.


    Kim feel another wave of magic broke out. It was coming from the book, when kim tries to let go of the book. Some powerfull force is pulling kim fingers and body on the book.

    'H-how? Its only 5 minutes i hold the book! Haru probably hold it more than 5 minutes!'

    Kim confussion didnt help the situation, he swalload hard, suddenly his hands move on his own and open the book.

    A powerfull magic flows out of the book, it pushes the book case and the walls started cracking. Kim blonde hair flies because of the magic power, everyone in the library screams in horror after witnessing the flying book and many other things.

    "I-is a gate opening?!?"




    kim looks at the counter and saw the nice old grandma was crush by the book case. Kim panic grow, he looks around hoping to see someone with a skill to help him, or hope haru help him


    a familiar voice shouted. Kim still struggle to let go of the book so he look at the person who shouted.

    'Senior kyong!'

    Kim smiled as he scream,


    Kim can count on him everytime right? I mean, kim always help senior kyong in any possible way. Like helping him carrying stuff and do his work, thats how you should treat a friends right? And this time

—kim needed help so kim have little hope. Kim is sure the skillfull kyong can help


   Kyong turn his head to kim, his smiled faltered seeing kyong expression. It was disgused. Kyong eyes filled with hatred as he leave kim in the messes up library.


    Kyong lock the library and let the flying books and cases hit the inside of the big library



    Kim despretly dodge the books and cases while still holding the book. He suddenly feel dizzy and his dodgong started to get slower making the incoming books hard to dodge.


    Wind starts to form around kim as it form a cage like thing.

    The cage become smaller and smaller and kim hands started to look disorted as

it looks like it was sucking kim in the book.

    Finnally the wind touches kim shoulder and it was hard to breathe.

    Kim hand isnt visible anymore as kim's other body parts become disorted.

    First arm, then body, leg, and finnally head.

    Little by little kim's hope is lost as he slipped in concious. Kim tears drop and finnally. He fainted



    Kim eyes flattered, one droplets fall on his eyes.

    Groan...'where am i?'

    Kim look around.


    Kim looks up and saw a strange tree, the

tree was the colour of a perfect dark green, it shine like emerald too, some vines like flowers sway and the leaf drip some water-like sumstince.

    The water droplets is where kim is laying. The water seem to make a puddle.

    Kim sat up. He try to remember what, and how he got in here.

    Finally the memory of haru and kyong and the untitle book flashes, kim gritted his teeth.


    But, its not important right now. Kim have–need to know how he got suck into the untitle book.


    Kim eyes widen.

    '....1983 library incident....no....this must be....how the lost person desapears'

    Kim gulped, he remembers one of the

—articals he read, the witnesses saw the

person who open the book got sucked and dissapears, it was a not officall or popular

site because the witnesser claim everyone started to forget the person and his family doesnt even remember....

    'And the person who got suck is....'


    Kim head trobhes.

    Kim shake his head and focus on the main mission ; find where he is.

    The random headaches is rlly weird for kim, but he just ignore it.

    Kim stand up, his wet sweater suddenly turn dry, the water-like came off of kim clothe easily and it ran trought his body to his leg, the puddle is knee high, kim cannot feel the droplets anymore.

    'I...i never seen or heard trees that drop this kind of water...heck is it even water?'

    Kim was lost in thought.

Cling clang cling clang

    Kim flinch hearing a horse running in his direction. Kim look behind with a confused expression. His long bangs swayed away revealing his green eyes filled with horror.

    A group of 3 people 2 boy and 1 girl, the big body of one of the boys caught kim attention first, the big body is covered with a knight-like clothe, a leather belt on the boy waist have a pocket and a knife pocket, the knife pocket have a knife in it. The handle shine expensive, the handler have a swirled curve into it. And on the bottom theres a sword, the silver handler with the same swirled on tip of the handler. The silver sword was protected by a leather drawn red with a gold drawing of an eagle, the knight armor also have the same design on the chest parts. The boy faces is above avarage, the beatifull silky black hair along with a visible scar

—on mouth rlly finish his handsome face.

    But what made kim comfused is the person beside oh-so-handsome man, it was the familiar boy he met on the train, the diffrience is that the boy look more matured and taller. He have googles hanging on his neck, the brown googles hav the same gold eagle drawing on the corner. The familiar boy is wearing a brown coat with white fur, it covers mostly of his clothe but a weird small container is visible for kim eyes. The coat is weirdly stiches, it hav some stich mark and also some pockets filled with the weird container.


    Kim is focus on haru-like right now, he doesnt have the time to observe the woman with the horse.

    "See? I told you Anakin! I did lead the weird mister!"

    "Oh my... he's face.. its rlly blurred.."

    The woman says in a shocking tone.

    "....i get it haru, he's face is blurry. But what so special about him anyway? Didnt the concaling ask us to bring someone just like you?"

    "I did! The person is just like me! He got sucked into the book like me!"


    The oh-so-handsome man hit the haru-like.

    Kim was confused, what did they mean lead him here. And got sucked into the book just like him. Kim was comfused why did the oh-so-handsome man called the haru-like haru.

    'Wait....didnt the book have 'cho haru enter this book'...WAIT–THEN WHOS THE PERSON I TALK IN THE TRAIN?!'




    "Your lying"

    Scoff. "Im not."

    The oh-so-handsome man pinches his nose and finnally look at kim.

    "You. Come with us."


    Kim pointed at himself.

    "Yes you. Come with us"


    "No question asked, Elora!"

    "Yes anakin."

    The gravity around kim dissapears as he float into midair, the water-like slip easily back into the puddle. It still confused kim. Hoe he is floating? In the outside world noone have this type of skills. The gravity

—pulled him toward the woman who is riding the horse. The horse is pulling a wooden carige. The carige have a lamp on the corner and a hay on the other corner. The oh-so-handsome man get on the caruge and so does the haru-like while kim was floading beside the woman who seem to be the one having the skills.

    "Are you all ready?"

    The woman shouted to the two boys in the carige.



    "Ok hold tight! Hiyah!"


    The horse started to move pulling the carige along side.

    Kim try to open his mouth but the gravity seem to restrain him from moving his body, so kim put this oportunity to observe the woman.

    The woman have a long silky white hair with a white eyes to, her lomg pointy ears is cover with gold earings. The woman have a golden eagle pin on her hair, the woman have a long loasy sleeve clour white with the corner have a herb plant design in gold. On both of the woman shoulder is a silver shoulder armor with a leather in the inside. The woman have a white bodice with golden stich-like mark, the woman a skirt like-metal with black legins. She is also wearing knee armor with the same design as the shoulder armor. The woman have leather boots with an eagle design on both sides.

    'Whats with this eagle design?'

    Kim thinks. But aside from that all of theyre clothe look fantasy-like and it look and describe like how you see in a fantasy novel.

    What is move confusing is that they

—cannot see kim face it was.. 'blurred' for them

    'In theyre viewpoint. Its blurred. That sound so mystirious and mc material.'

    Kim try to open his nouth and suceed.

    "So....whats y'll name?"

    Kim voice shock the group, never in tbeyre life someone broke elora gravity magic.


    The supposed to be elora ask in shocked. She stop the horse in horor


    "Damn...the fool-face haru is right.."

    ".....we need to go to the councaling..FAST!"


    the horde pace bevome quicker, kim flap his arm despreatlu to keep up with the horse and carige, the supposed elora magic become weaker and weaker and

—made kim almost hit the ground and far behind. A hand catches kim before he fell, it was the haru-like.

    The haru-like pulled kim in the fast pace carige.

    "T-thank you.."

    "Dont mention it"

    Kim shut his eyes and hold thight on the carige.


    The horse stop with wind forming on the carige. The carige bounces and stop too.

    Kim open his eyes slowly and saw a beatifull floading castle. The gold and white castle was surrounded by eagle and birds, a floading dirt look like the only way to enter the castle. The castle have a gold eagle design on the tip of the kingdom roof.

    The kingdom is big, theres 3 cloud shape of humans. On the back of the


    "Um...can y'll tell me why you guys are so freak out because i just talk?"

    "Because, elora magic cannot be broke. Its a magic that make your whole body anti gravity, and the gravity is pushing your body so you cannot move."

    The oh-so-handsome man explain.

    "Yeah! Even the councaling cant broke trought elora magic! Mister must be strong!"

    "Y'll stop chatting and get out of the carige!"

    The supposed to be elora scream.

    "Yes ma'am!"

    Haru-like says jokingly as he step out of the carige.

    "Seriously...you guys need to be more serious, this is a serious manner!"

    "...she says serious 3 times in the same sentance!"

    Haru-like say, ignoring what the supposed elora just say.

"lets go."